How long will it take for lip color to appear after tattooing?

Lip tattoo, translated from the Latin permanens, means “permanent” - this is an invasive cosmetic procedure performed strictly in a sanitized room, using sterile instruments. Before permanent lip makeup, assess the risks; be prepared that in 40% of cases the pigment will not appear. The reasons for uneven color after permanent tattooing are varied and depend on many factors.

What is lip tattooing and types of techniques

The procedure involves applying special paints under the upper layers of the skin. It is possible to create a bright, attractive and natural shade. The lips acquire an expressive contour.

Application techniques

There are several techniques for applying coloring pigment. Let's look at the main, most popular ones.

  1. Contour. Its essence is to create a clear and pronounced contour. The surface of the lips remains intact. You no longer need to use a cosmetic contour pencil, but the need for lipstick remains the same. The technique allows you to achieve a visual increase in volume, clarity and expressiveness.
  2. Filling. Paint is applied to the entire surface. It is possible to create an exact imitation of only applied lipstick. It is recommended to focus on light shades - this will allow you to continue using cosmetic lipstick, applying dark colors and changing your look.
  3. Shading with contour. A clear contour is created, and the coloring pigment is shaded from it to the middle of the lips. The method allows you to achieve maximum naturalness. A common option is more pronounced, dark contours that highlight the shape of the mouth. Qualified cosmetologists can use various shade combinations.
  4. Natural. The goal is to achieve maximum naturalness. It is important to choose a color that perfectly matches the natural color. The outline is not drawn up.
  5. 3D. The technique has become popular relatively recently. The main advantage is the ability to hide defects. The difficulty of execution lies in the need to use several shades, skillfully combining them. During the work, the master uses needles of various diameters to achieve the desired effect. The work is painstaking, requiring a lot of time and high professionalism. While other techniques require up to two hours to apply pigment, 3D requires several sessions. The result is stunning. Lips acquire additional volume and become much more attractive.

Procedure algorithm

Permanent makeup involves a certain sequence of actions:

  1. consultation, determination of shape and choice of color;
  2. registration for a session;
  3. applying paint;
  4. restoration of the skin;
  5. correction.

The session is divided into several stages:

  1. application of anesthetic;
  2. drawing the selected contour;
  3. paint distribution;
  4. treatment of the skin after the work of a cosmetologist.

The master always gives his recommendations for skin care - more about them below. After 3-4 weeks, correction is necessary. This does not mean that the cosmetologist did not cope with the job - during the tattooing process, ichor is released, it does not allow you to notice possible flaws immediately. Also, during healing, part of the pigment may go away along with the crusts.

How to choose outline and color

The client talks about his wishes to the cosmetologist. He examines the lips and gives his recommendations. The choice of contour and color depends on the characteristics of the face and its shape, and the woman’s color type.

In order not to make a mistake and not be disappointed after visiting the salon, you need to trust your face only to an experienced, qualified specialist. If you want to get a lip tattoo and are guaranteed to be satisfied with the result, contact Elena Olshanskaya’s salon. Here you will find a qualified specialist with extensive experience. The establishment strictly observes all sanitary and hygienic requirements and rules. Consultation is free.

The salon has documentation confirming the qualifications of the staff and permitting this type of activity.

How long will it take for the final color

If the rules for preparing for tattooing and the healing periods are followed, and the professional did the job without errors, the dye will appear and become bright in a month. Substances are hammered into the upper layer of the epidermis with a special needle using different techniques at a depth of 0.7 to 1 mm. At first, the dye is 1.5-2 tones brighter than the original color in the master’s palette.

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The body needs time for the dye to settle into the skin of the lips. After a few days, the crusts will stop hurting and color will appear in their place, but the shade is not final. The situation depends on many individual factors of the human body, the characteristics of reactions, and the conditions of the post-procedure period.

An important point that accelerates the reaction to the absorption of pigmented substances is natural ultraviolet light. The sun's rays, which are familiar to the female body, are a catalyst for the reaction. If ultraviolet radiation does not penetrate under the crusts on the lips, pigmentation will appear. This mechanism provides protection against penetration of harmful bacteria into the wound; peeling off the crusts is strictly prohibited. When they come off naturally, the color of the tattoo will definitely appear and take on a bright shade.

The rate of increase in shade intensity is individual for each woman. With normal and low photosensitivity, pigmentation will appear after a month (for women with dark skin: type 3-4).

Due to the high sensitivity of type 1-2 fair-skinned girls, the desired shade will appear in 5-6 weeks. At this first stage of the procedure, after a month and a half, the pigment after lip tattooing will fully appear.

Correction stage. During the repeated procedure, the specialist injects an additional volume of the substance under the skin. When the color is fully developed, the artist complements the unevenly painted areas with shading. A similar healing stage then occurs over several weeks. During this time, the crusts fall off and particles begin to appear when exposed to sunlight. It will take some time before the final shade is finalized.

There is no need to rush to be disappointed with the color at the first stage. The main thing is to follow the rules of preparation and care for your lips while they are healing. The shade will appear naturally.

Contraindications. When not to do permanent makeup

Micropigmentation has a number of contraindications. Be sure to read the list before visiting the specialist. Do not hide your true state of health - you will not only protect yourself, but also protect the cosmetologist from problems.

Any doubts?
Contact your doctor first - he will give a professional and informed recommendation whether to visit the salon or not. All contraindications are divided into two groups - absolute and relative. For the first time, lip tattooing is strictly prohibited. In the second case, a session is possible, but with the permission of the doctor and the approval of the master (the cosmetologist must be informed about the presence of certain problems).

Absolute contraindications

  1. Blood diseases, low blood clotting.
  2. Epilepsy.
  3. Diabetes mellitus in insulin-dependent form.
  4. Keloid scars and the tendency to their appearance.
  5. Somatic diseases and disorders.
  6. Mental problems, disorders.
  7. Any inflammation in the acute stage.
  8. Oncology and neoplasms.
  9. Hepatitis.
  10. HIV AIDS.
  11. Pregnancy and lactation period.
  12. Alcohol or drug intoxication.

Relative contraindications

  1. Inflammation on the lips, rash.
  2. Hypertension – before the session you should take a control blood pressure measurement and only then make a final decision.
  3. Tendency to allergies - you must first undergo tests to determine the body’s sensitivity to coloring compounds.
  4. Period of menstruation.


Permanent makeup cannot be done in the following cases:

diabetes; oncology; AIDS; bronchial asthma, low blood clotting; hepatitis; pregnancy and lactation (on average up to 4 months until hormonal levels are restored).

You will have to postpone going to the salon if you have:

elevated temperature; high pressure; herpes on the lips; Tattooing is not applied to moles, so if they are on the lips or in the area around the lips, you will need to consult with a specialist, and, if necessary, with a doctor.

How long does lip tattoo take to heal? general information

Now about the main topic of the article - how long does permanent lip makeup take to heal? Often, 5 to 7 days are enough for this. It takes up to 4 weeks for the cells to fully recover. It is impossible to give specific dates. They depend on several components:

  1. characteristics of immunity;
  2. age;
  3. health status.

After completing the session, the master will definitely apply an ointment that promotes disinfection and healing.
For good healing at home, you must regularly apply the ointment recommended by your cosmetologist:

  1. again 2 hours after returning from the salon;
  2. every three hours for the first three to four days;
  3. three to four times a day until complete healing.

Twice a day - morning and evening - the area where lip tattooing is applied should be washed with cool, clean water, using antibacterial soap to remove possible dirt and dust. During the washing process it is strictly prohibited:

  1. rub lips;
  2. wipe with a hard towel - either get wet or wait until it dries on its own.

Typically, healing takes up to 10 days, and complete restoration of the skin – up to 28 days. It is extremely important to be careful when crusts appear; if they form, do not pick them off under any circumstances.

If you feel extra dry skin after waking up in the morning, treat it with Vaseline for about 30 minutes.
If you follow all the tips and recommendations, permanent makeup will be perfect, and there will be no problems with healing.

Lack of care

After the procedure, high-quality care is required, following the rules: do not sunbathe, carry out special treatment every day. If you do not ensure timely cleansing, bacteria may enter and an infection may develop.

Some people start visiting the solarium or swimming pool a few days after tattooing, and then they wonder why the pigment did not appear. When exposed to high temperatures, a rapid release of the dye is observed. Inflamed skin may become inflamed. Negligence during the recovery period often leads to loss of eyebrow hairs.

How does a lip tattoo heal? Description by week

Now let's look at the healing process in more detail week by week. This will allow you to avoid problems.

First week

The lips become slightly swollen due to exposure to them. The first two days there may be pain, but it will be minor.

Usually on the third day after a visit to a cosmetologist, the swelling subsides, and crusts form at the site where the paint was applied. After a couple of days they will begin to itch, crack and fall off. The crusts should not be torn off - this will lead to loss of pigment and cause scars, possibly causing infection.

The crusts finally disappear by the end of the first week. It is imperative to periodically soften them with a product or cream recommended by a cosmetologist.

Second week

Permanent makeup becomes more expressive. Lips may itch - restrain yourself so as not to introduce an infection into the body.

There will be no trace of swelling left. The shade loses its brightness a little - the reason is that the crusts “took” the color a little, absorbing part of the pigment. The problem can be solved with correction after complete healing.

Also during this period, dryness will appear and the skin will seem tight. To reduce discomfort and eliminate possible discomfort, you need to regularly lubricate your lips with either Vaseline or hygienic lipstick.

Third week

The lip tattoo is fixed. However, the skin may be dry, although there is no longer any discomfort or unpleasant sensations. The shade becomes natural.

If you couldn’t achieve the desired color, don’t worry - you can get it during adjustments, when the specialist determines exactly how much and what kind of pigment will need to be added to certain parts of the lips.

Fourth week and later

By the end of the fourth week, the lip tattoo is completely healed. You can already understand what the result was. During the restoration of the skin, up to 60% of the applied pigment will be lost.

Minor flaws may also appear - for example, if a separate area lost color almost completely when the crusts fell off, or the master was unable to create an accurate contour due to ichor released during the work.

Therefore, correction is a mandatory procedure. The master evaluates the result obtained and decides to add additional pigment.

The correction should be performed by the same cosmetologist as the first procedure.
Because he is the one who knows how much pigment and what specific color was added initially. Therefore, he will be able to select the right doses of the required tone. After the second session, the woman will not need to visit the salon for two to three years until the dye is removed by the body.

What will the lip color be after tattooing?

Most women assume that after a 2-hour procedure they will get the perfect tone. The color appears after lip tattooing after a few weeks. After leaving the master’s office, your lips will become swollen due to damage to the top layer of skin. The color will be bright and unnatural; if small vessels are damaged, a small amount of blood may appear. Experienced artists, knowing that the pigment may not appear after tattooing, try to drive in a larger amount of dye. Healing can be divided into periods:

  1. The first 2-3 days - the body reacts to any foreign substance in the body with inflammation, which can develop with the addition of a bacterial or viral infection (herpes). The protective system ensures healing of the skin surface, which is manifested after tattooing of the lip area by the appearance of crusts. The color appears bright after lip tattooing due to natural redness and fresh pigment. The resulting crust hides the shade and is visually indeterminable.
  2. 7-14 days, if no complications arise, the crusts gradually disappear from the surface of the lips, the epithelium is restored. The dye goes away along with the sores. The inflammation goes away and the color appears less brightly a week after tattooing.
  3. After a month, the lips will be completely healed, there will be no peeling, swelling, or redness. The remaining pigment takes root in the epidermis of the lips. The color appears completely after the procedure.

How to guarantee permanent lip tattooing. Proven advice

To ensure that permanent makeup lasts as long as possible without causing any unpleasant consequences, you must adhere to certain rules. Because the final result depends not only on the professionalism of the master, but also on the girl herself. We have already indicated some of the tips above, but in this section we will repeat them to completely “consolidate the material.”

  1. Removal of ichor. On the first day it will appear constantly. It cannot be wiped, but only lightly blotted using sterile and soft cotton pads, alcohol-free wet wipes, and gauze with antimicrobial impregnation. When blotting the ichor, do not press too hard or rub.
  2. Creams or ointments. They are applied regularly - the master will give strict recommendations, they must be followed. The purpose of the drugs is to moisturize, soften and activate the regeneration of the skin. To apply the product, use soft cotton swabs. If you want to apply with your fingers, wash your hands with soap first.
  3. Eliminate pain. Often the pain is not noticeable, but if in your particular case the pain is too intense, take a pain reliever. Additionally, you can take antihistamines - they will help eliminate excessive swelling. Often one tablet of each drug is sufficient.
  4. Be careful with water. Exposure to water should be limited as much as possible. It is enough to wash your lips twice a day. Do not wipe or rub!
  5. Ban on saunas. As well as baths, swimming pools, solariums and other public bathing places.
  6. Protection from negative external influences. It is strongly recommended to limit the number of times you go outside and expose your lip tattoo to direct sunlight. Street dust can lead to bacteria entering wounds, and ultraviolet radiation has a negative effect on healing.
  7. Ban on decorative cosmetics. Few people would think of painting unhealed lips, but we focus on this point - refuse to use decorative and caring cosmetics.
  8. Diet. We strongly recommend that you limit your consumption of alcohol and spicy food during the period when permanent makeup is healing.
  9. Limiting physical activity. The first few days, increased physical activity and training are not recommended. Sweating will slow down skin recovery.
  10. Complete care. Follow the rules of self-care and all the listed rules. This will ensure complete and rapid healing of the wounds.

Preparation for the procedure

In order for the lips to heal quickly after the procedure, and for the dye to leave an excellent residue in the skin, proper preparation and the same care are needed.

  • It is better to set the recording date so that it does not coincide with the beginning or middle of the menstrual cycle. Changes in hormonal levels affect how the color takes root in the permanent.
  • The day before the appointment, the client must give up caffeine (coffee, tea, energy drinks), alcohol, seafood and medications that dilate blood vessels and thin the blood (including aspirin-containing drugs). All of these categories of substances can affect the effectiveness of the anesthetic and the distribution of coloring pigment in the skin.
  • A week before the appointment and three days after, it makes sense to take antihistamines (anti-allergic) drugs - they help reduce swelling.
  • If the client has suffered from herpes in the past, it is worth taking an antiherpes remedy 3 days before and 3 days after the session, since during permanent treatment and correction, damaged tissues become vulnerable to infection.

How long does lip tattoo last?

Typically, permanent lip makeup lasts up to 2-3 years, fully maintaining its contours and brightness. After which an adjustment is needed - if a woman wants her lips to again have the permanent appearance of being tinted with decorative lipstick.

There are several factors that determine the duration of lip tattooing:

  1. Skin type. If it is oily or mixed, the coloring pigment comes out much faster. Lasts longer in dry skin.
  2. Features of metabolic processes. For some, the body rejects paint much faster.
  3. Incorrect care. The slightest violation of the rules of care leads to an unsatisfactory result and rapid removal of pigment.
  4. Professionalism of the master. The more experienced and qualified the cosmetologist, the better and longer the effect will be.

What to do if the tattoo has lightened

Natural lip changes occur individually, average values ​​are 1-2 years. Durability depends on the structure of the skin, type of appearance, and duration of sun exposure. In a situation of discoloration, correction is carried out. An experienced professional does not guarantee that the result will be pleasing or that the color will appear evenly. The first tattoo correction is carried out after 30-40 days. According to statistics, 50% of women have light areas in the shade. Due to improper care during the makeup healing period or infection and scabs falling off, the areas become discolored. A specialist will paint them over, and after a month you can see an even shade.

If the lip tattoo has lightened and the color is rejected by the body, allergies and inflammation occur, then permanent makeup must be completely removed using a laser.

There is a possibility that another substance will not cause rejection; a repeat procedure is allowed, but only after an allergy test at a preliminary consultation with a specialist.

For women who are prone to peeling, a repeat tattoo procedure using the “lipstick effect” technique is indicated. The dye is introduced deeper into the epidermis of the lips and is not removed with flaking particles. The tattoo and final color will appear after a month.

Permanent lip makeup: questions and answers

We have collected the most popular questions from women and prepared laconic but informative answers to them.

What is the most fashionable color for lips?

There is no fashionable color! The choice of a specific shade of pigment directly depends on the following factors:

  1. personal preferences;
  2. features of facial features;
  3. color type

It is not the specific shade that is important, but its naturalness and correspondence to the woman’s face.

What should the result be?

The main signs of high-quality work by a master:

  1. uniformity of tone;
  2. clear contours;
  3. no stains.

Is lip tattooing allowed if filler injections are being given?

Yes! There are no contraindications! However, micropigmentation is recommended to be done before filler injections.


Since the pigment is injected into the upper layers of the dermis, healing occurs very quickly and comfortably. Immediately after the procedure, there is a slight (sometimes severe) swelling, which goes away after a few hours. At first the color is brighter, after healing the saturation decreases by an average of 40%.

Photo IMMEDIATELY AFTER the procedure. My individual feature is increased sensitivity and closely located vessels. Immediately after the procedure, there was more swelling than other clients. I knew about this feature and was additionally warned. The procedure was performed in the first half of the day, by the evening the swelling had practically subsided

The healing procedure is a slight peeling, as if the lips were chapped. During this period, it is necessary to lubricate your lips with moisturizing ointment (vaseline), which you give with you. Also, until the end of healing, you must refrain from visiting the sauna, swimming pool, or being in the sun. After a few days, the peeling will completely stop.

If there are no contraindications after the procedure, it is recommended to take Acyclovir (or another drug for herpes) for several days, since the permanent makeup procedure can provoke its appearance - during tattooing, nerve cells are affected, which awakens the infection.

Important! Tattooing is not the cause of infection, but only its causative agent. The only exception is the use of non-sterile equipment and consumables by the master, if the procedure was previously performed on a carrier of infection, but in this salon this is categorically excluded.

Photo the day after the procedure. The swelling has gone down by 95% (a little remains on the lower lip). The color of my lips has darkened greatly due to the formation of microbruises from the tattoo machine. The lips look as if they have a tint or lipstick applied to them. They feel rough to the touch, as if they are very weathered, but when applying Vaseline, the peeling is visually unnoticeable

No painful reactions, no bleeding scabs that require you to take time off from work so no one can see you.

In addition to applying Vaseline, you will also be advised to avoid hot drinks and spicy foods, which can irritate the area. It is necessary to allow the skin of the lips to remain calm for the next 3 days.

Photo one day after the procedure. The swelling has completely gone down. The color of the lips has noticeably brightened, the peeling has practically stopped, and only remains along the contour of the lips. I continue to apply Vaseline. Lips feel almost normal to the touch

Photo three days after the procedure. The color of my lips is lighter, the peeling has completely gone, so I don’t use products like Vaseline

Photo one week after the procedure. The result, color and shade are fully visible. I am completely satisfied with the result: – the lips have become more defined and symmetrical (I especially like the clearer “tick” on the upper lip); – uniform color; – Fordyce granules are invisible; – the face as a whole became fresher. And at the same time, my lips are completely natural and no one will guess that I did anything to them

The second most common question (after the question about crusts and marks after the procedure) is the change in color of the permanent after healing . Of course, there is such a risk (because each body is individual), but if the permanent is done by a professional, and high-quality materials are used, then it is not just minimal - it is negligible. And it can always be corrected with a special corrective procedure in a month.

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