Aloe vera in cosmetics. What are the benefits for the skin?

Useful tips

Many people have come across an amazing plant called
aloe vera
, or at least heard about its powerful healing properties.

Indeed, this valuable thorny plant has quite a rich history, and many famous people have actively used its properties to improve the quality of life.

For example, one of the procedures for maintaining Cleopatra's beauty was applying aloe juice to the skin, and the ancient Greeks used it as a cure for literally everything - from baldness to insomnia. And the Native Americans even called it the stem of paradise.

Aloe vera produces at least six natural antiseptics

, which are capable of destroying mold, bacteria, fungi and viruses.

If you cut an aloe leaf lengthwise in the middle

, valuable juice will come out, which can be used for dozens of different uses. The main thing is that if you decide to take aloe juice internally, look for only a high-quality and organic product, and also consult your doctor in advance about the possibility of such use.

In this article we will tell you how to make the most of all the most beneficial properties of this amazing plant.

Aloe vera

External use

Aloe pulp is an excellent substitute for body lotion and scrub
; it contains no chemicals and decomposes quickly. In order to obtain the desired substance, cut the aloe leaf lengthwise and remove the pulp, or simply apply the inside to the skin.

Use the pulp as a scrub when you shower. This will help you avoid using unnatural cosmetics


2. Using fresh cold aloe juice

By applying cut leaves or applying the juice directly to the skin, you can
relieve pain
and disinfect small areas of household burns, for example, from splashes of hot oil or from accidentally touching a hot frying pan.

3. For treating slightly larger household burns

For example, from boiling water, mix some juice obtained from aloe with oil containing vitamin E in a small container to make a kind of
anti-burn remedy.
Bruises always look unpresentable
, but they are an integral part of life and happen to everyone.
Cut lengthwise, an aloe leaf will help you cope with this unpleasant phenomenon much faster and, in addition, will give your skin a pleasant coolness

5. If you haven't noticed how you've been lying on the beach too long without protection.

, and now your
skin is red and sore
- relieve your condition with aloe.
Apply a little juice or apply a leaf cut lengthwise to the damaged area. Aloe has soothing and cooling properties similar to menthol

6. Cutting an aloe leaf can help relieve symptoms.

and speed up the treatment of bites of various insects, such as bees, mosquitoes or ants. Aloe will help relieve unpleasant itching and inflammation.

7. Aloe is an amazing plant.

It will improve the condition of your skin and relieve minor frostbite and make you feel much better.

8. From aloe you can prepare
a unique natural foot mask
that will make your feet soft and tender, like a baby’s.

To prepare you need to mix

half a cup of oatmeal, half a cup of cornmeal, four tablespoons of aloe juice and half a cup of unscented and colorless body lotion.
Apply the resulting mixture to clean feet. After a while you will notice an amazing effect.
9. If suddenly you wake up in the morning

, you have a busy day ahead, but sores caused by herpes have suddenly appeared on your face, you can
relieve inflammation and speed up treatment
with aloe juice. It will disinfect the wounds and help you get rid of this scourge faster.

Rating of products with aloe

We have prepared a rating of the most effective aloe products that have become real bestsellers. When choosing a body cream, you can choose such an interesting product as a gel with a high concentration of aloe vera. This is a universal tool that should always be at hand.

  • Holika Holika Aloe 99% Soothing Gel - the gel contains aloe extract with a concentration of 99%. You can use it for both body and face care and hair care. The plant used in the product is grown in an ecological reserve in Korea. The product provides multi-level protection, soothes and moisturizes, eliminates inflammation and cleanses. In addition to aloe leaf juice, the composition includes cucumber and lotus extracts. The components have strong rejuvenating properties, thoroughly cleanse the skin surface, and also relieve nervous tension.

What about face masks? With such properties, an evergreen plant will definitely not keep you waiting for results.

  • FoodaHolic Aloe Natural Essence 3D Mask is a sheet mask that will instantly revitalize your skin. It is soaked in healing aloe juice and contains castor oil. The mask nourishes with moisture, relieves inflammation, accelerates the healing of microcracks, evens out the relief and improves the general condition of the dermis. Aloe accelerates the production of its own collagen and elastin, preventing premature skin aging and the appearance of new wrinkles. Castor oil perfectly softens and helps enrich the epidermis with moisture. The oil fills even barely noticeable microcracks in the skin, smoothing out the relief and creating an impressive lifting effect. This mask is an absolute must-have on the eve of important events.

  • Anskin Aloe Modeling Mask is an alginate mask that can rightfully be considered a universal remedy. It revitalizes dull and lifeless dermis, fills dehydrated dermis with moisture and heals those prone to acne and irritation. Aloe soothes, relieves redness and softens, and also has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and wound-healing effects. After the first use, the skin looks more hydrated and nourished. The dermis is saturated with vitamins A, B, C, E, as well as the microelements it needs. The component also stimulates regeneration at the cellular level and slows down the aging process. The complexion is evened out and improved, and pigmentation is lightened. The combination of aloe with alginic acid salts, which is considered the main active ingredient of brown algae, as well as licorice extract and allantoin, transforms the dermis both from the inside and outside. The relief is leveled, the oval of the face is tightened, wrinkles become less pronounced, and inflammation disappears.

If we talk about facial moisturizer, then, of course, the presence of aloe in the composition gives a chance to get rid of many dermatological problems. This is deep nutrition and maximum hydration. And here is the cream that tops the rating at the moment.

  • Bioaqua Refresh & Moisture Aloe Vera Moisturizing Cream is a refreshing cream with aloe extract in the base. It enriches tissues with moisture and normalizes biological processes in cells, and also copes well with inflammation and irritation. Witch hazel extract restores and soothes the dermis, fights acne, acne and rashes. Hyaluronic acid plays along with aloe, saturating the deeper layers with moisture. Yeast extract neutralizes excess oil and tightens pores, and urea helps protect the skin from drying out and premature aging.

Let's move on to the facial serum, which confidently holds its own in the top.

  • FarmStay Aloe All-In One Ampoule is a multifunctional ampoule serum that not only moisturizes and smoothes the epidermis, but also reduces the appearance of wrinkles, improves complexion and slows down the manifestations of age-related changes. Aloe absorbs excess oil, tightens pores and fights acne, acne and rosacea. The component relieves puffiness, awakens the immune system and stimulates the production of its own elastin. Skin appears smoother, firmer and softer. The composition also includes niacinamide, which eliminates oily shine, optimizing the level of subcutaneous sebum secretion. Thanks to this component, the complexion becomes more even and saturated. Cucumber extract enriches the skin with vitamin C, lightens pigmentation, helps relieve inflammation and irritation, and also helps get rid of bags under the eyes. Green tea extract is famous for its antiseptic and antibacterial properties. It thoroughly cleanses the dermis, dissolving all impurities, removes toxins and suppresses microbial activity. Hyaluronic acid is also responsible for hydration in the serum. The component locks moisture into cells and actively fights dullness and sagging skin.

Another face cream that is worth paying attention to.

  • 3W Clinic Aloe Full Water Activating Cream is an instant hydration and effective restoration. Aloe extract softens and moisturizes the dermis, restoring its structure. The component helps get rid of flaking and dryness. The composition also includes chamomile extract, which maximally relaxes and soothes the epidermis, activating internal renewal processes. Chamomile improves microcirculation, enriches skin tissue with oxygen and controls the production of collagen and elastin. The tone of the face is evened out, the relief is smoothed, the skin looks fresher and saturated with energy. Hydrolyzed collagen helps fill in any imperfections, restoring natural smoothness and elasticity.

Aloe vera gel

10. Aloe juice is an excellent remedy for calluses on the feet.

, it will also help soften and moisturize the skin on the feet, because this is what we often lack.

11. If you are
allergic to regular lotions, creams and masks,
but want to moisturize and nourish your skin, aloe vera will come to your aid.
You can apply it to dry skin and not worry, because it does not contain harmful chemicals if aloe grows on your windowsill or in your country house. You can simply squeeze out the juice and use it as a lotion

If you have psoriasis
, and you do not want to irritate your skin with unnatural creams, you can use natural aloe juice
to alleviate the symptoms
of the disease, namely skin problems. The juice can moisturize and disinfect it.


acne medications

14. Aloe vera is an excellent remedy
for small scars and stretch marks on the skin
. Of course, it will not save you from scars or large scars, but it will be useful at the stage of healing of small punctures and scratches. In the case of stretch marks, it will be an excellent substitute for baby oil.

15. Aloe can to some extent restore youth to your skin.

Cleopatra, according to research, actively used this property
to prevent wrinkles and rapid aging.
Simply apply aloe juice to the areas of your skin that interest you.

How often to use?

Masks are applied 1-2 times a week. The course is from 2 to 3 weeks. Then they take a break for a month. Repeat the course if desired. Don't forget that consistency is the key to improving your skin.

Recommendations for use:

  1. All ingredients must be warm.
  2. Apply to cleansed skin along massage lines.
  3. After any mask, it will not be superfluous to wipe the skin with tonic. This way you will restore water balance and tighten pores.
  4. Wash off the mask as soon as it starts to dry out.
  5. Test all ingredients, especially if you are prone to allergies.
  6. Consult your doctor.

Aloe vera uses

16. Another rather unusual property of aloe

is that its juice can lighten small darkened areas of the skin.

17. Using aloe, you can prepare
an organic sugar scrub
that will rejuvenate your skin without aggressive effects on it. To prepare the scrub, you need to mix 2 tablespoons of aloe juice, 2 tablespoons of natural brown sugar and one teaspoon of natural lemon juice.

For a more fashionable effect on large areas of the skin,
you can prepare a scrub based on aloe vera juice and sea salt. It's not difficult to prepare.

To do this, you will need two glasses of sea salt, a glass of aloe juice, a glass of natural coconut oil and two tablespoons of honey. It is better to buy honey not in a store, but directly from trusted people.

19. Using aloe juice, you can
have a beneficial effect on hair growth
and accelerate it. So, if your hair grows slowly and you've tried everything available, aloe vera juice may be your savior.

It must be used as follows:

rub aloe juice into the hair roots, leave in this state for 30 minutes and rinse thoroughly with clean water.

20. Additionally, in some cases, aloe juice can help you
get rid of dandruff
. For best results, mix the juice with coconut milk and wheat germ oil. After mixing, massage the resulting mixture into your scalp. After this, rinse with clean water.

Read: 10 houseplants that release oxygen even at night

What are the possible contraindications?

Aloe vera is considered one of the safest ingredients, but it should be used with caution, especially if your skin is sensitive. Due to the high concentration of vitamins, antioxidants, and other active substances, products based on it can cause allergies under some conditions. To prevent an allergic reaction, each time before using a new product you need to:

  • apply a small amount to an inconspicuous area;
  • wait 1 to 2 hours;
  • evaluate the reaction.

Redness, peeling, itching, and other unpleasant sensations appear very rarely, but if this happens, it is better to stop using the product.

Aloe vera medicinal properties

21. Aloe can
make your hair silky and soft
as well as any conditioner.

22. Aloe vera juice can replace unnatural makeup removers.

If you are on bad terms with the latter, natural aloe juice
will definitely not harm your skin
, because it does not contain any special additives.

23. Boil the leaves in a saucepan and gently inhale the steam.

- This is a kind of inhalation for a beneficial effect on breathing. If you have problems with it, such inhalations will not harm.

24. To make your teeth and gums healthy

, you can chew small pieces or rinse your mouth with aloe juice.
If you don't have this plant at home, you can use an aloe-based mouthwash or toothpaste. Such products will definitely strengthen and improve your gums and teeth

Benefits for every skin type

Aloe juice is hypoallergenic, so it is suitable for owners of all skin types.

  1. For oily skin types, aloe not only helps control sebum production, but also thoroughly cleanses pores and prevents acne.
  2. Dry and sensitive dermis - the component thoroughly nourishes and moisturizes the deeper layers, locking moisture in the cells.
  3. Problem skin - heals damage, restores at the cellular level and strengthens the skin barrier.
  4. Age-related dermis - cosmetics with aloe smooth out the relief, reduce the severity of wrinkles, make the skin more elastic and tighten the oval of the face.

Aloe juice for face at home

As part of homemade masks, the juice reveals even more properties; it can be combined with some other components; tinctures, tonics and masks are prepared from it to wipe the face and any other parts of the body.

Individual intolerance is a rare phenomenon, but it can still form, so before using any products or aloe juice, it is recommended to consult a doctor and also do a test on a small area of ​​skin. If no allergic manifestations or reactions occur, then you can continue to use the product without fear for your life and health.

How to cook

If a person decides to use an indoor flower as a cosmetic, then ideally the lower part of the plant is suitable for him - the most fleshy and juicy.

  1. Before cutting the leaves, it is recommended not to water aloe for 14 days.
  2. The cut leaves should be washed with warm boiled water, dividing it thoroughly to wash off all the dust and any other excess trace elements.
  3. The leaves dry out, after which they are wrapped in very thick paper and left in the refrigerator for a couple of weeks.
  4. After this, the aloe is pulled out - it is completely ready to squeeze the juice out of it.
  5. The leaves are crushed, poured with lukewarm boiled water in a ratio of 1:3, the whole thing is covered with a lid and infused for 2 hours.
  6. Afterwards, simply squeeze the resulting mixture through cheesecloth.

The resulting juice has a biological stimulating effect, since in the absence of light and at low temperatures the plant itself is activated and produces biologically active substances within itself, which have a positive effect on the upper layers of the skin.

How to store

The juice can simply be stored in the refrigerator, in a very tightly sealed container, and used periodically as needed.

It is also suitable for use in fresh, pure form, and the same juice is also used to prepare tonics and masks, lotions and products with the help of which the face, body, and skin can be healed and rejuvenated.

How to use

In the fight against rashes, inflammation and acne, aloe is the first assistant. It has several effects at once:

  • Anti-inflammatory – fights bacteria that irritate the skin, which is why inflammation and redness appear on the most visible and delicate parts of the face and body;
  • Antiseptic – kills germs and fungi that cause acne;
  • Drying - relieving inflammation, also helps the damaged layer of skin come off as quickly as possible, without leaving any scars or marks.

If a person needs a painful or itchy pimple to come out and disappear as soon as possible, then it is recommended to apply a napkin or gauze, previously soaked in aloe juice, to the affected area. And in this form, the napkin remains for one night, after which you can notice the effect almost immediately.

Homemade facial recipes with aloe juice

Many who have used aloe juice speak extremely positively about it, confirming that the plant has incredibly positive characteristics and properties, and that without worrying at all, you can grow this crop with its positive properties on your own windowsill.

Cleansing lotion

For oily and problematic skin, an aloe-based cleansing lotion is perfect.

  1. This will require 4 tbsp. biostimulating juice and 1 tbsp. alcohol
  2. The components are thoroughly mixed in the bottle.
  3. The lotion is stored in the refrigerator.

Wipe the skin with it twice a day. The effect will be noticeable within a few days after starting use.

Toning lotion

  • To make a tonic lotion you will need 2 tbsp. aloe juice, 1 tbsp. chamomile and 1 glass of boiling water.
  • You can also add a solution of vitamin E (1 capsule) and mint essential oil (no more than three drops).
  • First, prepare a chamomile-based tincture, which is first poured with boiling water, infused and strained through cheesecloth. 2 tbsp. The prepared chamomile solution is mixed with aloe, heated in a water bath, oil and vitamin are added.

The product is also stored in the refrigerator and can be used twice a day, wiping the skin of the face and neck. This tonic solution with aloe cools the skin, refreshes it, relieves toothache and redness.

Cosmetic ice

To prepare cosmetic ice with aloe juice, which refreshes and fights rashes and blackheads, we need 1 glass of sage infusion and 3 tbsp. biostimulating juice. The ingredients are mixed, poured into ice cube trays and frozen.

You can wipe your face with a cube of such cosmetic ice; the effect comes very quickly, because not only the components of aloe, but also sage act.

Protein mask

Protein mask with aloe is prepared according to the following recipe: 2 tbsp. aloe juice, 1 egg white and freshly squeezed lemon juice (3 drops, no more).

  1. The egg white is whipped to a thick white foam, lemon juice and aloe are added.
  2. It is recommended to apply the mixture immediately to a previously cleansed face in several layers - when the first layer has dried, apply the second, and so on.
  3. 15 minutes after the last layer has dried, the mask is washed off and cream is applied to the face.

The mask has a cleansing effect and relieves inflammation. In addition, thanks to egg whites, a tightening effect occurs; if you regularly use this product, then after a while you will notice that your face looks much fresher and younger.

Clay mask

Mask with clay and aloe – to prepare it we will need the following ingredients:

  • Green clay 2 tbsp;
  • Rose water – a few drops will be enough;
  • Rose essential oil – 2 drops;
  • Aloe juice 5 tsp.

All ingredients are thoroughly mixed - first clay with aloe juice, rose water is added there, the mass should have a consistency similar to sour cream. After adding rose essential oil, the mask is best used immediately after preparation. Within 15 min. It dries on the face, after which it is thoroughly washed off, and cream is applied to the skin of the face.

This mask gently and deeply cleanses the skin, dries out inflammation, and disinfects pores. But you should be careful, as intolerance to some components, especially clay, may occur. Such products are suitable for any skin type, remarkably rejuvenate and revitalize.

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