Micellar water: why is everyone going crazy about it and is it really useful?

What are micelles

Marketers present micelles as a supercomponent that magically removes impurities and makeup. But everything is a little simpler.

Mica means "particle" in Latin.

Micelles are particles in any solution, including a solution of surfactants.

Surfactants are compounds widely used in cosmetology and household chemicals. It is the main component of detergents and shampoos.

Surfactant molecules have fat-soluble (hydrophobic) and water-soluble (hydrophilic) parts. They are similar in shape to tadpoles: the head is hydrophilic, the tail is hydrophobic.


When dissolved in water, the hydrophobic components are attracted to each other, forming spheres. The result is balls with fat-soluble tails inside and water-soluble heads on the surface. These are micelles.

The structure of the micelle is not rigid. When we pass a cotton pad soaked in micellar over our face, hydrophobes absorb sebum, and hydrophiles work like water, leaving a pleasant feeling of cleanliness.

So micelles are not a supercomponent. These are microparticles that are formed in a solution of surfactants. Which ones specifically depend on the manufacturer.

Features and benefits

Unfortunately, even after reading the instructions, many girls have a question: how to use micellar water and who is it suitable for?

Due to the fact that this makeup remover carefully cleanses sebum residues, dust and decorative cosmetics on the skin, it is suitable for most skin types.

The most suitable option for micellar water is in the following cases:

  • sensitive and allergy-prone skin that overreacts to contact with tap water and foaming products;
  • if the use of milk, cream and other, fattier cosmetic products provokes the formation of comedones and various types of inflammation;
  • the skin of the eyelids is too irritable, the eyes react with redness and become puffy due to the use of different makeup removers;
  • use of contact lenses.

Micellar water for sensitive skin is, one might say, a panacea. For a long time now, most girls with this type have been using it to cleanse their faces.

Composition of micellar water

Almost all cosmetic brands have a product called micellar water. And all these products differ from each other in composition.

There are three types of micellars depending on which surfactant is used as a basis.

  1. Micellar water based on “green chemistry”. It is made from nonionic surfactants: most often from lauryl glucoside and cocoglucoside. They are made from sugar and coconut oil. Such surfactants effectively remove sweat and dirt and do not damage the skin.
  2. Micellar water based on poloxamers. These are artificial, but absolutely harmless substances. They dissolve and mix well. There are many poloxamers: poloxamer 184, 188 and 407 are usually used in cosmetology. This micellar does not irritate the skin and does not require rinsing.
  3. Micellar water based on polyethylene glycol (PEG). PEG is a classic emulsifier. At a concentration of no more than 20% it is safe, but may cause dryness and irritation of the skin.

In any case, micellar water should not contain soap or alcohol.

But to enhance the cosmetic and marketing effect, manufacturers use additional components: plant extracts, minerals, fragrances.

Indications and contraindications for use

Micellar water can be used for:

  • acne;
  • dermatitis;
  • skin irritations;
  • rosacea;
  • pregnancy;
  • during puberty;
  • hormonal imbalances.

Like any other cosmetic product, water has a number of contraindications:

  • increased fat content of the epidermis.

Micelles are half composed of fatty acids, so if they remain on the skin, they can form a thick film and lead to the appearance of blackheads.

  • severe acne.

If acne is in its prime and its integrity is damaged, micellar water can contribute to the appearance of new foci of inflammation.

Pros and cons of micellar water

Micellar water has many advantages:

  1. Delicately cleanses. Micellar water removes impurities well, while moisturizing the epidermis and, as a rule, does not cause irritation. Suitable even for those with dry and sensitive skin.
  2. Removes makeup quickly. No rubbing required, no streaks or panda eyes. Some micellar products do not require rinsing (more on this later), which is especially convenient when traveling.
  3. Suitable for eye makeup removal. Micellar water does not sting the mucous membranes and does not cause redness. This is especially important for those who wear contact lenses.
  4. Suitable for women of all ages. Micellar water is equally good at caring for both acne-prone and wrinkled skin.

However, micellar water is a universal, but not ideal, remedy.

Some micellar products are prone to forming a sticky film after use. Others – because they dry the skin and give a feeling of tightness. Both of these phenomena are usually associated with an imbalance of micelles in the solution and individual intolerance to additives.

Additives also provoke allergic reactions. The micellar solution itself is neutral, but essential oil added to it may well lead to rashes and itching. Therefore, if one brand of micellar water does not suit you, try another.

La Roche-Posay Micellar Water: Rating of Waterless Cleansers

Below are the TOP 3 micellar products from the manufacturer La Roche-Posay.

Micellar water Ultra Sensitive


Micellar water

It has a physiological pH level and gently removes impurities and makeup from sensitive skin of the face and eyes without damaging its lipid layer. Moisturizes the skin thanks to glycerin at a concentration of 5%.

483 rub. more details

Effaclar Ultra micellar water for combination and oily skin


Micellar water

It has a physiological pH level, thoroughly cleanses the skin of impurities without water, and reduces oily shine on the face. Zinc stabilizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands and mattifies the skin, while glycerin allows it to attract and retain moisture in the skin cells.

RUB 1,092 more details

How to choose micellar water

When purchasing cosmetics, you should not be guided by the principle “The more famous the brand, the better.”

The ideal micellar water is the one that suits your skin type and meets your skincare needs.

If you have non-problematic, oily and acne-prone skin, and you only need micellar to remove makeup at the end of the day, you can use budget products with PEG. The main thing is to remember that such micellar water must be washed off.

If your skin is prone to oily skin, opt for “green chemistry”. Products containing polysorbate (a nonionic surfactant) close pores, reducing sebum production. This micellar water does not have to be washed off, but after cleansing it is recommended to wipe your face with toner.

For those with dry and sensitive skin, “green chemistry” is also suitable, but it is better to use products based on poloxamers. They are delicate, do not require rinsing, and therefore are suitable for refreshing the face throughout the day. It’s good if micellar water contains additional moisturizing components.

The benefits and harms of facial cleansers

Indicators of the benefits of a cleanser include:

  • gentle effect on the skin;
  • does not require rubbing, therefore does not injure the epidermis;
  • no dryness on the face after use;
  • does not leave a greasy layer on the skin.

But, despite many advantages, micellar water also has disadvantages that must be kept in mind so as not to harm your skin:

  • additional additives may be allergenic;
  • if the skin is dehydrated, a feeling of tightness appears;
  • contact with eyes may cause discomfort;
  • in the presence of oils in the composition, it leaves a sticky film on the face and gives it shine.

Every year, cosmetic companies are increasingly improving their recipes, so some types of water may not cause a burning sensation in the eyes or leave a sticky layer. But a thoughtful study of the composition of the product is the main condition before purchasing.

How to use micellar water

  1. Soak a cotton pad with a micellar solution.
  2. Wipe your face, moving along the massage lines.
  3. If you are removing eye makeup, press the swab against your eyelashes for five seconds. Then swipe it from the inner to the outer corner of the eye - the mascara and shadows will remain on the disc.
  4. If your micellar requires rinsing, be sure to rinse your face with warm water.

After cleansing with micellar water, you can use other skin care products.

Micellar water ≠ toner.

The micellar cleanses and the toner tones the skin. It is used on a clean face to prepare for applying cream or serum.

Useful tips and tricks

  1. Micellar water can be used up to 2 times a day without harm to the epidermis.
  2. If the manufacturer does not recommend rinsing off the water after use, you should not do so.
  3. After using micellar water, waiting 5-10 minutes until it dries completely, you can apply your usual tonic to the skin to refresh it and give your face a well-groomed look.
  4. If, after using the product, redness appears on the skin and a burning sensation is felt, this indicates an allergy to one of the additional components added to the composition by the manufacturer. You should change the brand of water or switch to a different cleanser.
  5. Micellar water can remove even waterproof mascara; to do this, you should increase the contact time of the cotton pad soaked in the product with the eyelashes.

Allergy to dill water

Dill is a useful spice that is used not only for preparing various dishes. It has long been known to people as an effective folk remedy used for intestinal colic in young children. Unfortunately, some babies have an allergic reaction to dill. One of the reasons for the reaction is that this plant draws all the substances from the ground. If the place where dill grows is contaminated, harmful elements entering the human body can cause persistent allergies.

By the way, dill contains several types of acids (for example, oleic, palmitic and linoleic), which are difficult for the child’s body to absorb. Children may react to dill water with the following symptoms:

  • red rash all over the body;
  • itching, swelling of the mucous membranes;
  • headache (but they can’t talk about it).

Typical places for rashes are cheeks and arms.


Micellar water has the following properties:

  • Gently and carefully cleanses the skin without injuring it. The micelles act like a magnet, and all you need to do is apply a dampened cotton pad and gently roll it over your face (without rubbing) to remove makeup and impurities.
  • Promotes skin healing . Panthenol, which is part of many products, has a regenerating effect, so with regular use, the skin begins to recover, small cracks and damage disappear.
  • Eliminates inflammation and soothes . Manufacturers create special lines of micellar products for problematic skin prone to rashes and inflammation. Water with micelles can replace anti-acne lotion.
  • Nourishes and moisturizes the skin . The product has a formula that retains moisture in the skin and prevents it from drying out. If the composition includes glycerin and panthenol, they have an additional softening and nourishing effect.

The main advantage of this product is its gentle action. In order to cleanse the skin with lotion or milk, intense friction is required. This leads to skin stretching and wrinkles. And when cleansing with micellar, no friction is required.

The product is also suitable for girls with thin and sensitive skin. It soothes the skin and relieves discomfort.

Allergy to chlorinated water

People often experience allergies to chlorinated water after visiting swimming pools, where this method of water disinfection is also used.

Chlorine, or bleach, in high concentrations is a toxic compound that irritates the skin and mucous membranes. Manifestations of the reaction are always individual: from minor rashes to dangerous conditions (the latter is rare). Usually the reaction occurs quickly, almost immediately after contact with chlorinated water, but in some cases there is a gradual accumulation of the allergen in the body and on the skin. The symptoms observed are as follows:

  • skin rashes like wet, itchy blisters (urticaria);
  • a feeling of severe itching and burning at the site of the rash;
  • peeling of the skin;
  • if bleach gets into the eyes, conjunctivitis appears;
  • Allergic rhinitis may develop.

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Possible side effects

Like any other industrially produced cosmetic product, micellar water can cause a negative skin reaction: dryness, feeling of tightness, irritation, increased acne. Therefore, before purchasing, you need to study the composition of micellar water and give preference to poloxamer-containing without propylene glycol, or wash it off after use.

Even with single use, some women experience symptoms of contact dermatitis - swelling, redness and itching of the skin. In this case, you need to take an antihistamine and consult a dermatologist.

To avoid such a reaction, if you are prone to allergies, before using any new cosmetics, it is useful to conduct a sensitivity test: apply 2-3 drops of the drug to the area in the upper part of the forearm above the elbow, and evaluate the result after 48 hours. If redness or other negative symptoms appear, it is better not to use this micellar water.

Allergy to water: symptoms

General symptoms that appear after skin contact with water look something like this:

  • sensations of discomfort, dryness and tightness of the skin;
  • itching and redness of the skin of varying degrees of intensity;
  • in rare cases - nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache.

There is no need to panic about this, so as not to aggravate the situation. In the vast majority of cases, such allergic reactions do not pose a threat to life and go away on their own over time, without the use of medications.


Regardless of which product a woman chooses, she can count on the following advantages of micellar preparations over regular washing and using other care products:

  • micelles help remove fatty stains without soap; in addition, their round molecules transport vitamins well, especially group B;
  • despite thorough cleansing, this product usually does not cause irritation or damage to the epidermis; it can be used instead of regular washing in the morning and evening;
  • Helps reduce enlarged pores with daily use; its use leads to a significant reduction in oily shine; it can be used for care even after sports activities or on the beach, simply by spraying it on the face;
  • this product can be used as a toner, moisturizer, and makeup remover;
  • combines well with other cosmetic products without entering into chemical interactions with them, does not contain alcohol;
  • Great for mixed, sensitive or combination skin, and after treatment with high-quality micellar water, no additional care cream is required.

Watch the video about the pros and cons of micellar water:

As you can see, it is not even necessary to use water to cleanse your facial skin. Now you can use more gentle and beneficial skin care using micellar water.

Do you use micellar water? If yes, what brand would you recommend? If not, then why don't you use it? Tell us about it in the comments. Save the article in bookmarks so as not to lose it, share it with your friends on social networks.

Most popular drugs

Micellar water has become such a popular skin care product that it can be found in the lineup of almost every major cosmetics manufacturer.

  1. Nivea. With a “3-in-1” effect, it includes, in addition to micelles, almond oil particles and panthenol. Does not contain preservatives or perfume, so it is suitable even for the most sensitive and irritation-prone skin. Thanks to the oils in the composition, it nourishes the eyelashes. Characterized by good moisturizing, cleansing and softening effects.
  2. Garnier. Used to moisturize, cleanse, and remove makeup, including from the eyes. Suitable for any type of dermis, in particular those prone to inflammation, irritation, acne or excessive dryness. The brand also produces two-phase micellar water, the peculiarity of which is the ability to quickly remove waterproof makeup without the formation of a greasy film and a sticky feeling.
  3. L'Oreal. A line of products is produced for different skin types. Therefore, you need to take this into account when purchasing. Although micellar water is suitable for any dermis, if you use a product that matches the desired skin type, its effectiveness will be greater.
  4. Lumene. This manufacturer offers a traditionally high-quality product, designed to meet the needs of different dermal types, and has an anti-allergenic effect.

Premium products

Micellar water from more expensive manufacturers:

  1. Matis. Used for any skin type, including dry, sensitive, and allergy-prone. Tones, improving complexion and smoothing out unevenness.
  2. La Roche-Posay. Designed specifically for oily skin. In addition to its general properties, it fights acne, removes excess sebum and prevents its secretion, thus eliminating oily sheen. The mattifying effect lasts throughout the day, and regular treatment allows you to gradually normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands on the face.
  3. Licedia. H2O-C-PURE has a significant toning and whitening effect, is well suited for middle-aged and mature women, combats pigmentation and dull complexion.
  4. A-True. French preparation with black tea extract. Used for sensitive, irritated skin, has an anti-allergenic effect.
  5. Vichy. Based on thermal water. Nourishes the dermis with minerals and other beneficial substances contained in volcanic springs.
  6. Uriage. An excellent drug for girls who are concerned about oily skin on the face, it narrows enlarged pores, reduces sebum production and the tendency to form blackheads and acne, removes oily shine, and mattifies for a long time. Suitable not only for oily, but also for normal skin.

Budget resources

They usually contain glycols and tensides, so it is better to wash them off after use. Safe eco-cosmetics are also available in this price category.

  1. Compliment. Provides a mattifying effect for up to 12 hours. Contains beneficial plant extracts.
  2. Spring (MedicaMed). Contains colloidal silver ions, which have antiseptic properties, as well as hyaluronic acid.
  3. Belcosmex. “Ideal Fresh” guarantees perfect cleanliness. Designed primarily for removing makeup, gently cleansing the sensitive area around the eyes.
  4. Ecotex. The manufacturer produces Eco-micellar water in the form of a spray. It contains plant extracts of sage flowers and leaves, chamomile, glycerin, citric acid, hydrogenated castor oil.
  5. Profmax. This brand produces three types of product (two-phase, hypoallergenic, matting).
  6. Black Pearl. Has an anti-aging effect, contains up to 20% active caring serum. It destroys not only external pollution, but also helps remove toxic substances from the epidermis.
  7. Aqua balance. This brand produces several types of micellar water: toning, moisturizing, rejuvenating. They contain hyaluronic acid.
  8. Natura Siberica. This micellar water from an already quite popular manufacturer in Russia is created on the basis of thermal springs of the Far East in combination with 5 oil extracts (sea buckthorn, lingonberry, cranberry, blueberry and stone fruit). It instantly removes waterproof makeup without intense impact, tones, and moisturizes. In addition, it has a mattifying effect, normalizing sebum metabolism.
  9. Vitex. Belarusian-made cosmetics containing natural thermal water. Designed for dry skin prone to aging and age-related changes. Excellent for applying over makeup, it does not wash off, but sets it. Therefore, it can be used throughout the day by spraying it on the face. This is especially useful during long stays in rooms with insufficient air humidity.

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