Oxygen facial treatments: are they worth it?

Facial rejuvenation using the Beauty Eqipment IB-9090 device

In our center, located near the Shchukinskaya, Strogino and Tushinskaya metro stations, you can order a course of needle-free mesotherapy using the innovative Beauty Eqipment IB-9090 device. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that the device combines several functions at once: electroporation, cryotherapy and ultraphonophoresis. The combination of these three techniques helps to achieve quick and noticeable results: rejuvenate the skin, get rid of swelling, reduce cellulite and fat deposits, restore tissue, and improve overall appearance. The duration and type of exposure is chosen by the cosmetologist; the results are noticeable after the first session.

What is carboxytherapy

The process of introducing CO2 into the deep layers of the skin can be conservative or injectable. In the first case, the carbon compound is delivered to the tissue through special masks. However, most of it remains in the superficial layers of the skin, so the efficiency of this action is quite low. Injections of carbon dioxide are much more effective, as they allow the substance to be delivered in the required volume to any depth.

As a result of cosmetic injections, collagen synthesis increases, intracellular metabolism accelerates, congestion resolves faster, subcutaneous fats are broken down, and toxic substances are eliminated. After the procedures, the skin is actively tightened, getting rid of acne, rosacea and other types of rashes. Carboxytherapy also helps eliminate skin signs of psoriasis and other dermatological diseases, restore normal texture, and prevent the appearance of scars after deep acne.

Indications for oxygen therapy

Oxygen mesotherapy is prescribed for the following purposes:

  • correction of age-related changes on the face (wrinkles, age spots, sagging skin);
  • treatment of acne (as part of complex therapy);
  • reduction of post-acne, freckles and age spots;
  • general improvement in skin condition, increasing its elasticity;
  • elimination of dark circles and bags under the eyes;
  • moisturizing the skin, improving its turgor;
  • reduction of body fat, fight against cellulite.

This is a very delicate and gentle procedure, so it can be used at any age.

Advantages, benefits and effects of an oxygen mask for facial skin

Procedures based on oxygen nutrition trigger skin regeneration and promote:

  • deep cleansing;
  • improving blood microcirculation in the facial areas;
  • smoothing facial wrinkles;
  • eliminating the first signs of age-related decline;
  • evening out facial tone;
  • normalization of the activity of the sebaceous glands;
  • clearer contour delineation.

Oxygen face masks saturate the skin with oxygen and produce micromassage.

Using oxygen cosmetics allows you to remove excess shine and tighten pores, which makes it simply irreplaceable for people with oily skin. This type of cosmetics helps fight acne, inflammation and post-acne, putting your face in order in a fairly limited period of time.

A large assortment of these products on the market will allow you to choose a mask in the right price category and with a composition ideal for any skin type. It is worth noting that most of the components included in the recipe are absolutely harmless and environmentally friendly, as they are developed on a plant basis.

Oxygen therapy algorithm

An oxygen mesotherapy session takes on average 20 minutes. It is completely painless and consists of several stages.

  1. A cosmetologist prepares the skin: removes makeup, cleanses, degreases.
  2. Then you need to apply the desired serum to the work area - vitamin, moisturizing, anti-cellulite, cleansing, etc.
  3. To ensure that the medications penetrate deep into the skin, the doctor will use a special device that delivers a powerful stream of pure oxygen.
  4. Under the influence of oxygen flow, the skin increases its permeability, metabolism in its cells improves, and active drugs are better absorbed. In this case, the integrity of the epidermis is not compromised.
  5. At the end of the procedure, the specialist can apply caring oil, spray, cream or other cosmetics to the face or body.

Oxygen mesotherapy should be carried out in courses of 5-10 procedures every 3-4 days. The exact number of procedures is determined by the doctor, based on the condition of the skin and the objectives. The cosmetologist will also select the optimal composition of meso-cocktails.

Oxygen facial treatments: are they worth it?

Popular myths about oxygen are commented on by cosmetologist Ekaterina Glagoleva .

Many people believe that facial procedures using oxygen have a very short-term effect, which is enough, for example, for going out. But is this really so? Can oxygen treatments be considered full-fledged skin care or is it a “Cinderella carriage”? Oxygen in cosmetology, shrouded in myths and explanations that are not always correct from a chemical point of view, makes many smile skeptically and discredits the method. Let's figure out what oxygen procedures are, their purpose, indications and contraindications.

Myth One. Oxygen cannot penetrate the skin.

Yes/ No
Research proves that skin cells receive oxygen both from the external environment and directly from the body. The balance between these two sources is constantly changing depending on the availability of absorbed oxygen. In the case of oxygen therapy procedures, the balance shifts towards external consumption. Air contains about 20% oxygen. If you increase the oxygen concentration and its pressure, the rate of oxygen exchange in the epidermal cells will also increase.

Supplying cells with oxygen implies its penetration through the protective barrier of the epidermis. At the moment, there are very few modern fundamental works on oxygen therapy and gas exchange in the skin, but many things become clearer for specialists after reading the article by Elena Hernandez “Oxygen and skin: can the skin breathe?” (Cosmet & Med. 2005;1:4-13.) Where the author convincingly explains the impossibility of hyperoxygenation of intact tissue. But since the stratum corneum of the epidermis can safely be considered “a kind of sensor of damage to the epidermis, the mechanisms for restoring the protective barrier of the skin are activated when the permeability of the stratum corneum increases, including for oxygen, which causes a compensatory increase in the metabolic activity of keratinocytes and, apparently, an increase in the utilization of intracellular oxygen. It is at this moment that it is extremely desirable to support the cell in need and provide a surge in metabolic activity.”

Myth Second. Real oxygen concentrators are only used in hospitals.

Yes/ No
To create a pressure of more than 1 atmosphere, you need either an oxygen concentrator or oxygen in cylinders. However, the latter is very explosive, in addition, the cylinders require refilling, so this kind of oxygen is not really used in oxygen therapy.

An oxygen concentrator releases gas from the air in the room. To do this, it is pumped under pressure into a special chamber filled with natural porous zeolite stone. Zeolite pores are the same size as nitrogen molecules, which makes up 75% of the air around us, another 21% is oxygen and 4% are inert gases. When pressure is created in the chamber, nitrogen remains in the zeolite, and oxygen passes on. After normalizing the pressure in the apparatus, nitrogen is released into the environment.

Equipment for oxygen procedures is based on oxygen concentrators, to which various attachments are attached. The main thing is that the pressure required to perform cosmetic manipulations coincides with the pressure in the concentrator.

There are several ways to “deliver” oxygen to the skin of the face:

  • oxygen-liquid irrigation (spray) The nebulizer supplies oxygen to the surface of the skin, which quickly penetrates directly into the cells through cell membranes. Oxygen can be supplied both in gaseous and liquid form, in combination with special preparations. This method of oxygen therapy is often used during the rehabilitation period after traumatic procedures such as median peels, laser resurfacing and dermabrasion. And also during the recovery period after plastic surgery.
  • oxygen supply under pressure This method of “delivery” of oxygen to the middle layers of the epidermis is called oxy-“meso” therapy or oxygen injection.
    The device delivers oxygen and possible serum options to the surface of the skin under a pressure of 2 bar. This mechanism makes it possible to achieve changes in the properties of the stratum corneum and increase transcutaneous absorption of active substances. Experts talk about a 10-15-fold increase in the absorption of low-molecular-weight cosmetics administered by oxygen therapy by epidermal cells.

Myth Three. Oxygen therapy stimulates the synthesis of new collagen.

Yes/ No
Perhaps it is precisely statements such as: “oxygen under pressure of 2 atmospheres promotes deep lifting” or “irrigation with oxygen improves metabolic processes in the skin and thereby triggers neocollagenogenesis” that have given the method of skin oxygenation not the most positive reputation. Fortunately, the situation is changing for the better and manufacturers and distributors of devices for oxygen procedures are putting less and less emphasis on the synthesis of collagen and strengthening the dermal matrix, focusing on the development of methods for transcutaneous delivery of drugs using oxygen, since this chemical element has a small molecular weight and penetrates into cells skin by passive diffusion and appears to be capable of deep penetration.

Myth Four. Oxygen therapy against acne

Yes / No
We tend to agree with this statement, based on the links in the pathogenesis of acne. The pathogen that causes this chronic relapsing disease “Propionibacterium acnes” is an anaerobic, an airless environment is ideal for their reproduction.

Thus, a combination of adequate basic care, dermatological treatment and oxygen therapy gives good therapeutic results.

Myth Five. Oxidation and Aging

Yes/ No
Perhaps one of the most widespread fears about tissue oxidation when using both oxygen procedures and oxygen cosmetics, the roots of this statement lie in the free radical theory of aging, put forward in 1956 by Harman. This theory is based on the principle that reactive oxygen species cause damage to membranes, collagen, DNA, chromatin, structural proteins. To debunk this myth, it is very important to distinguish oxygen from oxygen.

In the air, oxygen is in the form of O2 molecules, consisting of two atoms. This molecule is stable - to split it into atoms, energy and the presence of specific conditions are required. It is this molecular oxygen from the air that dissolves in microemulsion particles and is used in oxygen procedures.

Atomic oxygen O+ can be formed during some chemical reactions, for example during the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide. It is this that is the oxidizing agent – ​​the free radical.

In conclusion, I would really like to say that oxygen therapy techniques, used as intended and in a set of procedures, without trying to endow each of them with the properties of a panacea, can really work wonders.

Rules of application

Oxygen masks are quite easy to use, so they are ideal for home treatments.

To use them you need:

  • cleanse your facial skin well (scrub, foam, peeling);
  • apply the mask for the specified time;
  • withstand the required period;
  • rinse off the product with warm water;
  • additionally apply tonic or nourishing cream.

The temperature of the product must correspond to the ambient temperature. You can use the mask 1-2 times a week. Alternating between different types will improve the results.


We divide everything that manufacturers promise into four:

  • The mask will not get rid of comedones (blackheads),
  • There won't be much rejuvenation either.

Your face will certainly feel fresher, the color will improve for the next 12 hours, but nothing more.

Moreover, all the improvements are due to the additional ingredients of the mask, and not the presence of oxygen.

But with a sense of fulfilled duty we will be able to say: “I take care of myself!” Perhaps this is almost the only result from the use of oxygen masks. Alas.

Can it be done at home?

Easily! The fastest way is to apply a ready-made product from one of the well-known brands.

Please note that some masks have a runny consistency and tend to slide off the face, so applying them yourself is very difficult.

You can, of course, involve your spouse in anointing your face, but I wouldn’t risk injuring the delicate male nervous system.

Another option is to pretend to be a thrifty housewife and make a mask from what you have in your kitchen. In this case, you will have to spend time making a wonderful substance. The main condition is the presence of 3% hydrogen peroxide in its composition.

Top 14 ranking

Masks from the world's leading cosmetic brands can provide high-quality oxygen nutrition to the skin. However, this does not mean that you should not take into account newly introduced or inexpensive brands that focus on the optimal ratio of quality and price.

Graymelin Oxygen bubble mask pack

Graymelin Oxygen bubble mask pack is perfect for daily care of any skin type: from normal to problem skin. Graymelin Oxygen contains coenzyme Q10, which prevents age-related aging, collagen, which increases tissue elasticity, vitamin E, which retains moisture in cells and green tea extract, which is a natural antioxidant. The product is suitable for cleansing, moisturizing and restoring facial skin. You can learn about cleansing gels in the article.

The approximate cost is 1200-1600 rubles for a volume of 200 ml.

Price: 1200-1600 rubles.

Oxygen mask Faberlic

Faberlic oxygen cosmetics are well known on the market. A mask from the same series allows you to increase the elasticity of the dermis, normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and give the skin a fresh look. The composition contains charcoal and concentrated whey. Ideal for oily and combination skin. The texture of the product ensures comfortable use. An additional bonus is a pleasant floral aroma.

Cost 150 rubles for 1 mask (17 g).

Beauty Style Face Mask

The Beauty Style brand produces many types of face masks. Among them, silk-based products and oxygen masks are especially popular. The product of this brand allows you to start the processes of regeneration and metabolism not only due to oxygen, but also due to the presence in the composition of a large complex of vitamins and fruit extracts. The product has a pronounced lifting effect and is suitable for all skin types.

Cost – 1990-2100 for a set of 10 pieces.

Elizavecca Milky Piggy

In addition to thermal water, clay, charcoal and green tea, this mask contains pomegranate extract, which has a rejuvenating effect on the skin. The bubble mask perfectly cleanses, removes toxins and breakdown products from epidermal cells, increases tissue elasticity, tone, and improves complexion. Working on the principle of peeling, Elizavecca Milky Piggy removes the keratinized top layer and improves the “breathing” of the skin. Suitable for all dermis types.

Cost – 1200 rubles.

Price: 1200 rubles.

Oxygen mask Caolin

Caolin oxygen-based product is intended for sensitive and problematic skin. The mask delicately cleanses the dermis, removing the dead layer of cells and restoring nutrition and hydration processes. The Korean product contains hyaluronic acid, vegetable oils and extracts of ginko, licorice, oats, charcoal and fruit extracts. The product is safe and environmentally friendly.

Cost – 2150 rubles.

Shary Black Magic Bubble Clean

A real innovation that allows you to quickly restore your skin's radiant and healthy appearance. Shary Black Magic Bubble Clean absorbs sebum and impurities, soothes inflammation and actively moisturizes the dermis. Contains calamine, volcanic ash, extracts of black currant, orchid, brown algae, edelweiss, as well as Japanese birch sap, which strengthens intercellular collagen bonds, improves contours, and restores a fresh complexion. Suitable for aging and problem skin.

The cost of packaging is 170 rubles. Designed for 2 uses.


The famous Finnish brand Lumene has released a mask aimed at working with dermis prone to dryness, dehydration and flaking. The product contains birch sap, which promotes active cleansing and moisturizing. It is recommended to use 2 times a week. You can learn about masks against peeling by following the link.

Cost – 1900 rubles.

Price: 1900 rubles.

Thai mask Deoproce

An effective foam product Deoproce is a gift from a Thai manufacturer, aimed at activating the processes of drawing out impurities, sebum and salts from the skin pores. As a result, the dermis “comes to life”, a healthy glow appears, tone is evened out, and turgor increases. Deoproce works well against blackheads and acne and is aimed at cleansing problematic and oily skin with enlarged pores. The cleansing mask additionally contains marine collagen and green tea extract.

Cost – 1400 rubles.

A'pieu Stone peach face mask

The delicate design of the A'pieu Stone peach product hints that it is intended for young skin that has lost its “color” and freshness under the influence of external factors. The mask perfectly cleanses without drying out, restores water balance, and adds elasticity. Active elements are oxygen and clay.

The effect appears after 2-3 applications. Cost – 800 rubles.

Facial peeling mask Belita-Vitex “Double Oxygen”

This is not the first time that the Belarusian manufacturer surprises with high-quality budget cosmetics. The oxygen peeling mask from Belita-Vitex contains components such as blue clay, shea butter, ginko extract and beeswax. As a result, consumers receive elastic skin with well-established nutrition and hydration processes, as well as a light peeling effect that allows them to remove a layer of dead cells. The tone of the face is evened out, the contours become clearer. You can learn about the features of Belarusian cosmetics here.

Cost – 90-100 rubles.

Price: 90-100 rubles.

For face and neck Tian De “Active oxygen”

The Tian De product actively saturates the epidermal cells with oxygen, giving the skin a bright, radiant appearance without an oily sheen. Maximum hydration is combined with the activation of the respiration processes of the dermis and an increase in its barrier functions. Suitable for any skin type. Cannot be replaced under constant exposure to aggressive environmental factors.

Cost – 500 rubles.

Korean TONY MOLY Tako Pore Bubble Pore Pack

The cheerful collection of the Korean brand Tony Moli has been enriched with an excellent oxygen mask, which allows you to almost instantly block inflammation and soothe the dermis. The product does not disturb the natural pH of the skin, eliminates signs of fatigue and rashes, giving the skin an even, radiant tone. Also, the mask from TONY MOLY opens access to oxygen and moisture to the cells, saturates the epidermis with minerals and vitamins. Suitable for anyone, but especially recommended for problem skin. You can learn about the best Korean masks in this material.

Cost – 1200-1300 rubles.

Mediheal Oxygen Cleansing

The main task of Mediheal is high-quality cleansing, which includes the absorption of impurities and fat, as well as the removal of the stratum corneum. The Korean product contains witch hazel, propolis, extracts from apples, persimmons, papaya and safflower. Hyaluronic acid actively moisturizes the epidermis, and chestnut has an antioxidant effect. Suitable for problem skin. You can find out about other sheet masks here.

The cost of 1 package is 190-220 rubles.

Price: 190-220 rubles.

PAYOT Peeling oxygnant dpolluant

The luxury brand PAYOT has also released an oxygen mask with a cleansing effect. The triple effect of the product is to saturate cells with oxygen, neutralize toxins and breakdown products, and remove all types of contaminants. The skin becomes fresh, healthy, smooth. Suitable for all dermis types.

Cost – 2200 rubles.

Side effects from using cosmetics

Like all cosmetic products, oxygen masks have their side effects. They are expressed in a slight sensation of itching, uneven skin color after use (passes quickly) and in an allergic reaction to the components.

To avoid such reactions, it is recommended to first test the product on your hand.

We must not forget about basic precautions when working with the dermis of the face. The mask cannot be used if you have:

  • injuries;
  • thermal and chemical burns and other injuries;
  • problems with blood circulation;
  • purulent formations.

You should not use the product on completely healthy skin.

For an allergy test, you need to apply a small amount of the drug to your wrist or elbow. After 24 hours, inspect the area for signs of an allergic reaction.

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