The skin on the elbows peels, cracks, and itches. Causes, photos, treatment with home remedies, folk recipes, creams, ointments in the pharmacy

The modern beauty market offers a large number of skin care products, including for different areas of the body prone to peeling. For example, lips, feet and elbows. Meanwhile, contrary to popular belief, normally the skin of the entire body should be equally moisturized, says dermatologist, candidate of medical sciences Irina Skorogudaeva . According to the doctor, dryness of a certain area of ​​the skin, for example, the elbows, may indicate diseases and disorders in the body.

Article on the topic Eczema under control. How to deal with dry hands

The skin on the elbows peels and cracks: reasons

The skin on the elbows peels and cracks due to changes or disturbances in the functioning of the body.

The reasons are:

  1. Avitaminosis. A lack of vitamins E, A, and group B makes the skin dry and flaky.

  2. Diseases of various etiologies.
  3. Hormonal disorders.
  4. Improper elbow skin care. Taking hot baths with frequent use of foaming agents.
  5. Sedentary work or lifestyle that involves constant rubbing of elbows and hard surfaces.

Endocrine disorders

The cause of excessive dry skin, including on the elbows, can be a hormonal imbalance. In turn, it can be caused by endocrine diseases, taking hormonal drugs, age-related changes or congenital characteristics.

The sebaceous glands located on the skin are responsible for the protective function. “The production of sebum occurs under the influence of sex steroid hormones, primarily androgens and estrogens. Accordingly, if you produce less of these hormones, your skin remains dry. The cause may be endocrine diseases. For example, pronounced changes in the skin occur with diabetes mellitus. Hormonal levels can also change the use of hormonal medications. There are also individual congenital characteristics: weak sensitivity of receptors to the actions of hormones, resulting in low sebum production, resulting in drier skin. In addition, with age, sebum is produced in smaller quantities, again due to a decrease in the production of sex hormones,” the doctor notes.

Causes of dry skin on elbows

The first manifestations of changes in the epidermis on the elbow are dry skin. The cause is psychological shock and prolonged stress.

Dryness can occur due to prolonged wearing of clothes made of synthetic materials and their friction against the delicate skin of the elbows. This problem is especially pronounced in the autumn-winter period, when the air becomes dry and significant temperature changes are observed.

Lack of drinking water in the body makes the skin harder and drier, which can subsequently lead to cracking of the elbows.

Causes of elbow pain

Elbow pain can be a consequence of many diseases and injuries:

  1. Acute and chronic arthritis (inflammatory processes) of the elbow joint. The reason is infection entering the joint cavity, autoimmune (allergy to one’s own tissues) processes. In acute arthritis, redness, swelling, increased skin temperature over the joint, pain, and sometimes fever and general malaise appear. When arthritis takes a chronic course, the pain becomes moderate and aching, the swelling is insignificant, and there is no redness. You need to start treatment as early as possible; for this, in case of acute arthritis of one joint, you need to consult a surgeon; if several joints are affected at once or the process is erased, then consult a rheumatologist.
  2. Bursitis is an inflammation of the periarticular bursa (bursa). The disease develops against the background of microtrauma during constant performance of certain movements. Bursitis most often develops in the subcutaneous ulnar bursa (see Fig.), but can also occur in the radioulnar and interosseous ulnar bursa. It manifests itself as moderate pain and the appearance of a lump of dense elastic consistency in the elbow area. Bursitis is treated by an orthopedist-traumatologist.
  3. Epicondylitis, an inflammation of the muscle tendon where it attaches to the bony joint structure, can also cause elbow pain. Ulnar epicondylitis is divided into internal - with damage to the tendons of the flexor muscles attached to the inner surface of the head of the humerus and external - with pathology of the extensor muscles attached to the outer surface of the head of the humerus. Pain in this case appears respectively when flexing and extending the arm in the right or left elbow, as well as when pressing on the outer or inner surface of the head of the humerus. The reason for the development of epicondylitis is microtrauma during regular performance of monotonous work (painters, cooks) and sports activities (tennis, golf). Treatment consists of limiting exercise and anti-inflammatory therapy.
  4. Arthrosis is degenerative-dystrophic changes in the elbow that develop after injuries, inflammatory processes and in the second half of life, after the age of 50 years. Painful sensations of an aching nature, it is difficult to bend and straighten the arm at the elbow.
  5. Joint dislocation is a complete or partial (subluxation) divergence of articular joints. A dislocation develops when you fall backwards or forwards onto a straight arm, as well as from a direct strong blow to the joint. Symptoms: severe sudden pain, aggravated by moving the hand and clenching it into a fist, increasing tissue swelling. If such symptoms appear, you need to provide emergency assistance to the victim (see above) and call an ambulance. Reducing a dislocation on your own is strictly contraindicated: this can lead to a bone fracture, pinched nerves and blood vessels. In the hospital, diagnostics are first carried out, and then, under local or general anesthesia, the dislocation is reduced with the application of an immobilization bandage.
  6. Joint fracture - develops during acute injury, can be open (with a violation of the skin and protrusion of bone fragments onto the surface) and closed. Bone fragments may remain in the same position as normal (undisplaced fracture) or move (displaced fracture). Symptoms: severe sudden pain in the elbow, dry cracking, change in joint configuration and increasing swelling. After emergency assistance is provided, the victim is hospitalized and urgently examined. In case of a non-displaced fracture, an immobilization bandage is applied. A displaced fracture is operated on, the bones are connected, and only after that immobilization is carried out.

Elbow fracture a) without displacement of fragments, b) with displacement

Why does the skin on my elbows itch?

When dehydrated, the upper layer of the epidermis becomes thinner, microcracks appear, which cause itching and burning. Normal-looking skin begins to itch. If you do not take measures to moisturize the skin from the outside and inside, it begins to peel and crack.

The skin begins to itch due to diseases of the dermis such as:

  • psoriasis;
  • acute atopic dermatitis of any etiology;

  • eczema;
  • fungal infections;
  • diabetes.

Important! If you suspect a skin disease, you should consult a dermatologist, as self-medication can lead to even greater negative changes in the skin.


Why can pain radiate to the elbow from the neck area?

Most often, this is associated with cervical osteochondrosis.

Why does pain appear in the bend of the elbow?

The reasons may be different. This is often associated with tunnel syndrome - compression of the ulnar nerve by swollen tissue due to injury or inflammation.

If you have pain in the elbow joint, which doctor should you contact?

It is worth starting with a therapist, and after the examination he will refer the patient to an orthopedic traumatologist or rheumatologist.

Could soreness in the elbow area be muscle related?

Maybe. In case of injuries or hypothermia, muscles are injured and inflammatory processes develop in them - myositis. Muscles can also be damaged by various joint pathologies; they develop spasms and atrophy (decrease in volume), which is accompanied by pain.

What are the causes of redness and pain in the elbow area?

Redness and swelling of tissue are signs of inflammation - arthritis, bursitis, synovitis or epicondylitis.

Cubital tunnel syndrome - what is it?

This is compression of the ulnar nerve in a narrow anatomical canal. Normally, the nerve passes freely through such channels, but when the surrounding tissues swell due to various inflammatory processes, it becomes compressed, accompanied by pain.

Elbow pain is not a death sentence. If it doesn’t go away, then you shouldn’t endure it. It is better to consult a doctor as soon as possible, find out what caused the pain and undergo a course of treatment. You can consult a doctor even with long-term pain, he will help you in any case.


  1. Zorya V.I., Babovnikov A.V. Elbow joint injuries: a guide. M.: GEOTAR-Media, 2010; 464.
  2. Mironov S.P., Burmakova G.M. Damage to the elbow joint during sports. M.: Lesar-art, 2000; 192.
  3. Hotchkiss R. Epicondilitis – lateral and medial. Hand clin., 2000;16; 505–8.
  4. Graham RG, Hudson DA, Solomons M. A prospective study to assess the outcome of steroid injections and wrist splinting for the treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome. Plast Reconstr Surg. Feb 2004;113(2):550–6.

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What causes cracks in the skin of the elbows?

Cracks in the elbows are the next step after the appearance of dryness and flaking of the skin. In most cases, their occurrence indicates the presence of an advanced skin disease or a complete lack of care.

Long-term anemia, chronic dermatitis, serious disorders of the thyroid gland or adrenal glands become the causes of deep, bleeding cracks in the elbows.

Don't miss the most popular article in the section: Cracks on the fingers - causes and treatment of the skin with folk remedies, ointments, masks and preparations. Photo.

Infectious diseases as a cause of itching on the elbows

Unpleasant symptoms may indicate infection after contact with a sick person, his personal belongings or common objects. There are several common infectious pathologies in which a rash appears on the elbow and the affected area itches.

  • Scabies. In the area under study, passages in the form of black dots are noticeable, made by mites to move under the skin. The elbow area is covered with small red pimples, and the patient suffers from severe itching. Without immediate treatment, mites will quickly invade the entire skin.
  • Mycosis. The fungus is expressed by itching and redness of the elbow joint, as the first affected area, and can spread from the head, nails, and other parts of the body. When the disease occurs, the skin dries out, peels, and pink oval spots are noticeable.

  • Lichen planus. The pathology is mainly observed in older people, but a rash on the elbows for this reason can occur in a child, teenager, or middle-aged person. When the disease occurs, red spots with a convex edge appear on the elbow. When treated with water or oil, the vascular network becomes visible. Symptoms go away on their own within 10 days, but relapses are possible.

Read also: Itchy skin in older people: causes of senile itching, treatment

Goose bumps in the elbow area

The appearance of goose bumps on the elbows is a sign of improper care. Excessive use of alkaline cleansers, too frequent scrubbing and insufficient moisturizing lead to roughening of the elbow area.

This is a kind of protective reaction of the body. The skin tries to reduce damage caused to it from the outside by forming small, dense formations. The problem is easily solved - you need to purchase a more nutritious product and reduce or completely eliminate the mechanical effect on the skin.

Why does the skin on my elbows darken and turn black?

There are several reasons for darkening of the skin on the elbows:

  1. A lack of vitamins A, D, E can lead to changes in skin color.
  2. Hypothyroidism. Improper functioning of the thyroid gland triggers multiple chemical reactions, one of the manifestations of which is dark elbows.

  3. Frequent leaning causes compression of the skin . Temporary cessation of normal blood circulation, pressure on the epidermis - this leads to roughening and darkening of the skin.


Leah: I really liked rubbing my elbows with lemon juice - natural and effective! The most important thing is not to forget to apply cream afterwards!

Karina: Baths seemed like too much of a hassle to me. At one time the result is minimal, but I don’t want to do this for two weeks.

Sveta: Dark skin on the elbows is simply poorly exfoliated, so the best solution is a scrub. The honey-coffee mixture gives simply excellent results.

Olya: My elbows turned black due to vitamin deficiency, I started taking vitamins and everything gradually went away by itself. I didn’t take any additional measures, although I systematically scrub my entire body, maybe this had some significance.

How to care for problematic elbows: basic rules

The skin on the elbows peels and cracks - you can prevent this by caring for it properly.

There are 3 main stages of proper care:

  • Cleansing;
  • Exfoliation;
  • Hydration.

You can clean the skin of your elbows with any cosmetic product (scrub, peeling), a hard washcloth or a special brush. You can also use half a lemon, which you need to wipe your elbows 3 to 5 times. This will prepare the skin for the next, more serious stage of cleansing - exfoliation.

The procedure is carried out daily (if the skin is rough) for 2 weeks or 1-2 times a week (for preventive purposes). For this purpose, special products based on fruit acids are used. After exfoliation, the skin on your elbows needs to be moisturized. There are many options for how to nourish your skin.

After trying several, you can find the right product for your specific skin type:

  • fatty (baby) cream - for example, Nivea, Land of Fairy Tales;
  • cosmetic oils – sea buckthorn, flaxseed, apricot, peach, etc.;

  • a mixture of vitamin A and E in a ratio of 1:2;
  • folk recipes using honey, oils, potatoes or starch.

Important! When using oils, they must be rubbed into the skin with light movements until completely absorbed.

Nutrition for healthy elbow skin

You can help rough, flaky skin on your elbows by enriching your daily diet with products useful for restoring the epidermis:

  • seeds and nuts (almonds, walnuts, pine);
  • fermented milk products (cottage cheese, cheese);
  • vegetables – spinach, carrots, sorrel;
  • chicken eggs;
  • fish liver, beef liver.

To improve the skin of your elbows, you need to give up alcohol (especially strong drinks). It negatively affects not only large blood vessels, but also impairs microcirculation in the upper layers of the dermis.

Treatment of peeling elbows with medications

Depending on the etiology of peeling of the elbows, the following groups of drugs are used:

  1. Antihistamines (Tavegil, Fenkarol, Suprastin, Zyrtec, etc.) - if it is dermatitis, eczema and other allergic skin manifestations.
  2. Medicines that replenish iron deficiency in the body (sorbifer, ferrum-lek, etc.) – when anemia is detected.

  3. Vitamin-mineral complexes (duovit, complivit, supradin, etc.) - for long-term lack of vitamins.
  4. Creams and ointments aimed at eliminating dryness, peeling and cracking of the skin of the elbows (rescuer, bepanten, foretal, zinc ointment, etc.)
  5. Hormonal drugs - for disorders of the endocrine system.

How to remove dark spots with creams and ointments

The main purpose of the product that will be used to eliminate the roughness of dark elbows should be to moisturize and nourish. Creams and ointments should be the final stage of any scrubbing procedure to protect the skin from drying out and prevent the appearance of cracks. Usually no special compositions are required for this. Apply existing creams either for the hands or for the body in general.

For targeted lightening of the area, Zinc ointment, Hydroquinone, Revitol lightening cream, Clinicians Complex skin cleansing and lightening agent, etc. can be used. If the skin begins to itch and bother you, you can apply a thin layer of Vaseline to it.

Pharmacy ointments and creams

If the skin of the elbows is affected by psoriasis, it is recommended to add non-hormonal ointments to the main treatment, since they can be used for an unlimited time. Such a remedy is Videstim ointment (Russia) based on vitamin A, which effectively affects the affected areas, helping to speed up healing. Cost 100 rub.

Cream emollient "Emolium" from the Polish manufacturer Sanofi-Aventi. Thanks to its composition, it covers the skin with a thin film that prevents moisture evaporation and drying of the skin.

Contains macadamia and shea butter, which additionally moisturizes and restores epidermal cells. Recommended for atopic dermatitis, excessive dryness and flaking of the skin. The cost of a 75 ml tube is 500 rubles.

Bepanten ointment or cream from the manufacturer Bayer JSC (Russia) contains dexpanthenol, which enhances regeneration at the cellular level. The products are well absorbed and immediately begin to act on damaged areas of the skin. Use up to 3 times a day. The cost of a tube of ointment and cream (30 g) is almost the same: 450-500 rubles.

Cosmetic procedures

The skin on the elbows is peeling and cracking - cosmetic procedures aimed at softening and nourishing the epidermis and improving its appearance can help.

Examples of procedures are:

  1. Wraps. Restorative compositions based on oils, creams or herbal decoctions are applied to the elbow area. Cover with cling film and leave for 30 minutes or more. Some wrap mixtures can be left overnight for the greatest benefit. The procedure is carried out 2-3 times a week, in combination with cleansing.
  2. Compresses . Heated oil mixtures or traditional recipes (with honey, starch) are applied to damaged areas of the elbows, wrapped in film and wrapped in woolen cloth for 30-45 minutes. This way the skin softens more and its permeability increases. Useful microelements enter in greater quantities into the deep layers of the epidermis. Compresses are done 1-2 times a week.
  3. Bleaching . A common manifestation, in addition to dryness and roughness of the skin of the elbows, is their darkening. Whitening procedures can cope with the problem. At home, you can achieve the effect using hydrogen peroxide, lemon or its juice, raw potatoes, parsley or flaxseed oil. In tandem with them, you can use whitening creams, which will additionally nourish the skin. The whitening procedure must be carried out once a week.

What exactly hurts

The elbow joint is a complex joint consisting of three bones (ulna, radius, humerus) and interconnected joints: radioulnar, humeroulnar and humeroradial. The radial side of the joint is on the outer (lateral) side of the arm, the ulnar side is on the inner (medial). The complex joint is surrounded by a dense capsule that protects it from external influences.

The inner lining of the capsule is called synovial. It secretes synovial fluid, which is the “lubricant” of the joint and supplies nutrients to the cells of the hyaline cartilage that covers the articular surfaces of the bones. Around the joint between the bone and tendon-ligament tissues there are 3 bursae - articular capsules containing synovial fluid (interosseous ulnar, radioulnar and ulnar subcutaneous). They improve the process of sliding of joint tissues during movement and prevent injury.

The joint is strengthened by four ligaments: two lateral (ulnar and radial), annular (fixes the head of the radius) and quadrate (fixes the connection of the radius and ulna). In the area of ​​the elbow, the tendons of the flexor and extensor muscles of the shoulder are attached and the tendons of the forearm, which are involved in the movement of the arm below the elbow joint, originate. Joint movements: flexion-extension, supination-pronation (rotation of the forearm in and out).

The structure of the elbow joint

The elbow is the elbow joint and the soft tissues surrounding it - tendons, ligaments, blood vessels, nerves, subcutaneous tissue and skin. Elbow pain can occur due to pathology in any of these structures.

Treatment for rough elbows at home

You can cure rough elbows at home with regular cleansing and nutrition.

Cleansing is possible with the following folk recipes:

  1. Salt is mixed with sour cream or kefir and applied to the skin for a few minutes. Then massage for 3-6 minutes and wash off with water.
  2. Rub half a lemon on your elbows for 2-5 minutes. Afterwards, rinse with water and moisturize.
  3. Coffee grounds are added to shower gel or applied to the skin in pure form. Massage for several minutes. Wash off thoroughly with water.

    Coffee grounds effectively eliminate problems when the skin on the elbows peels and cracks,

  4. Powdered buckwheat or rice groats are mixed with a small amount of liquid honey and rubbed into the skin of the elbows. For greater effect, you can leave the mixture for 10 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

After cleansing, nourishing and moisturizing your elbows is a must. For these purposes, you can use compresses, creams, and oils. The last step is to generously lubricate the skin and leave for 5-10 minutes. Carefully remove the remains with a napkin.

Important! After any manipulation of the cracked skin of the elbows, it is necessary to moisturize them with cream. Even if the procedure contained their moisturizing and nourishing components.

What to do and how to get rid of black spots on elbows?

If the color or condition of the skin on your elbows changes, you should consult a doctor. During the examination, the specialist will check the condition of the thyroid gland, blood sugar levels and the absence of skin diseases.

  • If everything is in order, then the reason should be sought either in a lack of vitamins, or in the peculiarities of caring for this area of ​​​​the skin.
  • In the case of diseases, it will be possible to cure dryness and dark spots on the elbows only after the root cause has been cured.

An important question remains: how to treat darkening and roughening of the skin? This is where numerous store-bought and homemade formulations will come to the rescue.

Baths will help remove rough spots

Baths help achieve a comprehensive effect on the problem: warm water softens the skin, and the components added to it can more easily penetrate the layers of the dermis and produce their positive effect. You can resort to the following recipes:

Recipes and methods of use

A liter of warm water is “enriched” with baking soda (50 grams) and table salt (100 grams). After the ingredients have dissolved, you can immerse your elbows in the composition for a third of an hour. After the procedure, wipe the skin with a dry, hard towel and apply moisturizer.

For even greater effectiveness, the above recipe can be improved by using fresh potato broth instead of clean water.

Take a teaspoon of liquid soap and ammonia per liter of water, and immerse the problem areas in the resulting mixture for half an hour. Significant changes will be noticeable quite quickly - within a week the skin will become softer and brighter.

Such procedures allow you to comfortably and without aggressive influence cope with the problem of rough, dark elbows.

Scrubs are an effective remedy

A scrub is a cosmetic product that contains solid particles of different sizes that allow you to exfoliate keratinized and blackened skin particles with a selected intensity. Scrubs are effective in the fight against dark and rough elbows.

There are two options: you can resort to purchased products, the choice of which is large in any cosmetic store, or you can prepare the mixture yourself at home. It is worth considering that store-bought body scrubs are developed by specialists, and therefore, in addition to exfoliating properties, they also moisturize and nourish the skin, and when preparing a homemade product, you should rely on the same principle. Let's look at a few popular recipes:

Exfoliating scrubs

Coffee and honey scrub. To prepare the product, a thick, preferably even candied bee product is mixed in equal proportions with coffee grounds. The scrub is applied with light rubbing movements onto the skin of the elbow, then left for about 10 minutes and washed off with water.

Based on sour cream and salt. Fat sour cream is mixed with a large amount of fine salt and the elbow area is treated with rubbing movements.

Oil baths for elbows

Oil baths effectively soften rough skin on the elbows, facilitating better penetration of medications or nutrients.

Castor oil bath


  • 160 ml sunflower oil;
  • 25 ml castor oil.

Heat vegetable oil in a ceramic bowl, add castor oil to it. Stir, dip elbows in oil for 15-25 minutes. After time, wipe the skin dry and lubricate with cream.

Bath with glycerin

Required components:

  • Olive oil – 115 ml;
  • Glycerin – 25 ml.

The oil is heated to a temperature of 45-50 degrees. Glycerin is added to it and mixed well. Keep your elbows in the bath for 20 minutes or more. At the end of the procedure, the elbows are not washed, but blotted with a napkin.

To achieve maximum results, oil baths should be done after exfoliation 2-3 times a week.

Nourishing masks for elbows

The skin on the elbows peels and cracks - nourishing masks can improve the situation. They enrich the skin, saturate it, and promote rapid recovery.

Honey mask


  • almond oil;
  • honey – 7-9 g.

Mix honey with warm almond oil (the consistency is medium liquid so that it does not spread too much). Lubricate elbows generously, insulate with cling film and a warm cloth. Leave for 25-40 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Starch mask


  • lemon juice – 3-5 ml;
  • potato starch – 6.5 g;
  • baby cream – 12 gr.

It is necessary to mix all the components and apply to the problem area until the mask dries completely. Rinse off with warm water.

How to quickly whiten dark elbows on your hands

To whiten skin color on the elbows and other parts of the body, traditional medicine recipes containing acids are used. If the skin on the elbows hurts and there are small wounds and cracks, then the use of such products is contraindicated.

Main componentRecipes for folk remedies

Application of lemon. Citrus fruit should be cut into slices, applied to the elbows and wrapped with a bandage for 30 minutes. After this period, you need to remove the bandages, rinse the area with clean water and apply a nourishing cream to avoid even more drying of the skin. The result in the form of softening the skin and brightening its tone can be observed after just a week of daily procedures. For whitening, rubbing zinc ointment once a day can also be used.

Grated potato compress. To do this, one raw potato is grated on a fine grater, and the resulting mass is simply placed on the elbows, securing the top with a bandage. The duration of the compress is one hour.

Compress made from onion pulp. Apply it for half an hour to abrasions and white plaque on the elbows. The top of the treated area is wrapped in cellophane or cling film. For a better effect, you can wrap your hand in a warm towel.

To make elbows smooth, rough and blackened skin is coated with sour cream for a quarter of an hour, then washed off with warm water and olive oil rubbed into the treated area.

You can clean your elbows of pigment spots and thickenings using hydrogen peroxide. Recipe: 1.5 tbsp. mix lemon juice with 1 tbsp. hydrogen peroxide. The mixture is rubbed into the thickenings for 5 minutes, after which they wait until it dries completely. Then the composition is washed off and the outer and inner sides of the elbow are lubricated with cream.

Scrubs and peeling for elbows

The cosmetic industry offers a variety of cleansing and exfoliating products for the skin.

The following scrubs and peels are suitable for the elbow area:

  1. Peeling from the company Arabia Organic – fruit peel based on fruit acids. Cleanses the skin without damaging it. Prepares for hydration. The cost of a 150 ml bottle is 1300 rubles.
  2. Peeling from Organic Shop – a whole series of products with different components. Allows you to select an individual cleanser based on olfactory preferences, without compromising the quality of the product. Does not contain parabens and silicones. The cost of a 250 ml jar is 235 rubles.

  3. Invigorating sugar scrub Coffee, Zeytun - consists of natural ingredients (cane sugar, grape seed oil, nutmeg, etc.) that gently but thoroughly cleanse the skin of dead cells. The cost of a 500 ml can is 1,700 rubles.
  4. PhytoCosmetic, grape-sugar intensive care body scrub qualitatively cleanses the upper layer of the epidermis without injuring it. The presence of almond oil and cranberry juice, as well as cane sugar and ground grape seed, has a beneficial effect on the skin. Low price of 50 rubles. for a jar of 155 ml it is very profitable. It will last for a long time if used only on the elbows.
  5. Coffee and salt body scrub “Chocolate Paradise” from the Russian company Dushka-Odushka. The composition is completely natural - sea salt, ground coffee, natural silk, coconut, palm, flaxseed, burdock oils, etc. The product cleanses well, while the oils in the composition nourish the skin, preventing it from drying out. A 200 ml jar is estimated at 200-300 rubles.

Vitamin complexes for healthy skin

Vitamin and mineral complex Imedin - Time of perfection (Pfizer, Denmark). A distinctive feature of the drug is the Biomarine Complex and LycoPhence GS complexes, which act directly on skin cells, preventing their dehydration, enriching them with essential elements. The cost of a package of vitamins (60 pcs.) is 3,000 rubles.

Vitamin and mineral complex AlfaVit Cosmetics for beauty and health from the Russian manufacturer Akvion. Contains vitamins, minerals, flavonoids and coenzyme Q10. The VMC is designed so that all the elements are contained in 3 tablets, which must be taken during the day with an interval of 4-5 hours. This separation promotes better absorption of substances. The cost of the complex is 350 rubles.

The vitamin complex Complivit Radiance (Russia) contains 11 vitamins, 8 minerals, lipoic acid and green tea extract. Pack of 30 pcs. designed for a monthly course of use. As a result, the body compensates for the lack of microelements, healing the skin, hair and nails. The cost of vitamins is 300 rubles.

Prevention of dry skin on hands and elbows

To ensure your elbows always remain soft, you should follow several rules:

  1. Eat right and stay hydrated.
  2. Give preference to clothes made from natural fibers (or with a high content of them).
  3. Moisturize the skin of your elbows daily, regardless of its condition.
  4. Avoid contact with aggressive detergents.
  5. Do not overuse hot baths (especially with foam fillers).
  6. Take vitamin supplements periodically (it is rational to take a course of them 2 times a year).
  7. Learn not to lean on your elbows.
  8. If you suspect a disease, consult a doctor promptly.

Timely care of the skin of the elbows prevents peeling and cracking. Compliance with preventive measures will help the skin always remain soft and tender, regardless of the time of year and working conditions.

Article design: Olga Pankevich

What to do for pain in the elbow of various types

Elbow pain can have different origins and characters. To eliminate pain, you need to find out the cause of its occurrence. It is impossible to do this on your own; you will need to consult a doctor and undergo an examination.

Elbow pain during/after coronavirus and ARVI

Viral infections cause general intoxication of the body, which may cause pain in the joints, including the elbow. After recovery they go away.

But in some cases, viral infections become a trigger, triggering autoimmune processes in the joints. Experts note that coronavirus infection causes immunity disorders. In people with a hereditary predisposition, this can become a starting point (trigger) for rheumatoid arthritis. The disease does not develop immediately, but some time after the infection. Often the elbow joint is the first to be affected. What to do: consult a doctor immediately.

Elbow and arm pain

Painful sensations in the elbow and in the arm in general indicate the involvement of peripheral nerves in the pathological process. In the area of ​​the elbow joint, the median, ulnar and radial nerves pass in narrow anatomical canals. With injuries, inflammation, overgrowth of bone tissue with arthrosis, the nerves are compressed, which is accompanied by pain in the elbow, radiating upward or downward, a crawling sensation, and movement disorders. These are the so-called tunnel syndromes, manifested by:

  • pain in the arms from the elbow to the hand on the inside - indicates compression of the ulnar nerve; painful sensations on the outer side - a sign of compression of the radial nerve, in front of the forearm - the median; sometimes the clenching of the hand into a fist is disrupted;
  • pain in the arm from the shoulder to the elbow indicates compression of the nerves in the brachial plexus, as well as pinched nerve roots in the neck.

What to do: take a pain reliever, immobilize the joint with a bandage and seek medical help. You may need the help of several specialists: an orthopedist-traumatologist or a rheumatologist and a neurologist. It is problematic to cure carpal tunnel syndrome on your own.

Elbow pain can spread throughout the arm - from the elbow to the shoulder and/or from the elbow to the hand

Pain in the right or left elbow

It could be:

  • a consequence of acute injury or long-term microtrauma during habitual professional movements; with prolonged trauma, osteoarthritis develops in the joint - degenerative-dystrophic changes with periodically developing inflammation; the joint capsule, ligaments, and tendons may also be affected; what to do: contact an orthopedic traumatologist and carry out the treatment prescribed by him; You may have to change your profession or give up your favorite sport;
  • acute arthritis - in addition to pain, swelling and redness of the skin over the joint appears, body temperature may rise; what to do: acute arthritis with a violation of the general condition requires immediate consultation with a doctor, since the process can become purulent in nature and threaten the patient’s life;
  • chronic arthritis - asymmetrical damage to the left or right elbow may signal the onset of psoriatic or reactive arthritis; sometimes such an atypical onset appears in rheumatoid arthritis; pain can be of both joint and muscle origin (with muscle spasm), the course develops gradually, without pronounced symptoms; what to do: contact a rheumatologist and carry out all the prescribed treatment.

Elbow pain radiating to other areas

A feature of pain in the elbow area may be irradiation into nearby and relatively distant tissues. In case of irradiation:

  • in the hand and fingers - one can assume the presence of inflammation (neuritis) of the ulnar or radial nerve; pain along the peripheral nerves (neuralgia) can be a consequence of both direct damage to the nerves and compression at various levels in diseases of the elbow joint and osteochondrosis of the cervicothoracic spine; with motor disorders, clenching the hand into a fist suffers; what to do: first you should contact a neurologist; you may need to consult a rheumatologist or orthopedist-traumatologist; acute short-term pain radiating to the left little finger may be of cardiac origin (angina attacks); if they appear for the first time, you need to immediately consult a therapist;
  • to the scapula and back - the cause is most often cervicothoracic osteochondrosis, but sometimes irradiation can be transmitted along peripheral nerves in pathology of the elbow joint to the neck, scapula and back; short-term acute left-sided pain in the shoulder blade and back is always suspicious of diseases of the cardiovascular system; what to do: if there is pain on the left, it is better to start by consulting a therapist; if you have pain on the right side, you can immediately contact a neurologist;
  • in the biceps (in the front side of the shoulder) - usually develops with osteochondrosis of the lower vertebrae of the cervical spine, as well as with neuritis of the branches of the peripheral nerves extending from the brachial plexus; what to do: contact a neurologist;
  • in the chest - osteochondrosis of the cervicothoracic spine, any pathology of the elbow joint leading to pinching of peripheral nerves, as well as diseases of the cardiovascular system, if the pain radiates to the left side of the chest; what to do: it’s better to start with a consultation and examination with a therapist.

Elbow pain on the inside

The inner side hurts when:

  • injury to the internal collateral ligament of the elbow joint; this can be an acute injury (fall on the hand, blow) or long-term microtrauma; the result is a sprain, partial or complete rupture of the ligament; what to do: seek help from an orthopedist-traumatologist;
  • tendonitis - inflammation of the muscle tendons attached to the inner surface of the joint; these are the longus palmar muscle, flexor carpi ulnaris and pronator teres; pain can be aching and acute, depending on the cause of the disease; what to do: contact an orthopedist-traumatologist.

Crunching in joints - when to worry

Joint pain at rest

Elbow pain with exertion

This kind of pain in the elbow most often occurs during excessive physical activity in athletes (tennis players, golfers, weightlifters), as well as in people with heavy physical labor. Pain in the elbow during exercise can occur when lifting weights, doing pull-ups, or doing push-ups - most often this is associated with microtrauma of the ligaments and tendons, accompanied by an inflammatory process. They cannot be tolerated, as the process can become chronic.

What to do: contact an orthopedist-traumatologist; if the soreness is associated with inflammation, you may need help from a rheumatologist.

Elbow pain when bending and straightening

Such pain indicates a pathology of the flexor and extensor tendons at the site of their attachment to the bone (epicondylitis). At rest, pain does not always occur. The cause is most often microtrauma, but sometimes inflammation associated with a chronic, silent inflammatory process in the joint.

What to do: to figure out why pain in the elbow appeared, it is better to contact a rheumatologist or orthopedic traumatologist as early as possible.

Pain often occurs when bending and/or straightening the elbow

Elbows and knees hurt

If symmetrical joints in the elbows and knees hurt at the same time, you need to consult a rheumatologist. Perhaps these are the first manifestations of rheumatoid arthritis. In the future, the process is always accompanied by painful discomfort in the small joints of the hand and foot. You should not hesitate to consult a rheumatologist.

My elbow hurts and I have a lump

These symptoms are characteristic of bursitis - inflammation of the periarticular bursa of the joint. It is imperative to treat, otherwise the pain will intensify and become permanent. What to do: consult an orthopedist-traumatologist.

Elbow hurts when pressing

If there has been no acute injury, pain in the elbow when pressed is associated with inflammation in the joint or periarticular tissues. What to do: be sure to see a doctor. If you don’t know why there is pain when pressing on your elbow, then it’s better to start with a therapist, he will refer you to the right specialist.

Pain after falling on your elbow (bruises, fractures, dislocations)

In case of acute elbow injury (fall, blow), the victim must be given first aid. Algorithm:

  • if the wound is open, then you need to treat it with an antiseptic: hydrogen peroxide, miramistin, any alcohol solution (only the edges of the wound can be treated with alcohol) and apply a sterile bandage;
  • immobilize the limb; if the elbow bends, it may be a bandage; in case of dislocations and fractures, it is better to leave the limb in a position that causes a minimum of pain and apply a splint - any board or stick, bandaging it so as to completely limit movement in the joint;
  • give the victim any painkiller - Analgin, Pentalgin, Nise, etc.;
  • call an ambulance and do not refuse hospitalization: in case of a dislocation or fracture, surgical assistance may be required.
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