Department of Reconstructive and Plastic Surgery

The DOCTORPLASTIC clinic successfully uses all modern surgical techniques when performing facial plastic surgery in Moscow. Interventions are usually performed after 40 years of age to correct severe aesthetic problems caused by age-related changes in soft tissue. Operations allow you to model clear contours, eliminate tissue sagging, and smooth out deep expression wrinkles.

Plastic surgery on the face and body

Plastic surgery is rightfully considered the medicine of beauty and youth.
The technologies used and modern scientific developments make it possible to correct and reconstruct any congenital and acquired deficiencies. The experience of leading specialists, high professionalism and the latest technological equipment allows Russian specialists to compete worthily with surgeons from other countries of the world. Reviews of plastic surgery in Moscow indicate the high quality of the operations performed and an excellent final result. Numerous photos of the results of plastic surgery are presented, where many positive changes can be noted.

What is aesthetic surgery?

The purpose of aesthetic surgery is to eliminate or correct age-related or congenital defects. Aesthetic surgery includes plastic and reconstructive types of surgery.

The latter helps to get rid of damage caused by illness or injury.

The history of aesthetic surgery begins from the time of the Egyptian pharaohs. Already in those days, doctors practiced operations to correct cleft lips and amputated noses. The healers of Arabia and Persia also used similar techniques. In India, long before our days, nose reconstruction operations were performed.

The Italian Gaspar Tagliacozzi is considered the progenitor of aesthetic surgery. He is the author of a work devoted to the restoration of damaged noses using tissue from the hand. The treatise was published in 1597. Since this work was significantly ahead of its time, Tagliacozzi’s contemporaries considered it to be contrary to the laws of nature. In this connection, until the 19th century. The development of aesthetic surgery was suspended. Only at the end of the 19th century were articles published that described various methods of plastic surgery. The term “plastic surgery” itself was first used back in 1798 by the natural scientist Desolt. In the 20th century The impetus for the development of aesthetic surgery was the First World War. The injured persons were in need of emergency assistance. There is a need to create specialized surgical centers. Gradually, reconstructive surgery became a large and full-fledged branch of medicine.

Modern plastic surgery is believed to have been founded by the English surgeon Harold Delph Gillies, and modern aesthetic surgery was founded by the Berlin surgeon Jacques Joseph. In 1900, he performed surgery to correct protruding ears.

In 1814, Joseph Carpue, a surgeon from London, removed a bandage from a patient and exclaimed: “My God, it’s a nose!” It was then that an operation was performed to reconstruct the nose from a flap of skin taken from the forehead.

In the 1930s J. Joseph published a book that became the first guide to aesthetic plastic surgery. At the same time, the European surgeon R. Passo developed methods of facelift and breast plastic surgery.

The Second World War also significantly influenced the development of aesthetic surgery. At that time, there was a need to treat complex wounds, burns, frostbite, etc. The experience gained had a significant impact on the rapid development of plastic surgery in the 1960–1980s. During this period, a large number of plastic surgery clinics with modern equipment and qualified specialists appeared around the world.

Some types of aesthetic surgeries

Plastic surgery of the ears

Very often, people who don’t like the shape of their ears turn to such help. It is known that such operations can be performed from the age of seven. Their essence boils down to the fact that an incision is made on the back surface of the ear, from which the ear cartilage is already correctly modeled. After which the wound is sutured and a special bandage is applied, which supports the ears in the correct position for 5-7 days.

Plastic surgery of the upper and (or) lower eyelids

With age, the muscle system weakens, and bags can form under the eyes. If these changes occur in the upper eyelids, then some heaviness appears when opening the eyes.

If on the lower ones, then they become swollen. Eyelid surgery is performed as follows.

An incision is made through which excess fatty tissue is removed, then excess skin is excised. On the upper eyelid, the scar runs along a natural fold, on the lower eyelid, a few millimeters from the eyelash line.

Eyelid surgery requires careful planning. A complication may be an eversion of the eyelid. If this happens, repeat surgery is necessary.

Many people are unhappy with the shape of their nose and seek to change it.

When performing a nose job, incisions are made either from the inside or along the edge of the nostrils or wings of the nose.

Excision of nasal cartilage or bones allows you to change the width or height of the nose, or remove the hump. After the operation, a rigid bandage is applied to the nose, and its cavity is filled with tampons for several days. You can only breathe through your mouth.

The number of practicing plastic surgeons in the world is growing every year. If in the 1960s. Since 907 plastic surgeons worked in the United States, the American Association of Plastic Surgeons currently numbers more than 5,000 professionals.

Circular face lift (face lift)

In terms of volume, this is the largest operation. Its essence comes down to removing excess skin of the face and neck. An incision is made along the temporal part of the ears, goes around them and ends closer to the back of the head in the scalp. Excess skin is excised. Thanks to this operation, nasolabial folds are smoothed, bags under the cheeks disappear, and the upper part of the neck is tightened.

After the operation, swelling, bruising, and numbness in areas of the skin are observed. She recovers in 3–4 months.

Lip correction (cheiloplasty)

This operation is aimed at increasing the volume of the upper and (or) lower lip. An increase or decrease in the red border of the lips is carried out by excision of a strip of skin or mucous membrane, followed by suturing.

As a result, the red border turns outward and the lips become fuller or turns inward so that the lips become narrow.

Quite often, people go to the clinic to remove various benign tumors or tumor formations such as papillomas, birthmarks, spider veins, viral warts, and atheromas. They are removed in different ways - laser, electrocoagulator, liquid nitrogen or excision.

After removal, a histological analysis of the formation is performed.

Removal of post-traumatic scars

It is impossible to completely remove a scar after an injury, but it is possible to make it less noticeable and eliminate scar deformity.

Correction of forehead wrinkles

This operation is performed for horizontal wrinkles in the forehead, low eyebrows or wrinkles between them, creating the impression of knitted eyebrows.

During the operation, an incision is made behind the hairline a few centimeters above the border of the forehead from one ear to the other.

Then the skin of the forehead is separated from the bone to the upper border of the eye socket, and part of the muscle that creates tension and thus is involved in the formation of wrinkles is removed. After this, it becomes possible to stretch the skin, smoothing out the folds.

The skin is pulled back, the excess is removed, and the edges of the wound are sutured.

Correction of forehead wrinkles

There is a modification of this method using an endoscope. In this case, not a continuous incision is made, but several (two) short ones on each side of the forehead, through which, with the help of an inserted endoscope, you can see the surgical field on the monitor screen.

The skin and muscles are separated from the bones of the skull in the same way as in the previous case, after which the skin is pulled up and fixed with sutures.

After the operation, a bandage is applied to the entire head and forehead, which is first changed regularly, and after 2 days is removed completely. At this time, swelling and cyanosis on the eyelids become visible, which will begin to decrease after a week, and after 2 weeks will completely disappear.

The sensitivity of the skin in the forehead area after surgery is usually impaired, and after 2 weeks itching appears, which only goes away after a few months. Immediately after surgery, hair along the scar may fall out, but it begins to grow back after a few weeks.

During the week you should not lift weights, you should sleep on high pillows, but after 10 days you can already go to work.

You are allowed to wash your hair on the 5th day; at the same time, as a rule, it becomes possible to use medical makeup (to disguise bruises on the forehead and around the eyes).

Over the course of a year, it may be problematic to wrinkle your forehead and raise your eyebrows, but gradually this too goes away. It is considered normal if immediately after surgery the eyelids do not close completely.

This operation is also called lifting. It corrects age-related changes in the middle and lower parts of the face. Most often, such correction is resorted to at 40–60 years of age.

Lifting helps to get rid of wrinkles in the cheek area with excess skin, in the case of deep wrinkles between the nose and corners of the mouth, when the natural contours of the lower jaw disappear. Thus, this operation helps if the front surface of the neck becomes sagging and flabby with wrinkles and furrows.

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Lifting is often combined with liposuction, which is performed using a small incision in the chin fold and a special cannula (“duck”), which has a flattened end that allows the tissue to be smoothly separated.

Grape masks are very useful, since the fruit acids contained in the berries help cleanse the skin of dead cells, making it smoother and more attractive.

The operation begins with the introduction of an anesthetic into the area of ​​the surgical field for the purpose of easier tissue detachment (hydropreparation); at the same time, a drug that narrows blood vessels (vasoconstrictor) is injected.

Plastic surgery of the face and neck begins with a skin incision in the temporal region, which is continued along the anterior border of the auricle.

Having reached the earlobe, the incision is made around the auricle from the bottom up and out to the back of the head.

Next, the surgeon performs a wide detachment of the skin of the temples, cheeks, chin and neck.

Face and neck skin tightening using plastic surgery

In order for the tissue to peel off easily, a course of physiotherapy is prescribed before the operation.

The separated skin is taut, the excess is excised, and the soft tissue is sutured (plication). An addition to plication is the so-called platysma plasty - a wide and thin muscle that occupies the front part of the neck with a transition to the lower jaw. The changes occurring in this muscle, in fact, determine the degree of deformation of the lower part of the face and the front surface of the neck.

The skin is peeled off as a single block with part of the platysma, stretched and fixed in a new position, removing excess skin. Despite the fact that most of the incision goes under the hair, when applying a suture it is important to be gentle with the tissue, which allows you to achieve a high-quality scar.

The operation is completed by applying a bandage to the face, which is changed after a few days, and after a week is removed completely. Already on the 3rd day you can go home, but the swelling will last for several more weeks. After removing the bandage, bruising may occur - this is normal and will go away, as will swelling and unevenness. The skin may remain numb for quite some time, but this sensation will gradually disappear.

It is important to remember that bed rest is not recommended after lifting. Of course, you need peace, but at the same time you need to walk around the apartment and do light housework, while being careful. Physical exertion and heavy lifting, smoking and sexual activity should be avoided. You should not take aspirin for 2 weeks, and you should avoid the sun and high temperatures for several more months.

Subject and features of aesthetic surgery

According to the American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons, aesthetic surgery is a field of surgery that deals with changing the appearance, shape and relationships of the anatomical structures of any areas of the human body, which (areas) should not differ significantly in appearance from the norm and take into account the age and ethnic characteristics of a particular person . Cosmetic surgery must be performed in strictly defined situations, in accordance with the decision of a competent specialist and in such a way as not to harm the physical and mental health of the person.

According to the figurative expression of H. Gillies, reconstructive surgery is an attempt to return to normal (after injuries or illnesses, as well as changes natural to human life associated with childbirth and feeding a child).

Cosmetic surgery is an attempt to “exceed” the norm. No one can become a plastic surgeon until he has mastered skills in both areas of surgery and has learned not only to reduce the volume of tissue, but also to increase it, giving the tissue a certain shape. Those who have not achieved this pose a threat to the patient, since in aesthetic surgery, tissue volume reduction is almost always combined with their subsequent modeling, including by adding plastic material. Therefore, every surgeon can remove part of the nasal or breast tissue, but only a few can achieve a good aesthetic result.

The following features of aesthetic surgery can be distinguished: 1) the ultimate goal of aesthetic surgery is not to restore the patient’s lost health, but to improve his quality of life;

2) aesthetic surgery is aimed at improving the appearance of practically healthy people, therefore operations in most cases are performed on normal tissues, although they have changed with age;

3) it is not mandatory, since operations can be performed or not; although refusal to intervene does not directly affect health, age-related changes in a person’s appearance can create a strong inferiority complex in him, which can, in turn, lead to a depressive state that affects his overall health;

4) since aesthetic surgery is not mandatory for the patient, he must pay for it, since the state and insurance companies pay only for those types of operations that are necessary to return a person to a normal state from a state of illness;

5) in 95% of cases the patients are women; this is due to the following reasons: a) the peculiarities of the psychology of women are determined by the fact that for them, in general, appearance is more important than for men;

6) the birth of a child (especially two or more) always significantly changes a woman’s figure, the shape of the mammary glands, and relaxes the anterior abdominal wall; this, in turn, can change family relationships; c) many unmarried women often consider defects in appearance as the reasons for their loneliness; d) for many women, correcting their appearance significantly increases their chances of getting a certain job;

7) patients often consider the desired change in their appearance to be easily achievable, underestimating the complexity and risk of operations.

History of the development of aesthetic surgery

For the first time, aesthetic operations began to be performed in the 19th century. although a sharp leap in the development of this field of surgery occurred at the beginning of the 20th century.

In 1881, a young American surgeon, E.E., described the first operation to correct protruding ears (protruding ears). A year later, in 1882, T. Thomas described a technique for reducing mammary glands when they are oversized.

The beginning of aesthetic rhinoplasty dates back to 1887, when J. Roe published materials on intranasal plastic surgery of the bulbous tip of the nose.

In 1895, the first breast augmentation was performed: V. Czerny replaced the breast tissue removed due to a tumor with tissue from a lipoma removed from the back.

1 year before the beginning of the 20th century. H. Kelly was the first to describe the removal of tissue from the anterior abdominal wall that hung like an “apron” after numerous births. After 2 years, this operation was described in more detail.

In 1906, C. Miller performed eyelid surgery, and a year later, perhaps the first documentary evidence of the results of the operation in photographs appeared in the history of surgery.

The operation of facial skin tightening began to be performed at the beginning of this century: Hollander from 1901 and E. Lexer from 1906. After the First World War in 1918, the first detailed descriptions of this operation appeared. Already in 1926, a book by H. Hunt appeared, in which operations such as lifting the eyebrows and forehead skin through a continuous coronal approach and eliminating a double chin were first described.

However, the rapid progress of aesthetic surgery began in the second half of the 20th century. and every industrialized country has experienced a boom in the popularity of plastic surgery.

Currently, in countries with a high standard of living, aesthetic surgery is the most important field of medicine. It has great social significance, as it can significantly influence the institution of the family and even the development of business.

The role of appearance in a person’s life

Caring about one's appearance is a natural trait of any normal person. Each society has its own standards of beauty and its own hierarchy of values ​​regarding what looks “good” and what looks “bad”. But, despite significant differences, in each society the standards of attractiveness are quite specific. Moreover, since ancient times, the desire to decorate one’s body has manifested itself in a wide variety of forms: from outlandish hairstyles and hair coloring to the use of jewelry and makeup, from tattoos and various clothes to piercing of nostrils and ears, etc. Modern patients, coming to a cosmetic surgeon, purely are asked to consider the appearance of those people whom they want or do not want to be like as a criterion.

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Appearance plays a huge role in the life of a modern person (Diagram 34.3.1).

Mutual attraction of the sexes. The most important task of man as a biological species is procreation, and appearance plays a key role in its solution. For a young woman, being liked by men means getting married and starting a family on time, receiving more positive emotions from sexual relationships and generally from communicating with people. All this makes a person’s life happier, even if he is no longer young. Let's not forget that people retain the ability to love even after 60 years, and at this age the problem of appearance can remain extremely important.

Family relationships. The appearance of both husband and wife changes over time. More changes occur in a woman, who is significantly affected by pregnancy, birth and feeding a child. If after childbirth an “apron” forms on the anterior abdominal wall, if the previously beautiful mammary glands catastrophically shrink and sag, and the hips become disproportionately fat, then a woman’s sexual attractiveness can significantly decrease, which often gives rise to very acute family problems.

Another typical situation is a significant age difference: a wife is older than her husband or an older man is married to a young woman. And in this case, eliminating age-related changes for the eldest spouse is a powerful incentive, the implementation of which can strengthen the family.

In general, the husband’s reaction to his wife’s desire to undergo plastic surgery is of great importance in aesthetic surgery, since depending on the husband’s attitude towards the operation, the surgeon has an ally or an enemy in him.

The husband's reaction to his wife's possible operation can be of several types. 1. Positive-neutral reaction, when the husband does not object to the operation and finances the treatment, although he claims that he “likes his wife anyway.” These husbands are ultimately the surgeon's allies.

2. A positive active reaction if the husband brings his wife by the hand and actually explains to the surgeon what changes she (and in fact, he) wants to make to her appearance. In these cases, the wife does not always want to undergo surgery, but is forced to agree under pressure from her husband. And in this case, improving the wife’s sexual attractiveness helps improve family relationships. However, the surgeon sometimes has to limit the husband's wishes and make efforts to create a more positive attitude towards the operation in the patient.

3. Negative-neutral, when the husband is against the operation, but, nevertheless, does not express a categorical prohibition, leaving the wife to solve her problems herself.

4. Negative-active - the husband categorically prohibits the operation. However, in some cases, the wife takes advantage of the temporary absence of her husband to perform the operation at her own peril and risk and at her own expense. R. Goldwyn (1991) considers this situation potentially dangerous for the surgeon, since in some cases the husband and wife may unite against him, making unfounded claims about the results of the intervention.

Self-perception as an important part of worldview. The extent to which a person likes or dislikes himself largely determines the quality of his life and the incentive to change his appearance. At the same time, a person perceives his appearance and himself as an important part of the world around him, and deterioration in appearance means for him a decrease in the quality of life. Individual volitional qualities (along with other important circumstances) are expressed in the following main types of people’s reactions to deterioration of self-esteem.

Positive-passive - a person is satisfied with his appearance, but does nothing to maintain it. Smoking and excess body weight lead to a rapid loss of previously good external data, after which there may be an incentive for surgery.

Positively active - a woman takes care of her appearance and figure, maintaining her slim and graceful appearance, and is inclined to turn to a surgeon very early, since she is not satisfied with even the initial signs of aging. Many of these patients undergo multiple surgeries, performing a variety of different types of procedures.

Negative-conciliatory - a person is dissatisfied with his appearance, but does nothing.

Negative-decisive - the patient does not seek to improve her appearance through surgery, she is ready to undergo it under the pressure of circumstances (for example, if family relationships or professional standards suddenly demand it).

Unreasonably critical - minimal deviations from beauty standards are dramatized. The patient is determined only for perfection, so he will evaluate the results of any operation as unsatisfactory. Appearance as an important attribute of the profession.

A number of professions can be identified for which beautiful appearance is a necessary and mandatory condition (artists, television announcers, show businessmen, fashion models, etc.). This category of patients is small in number, and they place increased demands on the results of operations. The most famous of these patients tend to be operated on by the most famous and “expensive” surgeons, for whom they create good advertising.

Business representatives, both men and women, apply much more often. For them, appearance is an important, although not the main, indicator. Pragmatic living conditions force them to undergo operations, since the competitiveness of a person with a younger appearance increases significantly and also gives a greater effect in working with people. That is why a significant part of the plastic surgeon’s patients are businesswomen executives.

IN AND. Arkhangelsky, V.F. Kirillov

Plastic surgery. This trend has gained unprecedented popularity and continues to gain momentum. Still would! After all, any defects in appearance can be corrected in just a few hours and in a couple of weeks you can flaunt a new nose, lips or waist. But what exactly is hidden behind this term? What types and methods are used to create a new, perfect look? Read this article for details.

About plastic surgery

Plastic surgery is a separate area of ​​medicine where surgery is performed to eliminate external defects of the skin, tissues or organs. The very name “plastic” comes from the Latin “Plastikos”, which means shaping, sculpting. So it turns out that the work of plastic surgeons is akin to artistic art, where it is necessary to sculpt a new look for the patient, hiding all external defects and creating a perfect image.

Types of plastic surgery

The term plastic surgery has a general meaning and under it there are many areas hidden, which can be divided into two types:

  • Reconstructive surgery;
  • Aesthetic surgery.
  • Each direction has its own characteristics, and practicing doctors solve different problems when using one or another method.

    Reconstructive surgery

    The very concept of reconstruction means restoration. Therefore, the name fully reflects the essence of the task of surgeons - they must reconstruct, normalize deformed tissues or organs and correct defects resulting from injuries, mutilations or congenital diseases.

    In most cases, reconstructive plastic surgery is the only way to return the patient to a normal, human appearance.

    The scope of reconstructive surgery is incredibly broad and this type of surgery is indicated for:

  • Post-traumatic changes in the shape of certain parts of the body, organs or tissues;
  • Extensive burns that require skin grafting;
  • Rough and hard scars that cannot be removed in any other way;
  • The presence of benign neoplasms on the skin that need to be eliminated.

According to statistics, the effectiveness of reconstructive surgery is more than 90%. That is, cases of tissue rejection or results that are unsatisfactory for patients do not occur very often.

Important! If an operation to reconstruct tissues or organs is recommended for medical reasons, then it can be performed absolutely free of charge under the compulsory medical insurance policy. Before contacting a paid clinic, consult a surgeon.

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Aesthetic surgery

If reconstructive surgery helps the patient get rid of defects and return to normal, then aesthetic surgery is intended rather to exceed this norm. Here we are talking about either a radical change in appearance, or minor adjustments that are needed in order to achieve an ideal appearance. Another important difference between aesthetic surgery is that it is not mandatory and is carried out solely at the request of the client, while reconstructive intervention is most often a mandatory prescription of the attending physician, without which further treatment is impossible.

In 95% of cases, patients at aesthetic surgery clinics are women. This is not at all surprising, because who, if not the ladies, should take care of their appearance and constantly improve, trying not only to preserve, but also to increase their beauty and attractiveness. However, before going to the clinic, you should carefully weigh all the advantages and disadvantages of the operation and recalculate your finances, since you will have to pay a considerable amount for this type of surgical intervention.


Plastic surgery performed on the mammary glands to change their shape or size is called mammoplasty. Depending on what the patient’s goal is, either the skin and glandular tissues are sutured, or a special prosthesis is implanted into the chest.

With the help of mammoplasty, you can not only enlarge, but also reduce your breasts, giving them the desired shape.

Medical indications for surgery are:

  • Macropathy is large breasts that complicate the patient’s life and look extremely unaesthetic.
  • Breast ptosis is a drooping of the mammary glands that occurs after breastfeeding or due to other circumstances.
  • Micromastia is very small breasts. Most often, this is a congenital pathology and the shape can only be changed through surgery and sewing in an implant.

Before the operation, an ultrasound is prescribed and all necessary laboratory tests of blood composition are carried out. Two weeks before plastic surgery, patients are advised to give up cigarettes, as they significantly weaken blood flow, and stop using any hormonal medications, including contraceptives. The operation can last from 2 to 4 hours.

Contraindications to mammoplasty are: any oncological and infectious diseases, the period of breastfeeding, when lactation is not yet completed and too young age (under 18 years). In all other cases, the decision about the possibility of breast enlargement or reduction is made by a plastic surgeon, guided by the patient’s health condition.

Eyelid surgery to change the shape of the eyes and the shape of the eyelids is called blepharoplasty.

Premature wrinkles, bags under the eyes, excess fatty tissue - all these problems can be solved with blepharoplasty.

Most often, the indication for surgery is the formation of excess fatty tissue and skin that hangs over and under the eyes, forming unsightly bags. This may be due to age-related changes or be the result of sudden weight loss. With this procedure, you can literally “open” your eyes, making your look more youthful and the skin around the eyes firm and toned.

Blepharoplasty is strictly contraindicated for:

  • Oncological, infectious and hypertensive diseases.
  • Diabetes mellitus. The only exception is stage 1 diabetes, in which surgeons undertake surgery.
  • Flu, colds and even a slight increase in temperature.

Also, the operation is not recommended for people who have problems with the thyroid gland and during menstruation.

One of the most sought after and popular cosmetic surgeries to remove fat deposits. The name of the procedure has bilingual roots - English and Latin. Literally translated from Latin, “lipos” is fat, and in the English dictionary there is the word “suction”, which means “suction”. The result was a medical term that fully explains the principle of the operation.

The procedure is carried out using a special vacuum device that creates negative pressure and a tube that is inserted into the fat layer.

With the help of liposuction, you can eliminate local problems and improve individual areas of the body. The procedure can be performed on the stomach and thighs, as well as on the face, chin and arms.

As a result of the operation of this “vacuum cleaner,” adipose tissue is destroyed and instantly removed from under the skin. Experts disagree on the recommended amount of fat that can be removed in one procedure. Some surgeons believe that it is impossible to suck out more than 1-3 liters in 1 session, and in some clinics the doctor can remove up to 8 liters of fat without any dire consequences.

Typically, indications for the procedure include excess fat deposits in the hips, abdomen, back, cheeks, chin, etc. In 95% of cases, women who dream of an ideal figure and perfect body proportions resort to liposuction.

Contraindications to liposuction are:

  • Thrombophlebitis or varicose veins in areas of the body that require correction;
  • Oncology and hypertension;
  • Obesity associated with disruptions in the endocrine system;
  • Diabetes;
  • Poor blood clotting.

Heart failure, gastric ulcer, and liver and kidney dysfunction also serve as negative factors when deciding to undergo surgery. As a rule, before the procedure, an extensive examination is carried out and all possible risks are identified in order to prevent the possibility of complications.

The first mention of rhinoplasty was found in an Ayurvedic manuscript that was written in India more than a thousand years BC. The first practicing surgeons straightened the shape of the nose with the help of two polished, durable sticks, which they inserted into both nostrils.

Rhinoplasty will help eliminate defects and correct the shape of the nose.

Millennia have passed since then, and the technique of correcting the shape of the nose has undergone significant changes. Now this procedure is absolutely painless for the patient, and indications for its implementation may include:

  • Deformation of the shape of the nose (hump, downturned tip, curvature of the nasal septum);
  • Difficulty breathing through the nose;
  • The wings of the nose are too wide;
  • The patient's burning desire to make his nose perfect.

Rhinoplasty can be performed using different methods, and which one the surgeon will use depends on the complexity of the defect being corrected and the result that the patient wants to obtain.

Despite the small area of ​​tissue that undergoes change during surgery, contraindications to the procedure still exist:

  • Age. Rhinoplasty is contraindicated for patients under 18 and after 40. The only exception may be post-traumatic changes in the shape of the nose, requiring reconstructive intervention.
  • Oncological diseases.
  • Acne, acne, rash located at the surgical site.
  • Diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.
  • Poor blood clotting.

The decision about the possibility of performing an operation is made by the operating surgeon, who first studies the outpatient chart and the results of laboratory tests.


Correction of defects and deformations of the ears is called otoplasty. The procedure is used to correct the shape of the ears and give them a more aesthetic shape. Accordingly, indications for surgery may include ordinary protruding ears or an unattractive shape of the ears, as well as various congenital or acquired defects as a result of injuries.

With the help of otoplasty, you can get rid of protruding ears, change the shape or completely reconstruct the ear.

At the moment, there are more than 150 methods of ear correction, and the plastic surgeon chooses the method of performing the procedure depending on the extent of the operated area and the result that needs to be achieved.

Contraindications to the procedure are standard: acute infectious diseases, oncology and diabetes, as well as poor blood clotting. The doctor may consider various ENT diseases that the patient suffered from as a negative factor, so you must take your outpatient card to an appointment with a plastic surgeon.

Plastic surgery is not limited to only the operations presented above. A patient who contacts the clinic can correct the shape of the lips, correct the oval of the face or the lines of the buttocks, and even undergo intimate plastic surgery. The only limitation is your health condition, which must be carefully checked before going under the operating knife.

News MirTesen

Plastic surgery in Moscow

Moscow is a city where the best plastic surgery centers are located, staffed by experienced specialists who charge affordable prices for the procedures performed.

The best plastic surgery surgeons in Moscow have compiled a unique rating of the most popular and in-demand surgical operations:

  • rhinoplasty - aesthetic correction of the natural shape of the nose;
  • liposuction is a procedure for removing excess subcutaneous fat;
  • blepharoplasty - high-quality eyelid correction, removal of age-related changes;
  • lifting - aesthetic lip lift, elimination of sagging skin, aesthetic correction of the chin;
  • abdominoplasty - remodeling the shape of the abdomen after pregnancy or sudden weight loss;
  • Mammoplasty is a technology for increasing breast volume using implants.

Before a plastic surgery procedure is performed, before and after photos of the patient are taken to evaluate the results obtained.

When is it recommended to have facial plastic surgery?

Aesthetic surgery allows you to eliminate:

  • deep wrinkles (facial and static) on the forehead, cheeks, around the mouth (including nasolabial folds);
  • ptosis (drooping) of soft tissues along the lower contour of the face, in the area of ​​the upper eyelid and cheeks;
  • age-related changes in eye shape (drooping of the outer corners);
  • fat deposits, skin folds under the lower jaw (double chin).

The best plastic surgery center in Moscow

Among the best plastic surgery clinics, the medical clinic rightfully occupies a high place in the ranking. And it’s clear why. A team of experienced specialists in their field works here. Successful work and high results are achieved by combining the professionalism and experience of surgeons using high-class equipment.

Many metropolitan clinics have a plastic surgery department, but not every one is equipped with such the latest equipment as the OLYMP CLINIC plastic surgery and cosmetology clinic in Moscow. All modern technical developments are fully used by the center’s specialists. Reviews about the plastic surgery clinic can be read on the official website.

Hospital stay

The excellent results that plastic surgeons achieve in their work would be impossible without modern operating rooms and a surgical hospital. Our clinic performs high-tech, minimally invasive operations using endoscopic equipment. The operating room of the medical center is equipped with modern surgical instruments, including unique laser devices. Our surgical, anesthesiological and rehabilitation equipment meets strict European quality and safety standards.

The clinic's doctors have developed an effective postoperative course of medical rehabilitation. Patients are in a hospital with comfortable rooms, where they receive round-the-clock care and balanced nutrition. An individual set of rehabilitation measures is developed for each person.

Prices for plastic surgery

The real cost of plastic surgery is constantly changing, but it is necessary to understand that there are no cheap and high-quality services. The price at a plastic surgery center depends on a number of factors, including the type and method of surgical intervention, its complexity, the type of anesthesia used, the use of medical equipment, the level of professionalism and qualifications of surgeons. Promotions for plastic surgery operations are periodically held. It is possible to carry out plastic surgery procedures in Moscow in installments.

The plastic and aesthetic surgery clinic "OLYMP CLINIC" is waiting for its patients, guaranteeing attentive attention, a professional approach to all issues and a high-quality and long-term effect. The plastic surgery clinic "OLYMP CLINIC" guarantees the quality of all types of medical services provided, provided that patients comply with all the instructions of leading doctors.

Facial plastic surgery methods

The DOCTORPLASTIC clinic performs any innovative aesthetic surgeries that have been clinically proven to be effective and safe.

  • Thread lifting - intradermally implanted threads form a strong frame that smoothes and tightens the skin. Its subsequent reinforcement with its own connective tissue (collagen fibers) enhances and maintains the created lifting effect.
  • Plastic surgery of the neck and lower third of the face - the manipulation consists of excision of skin and fatty tissue, tightening and fixation of the neck muscle (platysmaplasty) to model a beautifully defined, clear oval face and correct a double chin.
  • Middle part lift - age-related tissue ptosis provokes the formation of folds in the cheek area and perioral area, drooping of the corners of the mouth. Surgical manipulations can eliminate age-related deformities and form toned contours of the cheekbones and cheeks.
  • Plastic surgery of the upper part of the face - by excision of excess skin, redistribution or removal of fatty tissue in the eyelid area, aesthetic surgeons will return an open, fresh look, as well as even out folds, wrinkles on the forehead and bridge of the nose.
  • Circular plastic surgery – a full facelift is recommended if there are aesthetic defects in all areas. The result of the operation is a pronounced lifting effect and elastic skin with a perfectly smooth texture.
  • SMAS lifting - allows you to restore the oval of the face at the level of the muscular aponeurotic layer. This deep correction technique has a stable, long-lasting effect.

Our facial plastic surgery is:

  • development of individual tactics of surgical intervention - a combination of innovative surgical techniques in each specific case provides a pronounced rejuvenating effect after facial plastic surgery while maintaining the naturalness of features, including facial movements;
  • high-quality European endoscopic equipment, progressive local techniques that guarantee the least invasiveness of the intervention, reduce the duration of soft tissue recovery, and reduce pain during rehabilitation.

General characteristics of the direction

Aesthetic medicine was formed before our era. From time immemorial, people were dissatisfied with their own appearance and tried to correct it by all possible methods. The first plastic surgeons corrected the nose by transplanting skin from the cheeks and forehead, corrected the figure, eliminated the “cleft lip” and varied the size of the breasts. The foundation for modern surgery was laid at the beginning of the 19th century. The development of antiseptics and the formation of basic techniques of aesthetic medicine are attributed to this period.


  • General characteristics of the direction
  • How to become a plastic surgeon?
  • Trends and popular operations in surgery
  • About risks and unsuccessful operations
  • How to choose a plastic surgeon?

Modern plastic surgery attracts high earnings, which does not benefit the profession itself. Young specialists choose a direction not according to the will of their hearts, but for the purpose of their own enrichment, although any other professional doctors receive an equally decent salary. The media creates a similar aura around the trend, since plastic surgery is as close as possible to show business and politics. News about dental caries or ARVI of an ordinary celebrity is not as interesting to the audience as information about breast augmentation or blepharoplasty. In fact, any specialist who does his job well receives not only a decent salary, but fame and recognition.

Surgery has advanced significantly over the past decade. Doctors learn from experience, undergo internships in world-famous companies, give lectures and perform demonstration operations. Additionally, technological progress also influences work. Modern instruments make work easier, hide the consequences of surgery and minimize injuries.

Types of plastic surgeries

There are only 2 types of intervention – aesthetic and reconstructive. Aesthetic plastic surgeries are tied to beauty standards and deviations from them. Surgeons help the patient feel beautiful, get rid of complexes, far-fetched problems and significantly improve their perception of life. There are many opponents of aesthetic medicine. They argue that only a weak person without his own opinion and a holistic “I” can go under the knife. Remember - internal harmony is much more important than public opinion about your external parameters. Don't be afraid to change, even if it means going through the operating table.

Aesthetic surgeries include (the organs or parts of the body that undergo intervention are indicated in brackets):

  • blepharoplasty (eyelids), frontfilling (eyebrows/forehead), cheiloplasty (lips), otoplasty (ears), malarplasty (cheekbones), mentoplasty (chin);
  • facelift, rhytidectomy (general facial rejuvenation);
  • rhinoplasty or septoplasty (nose);
  • mammoplasty (breast);
  • abdominoplasty or liposuction (stomach);
  • gluteoplasty (buttocks);
  • vaginoplasty (vagina), hymenoplasty (hymen), labiaplasty (labia minora/major), phalloplasty (penis), preputioplasty (foreskin);
  • torsoplasty, panniculectomy (skin);
  • brachioplasty (arms), cruroplasty (legs), platysmoplasty (neck);
  • hair transplantation.

To eliminate defects/deformations of tissues and organs and restore them, reconstructive operations are performed. Such intervention is necessary for victims of accidents, patients who have suffered serious illnesses or were born with congenital disorders. In this case, we are talking not only about the external component, but also about a healthy functional life. For example, tissue transplantation after multiple burns, dissection of fused limbs, correction of the nose, which interfered with normal breathing, restoration of the body after tumors, etc.

About risks and unsuccessful operations

Any surgical intervention is associated with certain risks for humans. There are no simple operations and all of them can be fraught with complications. Even in therapeutic cosmetology, there are cases when patients suffer. Why is this happening? There are only 2 reasons - the incompetence of the doctor or a specific feature of the body. In aesthetic surgery, it is customary to refuse intervention if the doctor has the slightest doubt about a successful outcome, despite the money or status offered.

Surgery is not always successful. In some cases, the surgeon himself recognizes the work done as a failure and offers to compensate for the harm/perform a repeat operation on the patient. If the client is dissatisfied with the result, and the clinic refuses to enter into a dialogue with him, he has every right to sue. Usually the law is on the patient's side, provided that the doctor was truly negligent.

Often clients are not satisfied with the final appearance because their expectations are too high. A person does not take into account temporary swelling, edema, bruise, which will disappear over time, or is simply not ready for changes. In such cases, it is best to work with a psychologist. To avoid such problems, medical practitioners discuss in detail with the patient the actions, results, follow-up care and recovery.

How to become a plastic surgeon?

First, the future doctor must receive a basic medical education in the specialty “medicine”. About 6 years pass between the start of university studies and practical work (excluding practice). But even after this period, the doctor may not be allowed to perform operations. After 6 years of training, a specialist goes to an internship or residency for at least 2 years. There he works with more experienced doctors and only after that begins to work independently.

In the post-Soviet space, the specialty appeared not so long ago and is considered relatively young. There were plastic surgeons in the Soviet Union, but training and specialized training in the field were not provided. Services were provided in large clinics in the capitals of the union republics, but the public had little interest in them due to limited access and high prices. After the collapse of the USSR, reconstructive surgeons retrained as aesthetic medicine surgeons.

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