Top 12 Steaming and Post-Cleansing Foods and How to Make Them at Home

Facial cleansing is a cosmetic procedure that helps get rid of some defects on the epidermis. It is usually performed to eliminate rashes, blackheads, pigmentation and excessive oiliness. The procedure also helps smooth out wrinkles, remove toxins from the skin, and improve complexion. This result can only be achieved if the cleaning is done correctly. To do this, the procedure at home is performed in several stages - steaming, cleansing, calming the epidermis. For each step, it is recommended to use special face masks that you can make yourself.

How to warm up your facial skin at home

It is recommended to steam the skin according to the following scheme:

  1. Wash your face, then use a scrub to cleanse the epidermis and prepare it for steaming. For sensitive, dry skin, it is recommended to replace this procedure with wiping with an alcohol-free tonic. It is best to use a liquid prepared on the basis of natural ingredients.
  2. Use a warming mask. Smooth the heated mixture over the epidermis, moving from top to bottom. Do not use a product that is too hot to avoid thermal burns. Leave the product on the skin for a quarter of an hour. Remove the drug from dry skin using a napkin. In other cases, they wash themselves.
  3. Take some time to rest the epidermis. If discomfort occurs, it is recommended to use milk.

To steam oily skin

For oily epidermis, it is useful to use a product prepared from the following components:

  • Dead Sea mud – 1 large spoon;
  • grape seed oil – 2 small spoons;
  • tea tree oil - a couple of drops.

Take a small plastic bag and put dirt inside. Pour hot water into a container and place the bag in it for 10 minutes. Heat the grape seed oil in a water bath and mix it with tea tree oil. Combine all ingredients and stir. Smooth the mass onto the epidermis. It is more convenient to do this with a spatula. Use the mask 2 times a month.

Steaming for dry

This mask will not only prepare the skin for cleansing, but also slow down the aging process and eliminate age-related changes in the epidermis if wrinkles have already appeared.

Prepare a mask from the following components:

  • gelatin – 15 g;
  • olive oil – 10 ml;
  • honey – 5 gr.

After application, it is customary to cover such a mask with plastic wrap. Therefore, before preparing it, take the material, cut a piece to fit the face, make slits for the eyes and mouth. Next, melt the gelatin according to the instructions on the package. Heat the olive oil in a water bath, mix it with gelatin. At the very end of cooking, add honey. Apply the mask to your face in several layers. The more money you can deposit, the better. Place plastic wrap on top. After a quarter of an hour, remove the film. The mask will also come off with it. For complete cleansing, it is recommended to wash your face.

For sensitive

For sensitive skin, use a mask that does not cause irritation. To prepare the product, it is best to use the following components:

  • oatmeal – 10 g;
  • chamomile and plantain – 5 g each;
  • warm green tea – 200 ml.

Grind the oatmeal and herbs in a blender. Add warm green tea and immediately apply the product to your face. After the time is up, wash your face.

Terms of use

Cleansers are designed for ages over 15-16 years. The frequency of use depends on the condition of the skin. Home remedies are prepared immediately before use - they should not be prepared in reserve.

The mask should be applied along the massage lines.

In order for the active components to penetrate deep into the skin cells, you first need to wash your face with gel or foam. It is enough to keep the composition for 15-30 minutes.

There are masks that only need to be kept on for 3-5 minutes, others need half an hour. Read the instructions carefully.

After prolonged exposure to the sun, in the presence of inflammation, allergic rashes, it is not recommended to use cleansers. The same applies to solariums and chapping in the cold. To achieve lasting results, the product will need to be used constantly. Some people notice improvements after a couple of weeks, others need a couple of months - it all depends on the type, condition of the skin, and the effectiveness of a particular product. Find a mask for sensitive skin using the link.

Cleansing masks at home: how to clean and apply correctly

It is recommended to choose such products depending on your skin type. This is due to the fact that the composition of some masks moisturizes, while others dry out. At the same time, the task of any cleansing drug is to remove dead dermal cells. The product also normalizes blood circulation, stimulates collagen synthesis, eliminates blackheads, and improves complexion.

Rules for the procedure:

  • indications for the use of masks – age from 16 to 30 years – 1 time in 7 days, after 30 years – 3 times in 7 days;
  • use only freshly prepared composition for the procedure;
  • Before cleansing, steam the dermis;
  • exposure time is 20-30 minutes, after which rinse off the mask;
  • Use masks regularly, in a course.

Contraindications to the use of products:

  • visiting a solarium or natural tanning;
  • rashes, the appearance of which provoked allergic reactions.

If used correctly, the result can be assessed after a month, since folk remedies do not give an immediate effect.

Super mask that tightens pores

It will give a super effect when used regularly to tighten pores. To do this, you need to clean them of sebum, bacteria and dirt. To do this, it is recommended to use a mask made from banana and oatmeal. The composition of the drug looks like this:

  • banana – 1 pc.;
  • green apple – 0.5 pcs.;
  • oatmeal – 1 large spoon;
  • honey – 4 small spoons;
  • lemon juice – 2 small spoons.

Pour hot water over the oatmeal to create the consistency of medium thick sour cream. Chop banana and apple. Combine all products and smooth them over the epidermis.

Scrub mask with soda and yeast

There are several ways to make a scrub at home:

  • Dissolve a small spoon of baking soda in a small amount of water;
  • Dissolve a small spoon of baking soda and sea salt in water, add 6 drops of bergamot oil;
  • mix oatmeal with water to obtain medium-thick sour cream, add a small spoon of soda and a little more water;
  • Dissolve an equal amount of yeast and soda in water.

Any composition is used according to standard rules, but the exposure time in this case will be only 10 minutes.

You can use the scrub mask no more than 2 times a week.

For dry skin

For this type of epidermis, the following composition is suitable for cleaning the face:

  • mix honey, lemon juice, apple cider vinegar in equal quantities;
  • egg whites are mixed with a large spoon of mayonnaise;
  • pour a small spoon of fennel seeds into 125 ml of hot water, leave for 10 minutes, strain, mix with a large spoon of honey and oatmeal.

For oily people with egg

Rice flour with lemon dries out the skin, and egg with honey nourishes and moisturizes. To make this remedy, prepare the following components in advance:

  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • honey – 1 large spoon;
  • rice flour – 1 large spoon;
  • lemon juice – 1 small spoon;
  • water - as needed.

Take a bowl and put all the ingredients in it. The sequence doesn't matter. Add warm water, stir the mixture. You should get a consistency reminiscent of medium thick sour cream. You can see reviews of yolk face masks in this material.

From rye dough

To quickly get rid of blackheads, use a mask of baking soda in combination with rye flour. Take these two products in equal proportions and add warm koda to make a not very liquid mass.

From blackheads

This is another effective remedy for blackheads. The mask is suitable for those with oily skin types. Homemade masks for oily skin usually contain alcohol. They are prepared from the following ingredients:

  • alcohol – 50 ml;
  • marigolds - 2 large spoons;
  • cologne – 30 ml;
  • glycerin – 5 g;
  • boric acid – 5 g.

Place your marigolds in a glass jar and fill them with alcohol and cologne. Place the container in a dark place for three days. Then strain the product and add the remaining ingredients to the liquid. Use the product to wipe problem areas of the skin. Another good remedy for blackheads is a mask with activated carbon.

For deep cleansing

For oily epidermis, the following components for deep cleansing are suitable:

  • marigold;
  • sage;
  • chamomile;
  • horsetail;
  • yarrow;
  • St. John's wort;
  • coltsfoot.

If you often experience a feeling of tightness after cleansing, the composition should be as follows:

  • chamomile;
  • mint;
  • rose hip;
  • rose petals;
  • linden flowers.

Take all the plants in equal quantities and grind in a blender. Pour 2 large spoons of raw material into 125 ml of hot water. Cover the container with a lid and leave for a quarter of an hour. Place the steamed herbs on your face without squeezing. Also, medicinal herbs are usually included in the recipe for a steam bath at home.

Oatmeal cleanses pores

This is a simple mask made from oatmeal and water. Fill Hercules with hot liquid, leave to steam, apply to face.

For combination with lemon

Ingredients for combination skin with lemon:

  • oatmeal – 1 large spoon;
  • sour cream – 2 large spoons;
  • apple cider vinegar – 1 large spoon;
  • juice of half a lemon.

Mix oatmeal with sour cream and leave for 30 minutes. Add juice, vinegar. Stir, smooth over the epidermis.

Rating of popular purchases: top best

We present to your attention a rating of the most popular store-bought masks for cleansing facial skin. We have compiled the TOP of the best from the affordable price segment.

Pure Empreinte by Lancome

The cost is about 2000 rubles. The main component of the product is kaolin or white clay. The mask effectively removes toxins and removes residual fat. The formula also includes camphor and rice powder. Do not let the clay dry completely - this can cause dehydration. While using the mask, your face can be sprayed with thermal water or moistened with a damp cloth or towel.

Price: 2000 rubles.

Cleansing Purefect Skin 2 in Pore Mask from Biotherm

The average cost is about 1200 rubles. The product is effective, easy to use, and has a natural composition. Apply it literally for a minute - just while taking a shower. Rinse off with light massage movements to obtain a scrubbing effect. White clay and algae are good for inflammation. The most effective black clay masks are collected in the article.

"Clean skin 3-in-1" brand Garnier

The cost is approximately 200 rubles. Multifunctional effective product, can be used as a scrub or gel for washing, mask. The main components of the Garnier mask are salicylic acid, zinc, clay. Despite the affordable price, the product copes well with stains.

Skin Mat with clay from Darphin

Costs approximately 2500 rubles. The share of natural components in it accounts for more than 80% - these are essential oils, clay, aloe, and valuable plant extracts. The minimum duration of action is 10 minutes. You need to use the mask regularly - in this case, the skin will always look just perfect.

“Russian Bath” of the Planet Spa series from Avon

It costs only 120 rubles. Steams, especially effective when used in the shower, bath, sauna. Regular use of the product will improve the condition of the skin, launch active renewal processes, and forget about inflammation and rashes. The mask has a divine aroma due to the presence of eucalyptus and Siberian pine oils.

Tar cleansing formula “For the steam room” from

It costs only 70 rubles per 100 g of product. The formula removes toxins, reduces the secretion of sebaceous glands, relieves inflammation, and stops the active spread of infections. Sage soothes, relieves irritation, evens out tone, and triggers active renewal. The product with Altai honey is ideal for oily, combination skin. Also very popular is the Blue Agafia Bathhouse cleansing mask from the same series.

Price: 70 rubles.

Cleansing from TM L'Oreal Paris

You can buy it for 500 rubles. The main components are coal, natural clay (three types). The product removes dead skin cells, blackheads, tightens pores, does not dehydrate the skin, and restores normal biochemical processes. The skin acquires a luxurious porcelain hue and its structure improves.

Sebum-regulating cleansing La Roche-Posay

Premium pharmaceutical formula, cost about 800 rubles. Suitable for caring for problematic, oily skin. The product contains different types of clays and thermal water. Vitamin B soothes, relieves irritation, removes comedones and acne. With regular use, post-acne marks become less pronounced.

A low price is not always synonymous with poor quality - there are many effective and affordable products on sale.

Recipes for masks after cleansing the face: soothing

Using soothing masks is the final stage of cleansing. Rules for the procedure:

  • before using the product, consult a cosmetologist;
  • Before applying the drug, take an allergic reaction test;
  • use the product no more than twice every 7 days;
  • Keep the mask on for 5-10 minutes, then wash.

Recipes for soothing masks:

  • mix 2 large spoons of honey with 1 large spoon of Hercules;
  • 2 large spoons of sour cream, chopped parsley;
  • 2 large spoons of cosmetic clay, talc, 1 large spoon of crushed chloramphenicol tablets, a little hydrogen peroxide.

Professional products

Made masks are often more effective and useful, but there is not always time for “folk art”, so we suggest considering super-cleansing and tightening professional masks.

Photo – Gelatin masks

Conventionally, they can be divided into several categories:

  1. Exfoliating (aka peeling) – Mary Kay, Nivea films;
  2. Pore ​​cleansing (scrubbing) – Daniel Jouvance, Natural Pharmacy;
  3. Anti-inflammatory – for sensitive skin – Glorion, Vichy;
  4. Natural remedies (herbs, animal fats, acids) - warming masks in the sauna (for face and body) with spruce and other oils, cosmetics with extracts of various plants - Doctor Nona (Israel), L'Oreal, Clean Line.
  5. Masks-creams (do not wash off) - Avon, Amway, Green Pharmacy, Vitex.

When you should not make masks, contraindications :

  1. For seborrhea, lichen and other chronic skin problems in the active stage;
  2. If you are allergic to any component;
  3. For open wounds;
  4. Do not make masks with acidic components while on a diet;
  5. The women's forum advises pregnant women to be very careful, and a professional recipe book has the same opinion.

Of course, the products you prepare yourself will be cheaper, but ready-made cleansing face masks will quickly solve all your problems. To buy them, visit a special cosmetics store.


  1. Rules for facial care: first, steam the skin to open the pores, then cleanse, then soothe the skin. The cleansing stage usually ends with a natural tonic that can be prepared at home.
  2. Popular steaming products include essential oils, honey, gelatin and oatmeal.
  3. Thermal masks should be used carefully so as not to cause a burn.
  4. Cleansing or scrubbing (peeling) must be done carefully so as not to injure the upper layers of the epidermis.
  5. It is imperative to soothe the skin after cleansing. This allows you to narrow the pores and prevent infection from getting into them. Find out also what a gommage facial mask is and how it works here.

Selection rules

To ensure that a cosmetic product gives you the desired effect, when choosing it, look at:

  • Action - cleansing masks can be drying, antibacterial, moisturizing, tightening pores, and so on. When making a purchase, be guided by the existing problems.

The packaging of the mask should indicate the ingredients and what skin type it is suitable for.

  • Skin type - dry, sensitive and oily, combination epidermis require completely different products.
  • Naturalness - natural ingredients are considered safer than synthetic ones, and at the same time no less effective.
  • Price – thanks to a wide selection of products, you will find an option to suit your pocket.
  • Hypoallergenic - the formula of a cleansing mask should not only be effective, but also safe for health.

Homemade or store bought? There are enough supporters for each option. Compare both and draw your own conclusions.

From blackheads

To get rid of this drawback, any cleansing mask should be applied to a steamed face to enhance the penetration of cleansing components. Along with cleansing, it is necessary to dry the skin, but you should not overdo it with hot ingredients and such masks should be made infrequently (especially for those with dry skin) - a couple per week is enough:

  • Pour a spoonful of calendula flowers with vodka or alcohol. Let it brew for 3 or 4 days. After time, add 5 grams of boric acid and glycerin. This mask should be applied in a room with moderate humidity, otherwise the glycerin will tighten and dry out the face;
  • A kefir film mask works well to get rid of blackheads. It is applied to the face and waited for complete drying, after which it is rolled into small lumps, creating a slight abrasive effect. The best result can be obtained if you wash off the remnants of the kefir cleansing mask with chamomile decoction.

Steps to care for skin with large pores

On the one hand, such a defect spoils the appearance of the skin - there is no smoothness, there is bumpiness, a constant oily sheen. In addition, wide pores quickly become clogged with particles of dust and dirt, which leads to inflammatory processes and provokes the formation of acne and comedones. But, on the other hand, oily, thick skin ages more slowly than dry skin.

At the same time, the porous epidermis requires special care. Stages of morning procedures:

  1. Washing with foam or thermal water based on salicylic acid, probiotics, but without alcohol or aggressive chemicals.
  2. Toning with a mattifying effect. The toner will help dry the skin and normalize the pH level.
  3. Application of sebum regulator serum. The product should contain oak bark extract, betulin, grapefruit and so on. Serum for day care and marked “For oily skin”.
  4. Apply a treatment to the area around the eyes.
  5. Day moisturizer with a light texture based on glycolic or hyaluronic acid.

It is also necessary to take care of protection from ultraviolet radiation. In winter, before going outside, treat your skin with SPF 30, in summer - SPF 50.

Evening care steps:

  1. Makeup remover with micellar water or foam for thorough cleansing. A composition based on hydrophilic oil is also suitable.
  2. Toning. The toner can be applied using a cotton pad and should not be rinsed off. A composition based on avocado oil, hyaluronic acid, squalene, and seaweed is suitable.
  3. Treatment of the periorbital area - along the protruding parts, without affecting the skin of the lower and upper eyelids.
  4. Apply nourishing night cream to slightly damp skin. A restorative concentrate with a deep moisturizing effect is suitable.

It is advisable that all skincare products be of the same brand, this way the maximum effect is achieved.

Cleansing ingredients

Secretions of the sebaceous glands, the use of cosmetics, dust - all this has a bad effect on the skin. Over time, problems appear in the form of peeling, rashes, dryness and loss of natural shade.

The solution to problems will be cleansing masks. The main purpose of a cleansing mask is to free the surface of the skin from pollution, and only then moisturize and nourish in order to tone and activate the epidermis to restore.

The most popular and effective ingredients for cleansing are considered to be:

  1. Cereals . The ingredient not only removes dirt well, but also softens the skin. A large supply of microelements and valuable minerals improves the structure of the epidermis and provides healing to inflamed areas. Normalizes sebaceous gland secretions, eliminates blackheads and flaking.
  2. Honey _ The bee product is applied to the entire face, except for the area near the eyes. By patting your fingers on the viscous structure of honey, the pores are sharply opened and cleansed. The product sometimes causes severe allergies.
  3. Baking soda . Small particles thoroughly clean any type of contamination from the surface of the epidermis. When rubbed against moistened skin, the soda dissolves without causing damage, unlike coarser scrubs with solid ingredients. With regular use, age spots will fade and disappear. A whitening effect is achieved. Acts as an antibacterial agent.
  4. Coffee . Abrasive particles perfectly exfoliate the epithelial layer, improving blood microcirculation and air exchange. Thanks to this, waste and toxins are removed. Sebaceous plugs are removed from the sweat glands, the regeneration process is accelerated, flaking disappears and complexion improves.
  5. Clay . Several types are often used in cosmetology. The chemical composition of each is different. The color and medicinal properties are also different. The most popular is white clay. After rinsing, a lifting effect is created, metabolism is activated, and the skin is filled with microelements.
  6. Eggshell . It contains hyaluronic acid, which promotes skin rejuvenation and is often found in branded facelift cosmetics.

Before use, the shells are washed to a powder state. This mask is rich in calcium and vitamins. Small particles remove dead skin layers well.

Don't miss the most popular article in the section: Facial massage according to the system of the Japanese doctor Asahi Zogan.

5 more tips to help cleanse your face

  1. Nutrition . Our appearance depends on the food we eat. Try to eat more fish, nuts, cereals and vegetables. Avoid processed and artificial foods.
  2. Drink more water . Our skin consists of 15% of it. There is no specific amount of water for each person. Drink as much as you want. Water cleanses and removes toxins from the body.
  3. Avoid exposure to the sun during lunchtime . UV rays damage the structure of the skin. Recommended time to spend in the sun is 7-9 am. At this time, the sun produces vitamin D, which is beneficial for the skin.
  4. Moisturize and cleanse your skin . Apply various masks to moisturize and cleanse the skin, creams, and wash with cold water.
  5. Maintain your daily vitamin C intake . It is what improves complexion and prevents the appearance of wrinkles. Foods with vitamin C: broccoli, black currants, strawberries, kiwi and grapes.

How to save the result

After proper cleaning, past problems can return in a fairly short time. To maintain the results obtained during treatment, you should follow a few simple rules:

  • adjust your diet by eliminating all fried and smoked foods, pickles and sweets;
  • limit the use of strong decorative cosmetics and aggressive care products;
  • do not use fatty moisturizing creams or gels, replacing them with mousse or milk;
  • Use foundation very carefully; to correct the shade, it is better to use a light-based fluid.

If clogged pores and the appearance of acne on the face are associated with metabolic disorders or hormonal imbalance, using only cosmetic products is ineffective. To solve the problem, you must consult a doctor.

You can learn about using a chocolate mask by following the link.

Shiseido Waso Purifying Peel Off Mask

Price: from 1,900 rubles

This cosmetic product has oriental “roots”. Its formula was developed by cosmetologists from the land of the rising sun. A delightful design in glamorous pink tones complements the excellent quality and working composition. Japanese basil (red perilla) refreshes and makes the skin radiant, whole medlar cells soften and draw out sebum stored in the pores, powder particles absorb surface impurities, and peony in combination with glycyrrhizinate soothes the skin and fights inflammatory manifestations.

The mask is packaged in a glossy raspberry tube with a flip-top cap. The design feature of the Shiseido brand is a plastic loop on the lid. The mass itself is viscous with a subtle “alcohol” smell. Aesthetes will definitely be pleased with the color – red-crimson with shiny tints. The mask is difficult to spread on the surface of the face. That is why (and for better effectiveness too) it is recommended to drive it into the skin with your fingertips. It takes about thirty minutes to convert to elastic film.


  • delightful color of the film mask against blackheads;
  • interesting composition;
  • the film does not tear when removed;
  • the surface becomes refreshed and clean;
  • removes oily shine.


  • dries the skin a little;
  • expensive.
( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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