Rehabilitation after skin rejuvenation using the Fraxel method

Recently, plastic surgery is slowly but surely giving way to hardware cosmetology techniques. Several decades ago, it was possible to correct skin defects such as wrinkles if you decided to go on the operating table. However, now experts have developed less radical methods of skin rejuvenation. Fractional photothermolysis is one of these methods.

Fraxel laser

A little about Fraxel

The procedure we are considering is usually called “Fraxel” - the name was given by the laser of the same name, created by the American manufacturer Reliant Technologies. This device was created quite recently, in 2001, and it was thanks to it that fractional thermolysis gained its popularity.

Important ! Later, this technology began to be used in other countries - Israeli and German cosmetology developers became interested in the development.

This procedure appeared in 2001

Fraxel allows you to achieve the effect of deep rejuvenation of the skin. During exposure, the laser beam is not delivered as a single spot, but scattered into several small beams that resemble a sieve. The effect of this sieve is such that a column of heated tissue is created in the skin. In this case, surrounding structures are not injured. This creates small areas of damaged skin surrounded by healthy skin. As a result of injury, regenerative processes begin, which are accelerated precisely thanks to healthy tissues.

Important ! Although quite a large number of areas are damaged, recovery takes very little time. That is, the client will not have to recover for a long time after the procedure, which distinguishes this hardware method from radical methods of correcting the problem.

The procedure allows you to achieve skin rejuvenation

Did you know that fractional photothermolysis began to be actively used in American cosmetology centers in the early 2000s? By this time, the technology had been adopted by a large number of cosmetology clinics around the world.

Moysenko Rimma's review of the Fraxel device

– You purchased the Fraxel Dual device. Tell us how much you use it, share your observations about this device.

Fraxel Dual is the second version of the classic American Fraxel device, which includes thulium and erbium lasers.
Erbium penetrates to a depth of 1.4 mm and, using fractional thermolysis, renews the cells of the epidermis and dermis. This device has one handle, but two lasers are built inside. We switch the toggle switch and go to another laser. If the erbium laser goes to a good depth and renews cellular elements at a depth, at the level of the papillary layer of the skin, then the thulium laser works more superficially. It is more gentle and works specifically with pigmentation. And it is very good for the patient to combine an erbium laser with a thulium laser. First, we go through the erbium laser and see specific areas where there is pigmentation, and we additionally work on them with a thulium laser. And then we get a double effect for the patient.

There is a category of people who only need a thulium laser, these are young skin, pigmentation, conditionally, after childbirth, or after active insolation. It really cleanses the skin, it becomes clean, smooth and fresh. With good long-term effect. But we must understand that any pigmentation has its own reason. Here our treatment is always symptomatic: we see the symptom and work with it, we do not work with the etiological factor. Therefore, pigment may appear after the second pregnancy. If the biliary tract is blocked, or if the liver is not functioning well, unfortunately, it will manifest itself. Therefore, the client is always encouraged to undergo an examination in order to understand the cause of this pigmentation. The causes of pigmentation are different, these are diseases of the adrenal glands, diseases of the liver, gall bladder, and hormonal changes. This must be taken into account without fail.

Erbium fractional laser works well on wrinkles, it really reduces the depth of fine lines. And we even partially see the result with deep wrinkles, the connective tissue gap is reduced, and the wrinkles in the skin practically go away.

It gives very good results when working with scars, especially hypertrophic ones, “tissue plus”, and works very well with wide pores, renewing tissue from the inside.

When we do a chemical peel, we remove the surface layer of skin, the epidermal layer, due to which the depth of the pores seems to become less noticeable. Basically, we just cut it off. But this process is temporary, because our epidermal layer forms up to 18 layers every day. It still rises, and we soon see that clear, wide pores are again visible. And when the epidermal layer grows, it means it’s time for the procedure again. What does fractional thermolysis do? It renews cellular elements from the inside, and it is this “pie” that seems to be deflated from the inside.

– Is this a longer-term effect?

Of course, Fraxel gives very good long-term results in reducing the appearance of large pores. We understand that some patients have thick skin from birth, this is already given genetically, the skin type cannot be changed. And you can’t even change the thickness and width of the pores, but the depth of these pores becomes barely noticeable. After the procedure, there are no pores on the face at all.

This is a huge plus for that category of people who have oily, porous skin, this also applies to men’s skin, including. And this is the device of choice for people whose skin is not only oily, but also poorly cared for, whose epidermal layer has a large layer of fat, in the form of a protective shell. And for this category, Fraxel Dual gives luxurious results. I have not seen any other similar device that gives such results.

We see a very good effect in the texture of the skin: it becomes very uniform, very smooth. It is noticeable that the person made Fraxel.

– Can you identify such patients visually?

Yes, they have well-groomed skin. It, of course, needs to be moistened, because some drying of the surface layers occurs due to the renewal of the internal ones. Of course, this dry skin is present, so we give the patient a recommendation that it definitely needs to be moisturized. Maybe add mesotherapeutic moisturizing and biorevitalization. These procedures need to be done in parallel. Someone needs to start with biorevitalization, because initially their skin is dry, dull, has various irregularities, these could be nodules, microscars, uneven skin color, the presence of light pigment in some areas, post-acne. And on such skin, the difference after the procedure is very clearly noticeable, what was and what happened.

On average, 3 to 4 procedures are required with a break of up to one month, because the cells are renewed within 21 days. Therefore, after at least 3 weeks, the procedure can be repeated, but it is better to do this after a month, because after 3 weeks, tissue sensitivity may still be high, and skin hyperesthesia may persist.

One procedure is completed - we see the result, the first two weeks it is fabulous, then the effect seems to go away a little, or we get used to it. You need to do at least 3 procedures in order to see the result and consolidate it. During one procedure, only 25% of the skin is actually renewed. We definitely need to consolidate this result, so we carry out 3-4 procedures, and a person with this gift, with this sleek skin, can walk for a year. After a year, due to external and internal factors (exposure, stress, poor diet, aging process), the skin again needs to be renewed, and next time, perhaps, one procedure will be enough. But for the first time, in order to see the result and consolidate it, you must do all 4 procedures. The skin changes its structure, it even strengthens and thickens in the neck and lower eyelids. And the network of microwrinkles, which are indicators of mild skin aging, disappears. Even better results can be achieved if you then further consolidate the effect with biorevitalization.

– So, you offer an integrated approach?

I offer an integrated approach to solving any problem that we set for ourselves. Because there are a lot of devices, and today, since 2000, cosmetology has grown so much, it has become highly professional, and the profession of cosmetologist has finally appeared.

– How difficult do you think the profession of a cosmetologist is?

A very difficult profession. I want to say that unlike other, even the most important medical professions, cosmetology is the youngest and most insanely progressive. There is a very high degree of responsibility here, because not a single mistake can be made here. A mistake is not allowed in principle, because a person sees it immediately, and the external factor is important to him. Here we always see the result, it is on the face.

– You deal with high-tech equipment, which is quite dangerous if used incorrectly, how do you train your staff? How do they use it? Because it’s not at all easy to pick up Fraxel and attachments.

Distributing companies that are associated with manufacturers structure the training process very competently. First of all, the student must be a doctor and have a medical diploma; Only doctors are trained; nurses are not trained using high-tech equipment. Nursing staff is not allowed. And a certain number of hours of training is required.

– Isn’t it possible to earn these hours later?

It’s good to earn some money, but here you need to get a certain number of hours in training. A minimum number of hours is required, when doctors go through the theory, then they must try the procedure on each other, and models are necessarily invited, on which the procedure is carried out in the presence of a teacher. And the teacher controls this process.

When we purchased the device in 2009, all doctors were required to train with us. Then, when new doctors began to come to us and they went to study, they already had a different training methodology, because the distribution company itself had gained more experience by that time. A lot of nuances have already appeared. You need to play with the frequency of fractional thermolysis, power, depth. There are at least 3 parameters that you need to understand very well. You can give more power, but at the same time give a large distance between the fractional points of influence. You can give low power and compact the zones of fractional thermolysis and the zone of pulse injection. And we get a different picture.

– And are you gaining experience?

Of course, there is a summation: the experience gained by the manufacturer, the distributing clinic, and the clinic where this device is used. And doctors already have their own experience, and it is multiplied. And the most interesting thing is that the manufacturing clinic and the distributor organize other meetings from time to time. These are seminars, most often they happen once a year. When people who have a Fraxel device in their parking lot gather, they undergo training and exchange experiences. Moreover, manufacturers come to such meetings.

– How effective is the Fraxel device?

Fraxel Dual is a fractional laser. The fractional thermolysis method is a very progressive technique. It is fractional, point-based, not planar, but a method of delivering the impact that allows you to maintain, firstly, a normal appearance after the procedure, and, secondly, the person’s full functionality and rapid rehabilitation after the procedure.

– Is it more gentle?

Yes, sure. It is less traumatic, Fraxel is a non-ablative method, without damaging the skin surface. It penetrates the surface of the skin, into the epidermal layer, and reaches the papillary and reticular layers of the dermis. The papillary layer of the dermis has a certain uneven structure, and the skin repeats all this; due to the change in the state of the papillary layer of the skin, the surface layer also changes, as if leveling. This change is long lasting.

– That is, if we work with the top layer, then the bottom one will still give changes?

Yes. And zones of fractional action are formed, which renew the cell, and then, on day 3, cell fragments come to the surface of the skin. The skin first acquires a light tan shade, these are fragments of dead cells. They rise to the surface, the tissues simply push them out. They lie on the surface and then peel off. And we are left with smooth skin, absolutely clean in every way, completely. Fractional thermolysis is a luxurious treatment. I believe that it should be in every medical center.

Features of the technology used

At the moment, Fraxel is a fairly gentle and effective technology for skin rejuvenation, as it has innovative properties. It is quite possible to achieve high precision of impact, since the laser beam is divided into smaller beams - fractions. During the procedure, old elastin, scar tissue, and pigment cells are damaged.

The procedure allows you to target problem areas

This technique is unique because the epidermis remains intact, but at the same time restoration processes begin inside; rejuvenation is achieved through the work of new fibroblast cells.

Important ! Natural collagen and elastin are produced, turgor is normalized, the skin takes on a healthy appearance - just like in youth!

Laser helps skin look healthy

In addition to rejuvenation, this hardware technology allows you to correct various skin problems: excessive pigmentation, scars, wrinkles. Damaged tissues are replaced with new, healthy and elastic, smooth ones. After the completion of fractional effects, the natural activity of the skin remains at a good level for a long period of time.

Important ! Since the procedure is very gentle on the skin, it is very popular in cosmetology.

Fraxel laser is extremely popular today

What devices are used

In addition to the original Fraxel device, analog equipment is used for skin rejuvenation by fractional thermolysis:

  • ACUPULSE (Lumenis, Israel). Superpulsed CO2 laser for complex effects with a high level of safety. Provides deep and superficial ablation with one scanner, there are 10 preset modes and COMBO.

  • ULTRAPULSE (Lumenis, Israel). The most powerful ablative device used for resurfacing with short recovery times. Used in cosmetology, dermatology and surgery. It has many configurations and operates in ultra-pulse mode.

  • Vbeam Perfecta (Candela, USA). Pulse device using liquid dye. Suitable for treatment and rejuvenation of skin, including superficial benign pigment formations.

  • Pearl Fractional (Cutera, USA). Ablative-fractional device with an emitting YSGG crystal and a wavelength of 2790 nm. Combines the advantages of CO2 and erbium lasers.

  • StarWalker MaQX (FOTONA, Slovenia). Specialized picosecond equipment that allows you to rejuvenate the skin, correct scars, treat vascular disorders and hyperpigmentation, and remove tattoos.

Types of laser fractional photothermolysis

The effects of this laser are divided into two types, which differ in indications for use, as well as in the results obtained. Another criterion is the time allotted for the recovery of the client’s body.

Non-ablative (wavelength - from 1320 to 1540 nm). Water is able to absorb such a laser beam to a certain extent, so the action reaches the deep skin structures without affecting the upper layers, which do not contain much moisture. Activities using this technology allow you to stimulate the body to produce its own collagen and elastin, quite noticeably tightening the skin. Metabolism in cells becomes an order of magnitude better, and skin elasticity increases significantly. The procedure is recommended for people suffering from sagging, dull skin, lack of tone, and small wrinkles. Almost any area of ​​the body can be treated: eyelids, face, chest, abdomen, shoulders and thighs. Excellent results can be achieved in getting rid of stretch marks.

Important ! The positive side of this effect is a very short recovery period - three days is enough. It is also not contraindicated in the summer months.

Non-ablative laser rejuvenation

Ablative (wavelength – 2940 nm). The technology treats the skin at all levels, since such a laser beam is perfectly absorbed by water. Even a small amount of moisture in the skin is enough for interaction and evaporation of the surface layer to occur. At first, the procedure using this laser involved affecting mostly superficial skin structures, but over time, technology has advanced, and now it is possible to control the degree of penetration of the beam into the skin. This way you can target the desired layer of skin without any problems. Typically, the event is recommended for people suffering from skin disorders due to post-acne, for the correction of pigmentation and small vascular networks, small wrinkles. Advanced equipment will allow you to achieve very noticeable skin tightening.

Important ! Recovery will take slightly longer than when using the first type of laser. The skin may be red, flaky, and flaky for up to a week. You should refrain from visiting the solarium and sunbathing for a month.

Ablative laser rejuvenation

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Safety. The procedure is not accompanied by damage to the integrity of the skin, so there is no risk of infection and the development of inflammatory processes.
  • Fast rehabilitation. It takes several days for the affected areas to heal.
  • Versatility. The laser can be used on any part of the body (face, chest, abdomen, limbs).
  • Easy to do. There is no special preparation before the manipulation, and there is no long recovery after.
  • There is no hypo- or hyperpigmentation because the melanocytes remain viable.
  • Conduction speed. A laser rejuvenation session lasts no more than 60 minutes.
  • Growing effect. The final result can be seen in a month.
  • Laser thermolysis does not provide a pronounced tightening, but affects the structure of the skin.
  • Therapy does not eliminate ptosis.
  • Depending on the individual characteristics of the body, the use of an ablative laser may require lengthy rehabilitation.

Types of Fraxel laser

This laser is capable of reaching a given depth and acting with different strengths, based on which several of its varieties can be distinguished.


Fraxel re:store

Considered a standard. It has a wavelength of 1550 nm. Can penetrate to a depth of 0.4 to 1.4 millimeters. It is used to restore skin after burns caused by the sun, correct post-acne, smooth out scars. It is also suitable for getting rid of skin changes caused by exposure to sunlight.

Fraxel re:store DUAL

Combines two types of laser at once - thulium and erbium. The wavelength can be customized. Compared to the first variety, this one is more advanced. Used to correct post-acne and wrinkles of varying severity, get rid of scars and scarring, areas of increased pigmentation.

Fraxel re:fine

It has a very gentle effect on the skin, because the laser has a wavelength of 1420 nm, acting superficially. Thanks to this property, it has a completely insignificant recovery period and is used for areas with very fragile skin (for example, it is used to treat the skin of the eyelids).

Fraxel re:pair

The most “tough” of all the named varieties, the laser reaches the deepest layers of the skin. It is advisable to use this technology to correct deep wrinkles, skin furrows, deep scars and extensive scarring. Also used when working with problem skin – oily and with enlarged pores.

Well-known analogues of Fraxel re:pair from other companies.

  1. Active and Deep FX (Lumenis),
  2. Quadralase (Candela),
  3. Pearl Fractional (Cutera).

Fraxel procedure cost

Having analyzed the best cosmetology clinics providing laser fraxel services, we have compiled a table with average prices:

Service namePrice of the procedure (in rubles)
Fraxel re: store procedure face + eyelids acne27 000,00
Fraxel procedure (Fraxel re: store) décolleté17 000,00
Fraxel procedure (Fraxel re: store) brushes13 000,00
Fraxel re: store procedure face25 000,00
Fraxel re: store procedure for face without eyelids21 000,00
Fraxel re: store procedure face + neck37 000,00
Fraxel procedure (Fraxel re: store) face + neck + décolleté50 000,00
Fraxel re:store procedure forehead9 500,00
Fraxel re:store procedure for individual skin areas4 500,00
Fraxel procedure (Fraxel re: store) chin6 500,00

Depending on the chosen fraxel repair or fraxel re store dual, the cost may vary. It is most profitable to do this procedure on the outskirts of Moscow - for example, in the regions of the Eastern Administrative District and the North-Eastern Administrative District. We recommend that you immediately check with the clinic staff by phone how much the full course of procedures will cost in order to get a guaranteed effect. In many clinics you can sign up for Fraxel in advance and avoid wasting time in line.

For comparison, prices for fractional laser resurfacing

Laser application area Price for one procedure, rub.Price for 3 or more procedures, rub.
face10 0008 000
face, eyelid area and 1/3 of the neck13 5009 900
upper or lower eyelid area3 0002 000
crow's feet3 0002 000
forehead5 0004 000
Temple area3 6003 000
cheekbone area3 6003 000
glabellar area3 6003 000
nose3 6003 000
nasolabial triangle3 6003 000
chin3 6003 000
cheeks7 0005 000
neck8 0006 000
neckline8 4007 000
Hands6 0005 000
forearms12 0009 000
belly 1/36 0005 000
full belly14 00011 900
full hands24 00021 800
back 1/310 0008 000
breasts (for women)8 0006 800
buttocks14 90011 900
complex (upper, lower eyelids and crow's feet)6 5005 000
complex (face, eyelids, neck)18 00015 000

Doctors performing the Fraxel procedure

It is extremely important to pay attention to the specialization of the doctor performing this procedure. Do not hesitate to ask the clinic staff - after all, your health and appearance depend on their professionalism. We strongly recommend that you do not perform this service in beauty salons or non-specialized clinics. There are many reviews on the Internet from women and men who have suffered from unqualified doctors. Be vigilant and attentive.


How safe is Fraxel?

The treated area has a very small diameter - from 70 to 150 microns. Thanks to this, scarring of the skin does not occur, and the regeneration of damaged layers takes a short period of time - usually one day is enough.

The total area of ​​the “work front” is 5-20%. From this we can conclude that this laser technology stimulates the body to recover, without causing various health problems.

The procedure does not create additional problems for human health

The use of an erbium laser allows you to preserve the stratum corneum of the epidermis intact. It follows from this that at the end of the manipulations the barrier function of the skin is not distorted, so harmful organisms cannot penetrate the body.

Important ! Fraxel can penetrate to a depth of 1.4 millimeters without affecting the structures surrounding the treated area or injuring internal organs.

Since advanced technology allows automatic distribution of micro-treatment zones (MTZ), the impact on the necessary areas occurs evenly. In this way, natural tissue rejuvenation is achieved; there will be no “underdeveloped” or “overworked” areas.

The Fraxel laser acts evenly on problem areas of the skin

Myths and truth about the Fraxel procedure

Services Doctors Results Reviews

Expert tested

Avdeyuk Elena Vladimirovna Dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist

Publication date: October 10, 2022

Review date: November 11, 2022

Fraxel fractional photothermolysis technology has been around for 15 years. In fact, fractional photothermolysis is a method of laser skin resurfacing, which perfectly helps to cope with age-related problems, as well as skin defects, such as scars, cicatrices, stretch marks, and age spots.

This unique technology appeared in 2004. It was developed and patented by the American company Reliant Technologies. It is now one of the largest and fastest growing beauty equipment companies in the world. Fraxel lasers, despite the large number of competitors, remain the best and safest.

However, many patients are afraid to undergo laser procedures after reading various “horror stories” on the Internet. Let’s try, together with the doctors of the leading Russian cosmetology clinic “A Clinic”, to figure out what is true and what are myths about the Fraxel procedure.

Myth 1

. Fractional laser is used without any scientifically proven research. Therefore, the technology cannot be considered safe.

Is it true. In fact, laser techniques have been used in cosmetology for many decades, so they are only being improved. Clinical studies conducted by the manufacturer and independent specialists formed the basis for more than 100 scientific publications, 25 FDA approvals (one of the most authoritative organizations in the world monitoring the safety of medical devices), and dozens of reports at international congresses of aesthetic medicine.

The technologies used are unique and protected by more than 30 international and US patents. The company never strives to use outdated technologies or copy competitors' innovations.

The development of new and improvement of existing Fraxel lasers is always preceded by clinical studies and a detailed analysis of the processes occurring in the skin during and after the Fraxel procedure, both at the histological and molecular biological levels. The manufacturing company is always open to doctors working with the Fraxel laser.

Many clinics are already working on the third generation of laser - Fraxel re: store. Fractional laser is absolutely safe, the impact is strictly dosed, and the recovery period is minimal. In addition, there is no getting used to the procedure; it will always be effective.

Myth 2

. Fraxel leaves very severe redness and even burns on the skin.

Is it true. The laser beam does not affect the top layer of skin - the epidermis. In addition, thanks to the principle of fractionation, a thin laser beam does not affect the entire surface of the skin, but micro areas, so there can be no visible damage, much less burns.

During exposure, old and damaged collagen and elastin are destroyed in the micro-area. As a response, the body begins to restore the damaged area - new skin appears, free from defects. Since the diameter of the microdamage is very small and there are many healthy cells around, recovery occurs very quickly and the procedure is safe.

But some patients may still experience redness on the skin. But this is by no means a burn, but a natural reaction of the body to treatment.

The redness looks like a healthy glow and goes away in one or two days, without any discomfort.

Myth 3.

No matter how many Fraxel treatments you do, you still cannot cope with stretch marks, scars and age spots.

Is it true. The principle of the Fraxel laser's effect on age spots and areas of hyperpigmentation differs from all common methods. Fraxel does not act on melanin, but on the cells that synthesize and accumulate this pigment. It destroys these cells. Fraxel effectively treats all forms of hyperpigmentation. In place of the destroyed micro-area of ​​the skin, young cells appear that synthesize and accumulate an adequate amount of pigment. Thus, old cells in which the formation of melanin is impaired are replaced with new ones. In place of the pigment spot, skin of a natural shade is formed. In addition, the process of skin rejuvenation occurs.

Fraxel is recommended for the treatment of pigmentation on the hands, neck, and décolleté.

Scars appear when the skin is damaged deeply enough - deeper than the papillary dermis, or when an extensive wound heals by surface tension. At the same time, the body tries to close the wound as quickly as possible and synthesizes fairly coarse connective tissue. As a rule, scars remain for life. The Fraxel laser destroys the “wrong” scar tissue and stimulates the synthesis of new collagen and elastin in this area and in surrounding tissues. In place of rough, incorrectly formed tissue, a new one appears. After 4-5 procedures, scars, for example, after plastic surgery, disappear completely.

Stretch marks are also a type of scar, but have a finer structure. Stretch marks form in places where skin fibers are torn and separated. Such ruptures can occur during prolonged stretching of the skin, when the connective tissue is under severe stress, or during certain hormonal changes in the body, when the tissue becomes less durable. Stretch marks very often appear in women during pregnancy, when the volume of the abdomen and breasts sharply increases, and changes in hormonal levels contribute to a weakening of the bond in the collagen framework of the skin. If a woman tends to gain weight and then lose weight, then this is also stress for the skin and a reason for the appearance of stretch marks.

Increasingly, stretch marks can be observed in men who, while playing sports, quickly increase muscle mass. The skin simply cannot keep up with the growth in volume and tears occur. Fraxel is capable of destroying scar tissue at a depth of up to 1.5 mm and stimulating the growth of normal tissue at this site.

Zadiran Alina Valerievna

Dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist. Candidate of Medical Sciences

But it is important to remember that in the treatment of stretch marks, success largely depends on their “age”. For example, stretch marks that appear during pregnancy are best treated immediately after the woman has finished breastfeeding. The result is achieved in 4-5 procedures. Fraxel safely removes stretch marks from any area of ​​the body, including the chest and inner thighs.

Myth 4.

Fraxel is a very painful procedure, so it is performed under anesthesia.

Is it true. Anesthesia involves applying a special anesthetic cream to the skin. Since the procedure involves thermal damage to the dermis, it cannot be completely painless. But pain relief with cream is quite enough. This anesthesia makes the Fraxel procedure comfortable: the doctor does his job without causing pain to the patient. The doctor can also additionally use cooling air flows directed into the treatment area.

Myth 5.

The procedure is not suitable for dry skin, as it will turn it into real parchment.

Is it true. This is an absolute myth. Fraxel allows you to work with any skin type. One of its main advantages is the ability to select an individual laser operating mode for each patient and each problem. Peeling after the procedure is very slight, it is invisible to the eyes and does not cause any inconvenience to patients. In addition, combining Fraxel with other methods (for example, mesotherapy, hyalurotherapy) allows you to achieve much greater skin hydration than before the procedure.

Myth 6.

You need to wait almost a year for the effect of the procedure.

Is it true. Each patient is individual. For some, the result is noticeable immediately, and therefore they require fewer procedures. For others, the effect increases gradually, and more procedures are needed. However, there is a general pattern. For most patients, the rejuvenating effect begins to appear from the first procedure and increases as subsequent procedures are performed. The visible effect when correcting scars and stretch marks appears a little later - after two or three procedures. But you certainly won’t have to wait a year.

Myth 7

. Fraxel should not be used on the body.

Is it true. The Fraxel procedure is performed on the eyelids, face, neck, décolleté, hands and forearms. When correcting scars, stretch marks and pigmentation, it can be performed on any part of the body. Usually these are the chest, abdomen and thighs. Less often - shoulders, back, buttocks. It should be borne in mind that the effectiveness of the procedure is always higher in areas of the skin with good blood supply.


This laser is usually used to restore youthful skin to the skin, but its scope of application is not limited to this. It is advisable to use it in solving the following problems:

  • insufficient skin tone, sagging, aging;
  • shallow wrinkles;
  • wide pores;
  • pigmentation of various types, photoaging of the skin;
  • post-acne;
  • stretch marks.

This procedure solves the problem of skin defects

When is fractional photothermolysis prohibited?

In general, manipulations using this laser technology are quite safe and do not cause injuries, however, it also has contraindications:

  • cancer diseases;
  • inflammation in the work area;
  • acute infectious diseases;
  • various dermatological diseases;
  • diseases associated with hormonal disorders;

    The procedure is not performed for hormonal disorders

  • epilepsy;
  • the period of bearing a baby or breastfeeding;
  • diseases of an autoimmune nature;
  • problems with blood clotting;
  • tendency to bleed;
  • pathologies of the heart and blood vessels.

The heart and blood vessels should be normal

Precautionary measures

  • severe peeling of the skin;
  • crust formation;
  • exacerbation of herpes;
  • inflammatory reaction;
  • infectious lesion;
  • extensive swelling;
  • hematomas;
  • allergies in the form of runny nose, rash;
  • painful sensations.

In rare cases, pigmentation appears after using Fraxel.


  • pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  • chronic skin diseases;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • oncology;
  • bone or pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • diabetes;
  • mental disorder;
  • heart failure;
  • presence of a pacemaker;
  • open wounds or inflammatory lesions in the treated area.

How is the procedure done?

Carrying out an event involves dividing it into several stages. First, the specialist must assess the client’s skin condition, decide on the appropriate treatment technology, and indicate the scope of work and the number of repeat sessions.

After this, the skin is cleaned and treated with a gel with an anesthetic effect. Thanks to this, the discomfort caused by manipulation is minimal.

Important ! You must wait about forty minutes to achieve the maximum effect of the gel.

Then the specialist begins to treat the skin using a laser.

You need to apply a special gel for a painless procedure.

Treatment time is related to the area of ​​the affected area. Up to forty minutes are spent on the face and neck, ten minutes on the hands, and up to an hour on the stomach, thighs and chest. During laser treatment, the client may feel slight pain. To minimize discomfort, use a stream of cold air to cool the skin.

At the end of the event, it is necessary to cover the skin with a special product with a calming effect.

Important ! This is necessary to get rid of redness and swelling.

At the end of the procedure, a cream is applied to soothe the skin.

In the future, the client must independently treat the skin with this product for several days. Experts also often recommend using sunscreen for a month.

Using this hardware technology to solve relevant problems allows you to notice good results after each session. To make it last longer, you need to visit the clinic several more times. The maximum number of procedures is 4; a larger number may negatively affect the skin.

Important ! In between procedures, it is recommended to use injections of hyaluronate and various biologically active substances that stimulate the skin to recover (these are combinations of vitamins and other beneficial elements).

It is necessary to use special products that promote skin regeneration

Rehabilitation rules

If you follow the doctor’s recommendations, rehabilitation will not cause major problems, and the effect after Fraxel will be more pronounced.

Patients must adhere to the following rules:

  • Avoid exposure to direct sunlight and artificial ultraviolet radiation. At this time, it is better to be outdoors less often, and if you do have to go outside, you need to wear a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses. Solarium is contraindicated.
  • To reduce burning and peeling, you can use mild moisturizing creams and masks. Any peeling of peeling areas is contraindicated. Panthenol has a good restorative effect.

The response to Fraxel and the duration of rehabilitation are individual for each person. The maximum positive effect after the procedure depends not only on the skill and experience of the doctor, but also on how carefully the patient follows his recommendations. In our cosmetology clinic you can use the skin rejuvenation service using laser fractional photothermolysis and undergo a full course of rehabilitation under the supervision of specialists.

General recommendations before the procedure

Your doctor will give you the most important recommendations to follow before laser treatment. A few days before the procedure itself, clients are usually recommended to take a course of medications for herpes.

Recommendations after the procedure.

  1. Avoid sunbathing and protect the treated area from direct sunlight.
  2. Three months after laser skin treatment, you must use sunscreen, SPF - at least 30.
  3. Avoid using scrubs and abrasives.
  4. Do not use creams with a moisturizing effect.
  5. Be sure to use the restorative agent prescribed by your doctor for the specified time.
  6. You need to take a course of medications for herpes for another week after the procedure.

All prescribed recommendations from a specialist should be followed.

Advantages of the Fraxel laser

The main advantages of using this laser.

  1. The skin becomes significantly healthier.
  2. Renewal occurs at the cellular level, as internal restoration resources are activated.
  3. There is a targeted effect on the necessary areas of the skin, when other technologies do not always allow achieving such an effect.
  4. You can influence different parts of the body.

    This laser can be used on different parts of the body.

  5. A certain skin phototype is not a contraindication.
  6. The laser acts very carefully without damaging the skin.
  7. Many laser procedures are traumatic and cause discomfort. Fraxel is an excellent analogue that does not involve such problems.
  8. Even very thin and sensitive skin can be treated.
  9. The excellent effect is noticeable after four repetitions of the procedure.

The Fraxel laser has many advantages overall.

Types of Fraxel devices

There are two types:

  • Non-ablative;
  • Ablative.

In the latter case, the laser action is directed to the upper tissue layers and during the session only the epidermis is evaporated. This type is best suited for smoothing out shallow and fine wrinkles.

In the first case, on the dermal layer and lower layers of the skin , and the upper layer is not affected. This option is best suited to reduce changes associated with skin aging. In the layers of the dermis, metabolism is activated and the cellular framework is restored.

The best solution is the combined use of these types of laser, which creates a double positive effect.

Laser Fraxel Restor

Fraxel Restor is one of the best ways to remove excess skin on the eyelids, as well as bags under the eyes.
Rejuvenation using this equipment has no analogues; it can only be compared with plastic surgery. The operation of the Fraxel Restor laser is based on the principle of non-ablative photothermolysis , so it acts on the lower layers of the skin without affecting the upper ones. Thus, in this case, the laser does not deform the stratum corneum of the epidermis, but acts only on the cellular structure, preventing aging.

When using Restor, anesthesia in the form of an anesthetic cream is required , and the recovery period is only 3 days.

The advantages of this device are also:

  • the presence of a scanner system that makes it possible to evenly distribute the laser action zones;
  • system for automatically selecting the size and thickness of microbeams, this reduces the area of ​​tissue damage and ensures low injuries.

Fraxel Restor Dual

The improved device Restor Dual combines a fiber optic and thulium laser . It is the perfect embodiment of functionality and safety. Using it you can perform the following procedures:

  • photorejuvenation;
  • chemical peeling;
  • Botox injections;
  • laser ablation.

Today, the Fraxel procedure using the Restor Dual device is considered one of the safest and best.

Fraxel Clear and Brilliance

It is perfect for rejuvenating the inner surfaces of the thighs , the backs of the hands, the skin of the eyelids, in other words, where the skin is very sensitive and delicate.

This device has certain features:

  • side effects in the form of swelling and redness are almost eliminated, thanks to control over the depth of the beam;
  • a course of 6 sessions eliminates small wrinkles and evens out complexion;
  • there is no preparatory stage for the operation;
  • fast rehabilitation.

Fraxel Refine

This device creates superficial penetration under the skin and is considered the softest of all Fraxel types. Its main advantages are:

  • can be used for sensitive areas;
  • minimal rehabilitation time due to the non-aggressive effect of rays on the skin.

Fraxel Repair

This device acts on the deep layers of the dermis. It is quite effective in treating vascular dyschromia, rough scars and deep wrinkles , reduces pore size and treats hyperpigmentation, evens out skin texture, and also gets rid of stretch marks and removes scars. It is often combined with various lifting operations to have the best effect: rejuvenated and lifted skin.

Carbon dioxide fractional lasers Fraxel CO2

Fraxel CO2 is the first laser of this group, which has already passed numerous scientific tests.
The duration of the procedure on this device is much longer than on Repair or Dual, but much fewer procedures are required to achieve results. This rejuvenation is a good alternative to plastic surgery and does not create any complications. The first couple of hours after the procedure, a person may experience a slight burning and tingling sensation in the laser-treated areas, but this goes away very quickly.

Typically, this device is used to remove scars, acne, burn scars and post-acne. Laser is also used to tighten skin, get rid of age spots and wrinkles.

Non-ablative laser rejuvenation

The meaning of this rejuvenation is that light energy is used as a thermally controlled source of action on the deep skin, namely the dermis, without affecting the epidermis. The course includes the removal of age-related skin changes that are not structural (rosacea, dyspigmentation). The effect of rejuvenation in this case manifests itself in the form of skin elasticity, increased turgor and even complexion.

Fraxel - laser rejuvenation

Used for the following purposes:

  • general smoothing of the skin;
  • smoothing wrinkles in the décolleté area, neck and face;
  • hand rejuvenation;
  • therapy of the lower and upper eyelids, sagging skin;
  • removal of crow's feet.

The maximum result is visible after 3-5 procedures, but the effect is already noticeable after the first visit: crow’s feet begin to disappear, pores become smaller, the contours of the face become clearer, and the skin becomes more elastic.

Indications Fraxel

Indications for use are the following factors:

  • presence of crow's feet;
  • age-related changes in the skin;
  • solar keratosis.
  • post-acne;
  • wrinkles;
  • hyperpigmentation of the skin;
  • elastosis;
  • presence of scars;
  • wide pores.

Contraindications Fraxel

The following factors are contraindications:

  • psoriasis;
  • inflammatory processes at the treatment site;
  • mental disorders;
  • epilepsy;
  • malignant tumors;
  • recently done peeling;
  • intolerance to lidocaine;
  • fever, high temperature;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • infectious diseases;
  • lactation period and pregnancy;
  • cardiovascular failure;
  • herpes at the acute stage;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • blood clotting disorders;
  • dermatitis;
  • a recent visit to a solarium or a fresh tan.

Expected Result

Overall, the skin looks healthier. It is smoothed out, pigmentation is eliminated, wrinkles are reduced, pores are narrowed, and the relief is evened out. The texture of the skin is normalized, evened out, its condition becomes close to “young”.

Important ! It should be noted that the result lasts for a long time, since restoration processes take place at the internal level, and the skin will remain healthy.

The effect of the procedure lasts a long time

How does the skin react?

A completely normal skin reaction to laser exposure is redness and minor swelling. There is no need to worry about this - these side effects disappear spontaneously after a few days. In just two or three days, the skin will become normal.

Important ! If the skin acquires bronze shades, it means that active restructuring has begun, getting rid of old collagen and elastin cells. This phenomenon is associated with the specific characteristics of the client’s skin. It lasts up to a couple of weeks. Peeling of the skin is possible due to the proliferation of epidermal cells and their displacement of old ones, which come off in the form of scales.

After exposure to such a laser, the skin begins to actively renew itself.

Prices for the procedure

It must be said that this procedure is not a budget procedure, but the result lasts for a long time, so it is worth the money. In addition, a course of procedures that gives the same results as plastic surgery costs significantly less than the services of a surgeon.

Important ! The skin is significantly less damaged, and the rehabilitation period is quite insignificant.

The price justifies the result

So, in Moscow, cosmetology clinics provide this service at a price of 12 to 20 thousand rubles. The face and neck can be treated for 18 thousand. Of course, many cosmetology centers often hold various promotions, thanks to which the cost is significantly reduced. The forehead, area around the eyes, nasolabial folds and cheeks can be treated for 5 thousand rubles for each area. Hands are usually treated for 10 thousand rubles. Correction of scars and stretch marks will be performed for you for 500 rubles/square centimeter.

It is necessary to consider the treatment site when choosing a treatment plan with this laser

Skin care after treatment

Doctors recommend doing the following things to keep your skin healthy.

  1. It is necessary to protect the skin from exposure to direct rays of the sun; be sure to use creams with sunscreen before going outside.
  2. It is necessary to use the cream recommended by your doctor for a couple of weeks.
  3. Avoid scrubbing for a week.
  4. You cannot smoke or drink alcohol.
  5. If possible, you should avoid taking certain medications for a while.

It is necessary to pay attention to the skin after the procedure

Question answer

What to give preference: nanoperforation or fraxel?

Nanoperforation has a more gentle effect on the skin, since very minor skin injuries occur. However, if you compare this procedure with Fraxel, the result of the first does not last so long.

Which will give better results: Fraxel or Thermage?

It is absolutely impractical to compare these procedures, since they have different principles of influence. Therefore, it is better to combine them rather than try to choose the best one.

What to choose – Fraxel or Palomar?

Palomar can only treat the upper layers of the skin, so the area of ​​application is quite limited. The result does not last as long as when using Fraxel.

Fraxel is better than other procedures in terms of how long the effect lasts

The doctor answers

Q: Hello! I am worried about this problem: I have a small round scar on my face, caused by a burn. He's already quite old. I really want to remove this drawback. Which procedure is better to choose? How long does the rehabilitation period last? Thank you for your reply!

O: Good day. It is best to use Fraxel re:pair technology. Before carrying out the procedure, consult a specialist who will tell you the number of sessions. Small scars can be effectively removed in a couple of procedures.

Q: Hello! For several years now I have been bothered by stretch marks on my thighs and stomach. Almost ten years have passed since their inception. Will the Fraxel laser help me remove them?

O: Good afternoon. You can expect a good aesthetic result from Fraxel laser technology, but, alas, no specialist can completely rid you of stretch marks. It is best to contact the nearest cosmetology clinic, whose specialists will select the best correction method for you.

Q: Good morning! I’m terribly tired of stretch marks on my thighs, I want to get rid of them. What should I choose to achieve this goal? How many procedures are needed for the desired effect?

O: Hello. I recommend that you use Fraxel laser. True, without seeing the problem, it is difficult to say exactly how many procedures you will need. Typically, this area is treated for two hours, with a minimum of five sessions recommended. In this case, a month break should be maintained between each new treatment.

In most cases, this procedure can help get rid of stretch marks and scars.

Q: At a certain period of my life I suddenly gained a lot of weight. As a result, stretch marks appeared on my arms, chest and stomach. At the moment I am trying to lose weight through regular physical exercise. I would like to know when exactly should I start Fraxel laser treatment?

O: Good afternoon. You can achieve good results in the fight against stretch marks only if you start working on them in the early stages. Therefore, you can contact a cosmetologist now.

Q: I really want to undergo a procedure using the Fraxel laser to correct stretch marks. However, I am afraid of pain, as my friends told me about severe discomfort. Will you really have to put up with unpleasant sensations during treatment?

A: You can actually feel the effect of the laser on your skin. However, there is no need to be afraid: the doctor administers local anesthesia. A stream of cold air is also applied to the skin for additional pain relief. You should also take into account that all people have their own pain threshold and skin characteristics.

Anesthesia is used before the procedure using the Fraxel laser

Indications for use

The procedure on Fraxel laser models is recommended in the following cases:

  • decreased skin tone, elasticity, firmness;
  • acne, post-acne;
  • the presence of stretch marks (stretch marks);
  • enlarged pores;
  • age spots, melasma (including age-related changes), hyperpigmentation;
  • wrinkles (facial and age-related) of varying intensity;
  • scars, scars (post-traumatic, burn, post-operative);
  • elastosis;
  • signs of aging in the neck, arms, chest, face;
  • solar keratosis.

Contraindications and consequences

The use of Fraxel is contraindicated in the presence of:

  • oncological diseases;
  • psoriasis, herpes, atopic dermatitis, eczema, seborrhea;
  • inflammatory phenomena of bacterial, viral or fungal etiology at the treatment site;
  • chronic or acute infectious diseases;
  • diseases of the endocrine system, hormonal imbalance;
  • blood diseases;
  • mental disorders, epilepsy;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • cardiovascular failure;
  • individual intolerance to lidocaine;
  • hyperthermia.

Laser treatment is also not recommended for women during periods of lactation, pregnancy, or after prolonged exposure to the sun or visiting a solarium. In the case of mechanical dermabrasion or chemical peeling (deep, medium) performed less than a week ago, laser therapy should be postponed for a while.

photos before and after a course of fraxel laser treatments

After using Fraxel, the occurrence of various complications cannot be ruled out (facial herpes, acne, post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, prolonged erythema, swelling of soft tissues in the treatment area). However, the presence of the latest equipment and highly qualified staff in our clinic minimizes the likelihood of side effects.

Individual consultation

Carrying out the procedure

The laser rejuvenation process includes a number of stages:

  1. Skin cleansing.
  2. Treatment of the skin with an anesthetic (based on lidocaine).
  3. Applying a special ointment to the skin to facilitate the sliding of the hardware attachment.
  4. Laser processing. It is carried out using nozzles (dimensions - 7x7 and 15x15 mm) in horizontal and vertical directions (up to 4 times). The area of ​​the treated area is 0.5 – 2.5 square meters. cm.
  5. Using a cream that helps relieve swelling and hyperemia.

The duration of the procedure is from 20 to 60 minutes (depending on the skin type, type of disease, area of ​​the treatment area and subjective feelings of the person). A full course of laser therapy includes from 3 (facial skin rejuvenation) to 8 (scar removal) sessions, the intermediate interval between which is 1 - 1.5 months.

Severity and duration of Fraxel effect

According to numerous reviews and accompanying photographs taken before and after the procedure, the effect is obvious after the first session: the skin after Fraxel acquires an even texture and color, the intensity of the color of pigment spots and melasma decreases, signs of post-acne are eliminated, and the functioning of the sebaceous glands is normalized. As a result of using Fraxel, wrinkles are smoothed out (including the area around the eyes), the body skin becomes elastic, firm, and the facial contour becomes more expressive.

photo of skin after Fraxel laser treatment

Carrying out 2 – 3 sessions ensures the preservation of the rejuvenation effect for 2.5 – 3 years. Completing the full course of therapy allows you to extend this period to 15 years, which is possible due to the cumulative effect.

Post-procedure care

After using the Fraxel laser, you should follow some rules:

  • the use of peeling and scrub during the first week after the procedure is not allowed;
  • During the first month, it is necessary to avoid sun exposure to laser-treated areas; for 3 months, it is recommended to use sunscreens with a high degree of protection;
  • You should give up cigarettes, alcoholic beverages, and taking new medications.

The rehabilitation period lasts about 2 weeks. During this time, you should use cosmetics that have a moisturizing effect every day.

We have selected several useful videos about the Fraxel laser, where you can see the principle of operation and features of the rejuvenation procedure:


The DasKlinik clinic does not perform the procedure using equipment under the Fraxel brand; this material is for informational purposes only and is posted at the request of our patients. However, in our clinic, you can do a similar procedure - fractional laser resurfacing using MORE-XEL equipment from BISON Medical.

People's reviews about the Fraxel procedure:

February 17

Name: Anna Dorogova (Moscow, Perovo)

Unfortunately, I am already at that age when it is simply impossible to remain attractive without fractional laser resurfacing. I must say that I did not come to this procedure right away. At first there were all kinds of exercises, then creams, injections, etc. were used. When my skin only got worse, I decided to find a really effective remedy and not throw money away. I looked at the photos on the Internet, read the reviews and decided to opt for this service. I initially chose DasClinic because... it is located close to my house. And, to be honest, I have never regretted my choice. Although they don’t have a direct fraxel, they have a similar device - the effect is the same, but they also managed to save money

may 13

Name: Olga (Moscow, Sokolinaya Gora station)

Since adolescence I have suffered from various skin rashes, including acne. Upon reaching adulthood, these problems began to cause me some inconvenience. I went to a beauty salon to get rid of skin imperfections, but the Fraxel procedures did not produce the desired result. The orange peel effect began to appear. Not knowing what to do next, I suffered for a long time and had already come to terms with my appearance, until one day a friend advised me of a new clinic in the Perovo metro area, called Das Clinic. That same day, I made an appointment with the doctor and went to him with a heart full of hope. At the appointment, the doctor told me about a procedure called. As I understood from the doctor’s words, the procedure is aimed at restoring damaged layers of skin using a thin laser. After treating my skin in 5 sessions, it began to look like a baby’s, and I couldn’t believe my luck!

June 26

Name: Inga (Eastern Administrative District, Perovo metro station)

As I got older, the skin on my neck became more and more wrinkled and it began to depress me terribly. It’s not that I need plastic surgery, but the intervention of a cosmetologist would clearly not hurt me. The clinic, which is located next door to me, is famous for its cosmetology services, and I immediately went there in search of a doctor. To my surprise, absolutely all of the doctors in this institution were good. I looked at the service and procedures performed and chose what I needed. They recommended me a laser device that performs the Fraxel procedure. After some time I did this procedure. I repeated the course 2 more times and my neck improved its appearance many times over. I want to thank all the staff for this.

03 August

Name: Karina Gulyarova (Moscow, Andronovka station)

From time to time I pay a fee to go to a clinic where they do skin rejuvenation, so as not to start the aging process at full capacity. Each procedure is inexpensive for me, thanks to the normal, not inflated prices of the clinic. In summer, I do procedures more often than in winter, since the skin deteriorates from exposure to sunlight. Rejuvenation with laser occurs in literally 3 sessions. I am very pleased and recommend Das Clinic to all of you.

24 August

Name: Anton (VAO, Highway Entuziastov)

Who said that dreaming of eternal youth and beauty is only for the weaker sex? It’s not true, we men are no less concerned about the state of our appearance. Since I am a model, my face is my tool, which must always look flawless. I discarded various creams and masks when I was 40 years old, when the first serious wrinkles appeared. At the same time, I visited DasClinic for the first time, but only with a question about the removal of age spots. Now I have used fractional laser facial resurfacing. They promise to preserve the results for 3-4 years. I don’t know if this is true, but so far I’m completely satisfied with the result.

11 September

Name: Lydia (Novogireevo metro station)

Several years ago I was in a terrible accident, which resulted in ugly scars on both arms. All this time I was terribly complex about this and wore only clothes with sleeves. As you understand, we had to forget about a good rest on the beach and many other summer activities. Thanks to my mother, she suggested that there is such a clinic and such a service. I made an appointment with L.G. Pogosova, and after only 4 procedures, only barely noticeable scars reminded of the past tragedy, which, according to the doctor, should completely disappear in the near future.

September 30th

Name: Elvira (Eastern Administrative District, Perovo district)

A year ago, on the advice of Bogdanova A.I. I decided to try fractional laser facial resurfacing. The result appeared almost immediately, the redness subsided on the second day, the effect continues to this day. Thank you doctor for such attentive attitude and professionalism. Wait for me for other procedures.

03 October

Name: Tatyana (Novogireevo)

Thank you for helping me get rid of fine wrinkles on my face so quickly. Your fractional laser resurfacing is a godsend for me. Fast, cheap and, most importantly, painless - this combination is not found in every beauty salon. Special thanks to Lianochka for recommending such an effective cream; after it, my face returned to normal by the next morning. I’m glad I didn’t go for Fraxel, a friend said that it’s the same thing (that is, the same device, even externally!), but due to the promotion it turns out to be much more expensive

22 of October

Name: Polina (Eastern Administrative District, Novogireevo metro station)

After giving birth, I was left with terrible stretch marks on my stomach and chest, which embarrassed me terribly. I turned to Das Clinic for help. In 10 procedures, I removed stretch marks from every problem area, thanks to the clinic’s latest equipment. The photos after the procedure amazed my friend. In the future, I plan to undergo a course of facial rejuvenation. Thanks to the staff and responsible specialists.

May 01

Name: Antonina (Kuskovo station)

At my age, I had no hope of getting rid of wrinkles and giving my face a more defined look until I met this beauty salon. I was offered laser correction of the oval face using Fraxel. I doubted it, but decided to try it. After the course of procedures, I felt like a completely different person. Most importantly, I now have a clear oval face that does not show any signs of skin aging.

June 23

Name: Juno (Izmailovskaya metro station)

I chose a fractional technique to increase the elasticity and firmness of facial skin. The procedure includes several stages, each of which is very important. Your skin is cleaned, the stratum corneum of the epidermis is removed, anesthesia and a special product are applied to make the procedure smoother. After the main laser manipulations, you will be given a sedative to prevent swelling and inflammation. As a result, you get young, soft and delicate skin. I will contact her again and again and will bring my mother to the clinic! Thank you!

July 31

Name: Lyubov (VAO, Reutovo station)

A friend signed me up for the procedure - it was her gift to me for my anniversary. For the next five procedures, I flew to the salon with great pleasure. Each time a new result appeared. The laser acts very gently and does not penetrate deeper than the dermis, which guarantees complete safety of the procedure. Many of my wrinkles have disappeared, my skin looks fresh and nourished.

08 August

Name: Angelina (Reutov)

Fraxel is a new trend in the world of aesthetic medicine. At a clinic near my home, I tried this method of laser facial rejuvenation. The effect left me in a state of shock. Can you imagine that after four procedures, my crow's feet, eyebrow and nasolabial wrinkles disappeared, and my facial turgor increased? Friends say that I look 35 years old! This is truly an ideal technique to restore youth!

January 11

Name: Alexandra (Ramenki)

In general, I have good skin, but wide pores have always bothered me. A few years ago I became a model, photographers often took my portraits and I never liked them - pores could only be disguised with professional makeup, and even then, not always. Ultimately, I decided to do Fraxel, as this is the only procedure that can solve such problems. In a couple of courses the job was done, I’m very pleased

January 18

Name: Lyudmila (JSC, Lomonosovsky Prospekt)

After breastfeeding three children, my breasts became unattractive and I decided to “touch up” them a little. At first it was scary, but everything turned out to be quick and simple - first the skin was prepared, and then it was treated with a laser for about an hour. To make the breasts ideal it took 8 sessions, with a month break between them. This is quite a long time, but the terrible complications that occur during surgical operations are excluded.

January 24

Name: Nina (South-Western)

The procedure went quickly, there were no unpleasant sensations. Before the laser itself, the skin was numbed, the doctor gave the impression of an experienced and attentive specialist. All liked it.

January 31

Name: Natalya (New Cheryomushki)

I’m already over 30 and Fraxel helps me delay aging. For several years now I have been doing one area every year - after the laser, the skin recovers very quickly. I recommend starting the course in the fall - it is better to avoid bright sun during laser exposure, so I try to plan so that I have time to do everything in the cold season. In the summer I admire the result)

02 February

Name: Valeria (metro station Prospekt Verdaskogo)

I really wanted to remove postpartum stretch marks, but nothing helped - no creams, no oils, no massages. I was always afraid of cosmetic procedures, but there was no way out - only laser can remove stretch marks. I was afraid of side effects, but in vain - the procedure itself is carried out with ice-caine, and after that I don’t feel any pain. The effect is very good - more than two years have passed, and the skin is still as good.

05 February

Name: Vlada (Kaluzhskaya)

I didn't take care of my skin at all when I was young. Because of this, by the time I was 28, my entire face was covered in spots and unevenness from attempts to squeeze out pimples. My husband came home from work one day, picked me up and took me to a cosmetologist to do something about it. I went for a procedure every six months to completely remove all unpleasant marks. Now that the course is over, I see the result - I have never had skin like this, it is clean and smooth. I recommend!

01 October

Name: Irina (Ramenki metro station)

Before coming to the Fraxel procedure at a paid clinic, I read a lot of information in the boarding school about lasers. I was very worried about 2 pigment spots on my neck. All my childhood I dreamed of getting rid of them! And I made up my mind. I was prescribed 4 procedures. I have already done 3. And I noticed, although not great, the result. After all, I took photos before going to DasClinic and took them after each procedure. The effect is noticeable. Friends say that the spots are no longer so visible.

October 16

Name: Natalya (New Cheryomushki metro station)

As I got older, more and more problems appeared on my face. Wrinkles became visible, the oval of the face, as they say, “swimmed”, enlarged pores became noticeable. And I decided on Fraxel. I'm a little meticulous and like to ask. That’s why I asked the clinic not only about the procedure itself, but also about the equipment. Doctor Anna Bogdanova showed me the device and said that it was one of the newest American developments. She explained to me the essence of the procedure. I decided to become a beauty and did the first procedure. After the session, my face was crimson and ached. But they gave me a painkiller cream, which helped significantly. After just one procedure, my face felt fresher, as if I had been on vacation. I decided for myself that I would continue the course.

October 23

Name: Elena (Troparevo)

I was worried about black spots and wen on my face. I always fought with them. I tried a bunch of creams and scrubs, infusions and decoctions. I went several times to different beauty salons. But the effect of all this was negligible. Somehow I accidentally found out about laser rejuvenation using the Fraxel device. And I decided to take a risk. At a consultation at the clinic, the doctor advised me to initially try starting with three procedures. I passed them. The result is noticeable, although the problems remain. I decided that I would take another course.

October 30

Name: Marina (Trekhgorka)

In this clinic, I “tightened” my oval after the second Fraxel procedure. I saw real results with laser rejuvenation. I will complete 3 more procedures recommended by the doctor.

November 02

Name: Larisa (Skolkovo)

I am at an age when all facial and age wrinkles are clearly visible. And masks and creams are no longer as effective as they are advertised. Therefore, I wanted to take more effective measures. I signed up at DasClinic for the FRAXEL Laser Rejuvenation procedure. I was prescribed 3 procedures. I've made one so far. After the procedure it was a little painful, the skin on my face was red for another day. But I noticed a slight effect after the procedure. Expression wrinkles have become less noticeable, and age wrinkles are no longer as deep. I hope that after completing the course completely, the result will please me even more.

Author of the article : Gadzhibekova Liana Gadzhibalaevna - dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist. Work experience more than 7 years. Specializes in injection procedures, contouring and 3D modeling, hardware cosmetology and thread lifting. A regular participant in international forums and congresses dedicated to medical cosmetology. You can view official certificates and supporting documents here.

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Additional information about the service can be found on the official website of the Fraxel laser in Russia - www fraxel ru

Profitable combinations

This procedure can be perfectly combined with various surgical rejuvenation procedures or less radical interventions: for example, it is combined with plasma lifting. Then you can achieve the desired effect faster, and fewer sessions will be needed.

Important ! Skin treatment with Fraxel is not a budget procedure, so for many people the recommended number of sessions is of great importance.

Fraxel can be combined with most treatments

Fractional laser reviews

Customer reviews of this procedure allow us to conclude that the results improve over time. The most striking effect can be seen after 4 months. This time is enough for complete regeneration of skin structures, production of new skin cells, collagen and elastin. Although people notice a lifting effect immediately after manipulations using Fraxel.

After 4 months, the most striking effect of the procedure is visible

Experts report that skin condition improves significantly after light anti-aging procedures. If you use less gentle methods of influence, you can achieve even more tangible results.

Alena , Volgograd

“I decided to use the Fraxel laser to solve several of my skin problems. Although the procedure is expensive, it is worth the money. I am delighted with the result, my skin is just like it was in my youth. I recommend to all!"

Natalya , Sergiev Posad

“I recently treated my skin with Fraxel. I'm still amazed! Of course, it was unpleasant during the procedure, since using the laser causes some pain. However, for the sake of this effect it is worth being patient - the skin is fresh, smooth and beautiful, no defects! Just perfect! If you’re still thinking about whether to use a laser or not, be sure to use it!”

The girls are happy with the procedure

Sofia , Veliky Novgorod

“The cosmetologist suggested that I try the Fraxel laser. I agreed and did not regret it. I really didn’t expect that many skin problems could be solved in such a short time! By the way, I recommend that you do this procedure during your vacation, when you can stay at home for several days, since the skin is red and swollen, and the use of cosmetics is not recommended.”

Fraxel gives excellent results

Kristina , Kirov

“Oh, how I am tormented by my skin, which after forty years is absolutely no good. A friend recommended me to a cosmetology clinic, where the doctor told me about Fraxel. So far I have only had one procedure, but I have already noticed improvements in my skin condition. I recommend!"

Photos before and after

Photos before and after the procedure with Fraxel No. 1 laser

Photos before and after the procedure with Fraxel No. 2 laser

Photos before and after the procedure with Fraxel No. 3 laser

What is the meaning of thermolysis?

Fractional photothermolysis is part of a group of methods of negative stimulation of the skin. During the session, burns with a diameter of 0.1–0.5 mm are applied to the body , which through regeneration processes are required to create a final positive result.
The burns are point-like in nature, and between them there is always a certain amount of intact skin, which makes this procedure less traumatic. Fraxel devices are a modern solution in the fight against scars and wrinkles ; they are suitable for any age and skin type. This is explained by the fact that, unlike ordinary ones, it is not hemoglobin and melanin that are heated, but the water structure of the skin. Fraxel laser devices have a user-friendly interface and follow all the rules for adjusting the depth of the beam and safety. Sessions can be carried out at any time of the year: in summer it is as effective as in winter or autumn.

Main advantages

The Fraxel laser has a number of advantages:

  • Lack of a long rehabilitation period.
  • After the procedure there is minimal risk of complications.
  • It is possible to rejuvenate the face, as well as the arms, abdomen, décolleté, and back.
  • Getting rid of cosmetic defects.
  • With the Fraxel laser, the patient always has a positive effect, unlike other cosmetic sessions in which it is impossible to predict the final result.
  • Permanent and long lasting effect.
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