TOP home recipes for cleansing your face with honey - velvety skin in a few procedures!

Natural bee honey is widely used today in home cosmetology. It allows you to carry out truly effective beauty treatments without extra money. Honey is used in different ways: applied to the skin in its pure form or added to various caring mixtures. You will learn how to get the most out of this product and how to effectively cleanse your face with honey in this article.

Benefits of pure honey

The enormous benefits of honey for the face in its pure form are due to its rich composition:

  • Thiamine. Normalization of metabolic processes in the dermis.
  • Riboflavin. Intensive protection of the skin from the negative effects of free radicals.
  • A nicotinic acid. Pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. Active protection of the dermis from inflammation and acne. Deeply moisturizes and softens dry dermis.
  • Pyridoxine. Promotes the formation of new cells. Provides intense hydration and revitalizes the skin.
  • Ascorbic acid. Pronounced wound healing effect. Rejuvenating effect. Activation of collagen and elastin production.
  • Zinc. Slowing down the aging process and fading of the dermis.
  • Polyphenols. Prevention of premature aging, stopping oxidative processes in cells.

The unique combination of beneficial components that make up honey allows you to get maximum benefits and positive effects on your facial skin.

Cleansing your face with honey: universal methods

Bee honey can be safely called a universal cosmetic product. It not only softens the skin and gives it elasticity. Honey can be used to effectively cleanse clogged pores. Moreover, there are several options for this useful procedure:

  1. Applying honey in its pure form. If necessary, melt the honey in a water bath. (But do not forget that an overheated product loses its beneficial properties; do not heat it above 40 degrees). When the honey has cooled, apply it to your face and wait 10 minutes. The frequency of honey sessions is twice a week.
  2. Honey-apple cleansing. To prepare a cleansing composition, mix a spoonful of grated apple with a spoonful of oatmeal. Add a pinch of fresh chopped mint and a spoonful of honey. Apply the mixture to your face, massage lightly and leave for a few minutes. The frequency of procedures is once a week. This home remedy not only cleanses the skin, but also helps saturate it with useful substances and has a tonic effect.
  3. Honey with protein. This simple mixture cleanses and nourishes the skin at the same time. Spread it evenly over the skin, wait until it dries and then carefully remove it.
  4. Almond-honey scrub. This composition simultaneously provides both chemical and mechanical cleaning of the skin. It is prepared from a spoon of honey and a quarter spoon of ground almonds. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed and applied to the skin with gentle movements. When massaging your face, do not use excessive force, otherwise the delicate skin may be injured.
  5. Soft sugar scrub. A spoonful of sugar is combined with a teaspoon of bee product and diluted with milk. The result should be a soft paste. It is applied to the face, lightly massaged into the skin and waited for half an hour. Then the composition can be washed off.
  6. Scrub made from honey and salt. For this composition you need to take fine sea salt. It is combined with honey (the ratio is determined by eye) and the face is treated.

Traditional mechanical procedures work much faster, but can damage the skin. And scrubs with honey act very gently, without injuring even the sensitive dermis. True, you will have to wait a long time for noticeable results - several months. Therefore, be patient and do not forget to carry out the procedures regularly, strictly following all the rules of home care.

A few more popular recipes

  • Effective peeling for oily skin

A pleasant mixture of aromatic honey and spicy cinnamon will help reduce sebum levels and cleanse pores of deep dirt. The components are combined in the following quantities: 3 tablespoons of honey and a teaspoon of seasoning. The resulting composition is applied before bed and left overnight, washed in the morning. If you don't want to stain your pillowcase, cover your pillow with a soft towel. The procedure can be repeated every evening until a noticeable improvement occurs.

  • Honey with aspirin

This recipe is recommended in the following cases:

  1. acne;
  2. rashes;
  3. increased activity of the sebaceous glands;
  4. impaired pigmentation.

Prepare an exfoliator in this way. Powdered aspirin (3 tablets) is mixed with a spoon of bee honey. If necessary, the composition can be diluted with water. Aspirin normalizes the functioning of the skin glands and dissolves the contents of the pores. And honey at this time prevents the skin from drying out. The result is a steady improvement. The face is cleansed, becomes smooth, fresh and elastic.

Aspirin with honey can also be used for a more complex recipe:

  1. Aspirin (2 tablets) is ground into powder.
  2. Use a pipette to add a couple of drops of hydrogen peroxide to the aspirin.
  3. Wait 2 minutes.
  4. Add tea tree oil (a drop) and lemon juice (2 drops).
  5. Add 2 drops each of apple cider vinegar and jojoba oil.
  6. Add a teaspoon of honey and mix the ingredients thoroughly.
  7. If the composition is too thick, add a little more jojoba oil.

Spread the finished mixture over clean skin and leave for about 40 minutes. Then wash with cold water to tighten the pores. This peeling can be done once a week.

Important! This method has certain contraindications. Aspirin-honey procedures are not recommended for the following problems: dry skin; increased sensitivity; rosacea; nearby vessels.

  • Composition with turmeric

This product is intended primarily for problem skin, as it quickly helps get rid of acne. To cleanse your skin and make it smooth, follow these steps:

  1. Combine a teaspoon of honey with a teaspoon of milk.
  2. Add a teaspoon each of turmeric and fresh lemon juice.
  3. Treat your face and wait half an hour.

The composition has a complex effect. Honey and milk moisturize and nourish tissues. As a result, the skin becomes more elastic and fine wrinkles disappear. And citrus juice and seasoning eliminate rashes and age spots.

  • Honey and lemon for quick results

According to many cosmetologists, it is useful to enrich honey for peeling with lemon juice. The fact is that this citrus contains AHA acids, which are extremely important for the skin, which quickly remove dead skin cells.

There are several options for honey-lemon peeling:

  1. Cut a piece of lemon, drip a little honey on it and wipe your face without touching the skin around the eyes. After a few minutes, wash with water.
  2. Mix sea salt, lemon juice and honey in equal quantities. Apply to the face, massage and wash off after five minutes.
  3. Add a little lemon juice and 3 ground strawberries to a teaspoon of honey. Apply to the face with massage movements. The duration of the procedure is about three minutes.

Important! Remember that lemon and salt can be irritating to the skin. Therefore, do not use these components on wounds, inflammations or overly sensitive skin.

  • Anti-acne mask with honey

Even dermatologists confirm the benefits of natural honey for the skin. According to them, the bee product can be used to effectively combat acne. First of all, it is recommended for those with dry skin, since pharmaceutical acne preparations have drying properties.

We bring to your attention two interesting options for masks:

  1. Manuka bush honey mask. This type of honey comes from New Zealand. Its main advantage is its pronounced antifungal and anti-inflammatory effect. Apply honey to your face, and after 10 minutes, wash with cold water. Please note that you need to rinse off the honey thoroughly - the skin should not remain sticky. Otherwise, the pores may become clogged.
  2. Honey with aloe. Mix the bee product with plant juice in a 2:1 ratio. Apply to skin and wait about 10 minutes. Aloe quickly relieves inflammation and irritation. This mask is great for sensitive skin.

Honey masks must be applied to the face regularly, twice a week. However, you should not expect results after the first sessions. To achieve noticeable improvement, you need to take a long course - at least 2 months.

The effect of using honey

What happens if you smear honey on your face? A course of cosmetic procedures using a natural component will achieve the following results:

  • Elimination of small skin creases.
  • Rejuvenation of the dermis.
  • Intense moisturizing, toning.
  • Treatment of problem skin.
  • Restoration of skin structure.
  • Normalization of the activity of the sebaceous glands.
  • Activation of elastin and collagen production.

Honey can accelerate regenerative processes, stimulate blood circulation and normalize metabolic processes in cells.

How does honey work on the skin?

By regularly using a valuable beekeeping product for cosmetic purposes, you can achieve the following results:

  • Your face will stop peeling and drying out. Honey is able to maintain the required level of moisture in tissues. Moreover, it not only retains the moisture already present in the tissues, but also helps the skin absorb it from the air. Sufficiently moisturized skin becomes more elastic, becomes toned, and fine wrinkles disappear.
  • Your skin will be saturated with enzymes, which will quickly exfoliate unnecessary dead cells. And this is very important for the appearance of the skin, because... It is the dead cells that contribute to the rapid contamination of pores by mixing with sebum.
  • Acne manifestations will disappear. Honey successfully combats this common problem due to its pronounced antibacterial properties. This will also reduce inflammation and redness. The complexion will become even and lighter, and signs of impaired pigmentation will disappear.
  • The skin will be reliably protected from the influence of external negative factors, such as temperature changes and ultraviolet radiation.

Prohibitions and recommendations for use

Is it possible to put honey on your face? The answer to this question will depend on the individual characteristics of a particular person. Thus, it is not recommended to use honey on the face if you have the following conditions:

  • Individual intolerance to bee products.
  • Presence of open wounds.
  • Acute course of skin diseases.
  • The presence of inflamed purulent acne.

The use of natural honey is relevant in the following situations:

  • Provide comprehensive care for normal skin types.
  • Prevention of acne in combination dermis.
  • Restoring water balance, nourishing dry skin.
  • For oily dermis prone to episodes of acne.
  • Problematic skin type with blackheads and acne spots.

Properties and resulting effect from use

The composition of honey is unique, inimitable, and completely depends on the type of plants pollinated.

  1. When honey reacts with water, it forms a compound called hydrogen peroxide, which is known for its antiseptic effects, allowing wounds, cuts, bites and abrasions to quickly heal.
  2. The cleansing properties of honey lie in the ability of deep penetration, opening, and complete cleansing of pores from any impurities and toxins.
  3. Honey is also known for its active moisturizing properties due to the long-term retention of moisture in the epidermis. It promotes cellular respiration, increasing elasticity, softness and density of the skin.
  4. Effective for protecting and restoring the skin from harmful ultraviolet radiation, prolongs youth, reduces wrinkles, and stops the aging process at the cellular level due to the presence of antioxidants.

Only natural bee honey has all the healing properties and is truly effective! We advise you to buy it not in stores, but directly from beekeepers who have an apiary. The best honey is collected by bees in May.

Use at home

Using natural honey for facial skin care, like any other product, has a number of advantages and disadvantages.

The positive aspects of using the component include:

  • A combination of hydration, nutrition, rejuvenation and cleansing.
  • Availability for use at any convenient time, in a familiar environment.
  • Low cost in comparison with the services of beauty salons.
  • Simplicity of the procedure.

Disadvantages include the risk of damage to the skin (if used incorrectly, aggressively), as well as the occurrence of allergic reactions (if contraindications are ignored).

Honey cleansing technique

Cleansing your face with honey at home is carried out in several steps:

  • Preparation of honey or a recipe based on this product, a brush for applying a mask and other items that may be needed during the procedure.
  • Removing cosmetic residues, dust, sebum with a cotton pad soaked in cleansing milk or micellar water.
  • Thorough cleansing of the skin of the face and neck using a cleanser (gel, foam).
  • Apply the product to the skin of the face and neck with clean hands.
  • Apply honey alone or in combination with other ingredients to the facial skin along massage lines, lightly rubbing.
  • Leave the honey on the skin of the face and neck, depending on the recommendations of the specific recipe, for ten to thirty minutes.
  • Remove the product from the face with a damp cloth, rubbing it along the massage lines.
  • Rinse off the remaining honey under running water.
  • To ensure maximum hydration, the final step is to apply a nourishing cream.
  • The frequency of the procedure is at least twice a week.

Using such a natural component in its pure form as honey allows you not only to effectively cleanse your facial skin, but also to moisturize, tone and restore its structure.

Contraindications and precautions

High-quality natural products, unfortunately, also have their contraindications. And bee honey is no exception. First of all, we are talking about individual intolerance. Also, procedures with honey are not recommended for dermatological diseases and skin injuries.

Even if you consider yourself a person not prone to allergies, do not be lazy to conduct a small test. Apply honey to a small area of ​​skin on your wrist or elbow. And then carefully monitor the reaction. If no irritation appears on the skin within a quarter of an hour, then the honey has suited you and you can proceed to facial procedures. Such precaution will not be superfluous at all, because... you can never be sure that a product purchased from the market is environmentally friendly.

Particular care should be taken when using honey not in its pure form, but as part of homemade cosmetic mixtures. When a bee product interacts with other components, the risk of allergic reactions on the skin increases.

Important! Cosmetic compositions made from natural products do not contain preservatives and for this reason cannot be stored for long periods of time. Do not stock up on such compounds for a long time - a couple of days at most. It’s even better to prepare a new portion of the product before each application. If you have prepared too much scrub or mask mixture, you will have to throw away the rest. Remember that the desire to save a little in this case can greatly harm the skin.

Honey for blackheads - reviews

Opinions about face masks with honey on forums are positive. Users who use them regularly note that blackheads disappear after 3-4 procedures. The skin becomes elastic, moisturized, and noticeably tightened. Reviews also recommend using Med Respons cosmetics for blackheads to pre-cleanse the skin.

My skin is constantly covered with blackheads because it is very oily. On the advice of a friend, I started using masks with flour and honey. The effect is amazing. After the first mask, half of the blackheads disappeared. I started making masks 3 times a week, and already in the second week my face cleared up.

I keep getting dots on my nose. At first I used store-bought cosmetics, then I decided to make honey masks. Now there are no problems: your face is always clean.

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