What to use on a mesoscooter? Pharmacy products for mesoscooter

Mesotherapy can be performed not only in the salon. Many girls carry it out on their own, using a special unit for this purpose - a mesoscooter, which has a rather gentle effect and is easy to use. However, when deciding to do the technique, pay attention to the choice of medications. You can even use pharmaceutical products for mesoscooters at home, the main thing is that they are safe and hypoallergenic for facial skin.

Why should microneedling be done with serum?

Home mesotherapy is carried out using a mesoroller - a small unit that has a roller attachment on one side, which is equipped with many small needles.

As the mesoscooter moves across the skin, it creates small punctures on it, through which the drug penetrates into the structure of the dermis.

Standard mesotherapy has two directions of influence:

  1. Saturation of epithelial cells with useful substances.
  2. Awakening of natural metabolic processes, acceleration of blood microcirculation, production of collagen and elastin.

Due to this, the maximum effect of the procedure is achieved - the skin becomes more youthful, tightened, and many problems are eliminated.

In addition, mesotherapy serums contribute to a more gentle effect of the mesoscooter. It glides over the surface of the skin and does not damage it as much with needles, which shortens the recovery period after the session.

What results does a mesoscooter help achieve?

The device is an excellent alternative to salon procedures. With it you can:

  • Strengthen the effect of serums and other skin care products;
  • Reduce the appearance of post-acne, scars and other damage to the epidermis;
  • Tighten the skin without injections or surgeries;
  • Reduce pigmentation;
  • Cope with minor wrinkles and signs of age;
  • Reduce scalp problems (hair loss, slow growth and others);
  • Improve complexion, etc.

Is it possible to do without serum and simply roll the roller over a clean face?

When carrying out mesotherapy at home, it is important to adhere to the combination of a mesoroller and high-quality serum, since this is what will help you quickly achieve the desired result.

In addition, when using a mesoscooter on dry skin, you exert a stronger mechanical impact on it, which can lead to tears and severe pain. This will significantly increase the duration of the recovery period after a mesotherapy session.

Tips for choosing

When choosing, pay attention to:

  • composition - it’s good when the product contains only natural ingredients;
  • skin type - each serum is designed to eliminate specific problems;
  • result - carefully read the manufacturer’s advice, choose only the appropriate product;
  • company - trust only proven brands that have a large number of positive reviews;
  • reviews - they will help you make the right choice and avoid problems.

Which serum is not suitable for mesotherapy at home?

Since there are quite a lot of meso-cocktails and their varieties, girls often encounter undesirable consequences after using low-quality, aggressive compositions at home.

Mesococktails cannot be used in two cases:

  • It contains essential oils. They clog pores quite quickly when performing mesotherapy, which can only worsen the condition of the skin - new inflammations, peeling and other problems will appear on it;
  • You have an individual intolerance to any components of the drug. To prevent an allergic reaction, first perform a test - apply the meso-cocktail to the inner surface of the elbow for 20 minutes, then rinse and monitor the condition of the skin.

The drug used should not contain aggressive or toxic components that could worsen the health of the dermis and lead to serious complications.

Most often, meso-cocktails, regardless of where they are used, contain the following components:

  1. Hyaluronic acid.
  2. Phospholipids.
  3. Vitamins.
  4. Minerals.
  5. Organic acids.
  6. Oils.
  7. Animal and plant extracts.

It is better to consult with a cosmetologist in advance so that he can select the optimal product for you, which will not only prevent the occurrence of unwanted consequences and side effects, but will also help you quickly achieve the desired result.

Important nuances

  1. The home mesotherapy procedure is best done in the evening. This will increase the efficiency of the recovery process and allow the reddened and slightly swollen dermis to calm down during sleep.
  2. Before going out into the sun after the mesotherapy procedure, it is important to apply a cream with SPF factors to the skin.
  3. At the initial stage - about 3 weeks necessary for the skin to adapt - the frequency of use of the dermaroller should not exceed 1 time every 2-3 days. After this period, daily use of the device is permissible if the length of its needles does not exceed 0.5 mm.
  4. Before each subsequent session, it is important to make sure that the dermis has fully recovered.
  5. To prevent getting used to the home mesotherapy procedure and reducing its effectiveness, it is recommended to undergo courses of 10–20 procedures 1–2 times a week and repeat the courses twice a year. Breaks between courses will help the dermis maintain its natural regeneration abilities. But it is important to take into account that addiction most often occurs not to the dermaroller, but to cosmetics based on collagen, hyaluronic acid and other active ingredients used in combination with it.
  6. The mesoscooter must be stored in a protective case, protecting the instrument from contact with hard surfaces.
  7. Such devices must be changed promptly, avoiding the use of instruments with blunt or damaged needles.
  8. After a fall, the dermaroller must be replaced, since further use of a fallen instrument can cause skin damage.

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Is there an alternative to serum for home use with a mesoscooter?

Despite the fact that many girls use ready-made professional formulations for mesotherapy at home, they can be replaced with simple analogues that are available to everyone.

If we talk about budget and effective options for replacing meso cocktails, you should pay attention to the following means:

  • Vitamin solutions in ampoules;
  • Extracts of medicinal plants;
  • Plant and animal extracts (snail mucin, grape seed/oat extract);
  • Ampoule cocktails for skin.

Sometimes, as a replacement for special preparations for mesotherapy, girls use ordinary gels, creams and lotions, which reduce the pain of the home procedure and increase the effectiveness of the mesoroller. However, in this case, the epithelial cells will not be saturated with useful substances and components.

In any case, before using a new product, you should consult a dermatologist to avoid unwanted consequences and a serious skin reaction to aggressive effects.

Price for cocktails

The cost of high-quality meso-cocktails varies from 500 to 10,000 rubles. However, you should not focus on price when choosing a drug, since there are many other factors that are important to pay attention to.

Also keep in mind that one bottle of meso-cocktail is usually enough for 3-4 applications if you treat the entire face with it. In any case, a home procedure will cost you much less than a salon procedure, but be careful when using the device to create punctures on the skin - all movements should be smooth and slow.

What vitamins to buy in a pharmacy for mesotherapy at home?

Vitamins in ampoules are a fairly common and effective analogue to specialized cosmetic preparations, since they are quickly absorbed into the skin and increase local immunity.

For mesotherapy, the following groups of vitamins are standardly used: A, E, C, B, K. Girls also often use extracts of individual microelements: zinc, iron, copper, silicon, magnesium.

Comparison table of characteristics

We suggest comparing serums for mesoscooters using this table:

NameSkin typeApplication timeresultsPeculiarities
Evalar Laura, 30 gAnyDay NightIncreased elasticity, rejuvenation, wrinkle removal, hydration and restorationAnti-aging cosmetics
Acne RepairAll skin typesDaytimeColor improvement, rejuvenation and hydrationAnti-rosacea
Bioaqua Wonder Blueberry EssenceAnyDay/NightElimination of all common skin problemsHypoallergenic castor oil
Caviar Face LiftProblem skinDay NightMoisturizing, nutrition, color improvementAnti-aging cosmetics, black caviar included
Nature's WayAnyDaytimeYouth, hydration, restorationVitamin C

Mesotherapy for hair: a chance to get rid of hair loss or another way to profit from misfortune

The cosmetologist draws the drug into a special syringe and injects it precisely. About a tenth of a milliliter hits one point, and in some cases, even less. Thus, the drug is injected only into the problem area. There is no need to be afraid of pain: a special syringe with a thin and short needle is used for the procedure, and if the patient still experiences pain, he will always be offered local anesthesia.

A suitable combination of useful substances is prescribed only by a cosmetologist, and only after a careful collection of an “amnesis”. This cocktail usually includes a complex of peptides, zinc, B vitamins, and various amino acids. Sometimes ready-made serums are used, and sometimes a complex of vitamins and peptides is used in different proportions depending on the patient’s needs.

Sometimes cosmetologists offer homeopathic serums for injection subcutaneously into the scalp. Remember that the Russian Ministry of Health recently admitted that homeopathy is not a science, and homeopathic remedies have no proven effectiveness. So if you are offered to use such a drug, get out of the office.

Indications, contraindications and effect of the procedure

Mesotherapy is much more effective than traditional hair masks and serums. The result of using injections is noticeable after just a few procedures; in addition, it is more durable. Cocktails for hair mesotherapy go directly into the follicle, strengthening the hair from the inside.

Indications for mesotherapy:

  • different types of baldness;
  • thinning ends;
  • acceleration of growth;
  • prevention of hair loss;
  • treatment of seborrhea;
  • restoration of damaged structure;
  • itchy scalp.

Injections are not recommended during menstruation. Usually during this period sensitivity increases and the pain threshold decreases. Blood clotting worsens. In addition, the procedure has a number of contraindications:

  • allergic reactions to the components of the drug;
  • lactation and pregnancy;
  • diabetes;
  • viral and infectious diseases.

User reviews about cocktails for hair mesotherapy indicate that these are truly effective products. The maximum effect of the procedure is visible three months after the injections and lasts for a long time. Hair becomes shiny and strong. Their color is more rich and deep. Hair loss stops and dandruff goes away.

Do you want long and healthy curls? Mesotherapy for hair will help everyone!

Thick, strong, shiny hair has always been and remains the standard of beauty. Therefore, it is not surprising that when dryness, fragility, and hair loss appear, many begin to randomly change care products, apply medicinal masks, and even take pills.

All this is, of course, good. But there is a more effective remedy that solves problems at the root - this is a vitamin cocktail.

In this article we want to tell you in detail what mesotherapy for hair is.

Cosmetic procedure mesotherapy: what is it, how safe is it and why is it good?

Mesococktails as a means of rejuvenation

The procedure consists of introducing small doses of medicinal and biologically active drugs into the superficial or middle layers of the facial skin. They are administered using a syringe and a special needle, the size and diameter of which is determined by the doctor, or a mesoscooter. Cocktails for the mesoscooter tighten the skin and restore metabolism.

There are several types of mesotherapy:

  • Classic injection mesotherapy, during which small doses of drugs are injected under the skin of the face using injections.
  • Fractional, used in cases where it is necessary to correct a specific area of ​​the face, for example, eliminate wrinkles on the forehead, smooth out nasolabial folds.
  • Non-injection mesotherapy occurs using devices that generate an electromagnetic field, and there are no skin punctures.
  • Oxygen mesotherapy involves exposing the facial skin to oxygen.

Any procedure can be carried out in a beauty salon by a dermatovenerologist.

But we must remember that any interference in the body’s functioning is stress for it. Therefore, the doctor who performs mesotherapy must be a professional in his field. He must have a certificate of advanced training in cosmetology, physiotherapy and mesotherapy without the use of a needle. The specialist must take courses in mesotherapy and receive a state-issued certificate.

A salon or medical institution must have a license to conduct medical activities, in particular, dermatovenerology, cosmetology, and physiotherapy.

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