How to hide a scar: highly effective makeup techniques and other methods

Since scarification came into fashion, many people began to think about how to make a scar. Scarification or scarification is a trend in bodyification, which began with the ancient tribes of South Africa. At that time, scars were not a means of decoration, but rather a way of informing another person. With the help of the scar, it was possible to determine which class the bearer belongs to and what his social position is in the tribe. What do scars mean now, and how are they applied to the skin?

Laser resurfacing of scars on the face: indications and contraindications

Laser removal of facial scars is indicated to eliminate the consequences of:

  • Plastic surgeries.
  • Unsuccessful cosmetic procedures to eliminate acne.
  • Chicken pox.
  • Thermal burns.
  • Traces of animal bites, ticks, and other insects.

The procedure can be performed in the area of ​​the nose, eyebrows, neck, near the lips, in the chin area, on the hands, and other open areas of the body.

Despite its high efficiency, laser resurfacing of facial scars is not performed:

  • During menstruation, pregnancy.
  • With exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  • For viral and infectious diseases.
  • With high blood pressure and body temperature.
  • Purulent, allergic rashes on the skin.

In these cases, correction of the skin condition will have to be postponed to a more favorable time.

The procedure has a number of contraindications. These include:

  • Mental and psychosomatic disorders, epilepsy.
  • Thyroid gland dysfunction.
  • Some cardiovascular diseases.
  • Oncology and diabetes mellitus.
  • Poor blood clotting, leukemia.

You can clarify contraindications in detail with a cosmetologist, who will select an individual method for correcting aesthetic deficiencies.

Why shave a strip on the eyebrows: meaning

After their massive appearance in the 2000s, eyebrow scar stripes became an indispensable attribute of youth boy bands and rappers. Such stars collected in their image all the brightest and loudest fashion trends - tattoos, bright coloring, asymmetry in haircuts, piercings, etc.

An eyebrow strip was the easiest and most accessible way to get closer to an idol without causing negativity from parents and school.

It is worth mentioning some small nationalities and tribes whose tradition is to make scars not only on the eyebrows, but also on other parts of the body. Similar versions of specific decorations can be found in films about Vikings. Such notches have a variety of meanings - to show the brutality and luck of a warrior, to decorate a woman’s body, etc. But what can influence the decision of a modern fashionista to shave a stripe-scar on his eyebrows? And what could such a sign mean, other than the desire to attract the attention of others.

Scar on the eyebrows in men

With men everything is quite simple. As a rule, the desire to make a small scar above the eye is associated with the desire to look more brutal. But this does not mean that a stripe cannot make a man’s look different. If a round shape is chosen, the look will soften; if it is sharp-angled, it will become more severe and sharp.

A competent master, using a shaved strip on the eyebrows, can slightly change a man’s facial features and correct them.

Interesting: to explain the desire of men to make a small stripe on their eyebrows, similar to a scar, you need to remember the well-known expression - scars adorn men. And then everything becomes clear.

Scar on the eyebrows of guys

But the desire of young people to make such decor is explained somewhat differently. Usually, this means belonging to a certain subculture. For example, the latest trend among trendy Korean idols is eyebrow stripes.

Don't forget that boys are very active people. Bicycles, scooters, roller skates and skateboards are an excellent supplier of fashionable scars (and not just on the eyebrows). We can only advise you not to wait for such a scar to heal, but to design the area. This will allow you to be trendy, tell girls about the “battle with the dragon”, in which you received an impressive and so fashionable scar.

Scar on the eyebrows of girls

If anyone thinks that the fashion for eyebrow scarring has bypassed girls, this is not so. Of course, girls can be no less tomboys and the stripe becomes the result of a common injury. But the decision to make a decorative scar on the eyebrow can be a conscious one.

By the way, girls often decide to do not just one, but several at once. In addition, both eyebrows are often subjected to such unusual decoration. A scarred eyebrow makes the eyes more prominent and bright.

Preparation for the procedure

If laser removal of facial scars is planned, you should:

  • Refuse to visit the beach, solarium, sauna, bathhouse.
  • Avoid using cosmetics with high alcohol content.
  • Adjust your diet according to your doctor's recommendations.
  • Consult on the use of contraceptives, sedatives, vasodilators, hormonal drugs, antibiotics.
  • Refrain from chemical peelings and other cosmetic procedures related to skin cleansing and rejuvenation, unless this is agreed upon with the cosmetologist who will perform laser removal of scars on the face.

Your cosmetologist will give you these and other recommendations when drawing up a plan for laser procedures.

Traditional methods for scars after dissection

Traditional medicine is rich in recipes for home use based on available ingredients. Products for use at home stimulate blood flow and metabolism in scars, which speeds up their healing. Cocoa butter, parsley juice, cinnamon, and honey, when used regularly, remove the contrast between healthy and scar tissue, making the defect less noticeable. Lotions made from eucalyptus oil, aloe juice, and onion pulp remove traces of herpes and vitaminize the skin. The scar becomes susceptible to the effects of cosmetic manipulations, and treatment is easier. If epithelization of the injury has occurred, you should not self-medicate, the effect will be insignificant. You should consult a doctor.

Stages of the procedure

In order for laser resurfacing of facial scars to have maximum effect without side effects for the health and beauty of the patient, the procedure is carried out in several stages:

  • Consultation with a specialist to identify individual indications, possible contraindications and draw up a correction schedule.
  • Carrying out the necessary additional tests and examinations.
  • The preparatory period, which is necessary to eliminate side effects.
  • The procedure itself. Involves facial cleansing with erbium peeling, skin disinfection, and thermolifting. Application of cooling laser conductive gel. Exposure to a laser beam using special attachments.
  • The final stage. To improve the result, PRX-T33 peeling is performed. After this, the skin is treated with a disinfecting and soothing composition with hyaluronic acid.

After polishing is completed, the cosmetologist will give you recommendations regarding home care.

The process itself

So, how to make a scar at home? What stages are recommended to be successfully completed to achieve the best results?

1. At the first stage, you need to degrease the selected area on the body. To do this, it is advisable to use a cotton swab with alcohol.

2. Plasticine will be needed to form a narrow sausage. Using a nail stick, it is advisable to combine the plasticine base with the skin. It is possible to smear the plasticine, but in the central part it is advisable to leave a small bump, characterized by volume. Hand cream is traditionally used to smooth out bulges in plasticine.

Result and recovery period

Before and after photos and reviews from the clinic’s patients, which are posted on the Biomed clinic website, will help you evaluate how effective laser resurfacing of facial scars will be. This will allow you to determine how ready you are for the procedure. You will be able to see the results on your face a few days after the session. The skin will noticeably smooth out and pigmentation will even out. Your face will gain a younger, more toned appearance.

To avoid unwanted reactions, after correction you should:

  • Avoid exposure to direct sunlight.
  • Protect your skin from sun rays using a special cream with a UV filter, Panama hats, and closed clothing.
  • Refrain from visiting the solarium, sauna, bathhouse.
  • Avoid high physical activity that leads to excessive sweating.

To improve the result, laser resurfacing of facial scars can be repeated after a few months. The number of sessions will be determined by a cosmetologist on an individual basis.

Camouflage of scars: summing up

From the article you learned about all the features of such a procedure as camouflage and masking scars. We told you how to prepare for the procedure and how to care for your skin.

In conclusion, we would like to add that you should only contact qualified, experienced craftsmen. Who have undergone appropriate training and adhere to all rules and regulations, hygienic and sanitary requirements. To those who use modern and proven, effective materials and tools.

If you want to be sure of the high quality of the procedure performed and to protect your health, contact the salon of permanent makeup artist Elena Olshanskaya. Here you will find a truly qualified craftsman who constantly conducts specialized training and uses modern materials and tools.

Benefits of laser facial scar removal

The procedure for eliminating defects on the facial skin using a laser laser technique is comfortable for the patient. It has a number of advantages:

  • No contraindications based on age.
  • Non-invasive, ensuring bloodlessness.
  • Minimal discomfort. A slight tingling sensation may be felt when exposed to the laser. Local anesthesia is used to eliminate pain.
  • Fast recovery period.
  • No re-scarring or side effects.

Basic prices are indicated in our price list. The total cost depends on individual indications and the number of sessions. At the same time, you can be sure that in St. Petersburg laser removal of facial scars the price of services available to a wide range of clients is formed.

Heavy Artillery: Camouflage Kit

If we are talking about large noticeable scars and cicatrices, cosmetics may not be enough. This is where a special camouflage kit comes to the rescue. This is a set of two components - cream and dense powder. The cream is sticky and ensures reliable adhesion of the powder to imperfections on the skin.

It’s very simple to use: apply the cream onto the scar and apply powder on top. Wait a little for the mixture to set, and you can proceed with further makeup. You can buy such a kit in specialized cosmetic stores and some pharmacies.

Another life hack: a fabric-based patch. It is easy to buy at a pharmacy at a very affordable price. The advantage of such patches is that the color of the fabric base is as close as possible to the color of the skin, so no correction with thick means is needed. A regular foundation will help you achieve a natural look.

How to hide a scar:

  • degrease the skin around the scar;

Photo taken from open sources

  • cut out a small piece from the plaster, the shape of your scar;
  • stick a patch on the problem area;
  • straighten it so that it lies tightly on the skin;
  • Apply foundation to the patch so that its color matches your skin color.

This method reliably masks scars, but after removing the patch, a mark may remain on the skin. Therefore, choose high-quality adhesive tape; you can use special absorbable patches designed for the treatment of scars.

How can you shave a stripe on your eyebrows?

The first thing that comes to mind is a razor. But wait until you get out the dangerous blade or machine, maybe you’ll like another option.


The most popular option. Choose from:

  • electric trimmer;
  • dangerous blade;
  • a disposable machine must be new.


Tweezers are a tool that allows you to make a scar without using a sharp blade. It is especially suitable for girls who have a full hand. However, you should understand that the hairs will grow unevenly, which means they will have to be removed periodically.

Important: most girls are familiar with the situation when hairs stop growing in those places where they are plucked with tweezers. There is a high risk that a bare strip will remain in the chosen place even if you decide to grow even eyebrows again.

Wax strips

This option is more suitable if you need to remove excess rods after shaving the area with a razor or removing hairs with tweezers. In addition, wax strips are convenient for correcting growing hair shafts. But here, too, there is a high risk of damaging the follicles, which means hairs will not grow well in the treated area. This is good if you plan to continue using the fashion trend.

What is needed for scarring at home

  • Scarification should be done by a person trained in this technology.
  • Maximum sterility must be maintained.

Scarification is not as common as tattooing or body art, so there are not many specialists who can perform it. In addition, this is a relatively expensive service, and not everyone can pay for it. Therefore, more and more people are trying to perform scarring on their own at home, using their own tools. If you are one of them, then be sure to follow the main recommendations when making cuts on the body.

For scarring you will need the following materials:

  1. Antiseptic. It processes all materials, tools and the place where the drawing is applied.
  2. Sterile wipes. They will be needed during the operation.
  3. Medical scalpel. At home, some people use a blade or a needle as a tool, but a surgical scalpel is considered the ideal tool. Firstly, it is made of special metal. Secondly, it is hard and does not bend, unlike the blade, which is quite soft and can slip during the operation, which will lead to distortion of the lines of the design or a cut in the wrong place.
  4. Disposable sterile gloves. Before starting work at home, they must be thoroughly wiped with an antibacterial agent. The area where the pattern was applied is also wiped repeatedly, and the area where the product is applied is more than 5-10 centimeters over the area of ​​the intended pattern.
  5. A sketch of the future drawing, which is transferred to the area where scarring will be carried out. Most often, at home, a decal is used as a template.
  6. An anesthetic that is injected under the skin to induce anesthesia. Please note: not spraying with painkillers, but injecting it under the skin with a syringe. If you use the freezing method, the skin will swell and the outline of the pattern will blur. As a result, you may end up with a different picture than you originally planned.
  7. A sterile dressing that is applied to the wound after surgery and is removed after 3-4 hours. It is advisable to apply iodine or brilliant green around the applied pattern.
  8. It is necessary to take into account that this procedure is contraindicated for HIV-infected people, carriers of the hepatitis virus, people with blood diseases, as well as patients with diabetes mellitus.
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