Reviews of microcurrent lifting device M1605 and M1603 Gezatone

Today we will show you real reviews of the microcurrent lifting device M1605 and M1603 Gezatone, which are very often used at home. The aging process begins in the skin after 25 years. But at this age they are not yet so noticeable, especially if the young lady constantly takes care of her face. But there comes a time when the use of anti-aging creams and other cosmetics no longer brings the desired result.

The thing is that the level of production of collagen, elastin and other beneficial substances necessary for elasticity, youth and radiant skin color decreases. This is where various technical “tricks” come to the rescue - devices for carrying out rejuvenating procedures at home.

How does the Gezatone lifting device work?

Gezatone facial massagers have a double effect. The lifting effect with the help of microcurrents stimulates the production of all necessary substances, accelerates metabolic processes and blood circulation, and improves the condition of the skin.

Acting not only on the skin directly on the surface, but also on the deep layers of the epidermis, as well as the dermis. The effect is achieved after the first procedure and gradually accumulates as the body begins to produce the necessary compounds (in particular neocollagen and hyaluronic acid).

This is exactly how manufacturers position their products in this segment. Client reviews will tell you what is actually observed.

Find out the opinion of a cosmetologist about using devices with microcurrents at home:

Possible consequences

The first days after the treatment, the skin is more sensitive; slight swelling, swelling and redness are observed. These are normal phenomena, they do not require treatment and go away on their own.

Possible complications include:

  • burns with blisters;
  • cones;
  • the effect of tissue oppression, which is accompanied by the formation of dimples on the face. Its appearance is associated with uneven heating (overheating) of skin areas, promoting atrophy of adipose tissue;
  • the appearance of pigment spots;
  • tissue scarring;
  • herpes rash.

Complications after RF lifting are an expression of insufficient experience and professionalism of the cosmetologist, omission of existing contraindications and dishonest attitude towards preparation and rehabilitation on the part of the client.

Reviews for microcurrent lifting device M1605 Gezatone

Let us immediately note that you need to buy products of this action only in specialized stores or on certified sites. If you are given a device that is faulty or of poor quality, then the most harmless consequence will be the absence of results. But it may well be that using such a “miracle of technology” will harm your appearance or even your health.

Carefully read the instructions before purchasing, ask for a warranty card and inquire about the possibility of replacing the unit in case of defects or repairing it if necessary.

Learn more about the M1605 device from the video:

Olga, 32 years old, Tver

“My sister gave me a Gezatone M1605 lifting device for my birthday. She knows that I have not yet decided to take more radical measures to rejuvenate. Along with the “machine” she brought gels, creams and serums. The next day she came and directly forced me to do the procedure.

I’ll say right away – it doesn’t hurt, it’s even pleasant. I enjoyed the sessions once every two days for a month. The effect is visible - wrinkles around the eyes have practically smoothed out, the skin has become smoother, and its color has improved. I don’t know, maybe after a salon procedure the result is more significant, but this suits me too.”

Maria, 45 years old, Samara

“It’s all nonsense and fairy tales. I didn't see the result at all. Massage and massage. The cream is simply absorbed better. It is impossible to compare with salon rejuvenation procedures - although the recovery period can be significant, the appearance afterwards will please you for many months. Better to go to the professionals"

Ilona, ​​27 years old, Moscow

“I bought the Gezatone M1605 lifting device on the recommendation of my cosmetologist to eliminate problems with acne marks. I used it for a month, as indicated in the instructions. The result was pleasing - the marks became significantly smaller. The doctor says that after the second course they will disappear altogether.”

Lyudmila, 49 years old, Kazan

“I have clear contraindications for some anti-aging procedures (mesotherapy and biorevitalization). The rest, which I can do, I can bear very poorly and with difficulty. Therefore, for me, almost the only way out is home hardware lifting. So far I’m completely satisfied with Gezatone M1605”

Oksana, 48 years old, Syzran

“Girls, as an intermediate stage between homemade masks and salon peelings, beauty injections and others like that, is a completely possible option.”

Recommended for you: reviews of the M1601 Gezatone RF lifting device for face and body.

Step-by-step procedure

A radiofrequency face lifting session is a short procedure, it will take no more than 30 minutes. It is carried out in the following order:

  1. First of all, cleanse the skin well using a special product. This is necessary to get rid of makeup residues, to remove particles of fat and sweat, dirt, and dust from the face.
  2. In a beauty salon, they additionally use an anesthetic gel (cream) for 15–20 minutes. Devices for home radiofrequency lifting are gentler and not as deep, so there is no need for anesthesia.
  3. Depending on the equipment used and the experience of the cosmetologist, special markings may be applied. Its task is to ensure a uniform effect on the skin, eliminating omissions of entire areas.
  4. When working with monopolar devices, a pad (for grounding) is placed under the back or on the stomach. Modern equipment with bipolar and monopolar tips does not require this.
  5. To ensure better glide of the nozzle and ensure easy penetration of pulses into the client’s skin, a special gel is used.
  6. At the next stage, the cosmetologist treats the entire surface of the face with radio waves. Areas with more severe problems need re-exposure. The patient feels a slight warmth.
  7. Upon completion of the lifting, the remaining gel is removed from the face.
  8. The skin is moisturized with cream.

Reviews for microcurrent lifting device M1603 Gezatone

The Gezatone company invites its users to also try the M1603 lifting device.

A video review of the M1603 device can be viewed below:

Carolina, 31 years old, Moscow

“A comfortable thing that fits well in the hand, does not slip and does not cause unpleasant sensations both tactilely and during the procedure on the face. The folds near the lips and in the corners of the eyes smoothed out almost after the first two sessions. I’ll finish the course soon and will certainly write about my impressions.”

Irina, 29 years old, Novosibirsk

“It eliminates acne marks very well, but only if you use the right gel, apply sunscreen when going outside and apply regularly. Verified"

Victoria, 42 years old, Samara

“I don’t know whether to believe what they write on the forums or whether manufacturers simply filter reviews of their products, but there is very little negativity, and there should be some, at least for reasons of common sense. After all, not every person likes red or black caviar, but this does not make it cheaper or change its qualities.

The M1603 Gezatone lifting device is another scam. It brings absolutely no benefit, it’s like massaging your face with your hands. This is my personal opinion based on using this product.

Tatyana, 48 years old, St. Petersburg

“For those who, because of fear, do not want to or do not have time to visit beauty salons, the M1603 Gezatone lifting device will become a reliable friend in achieving the desired results in improving their appearance, without any special restrictions or recovery period.”

Natalya, 38 years old, Tver

“If you want to achieve an ideal appearance, then you must visit a beauty salon. And Gezatone will only help maintain the achieved effect for a longer time. It will really help.”

Advantages and disadvantages

Radiofrequency rejuvenation is one of the most popular hardware techniques. The advantages of the procedure include:

  • painless effect, rarely requires the use of anesthetic cream;
  • exclusion of tissue damage and injury;
  • quick effect;
  • the natural process of rejuvenation starts;
  • lasting result, the effect lasts up to 3 years;
  • does not take much time, the procedure lasts about half an hour;
  • a wide range of indications;
  • does not limit by age and skin type;
  • minimum side effects;
  • The rehabilitation period is hidden, so you can do normal activities, go to work.

The main disadvantage of radio wave rejuvenation is the high cost of the course of therapy. Plus, for mature patients, RF lifting alone is not enough; the cosmetologist prescribes it as an addition to the main, more complex rejuvenation procedure. The disadvantages of the technique include an impressive list of contraindications.

Where is it better to perform a lift: in a salon or at home?

If radiofrequency lifting is used to solve certain, pronounced skin problems, then the help of a specialist will be more effective. Plus the risk of complications and side effects is minimal.

To prevent skin aging and smooth out minor signs of age, home procedures are sufficient. But keep in mind that you need to study the technology and subtleties of implementation; it is recommended to undergo appropriate training and consult a cosmetologist about the presence of contraindications.

Opinion of cosmetologists

Cosmetologists have a positive attitude towards radiofrequency face lifting, using it as an independent procedure or in combination with other rejuvenation techniques. The procedure is aimed at self-rejuvenation, launching the active synthesis of your own collagen with minimal risks of unpleasant consequences - this is always welcome.

Here are the tips cosmetologists give when choosing devices for lifting with radiofrequency pulses:

There are also conflicting views about the effectiveness of therapy and equipment. We offer one of them:

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