Chinese massage - types, indications and contraindications + video with instructions

The secrets of traditional oriental medicine have made their way to all corners of the world. The methods are striking in their effectiveness and are suitable for the prevention and treatment of a wide range of diseases. Chinese massage successfully combines a whole range of techniques, so the approach to the patient is purely individual and gives the most favorable result.

In ancient times, Chinese healers considered disease prevention a higher priority than cure. Then the expression appeared: “A real doctor is not the one who fights the disease, but the one who prevents its formation.” Nowadays, when only a minority have family doctors, people have to look for ways to stay healthy on their own, without the proper knowledge and experience.

Physiotherapy has begun to actively gain popularity not only among celebrities and professional athletes; everyone has the opportunity to improve their health with the help of secret practices.

Oriental medicine: the history of Chinese acupressure

In ancient times, hygiene was treated with disdain in Europe. There were even misconceptions that washing was harmful to health. In China, special attention has always been paid to cleanliness of the body. Procedures of this kind included restorative activities: sunbathing, gymnastics, baths, meditation, physiotherapy.

Road through the centuries:

  • The first manuscript that mentioned manual techniques was a work called “The Art of the Body.” The period of creation of this list of techniques is 2500-2600. BC. The book documents the rationale for the therapeutic effects of different techniques and for what diseases they are performed.
  • In the 9th century BC. the manuscript “Neijing” appeared - a book about the inner man. It consists of a description of diseases for which it is appropriate to help the patient not only with medications, but also with physiotherapeutic techniques. For example, massage of the back area is effective for neuralgic diseases and problems with the cardiovascular system. In medicine, there are cases when, due to severe fright or nervous tension, massive blockage of blood vessels occurred, which provoked numbness of the limbs or the whole body.
  • In the 6th century AD. The world's first public educational institution, which provided medical training, was legalized. Students mastered massage techniques as an independent compulsory discipline. If knowledge in this area was not deep enough, the status of a doctor was not assigned.
  • The era of the Tang Dynasty is another milestone in the growing importance of massage practice. It became one of the seven officially recognized branches of medicine. The profession of a massage therapist was perceived on a par with surgery.
  • In the 16th century, a 64-volume encyclopedia called San-Tsai-Tu-gosi was published. This treatise described all possible techniques, movements and techniques according to the classification that is still used today.

The youngest systematization of the basics of massage techniques saw the world at the suggestion of the doctor Kan-Fu about 1000 years ago. This option can be called final, and it is still being addressed now.

Many people associate the technique in question with acupuncture, but everything is not so clear and simple.

Types of techniques

Physiotherapy techniques have a broad classification, but we will focus on popular practices that work with points or general areas.

Vacuum - can

An effective, deep method of healing. Helps concentrate the body's resources in the right area to relieve pain, accelerate metabolic processes and the flow of bodily fluids. The result of the full course is weight loss using special devices or hardware.

Read more in this article: Back massage with vacuum cups.

Guasha - scraper

The oldest method. The zones are affected on the entire body and face using a scraper. There are three subtypes: cosmetic, preventive, therapeutic and diagnostic. It differs from acupuncture in the way it acts and in that it covers large reflex areas. Therefore, it does not require precise determination of points.


Aimed at awakening the vital force - Qi. By activating flows in the neck and head, they improve brain function, psycho-emotional background and strengthen the spirit. Before the session, the master drinks a glass of clean water and rubs his palms to warm up the skin.

Tuina - spot

The technique requires meticulous knowledge of the map of reflex points on the body meridians.

Photo: reflexology


  • rejuvenation;
  • relief from pain syndrome;
  • release of endorphins;
  • a rush of blood to areas of localization of pathological processes.

It is worth considering separately acupressure foot massage. Chinese healers claimed that all life lines are directed to the feet, which display the projection of organs and their systems.

Meridians of the body are conventional lines along which energy bioelectric impulses pass.

This technique is divided into acupuncture and acupressure, depending on the type of impact on the reflex areas.

Treatment with a hammer

The percussive technique of stimulation with a special multi-needle hammer is the oldest healing technique. Irritation by a bunch of needles and the impact of shock vibration on skin receptors are confidently leading in the practice of reflexology, striking in their harmlessness, technical simplicity, and highest efficiency.

The technique is based on the ancient practice of eastern healing: when tapping areas of the body, toxins and waste products are removed from the tissues and internal organs of the patient, “blockages” in energy flows are eliminated, and the general bioenergetic status of the patient is restored.

Difference between acupressure and acupuncture

Both treatments tap the body's energy into targeted areas. But if acupressure therapy is practiced everywhere, then acupuncture is subject only to competent masters.

In a healthy person, the flow of Qi in the body is continuous and equally stable in all zones. An imbalance leads to disease. Acupressure and acupuncture harmonize flows through stimulation of the necessary points and meridians, which are conductors of energy.

What is similar between the two forms of influence:

  • belong to traditional Chinese medicine;
  • a mechanical effect on the human body in certain areas is assumed to stimulate bioenergy;
  • from the point of view of official medicine, they are a type of reflexology.

There are not many factors that unite consonant names. Now let's look at the differences.

Acupuncture - acupuncture:

Acupressure - point impact:

  • The same areas are stimulated as with acupuncture, but without auxiliary devices - with fingers or nails, less often with elbows.

  • A wide area around the reflex point is captured, thereby eliminating misses. Therefore, the procedure is cheaper and does not require special precision from the specialist.
  • After the session, no restorative procedures are needed because the skin is not damaged.
  • There is virtually no risk of unpleasant consequences if the session is performed by an inexperienced specialist.
  • The effect is short-term, compared to acupuncture.

Modern science completely denies the existence of Qi energy, as well as meridians in the human body. But this does not negatively affect the results of a properly performed massage.

Tips for beginning massage therapists

When performing a massage, you should take into account every little detail, including the mood you are in. Yunuko Tanaka very popularly described in her book the algorithm for performing traditional Japanese massage:

The main postulate is purification

All cosmetics and impurities are completely removed with the usual makeup removers. The massage is performed on dry skin, so all moisture from the face should be removed. Pores must be clean, so don't neglect their weekly cleansing. Before starting the procedure, it is important to feel the lymph nodes. It is the active influence on them that gives a positive final result.

That's why it is called Japanese lymphatic massage. Movements should not be chaotic. There is a clear direction of the lines, so before starting the procedure it is important to familiarize yourself with the technique more closely. The pressure should not cause pain, but if the session is carried out correctly, the manipulations will be felt in any case. A straight back is the key to success in the procedure. It is best to perform the massage in a sitting or standing position. As an exception, if you have a sore back, you can massage your face while lying down. The procedure time should not exceed a quarter of an hour. The minimum exposure time is 10 minutes. Any massage cream that does not cause any allergic reactions is suitable for sliding your hands over the skin. Homemade oat milk is ideal for this purpose.

Oat milk recipe

Components and dosagesApplication
- rolled oats - 3 tbsp. spoons; - linen bag; - water. Place the oatmeal in a bag and place it in water for about ten minutes. Squeeze out excess liquid into a container. This liquid is called oat milk. This massage product is not stored, so it is advisable to use it all up.

The culture of passing knowledge from generation to generation helps us open the door to the secret of youth of beautiful Japanese women and try this knowledge on ourselves. Japanese massage procedures not only rejuvenate the face, but also heal the soul, and also help fight stress through complete relaxation. But, most importantly, you can not be afraid of age at all and always be beautiful.

Useful articles:

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  • Lip masks: homemade mask recipes for moisturizing, nourishing and plumping lips
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  • Alginate face mask: what is it, recipes

Efficiency of Chinese technology

The healing effect that occurs as a response to working with a certain bioenergetic zone occurs due to an increase in blood flow to the required area.

Depending on the type of massage and the final goal, the following improvements occur:

  1. Organs and tissues receive the necessary supply of oxygen, metabolic processes are activated.
  2. Decomposition products are eliminated from the body faster.
  3. The muscles relax, and the soreness disappears without a trace due to the active removal of lactic acid.
  4. The body is quickly cleansed at the cellular level, which has a positive effect on the immune system.
  5. The massive production of endorphins helps in the fight against pain, since “happiness hormones” are able to block these sensations.
  6. Skin turgor increases significantly, and the skin acquires a healthy, fresh tone. Small facial folds disappear and deep ones become less noticeable.
  7. The oval of the face is tightened.
  8. The functionality of internal organs is adjusted.
  9. Cellulite disappears.
  10. The figure becomes toned and acquires aesthetically attractive contours.
  11. Energy balance is restored, performance increases, and stress goes away.

The list of positive effects is long, but not everyone is allowed these procedures.

When is the result visible?

Cosmetic Chinese facial massage for wrinkles gives results after just three procedures. You may notice an improvement in complexion and skin elasticity. After a month, the wrinkles gradually begin to decrease, and very small ones disappear altogether. Therefore, Chinese massage for rejuvenation is considered one of the most effective procedures.

Therapeutic massage eliminates painful sensations already in the first session. As for dealing with more serious internal problems, treatment will require a longer period. The result of the course is most often positive. Body and foot massages, for example, are universal procedures that eliminate a huge list of diseases. Therefore, the method is used more often than others.

In what cases is massage used?

There are a lot of conditions for which such a massage is recommended, so we will mention only the most common cases:

  • frequent headaches;
  • arthritis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • bronchitis or tracheitis in chronic form;
  • mizoitis;
  • hypertension and hypotension;
  • sciatica;
  • insomnia;
  • decreased performance due to fatigue or nervous exhaustion;
  • poor memory;
  • mental fatigue;
  • stress;
  • depression;
  • toothache;
  • impaired digestion process;
  • gastrointestinal diseases with symptoms of heartburn, gastralgia, problems with stool;
  • runny nose and other colds;
  • cough;
  • allergy;
  • Ear ache;
  • impaired metabolism;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • impotence;
  • painful menstruation;
  • gynecological pathologies;
  • sore spine;
  • musculoskeletal problems;
  • cramps of the calf muscles;
  • loose skin;
  • age-related manifestations;
  • cellulite.

If the goal of therapy is weight loss, the areas responsible for appetite are stimulated. This way, the need for food is reduced, and the body begins to consume resources from the “bins” of the body. There are areas that block the entry of fats into the blood, which prevents their subsequent deposition.

In sports practice, acupressure technique has an almost unbreakable reputation. This is a quick way to get rid of hypertension, sore throat, sprains and other unpleasant consequences after training.

Children are advised to do this massage for:

  • improving memory and overall brain activity;
  • improving performance;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • digestion and appetite settings;
  • strengthening sleep;
  • relief from cough and runny nose;
  • concentration;
  • reducing hyperactivity;
  • relieving nervous excitability.

Who can be harmed by the procedure?

The presence of the following restrictions determines a temporary or permanent ban on acupressure physiotherapy:

  • increased body temperature;
  • fever;
  • appendicitis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • heart attack;
  • Congenital heart defect;
  • kidney pathologies;
  • hypertension stage II, III;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • neoplasms;
  • blood related diseases;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • ulcers;
  • psychological disorders;
  • pregnancy;
  • menstruation;
  • exacerbation of the inflammatory process of the facial nerve.

Acupressure is prohibited while under the influence of alcohol, drugs or on an empty stomach.

The effect of the procedure can be unpredictable during periods of sudden changes in atmospheric pressure.

The specialist has the right to refuse massage to elderly people or children under two years of age.


Signing up for a Chinese manual back massage in Moscow today is not difficult. However, it should be taken into account that such effects may be contraindicated for patients with certain diseases.

Such pathologies include the following:

  • periods of exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • malignant tumors of any location;
  • bleeding;
  • high body temperature;
  • infectious skin diseases;
  • thrombosis;
  • purulent skin lesions;
  • active form of tuberculosis, etc.

Some exposure techniques cannot be used on women during pregnancy, so it is important to warn the specialist even about a possible pregnancy.

Therapeutic back massage in the Eastern Administrative District of Moscow is a procedure that is very popular. However, it is important to understand that you can only trust your health to a professional. The masters of the Yellow Emperor Chinese Medicine Clinic are experienced and sensitive specialists, through whose caring hands thousands of people have passed. You can find reviews from grateful patients on our website. At the same time, you can take a course of therapeutic back massage with us quite inexpensively.

In order to clarify prices, ask questions about procedures, or make an appointment with a specialist at our clinic, you can call the numbers in Moscow listed at the top of the page.

Face massage

Carried out to rejuvenate and increase skin turgor. There are several types.

Thematic material:

  • Buccal facial massage
  • Sculptural facial massage


The technique is aimed at removing waste and toxins from the dermis. Additionally, muscle tension is removed and the functioning of the lymphatic drainage system is adjusted.

As a result of the massage:

  • metabolic processes are activated;
  • tissue regeneration increases;
  • the skin becomes tightened, smooth and acquires a healthy color.

It is carried out with special jade plates that are moved over facial skin moistened with cream. Cosmetic substances are selected only natural, from various extracts of medicinal plants. The beneficial effects of jade on the patient's skin and energy body help restore Qi circulation. This material relaxes the muscles, relieving the nervous system of unnecessary tension.

The result is a harmonious combination of lymphatic drainage, plastic, osteopathic massage and reflexology. Capillary blood circulation is significantly improved.

The technique is suitable for elderly patients and becomes an alternative to Botox injections.

A salon session consists of the following stages:

  1. Thorough cleansing and toning of the skin.
  2. Lymphatic drainage.
  3. The massage itself uses the gouache technique.
  4. Acupressure therapy.
  5. Rejuvenating mask.
  6. Additional moisturizing and nourishing of the skin with cosmetic products.

Goes well with any cosmetic procedures.

Acupressure - acupressure

The most functional technique of Chinese anti-aging practice. The essence is rhythmic stimulation of the main biologically active zones. Tissue cells are saturated with oxygen, blood circulation is stabilized in all, even hard-to-reach areas, thereby accelerating metabolism. The muscles of the facial frame are worked out, which significantly slows down the natural aging process. Active synthesis of endorphins occurs.

Stages of the session: preparatory procedures and main massage.

Preliminary manipulations consist of treating the face with a herbal lotion, or less often with a scrub. Steaming hot compresses are used to increase blood flow.

In addition to the rejuvenating effect, the procedure promotes healing and healing from many respiratory diseases.


A classic of Chinese aesthetic medicine. Its task is to prevent the formation of new folds and deepening of existing wrinkles.

At home, ordinary spoons are used for this procedure. In the salon there is a special massager connected to the mains and operating on the principle of microvibration massage.

After cleansing with a scrub, a nourishing cream or massage oil is applied to the skin. To achieve maximum effect, spoons are changed to warm and cold. Read more in the article: Acupressure facial massage.

Acupressure points of the face

To conduct a session at home, check out the location of the most effective zones and how to massage them:

  • rub it in the middle of the forehead, and then do rhythmic pressure for 2 minutes, during which you need to make about 70 pressures;
  • rub in the middle of the bridge of the nose, between the eyebrows for 2 minutes;
  • We apply synchronous pressure on the wings of the nose for 1.5 minutes;
  • press on the back of the nose, at the junction of the bone and cartilage for 2 minutes;
  • rhythmically press on the cheekbones (1 cun from the lower eyelid along the pupil line) for 1-2 minutes.

Cun is the smallest measure of length for calculating the distance between biologically active points.

Educational lesson

Preparatory stage

Before starting the procedure, it is important to prepare the patient for it by intensively warming up his body with pinching and rubbing for twenty minutes. You can also use a special warm compress. After this, the procedure begins, maintaining the same warm temperature achieved in the body.

It is also important for the patient to follow several rules:

  • completely relax on the physical and psychological levels;
  • Do not eat an hour before the procedure and after the procedure you should also refrain from eating for an hour;
  • visit the toilet in advance;
  • take a shower before the procedure;
  • do not use perfume on massage day;
  • During the session, take a comfortable relaxing position;
  • be sure to notify the massage therapist about your diseases and familiarize yourself with contraindications;
  • if the patient is prone to frequent allergic reactions, then you should bring your own massage cream or oil to the massage session;
  • in case of any discomfort, be sure to notify a specialist;
  • choose a massage therapist who evokes positive emotions, since establishing emotional contact is important for the final result.

Foot massage

During the procedure, the foot and, less frequently, the ankle are massaged. The greatest concentration of biologically active points occurs precisely on the plane of the lower limb.

Used to treat various ailments:

  • urinary incontinence;
  • constipation;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • depression;
  • acne;
  • stress.

This list is much longer because, according to Chinese wisdom, the projection of all organs is displayed on the foot.

The advantages of the technique are complete safety and the absence of adverse consequences. Even during pregnancy, foot massage can solve many health problems without the use of medications, which are mostly contraindicated.

Acupressure points

The type of impact depends on the selected area and the intended result. Most often, rhythmic pressure, rubbing and light vibrations are used.

Reflex zones of the feet

Video of the procedure


You should resort to this procedure if you have cosmetic problems (presence of age spots, acne on the face). It will be especially useful for people who have very noticeable signs of age-related skin changes ( stretch marks, puffiness, circles under the eyes, double chin, scars ). This massage can solve all of these problems, or minimize their presence.

Back massage

In addition to acupuncture with fingers and devices, gua sha and acupuncture techniques are actively practiced in this area.

During the procedure, the lower back, neck, shoulders, and back are involved. It is used to treat certain concomitant diseases, relieve pain, stress and stress on the bones. The lumbar region is stimulated when treating the reproductive system of men and women.

The impact on trigger (painful) points should be with increasing intensity, but leisurely.

Photo: acupressure points

Methods of influence

To perform it correctly, perform the movements like this:

  • Kneading. The pad of the thumb is located on the point and makes circular gestures in a single amplitude, 1 per second.
  • Pressure. The main movement in acupressure practice. Use only after warming up. Rhythmically, with increasing intensity.
  • Trituration. Performed with fingertips. If the area is located on a large muscle, it is done with the palm of your hand.
  • Pushing. The palmar and radial surfaces of the thumb take part in the process. The movement is directed towards the center with increasing intensity.
  • Stroking. Performed with the pad of the finger. Synchronously on symmetrical zones.
  • Thrusting. There are one-finger and two-finger. The first is carried out with the thumb or index finger in a straightened or bent state. In the second case, the thumb and middle fingers are used, pressed tightly against each other.
  • Vibration. Rhythmic impulses are transmitted through the finger or palm to the treated area.
  • Cutting. Similar to vibration, but performed with a fingernail.

If you have already attended a Chinese massage session or are practicing it at home, leave your review with the results of the procedure and your impressions of it.


  • What is good about Chinese massage?
  • Indications for massage
  • Rules for safe massage
  • Is it possible to do Chinese massage on your own?
  • Preparatory stage
  • Basic Techniques
  • Types of Chinese massage
  • Traditional Chinese massage
  • Cupping Chinese massage
  • Chinese Guasha massage
  • Chinese acupressure massage
  • Energy massage of acupuncture points
  • When is the result visible?
  • Contraindications


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