Techniques and preparations: a guide to changing the shape and size of lips

Every representative of the fair sex considers the lips to be the most important part of the face and image as a whole, which is why this area receives so much attention in aesthetic medicine. Women have always tried to emphasize this area: they used products that enhance the color and shine of their lips, but now for several years now in photographs girls have been lining their lips “duck lips” or “duck face”.

The duck trend has taken over the world so much that scientists have wondered why women so want to accentuate the lip area, change and increase their shape and volume.

Scottish scientists even conducted a study, the results of which were published in The Journal of Sexual Medicine 1. According to an online survey of 258 women living in Scotland (average age 27 years), the presence of a pronounced bump on the upper lip meant that a woman is more likely to experience a vaginal orgasm.

Perhaps it is precisely this desire that drives women who so actively form their lips like a duck?

Choosing the optimal filler for lip contouring

Lip contouring is one of the most common manipulations performed by a practicing cosmetologist. Every year there are more and more fillers based on hyaluronic acid. And, reading the description of the drugs, we understand that they basically have similar physical characteristics - viscosity, density, elasticity. Among all this diversity, there are drugs that differ from all others in their composition, and, accordingly, in their effect.

Etermis 3 and Etermis 4 fillers contain:

  • 23 and 24 mg/ml hyaluronic acid, respectively;
  • 15% native HA;
  • 41 mg/g mannitol.

What properties does mannitol give to hyaluronic acid filler?

  1. Being an antioxidant, it significantly prolongs the biodegradation time of the drug in tissues. The duration and durability of the effect after filler injections is a topic that is always important for patients of cosmetologists. It becomes especially relevant for the so-called hyaluronic acid eaters - this is what doctors call patients in whom the effect of contour correction lasts for a short time (no more than a month), and hyaluronic acid is quickly eliminated from the body. Etermis fillers avoid this problem.
  2. Reduces swelling and inflammation in tissues after contouring procedures.
  3. Gives biorevitalizing properties to the filler. This effect is due to the action of mannitol as a free radical scavenger and the presence of native hyaluronic acid.

Also, one of the features I would like to note is the brightness of the red border of the lips after injections of preparations from the Etermis line , which is probably due to the moistening of the surface and the absence of peeling of the red border. It is important that the color is exactly deep pink , without the presence of blue tints (as with the Tyndall effect, which is very common when injecting biphasic fillers).

Etermis 4 allows you to highlight your lips thanks to its excellent visco-elastic properties (having a HA density of 24 mg/ml, the drug is injected with a 30G needle).

When not to do the procedure

It is worth noting that before applying permanent lip makeup, you should familiarize yourself with the contraindications:

  1. Benign and malignant tumors.
  2. Diabetes.
  3. Blood clotting disorder.
  4. Epilepsy or fever.
  5. The presence of any inflammatory processes, fungus.
  6. Mental disorder.
  7. Allergy to any drug used in this procedure.
  8. Period of pregnancy or breastfeeding.
  9. Hypertension.
  10. Kidney failure.

Correction of complex lip shapes

Rice. 5.

Dividing the lips into segments before starting the procedure. It is not recommended to inject the drug into the shaded area.

Let's look at several complex lip shapes and ways to correct them with just six injections.

Before moving on to the technical aspects, you first need to divide the lips into segments to better understand the location and purpose of the injection (Fig. 5)


Lines drawn vertically from the Glogau-Klein points parallel the central segment of the upper and lower lips (Ls1 and Li1, respectively).

I would like to pay special attention to the shaded triangular area - injections of filler into this area make the lips unattractive and the facial expression stupid.

This triangle is formed by counter lines drawn from the Glogau-Klein points along the contour of the lips downwards until they intersect with the lower edge of the upper lip.

Vertical lines drawn down from the outer points of the wings of the nose limit the Ls2 and Li2 segments on the upper and lower lips, respectively.

Part of the lips, from the border of Ls2 and Li2 to the commissure of the mouth - segment Ls3 and Li3.

Options for correcting some lip shapes

Rice. 6

The upper lip is heavy, overhanging, greater in height and volume than the lower lip - Glogau-Klein points are not expressed (Fig. 6)

Six for Sex correction technique:

Segment Ls2 - inject, retreating 1-2 mm from the border of dry and wet mucosa in the direction of the Glogau-Klein point, leave the bolus intradermally, slightly medial to this point, to create a more accurate cupid's arch.

Then we distribute the drug superficially, fanwise, linearly retrograde, 0.05 ml per pass.

Segment Li3 is injected, retreating 2 mm from the commissure of the mouth in the medial direction. The first vector, along the border of the dry and wet mucosa, is quite voluminous - 0.1–0.15 ml, in order to create support for the upper lip, then we distribute the drug in a fan-shaped, linear retrograde manner, making the Li3 segment more voluminous.

Injection from the border of the red border of the Li1 segment, a vertical vector in the direction of the closure line, then the distribution of the drug is linear-retrograde, in the direction of the Li2 segment. At the exit, intradermally, we leave a bolus of 0.05–0.1 ml in order to further increase the height of the red border of the lower lip.

If there is a pronounced volume deficiency of the lower lip, the first vertical vector is made under the muscle, and a bolus with a volume of 0.1–0.15 ml.

Rice. 7

The upper lip is thin, gull-wing shaped, vague cupid's arch, with very wide-standing Glogau-Klein points (Fig. 7)

Six for Sex correction technique:

Segment Ls2 - inject, retreating 1-2 mm from the border of dry and wet mucosa, in the direction of the Glogau-Klein point, leave the bolus intradermally, slightly medial to this point, to create a more accurate cupid's arch.

Then we distribute the drug superficially, fanwise, linearly retrograde, 0.05 ml per pass.

Segment Ls2 - injection just medial to the Glogau-Klein point, injection of the drug superficially, without moving 1-2 mm to the border of dry and wet mucosa.

This counter distribution of vectors makes it possible to well strengthen the smallest segment of the lips - Ls2.

Segment Ls3 – intradermal administration of the drug, linearly retrograde along the contour of the lips, in the medial and lateral directions, fan distribution, in order to increase the height of the lip and slightly expand it.

Rice. 8

The upper lip has the shape of a gull wing, but is more voluminous, with widely spaced Glogau-Klein points, non-structural (Fig.8)

Six for Sex correction technique:

Segment Ls2 - inject, retreating 1-2 mm from the border of dry and wet mucosa, in the direction of the Glogau-Klein point, distribute the drug 0.05 ml per pass in a superficial, fan-shaped, linear-retrograde manner.

Segment Ls2 – injection just medial to the Glogau-Klein point, superficial, linear-retrograde distribution of the drug in the direction of the missing one, for a more even line of closure of the volume. At the border of dry and wet mucosa, slightly retreating from it (1 mm), we leave microboluses. Also a bolus of 0.05–0.1 ml intradermally at the injection point.

Segment Li3 – injection from the commissure of the mouth, the first vector along the border of dry and wet mucosa, 0.1 ml per pass, then fan-shaped, linear-retrograde, superficial.

Rice. 9

The upper lip has a clearly defined “chopped” cupid’s arch, is flat, and the height is greater than the height of the lower lip. Wide mouth (Fig. 9)

Six for Sex correction technique:

Segment Ls1 – injection from the side of dry and wet mucosa, superficial, fan-shaped, linear-retrograde distribution of the drug – emphasizing the central volume of the lips for their visual narrowing.

Segment Li1 – injection from the border of the red border of the lips, superficial, linear-retrograde injection of the drug, microboluses at the injection point – visual increase in the height of the lower lip, accentuation of the central part of the lips.

Segment Ls3 - injection, retreating 1-2 mm from the commissure of the lips, superficial, linear-retrograde injection of the drug, a bolus of 0.1 ml, not reaching 2 mm to the edge of the upper lip, visually shortens the lips, giving them a beautiful curve.

Rice. 10

The upper lip with a very large central tubercle, fleshy, height greater than the height of the lower lip. The horizontal size of the mouth is small (Fig. 10)

Six for Sex correction technique:

Segment Ls2 – injection from the border of the red border, fan-shaped, linear-retrograde injection of the drug in the inferomedial direction in order to smooth out the pronounced contour of the central tubercle of the upper lip.

Segment Li1 – injection from the middle of the red border of the lower lip, superficial, linear-retrograde injection of the drug, intradermal microbolus – emphasizing the center of the lower lip, structuring it, increasing its height.

Segment Ls3 Li3 – injection, 1 mm away from the commissure of the lips, intradermal injection of the drug into the contour of the upper and lower lips, creation of stiffening ribs by introducing the drug along the border of the dry and wet mucosa of the upper and lower lips. This emphasis on the lateral segment of the lips visually increases the horizontal size of the lips.

Rice. eleven

The upper lip is gull-wing shaped, with a very pronounced central tubercle, widely spaced Glogau-Klein points. Relief lower lip, with a slight lack of volume in the central segment. Large horizontal lip size (Fig. 11)

Six for Sex correction technique:

Segment Ls2 - inject, retreating 1-2 mm from the border of dry and wet mucosa in the direction of the Glogau-Klein point, leave the bolus intradermally, slightly medial to this point, to create a more accurate cupid's arch.

Then we distribute the drug superficially, fanwise, linearly retrograde, 0.05 ml per pass.

Segment Ls2 – injection from the Glogau-Klein point, fan-shaped, superficial, linear-retrograde injection of the drug in order to fill the missing volume of this zone, increase the vertical size, slightly smooth out the contour of the central tubercle.

Segment Li1 – injection from the center of the red border of the lower lip, fan-shaped, linear-retrograde, superficial administration of the drug. Microboluses, volume 0.1 ml, intradermally, at a distance of 1–1.5 mm from the center of the border of the red border of the lower lip - slightly smooth out the sharpness of the outlines of the lower lip.

Rice. 12

Non-structural fleshy upper and lower lips. Glogau-Klein points are not expressed. Small horizontal lip size (Fig. 12)

Six for Sex correction technique:

Segment Ls2 – injection from the center of the red border of the upper lip, fan-shaped, superficial, linear-retrograde injection of the drug. Microbolus intradermally, just medial to the Glogau-Klein point - to give definition to the upper lip.

Segment Ls3 - injection, retreating 1–165 mm from the commissure of the lips, introduction intradermally, along the contour of the red border and along the border of dry and wet mucosa, bolus of 0.1 ml, not reaching 1–2 mm from the commissure of the mouth, to increase the projection and give beautiful curve of the upper lip.

Segment Li3 - injection from the commissure of the mouth, insertion along the border of dry and wet mucosa, along the contour of the red border of the lower lip - to increase the horizontal size of the lips.

Preparation and care after the procedure

In order for the procedure to be as painless as possible and for the coloring pigment to perform well, it is advisable to prepare, namely:

  1. Approximately a month before the scheduled procedure, apply a moisturizing balm daily.
  2. Take a course of tablets for herpes and continue after tattooing for 5 days.
  3. A couple of days before the procedure, do not drink alcohol, coffee, tea or products that thin the blood.
  4. Take vitamin C to maintain immunity.

After lip tattooing has been applied, it is worth taking proper care of it, especially in the first days:

  • During the first 24 hours, the skin on your lips gets a little wet, so it is recommended to blot them lightly with a napkin.
  • Do not tear off the crusts that appear a couple of days after applying parchment makeup.
  • Do not visit the bathhouse or solarium for a month.
  • If your lip skin is too dry, you can lubricate it with a thin layer of balm.
  • Do not use hydrogen peroxide or preparations containing alcohol, otherwise the lip color may fade.
  • Do not use any decorative cosmetics on your lips and do not touch them with your hands.


Cheiloplasty is a type of plastic surgery. Both surgical and injection treatments are possible.

Indications for the lip augmentation procedure are:

  1. Removal of serious cosmetic defects such as cleft lip and cleft palate.
  2. The technique allows you to neutralize the consequences of removing formations in the lip area.
  3. Effectively fights age-related changes in the skin of the lips.
  4. Allows you to adjust the shape and size of your lips.
  5. Raise the drooping corners of the mouth.
  6. Using the technique, you can both increase and decrease the shape of your lips.

Injection cheiloplasty is a completely aesthetic procedure. It is designed to emphasize the forms already laid down by nature. Surgical cheiloplasty is used in cases where it is necessary to significantly change or correct the existing shape.

Features of the technique

The trend is naturalness in everything. And you can make your lips natural and beautiful with the help of shape correction. Special fillers will add expressiveness and swelling, and also eliminate wrinkles in the corners of the mouth. The result will be noticeable after the first procedure.

Shape modeling is characterized by the following action:

  1. Creating beautiful contours.
  2. The appearance of volume.
  3. Elimination of wrinkles around the mouth.
  4. Restoring skin moisture in this area.

After the procedure, a rejuvenating effect is observed.

Types of lip permanent

In the modern sense, this makeup appeared in the USA and Taiwan in the 80s of the last century, from where it has already spread throughout the world. The essence of micropigmentation technology (as permanent is also called) is the introduction of dye under the top layer of skin through tiny punctures.

Of course, it is important for any woman to improve and become more attractive. But, probably, tattooing acquires its main cosmetic significance in the presence of scars or natural flaws that it helps to hide.

Find out how to use Oriflame eyebrow shadows here.

No shading

More than 30 years of development of this art have led to the emergence of several types of coating, each of which has its own goals:

  1. Drawing the outline. During the procedure, only the border line is affected, leaving the space without shading. This type of tattoo is the simplest and fastest, and the effect can be completely invisible to the eye or resemble pencil eyeliner.
  2. Contour with shading. In addition to the drawn border, the artist extends the tone to the inner space of the lips. The fill can be wide or narrow, and the colors vary from darker at the edges to lighter closer to the center.
  3. Full painting. In this case, the emphasis is on filling the entire space, sometimes even without making a contour. Depending on the chosen tone, you can get a natural but rich coverage, a visible lipstick or even gloss effect.
  4. Light kajal (natural tattoo). The uniqueness of the method lies in the use of very pale paint, which is applied along the border without shading. The naturalness of this part of the face is preserved as much as possible, but volume is added.

For permanent hair, only natural dyes are recommended, which almost completely eliminate the risk of an allergic reaction. The leaders in the production of quality products are the USA and Germany.

In a separate line, we need to highlight the intermediate and very fashionable techniques of 3D and watercolor today. The essence of the first of them is to use several paints over the entire volume.

Dark colors are located on the edges and folds, while pale colors are shaded, creating a play of light and shadow. The second method involves using only one color, which is driven into the folds, remaining almost invisible to prying eyes.

Complete coloring Is it safe to color your curls? We study the composition of hair dye. You can find out the composition of nail polish here.

Transparent gloss plus the right shades of lipstick

An everyday option suitable for everyone. You will need a light or transparent gloss with shimmering particles: they create a wet effect and visually increase the volume of the lips. Try applying a thin layer of foundation or powder to your lips, and then apply gloss.

Choose light shades of lipstick: beige, cream, soft pink. It is believed that matte lipsticks that are too dark, on the contrary, visually reduce volume (but if you apply a slightly lighter shade of lipstick to the center of your lips, you get a 3D effect).

You can choose a lipstick shade that suits you at the RomaDoma cosmetics store. Luxurious colors, velvet texture, lightness and ease of application - everything you need for perfect makeup and a good mood!

SECRET KEY lipstick, from RUB 810, order: +7 (343) 383-53-30

Lipstick pencil

MISSHA​, from 880 rub., order: +7 (343) 383-53-30

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