Gluteoplasty – surgical correction of the buttocks

Indications for surgical correction of the gluteal region

There is an opinion that gluteoplasty (buttock surgery) is a purely female plastic surgery. But that's not true. Men who want to correct the gluteal region also resort to the medical services of a plastic surgeon. If we talk about the main indications for correction of the buttocks, gluteoplasty is performed for:

  • small volume of gluteal muscles;
  • the need for a buttock lift;
  • cellulite of the gluteal areas;
  • deformations of soft tissues and skin on the buttocks due to injury or disease;
  • flat buttocks;
  • large buttocks.

Female and male gluteoplasty allows the plastic surgeon to give the buttocks a beautiful, rounded shape by tightening the gluteal muscles and installing silicone implants or endoprostheses.

The first aesthetic defects in the gluteal area can appear after 30 years, when the gluteal fold succumbs and the skin loses its elasticity and tone. The soft tissues of the buttocks begin to sag. In such situations, only plastic surgery of the buttocks (gluteoplasty) can help: you can study patient reviews about surgical correction of the gluteal area and photographs after aesthetic surgery on the website of plastic surgeon M.A. Aspen.

Types of gluteoplasty

Plastic surgery today offers several main types of buttock surgery:

  • Augmentation gluteoplasty.
  • Reduction gluteoplasty.
  • Lipomodeling.
  • Lipofilling.

Gluteoplasty, regardless of the method of correction of the gluteal area, is performed under general anesthesia. Each method of surgical correction has its own characteristics. Now about everything in more detail.

Buttock enlargement

This plastic surgery is considered one of the most popular in the “Gluteoplasty” category. Photos of patients posted on our website indicate the high level of demand for surgical correction of the gluteal area. Enlargement of the gluteal muscles occurs through the introduction of silicone implants or endoprostheses. They have good biocompatibility with soft tissues, so the risks of rejection of implants or endoprostheses are minimal.

The plastic surgeon selects implants individually for each patient, taking into account his wishes, constitutional characteristics of the person’s figure, type of professional activity, etc. Manufacturers of endoprostheses offer the following types of implants:

  • round;
  • anatomical;
  • textured;
  • smooth.


. During gluteoplasty, it is prohibited to use implants suitable for breast augmentation. This is due to the fact that they can withstand less load than endoprostheses for buttock surgery.

The plastic surgeon places the buttock implants strictly under the muscle or fascia. The insertion of endoprostheses under the skin is prohibited. Unsuccessful gluteoplasty will require repeated surgery.

Buttock reduction

Plastic surgery of the buttocks when they are excessive in volume and size occurs by pumping out fat deposits. Plastic surgeons resort to liposuction. It is difficult to achieve ideal parameters of the gluteal region during liposuction, so the operation should only be performed by an experienced and plastic gluteoplasty surgeon.

Surgeons use the following types of liposuction for buttock surgery:

  • Vacuum liposuction - a plastic surgeon to correct the gluteal area destroys fat cells using a cannula, which is inserted into the tissue through small incisions in the skin. Next, the fat emulsion is pumped out with a vacuum pump.
  • Laser liposuction - during buttock surgery, the surgeon inserts cannulas into the tissue, which conduct the laser beam. After breaking down, the fat is removed from the gluteal area through cannulas.
  • Tumescent liposuction - during buttock surgery, fat is dissolved into an emulsion by introducing Klein's solution into the tissue of the gluteal area. Next, using a cannula and vacuum, excess fatty tissue is removed, and the buttocks become rounded.

The method of performing aesthetic surgery on the buttocks is selected by the plastic surgeon, taking into account the wishes of the patient.


During plastic surgery, the surgeon corrects the buttocks with the patient’s own fat. The main advantage of this type of gluteoplasty is a high level of tissue engraftment, since fat cells are completely biocompatible.


It is a type of lipofilling. The plastic surgeon removes excess fat from the gluteal area, reducing its volume, and transplants it into the arms, hips, and chest.

Plastic surgeon Dmitry Krysin

Dmitry Viktorovich Krysin, a plastic surgeon, is well known in the field of buttock replacement. The seductive forms of the patients, the so-called “nuts”, are the calling card and the main feature of Dr. Krysin. He performs this operation masterfully, completely hiding the fact of any intervention by the surgeon from prying eyes. We asked Dmitry Viktorovich how he manages to get such harmonious results and gorgeous photographs of patients with thanks.

Corr.: Dmitry Viktorovich, implants or lipofilling for buttock enlargement: your opinion?

Dmitry Krysin: The method of lipofilling of the buttocks is now being actively promoted, every experienced and developing surgeon today necessarily has his own point of view on this topic: sometimes they differ radically. I don’t work with this technique, only with implants. And I always do everything to ensure that the patient who comes to me for results is satisfied.

Corr. : When installing implants in the buttock area, do you use intermuscular access?

Dmitry Krysin : Yes, I strive to ensure that the implant is installed as deep as possible: ideally under all layers of muscles as much as is anatomically possible in a particular patient. The muscles in the buttocks have a rather complex structure and several layers of different fibers, including small ones... The main idea of ​​my technique is to “go” as deep as possible so that these layers, firstly, hide the buttock implants (this will help avoid contouring), and secondly -secondly, to get that seductive nut shape that you can see in the photos of my patients. This shape of the buttocks is spectacular and attractive: it excites men and makes women spend hours in the gym.

Corr.: How does a surgeon determine the place to install an implant? And, of course, the location of the incision.

Dmitry Krysin : I always make only one incision and very low, then I work with installing implants through it. I can easily determine the place where the implant should be - this is already at the level of some professional instinct, 20 years of experience in gluteoplasty. And when marking, I do not “paint” the patient: I only mark the location of the future incision with a marker.

My main task is to highlight the upper edge of the buttocks using endoprosthetics and, of course, do it symmetrically. During the operation, I can easily determine for myself anatomical landmarks that will allow me to choose a bed for the implant and achieve the desired result. Also, over the last few years, from the first minutes of an appointment, I can clearly see and understand what size implants are suitable for the patient.

Corr. : How are buttock implants different?

Dmitry Krysin : By shape (anatomical, round), surface type (smooth or textured) and, of course, size. I won’t tell all the secrets about why I prefer to work with one type and brand of implants: I’ve been working towards this for a very long time. Let me just say that I install only smooth, round implants.

The “nuts” that you see in the photo are obtained precisely thanks to my experience, knowledge and excellent quality of round smooth implants from the company I work with.

By the way, regarding the shape of the implants. Some manufacturers have hemispherical implants that are completely incomprehensible to me: like a ball cut in half. I have corrected such works. Imagine a picture: a girl on the beach with seemingly spectacular rounded shapes stands and admires the sea. And then he bends down to straighten the towel on the sand... And here two balls, foreign bodies, clearly stand out on the buttocks: they treacherously betray the fact of the operation, and all thoughts about the naturalness of the seductive forms are replaced by completely different emotions. It’s really scary that someone is still installing such implants.

Corr.: Could you tell us in more detail about the incision made through which the implant is installed?

Dmitry Krysin: I always make one incision: through it I install both implants. This is an intergluteal incision, which is made as low as possible in the intergluteal fold (as far as possible for reasons of surgical safety and patient hygiene). The skin in this area is well stretchable, the incision does not exceed 4 cm. At the end of rehabilitation, the scar becomes almost invisible, and laser resurfacing will help to practically “erase” it from the patient’s body.

Hygiene is an extremely important point for gluteoplasty, because there is always a risk of infection from the anus and genitals due to the close proximity of these areas. Plus, in this area there is not very good denervation and blood supply, high humidity... And if you do not take care of the skin, epithelial tissue can accumulate, which is an excellent breeding ground for bacteria. So compliance with all regulations is extremely important - such a difficult area. I even “sew” it in a special way to prevent all possible unpleasant moments. We remove the stitches after 2 weeks, sometimes we can keep them in longer.

All patients ask: how to go to the toilet after surgery? I always tell them that the time will come, you go and we won’t return to this moment, you’ll see. And it’s true: you come to the hospital in the morning for examination and discharge, ask how you are doing, did you go to the toilet, did you have a bowel movement? They answer that yes, there was. And no more questions should be asked. So this sensitive topic will not cause any inconvenience, believe me!

Corr.: When should the result of gluteoplasty be assessed?

Dmitry Krysin: In 2-3 months you can evaluate the initial result, the final and stable result will be in about a year, everything is very individual. I would like to emphasize the idea that there is simply no point in assessing the result a week after the operation: it will not be visible immediately, there may be some kind of asymmetry and other issues. You should trust the surgeon and not worry.

Corr.: What are the main restrictions after surgery?

Dmitry Krysin: In general, it is not recommended to sit for two weeks, although there are patients who need to fly by plane 4-5 days after surgery - then we discuss it individually. If we are talking about a 3-4 hour flight, I allow it. But if you need to fly, for example, 13 hours, then no: in this case you absolutely need to stay in Moscow for two weeks. Train trips (again, not very long) are allowed. After the stitches are removed, you will be able to drive, but these should be short trips.

Practice shows that if a woman lies down after surgery and does nothing, solves puzzles, reads women's magazines, then everything heals well. And an active mother of three children (a case in my experience), who has a million tasks and unforeseen situations, may have problems with a seam. You need to carefully care for the seam and take care of yourself as much as possible. And, of course, you need to squat and sit down as little as possible.

I always make one incision: through it I install both implants

About sports. After 1.5 months you can go to the pool and exercise on manual exercise machines. After 3 months, the process of tissue regeneration and the formation of a capsule around the implant ends. Then the implant is well fixed, and nothing will happen to it: it will be possible to connect other sports. There are certain stages of rehabilitation, each of them has its own limitations, but they are all equally important. I always inform the patient about them in detail and ask them to consult with me on all issues of concern.

Corr.: Does gluteoplasty somehow help in the fight against cellulite?

Dmitry Krysin: This can only help partly, since the skin is stretched - often this gives some kind of anti-cellulite effect. But this operation is not a method of getting rid of it. It happens that after surgery, cellulite seems to have been corrected, but this, I repeat, is rather temporary due to swelling and increased skin turgor.

Corr.: Do you combine the gluteoplasty technique with liposuction or lipofilling of other areas of the body to achieve the desired result?

Dmitry Krysin : Yes, according to indications, sculpting can be performed, usually by liposuction. Although, for example, if we talk about the riding breeches zone, the requests are often different. Some people want to remove fat in this area, while others, on the contrary, want to add fat for smooth curves.

I really like performing gluteoplasty in combination with liposuction of the lumbar region and sides. This way we get a guitar-shaped figure, especially if the woman has naturally broad shoulders. It's very beautiful and feminine. What I don’t like, to be honest, is abdominal liposuction. In my opinion (as a man and a surgeon), a woman should have a small tummy.

Corr.: What body surgeries can gluteoplasty be combined with?

Dmitry Krysin: I perform simultaneous operations, but it is important for the patient to understand that despite the obvious advantages of such interventions, there will be certain difficulties or nuances during the rehabilitation period. For example, if we perform it in combination with mammoplasty, you will need to sleep on your back. However, many patients adapt well. Women are an inventive people, they order special pillows for their lower back, comfortable after gluteoplasty, and they feel comfortable lying on their back for a long time. You can lie on your back, it is not prohibited.

I had patients who rarely come to Moscow: they wanted to do abdominoplasty, buttocks, cruroplasty in one go... Everything can be decided and discussed, the main thing is to be especially careful during the recovery period. By the way, shin surgery goes well with gluteoplasty: you don’t even have to change the patient’s position during the operation.

Corr. : Many patients are worried about the safety of the operation, can you reassure them?

Dmitry Krysin: Now the field of gluteoplasty is well developed due to its popularity, but 20 years ago there were miracle specialists who managed to install breast implants in the buttocks! Moreover, at that time the implants themselves were of low quality. It makes no sense to compare that production with what we have now. Manufacturers have a huge responsibility, and they also want experienced surgeons to use their products. So, implants from many manufacturers are indeed of very high quality.

I visited the production site of the implant company I work with, and was pleasantly surprised by the company’s approach: I was even more convinced of the correctness of the brand I had chosen. Maximum sterility, high technology and scientific approach.

It is important to choose a surgeon who not only has experience in this field, but also specializes in buttock replacement. Then the result will be so harmonious that no one will even think that you have something “not your own!” This is exactly what we strive for.

You can make an appointment with a doctor at the Peace Hospital by phone.

Rehabilitation after buttock surgery

After buttock replacement or gluteal reduction, the patient may experience pain. Sitting on the buttocks causes particular discomfort. To get rid of pain, you should take painkillers prescribed by the plastic surgeon.

It is necessary to introduce physical activity 1.5 months after surgical correction of the buttocks. Heavy loads after gluteoplasty should be avoided for up to 3 months. During this period, the feeling of inserting an implant or endoprosthesis under the gluteal muscles will completely disappear, and the tissue of the buttocks will heal.

In order for rehabilitation after gluteoplasty to be as quick and painless as possible, you must follow the recommendations of the plastic surgeon:

  • For 1.5-3 months after correction of the gluteal area, it is necessary to wear special compression garments.
  • You should not sunbathe or visit solariums for 30 days after plastic surgery of the gluteal muscles.
  • Going to the bathhouse, sauna, or taking a hot bath is prohibited.
  • Injections into the buttocks are strictly prohibited. After gluteoplasty (buttock surgery), injections should be given to the thigh area.

Buttock surgery is an effective procedure for people of any age that will completely change the patient’s figure. The contours of the buttocks will become beautiful and attractive. Make an appointment with plastic surgeon M.A. Aspen - he will personally assess the condition of the buttocks and choose the most suitable method of correction.

Please call to find out the cost of buttock surgery. The price of gluteoplasty depends on the type of plastic surgery, the volume of silicone implants, etc. A 10% discount is possible on changing the shape, contours and size of the buttocks using endoprosthetics or installing a silicone implant when applying on the website.

Gluteoplasty – surgical correction of the buttocks

Jennifer Lopez, Shakira and other stars have become, in fact, the best advertisement for buttock surgery. Their delicious forms have won the hearts of millions of fans. However, enlarging and changing the shape of the buttocks is often not just a desire to make something good better, but a desire to correct problems that cannot be corrected in other ways. For example, eliminating asymmetry, enlarging naturally flat buttocks, and coping with the consequences of injuries.

Gluteoplasty (buttock surgery) is becoming increasingly popular today, including in Russia. Today we will talk in more detail about this type of correction with Dmitry Viktorovich Krysin, a plastic surgeon at the Aesthetic Medicine Studio clinic.

— Dmitry Viktorovich, is buttock correction really so popular today? And did this trend really arise under the influence of pop stars and the film industry?

— Of course, in terms of popularity, gluteoplasty is still far from mammoplasty (breast correction), but this operation is actively gaining momentum. I won’t deny that celebrities have played a role in promoting buttock surgery, but it’s still not the main factor. It’s just that people began to write and talk more about this type of correction, and those who previously did not know about such a possibility of resolving aesthetic problems in this delicate area finally learned about it and began to turn to plastic surgeons.

Undoubtedly, there are those who want to undergo surgery in order to simply improve their already good buttocks - to give them elasticity and volume. And why not? But there are also those who have serious indications for such intervention. For example, with congenital or acquired asymmetry, after injuries and operations, when muscles that are in a sedentary state atrophy. If modern plastic surgery successfully copes with these problems, then why not take advantage of this opportunity, thereby getting rid of the discomfort and complexes that interfere with a full life. Gluteoplasty can be done at any age, as long as you are over 18 years old.

— Please tell us about the buttock surgery procedure in more detail. How is the operation performed and how long does it take?

— This operation takes an average of one and a half to three hours, but now I perform it in an hour, and it is done under general anesthesia. In short, the doctor makes a small, 3-5 cm, incision in the area of ​​the natural intergluteal fold in the sacrum area. The implants are inserted through this incision. After which cosmetic stitches are applied. There are several different ways to insert endoprostheses; I use intermuscular. This method allows you to securely fix the implant and minimize the risk of its contouring and displacement.

— What are the features of postoperative rehabilitation? How heavy is it?

— Of course, rehabilitation takes more than one day, you need to understand this. After the operation, the patient must remain in the hospital for 2 days. In the early postoperative period, pain may occur, which, however, can be quite successfully eliminated with the help of analgesic drugs. There is swelling in the operated area, which naturally subsides after about 2 weeks; in some cases, the swelling lasts a little longer. For 3-4 weeks it is necessary to wear special compression garments, and for about 1.5 months avoid physical activity, solariums, baths, and saunas. In the future, you can return to your normal lifestyle. In general, the final results of the operation can be judged no earlier than 6-12 months after the plastic surgery.

— Many people have questions about the reliability of implants. After all, the buttocks are an area that bears significant loads, both when we sit and when we lie or walk.


“Fears of this kind are completely unfounded. Modern endoprostheses are filled with a highly viscous gel that does not leak out even if the capsule is damaged. In practice, I have never encountered such cases at all. World-famous manufacturers provide a lifetime guarantee on implants, that is, in principle, if they are successfully implemented over time, there will be no need to replace them. Endoprostheses do not wear out, do not lose shape, and have excellent biocompatibility. It is also important that, if necessary or at the request of the patient, the implants can be removed, that is, gluteoplasty is reversible.

— Can the patient himself choose the shape and volume of the “new” buttocks?

- Not certainly in that way. Of course, the patient expresses his wishes, ideas about what he would like to have as a result. And the doctor takes these wishes into account. But the final decision on the type and size of endoprostheses is made by the surgeon, based primarily on the anatomical characteristics of the patient himself. It is important to do no harm and get a predictable result. Of course, all the features of the operation are explained in detail to the patient in advance.

Let's talk about contraindications to gluteoplasty. To whom is this operation contraindicated?

— Contraindications for buttock correction are similar to contraindications for other types of plastic surgery. The main ones are serious systemic diseases, such as renal or liver failure. As well as bleeding disorders, diabetes, autoimmune diseases. The patient’s health status, the presence of chronic diseases, previous injuries and operations - all this is clarified in detail during the preliminary consultation. In addition, before the operation the patient undergoes certain diagnostic tests. This is a required step. Well, let’s be honest, any surgical intervention, especially under anesthesia, is always a serious burden on the body, so it is extremely important to give honest answers to the doctor’s questions regarding your health in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.

— Dmitry Viktorovich, thank you very much for the interview. What would you like to say to our readers at the end of the conversation?

“My address will be quite standard, and it is unlikely that I will reveal any secrets to you.” Everything is very simple - to maintain youth, beauty and health, you need to give up bad habits, eat right, give your body enough physical activity and look at life with optimism.

But if you have a physical disability that prevents you from fully enjoying life, for example, because of your unattractive buttocks you feel awkward in a swimsuit, feel embarrassed in your intimate life, and the like, then this problem can easily be solved today with the help of plastic surgery. The only thing is, when you decide to have an operation, be responsible when choosing a surgeon. Still, despite its prevalence, this operation is quite complex - large nerves and blood vessels are located in the buttock area, so it requires very delicate, one might say, jewelry work by a surgeon.

More photos before and after gluteoplasty >>


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