Remedies for blackheads on the nose: how to cleanse the skin

Blackheads (aka comedones in the open phase) are a problem that is familiar to almost everyone firsthand. Most often it occurs in adolescence and is associated with hormonal changes in the body, but adults are not immune from it. Skin covered with blackheads looks unkempt. Both the pharmacology and cosmetic industries offer their own means to combat them, and there are also home recipes. To choose the most suitable option, first consult with a cosmetologist or dermatologist.

General characteristics of products for removing blackheads on the nose

Blackheads are pores clogged with “plugs” of sebum. Gradually, the secretion of the sebaceous glands mixes with dead epidermal cells, dust, and oxidizes under the influence of oxygen, turning black. They are concentrated mainly in the T-zone, where the skin is most prone to oiliness. One of the most problematic areas is the nose.

Skin covered with black dots looks very unsightly, it causes psychological discomfort, so you need to fight them

Of the specialized products for combating blackheads on the nose, only patches of a characteristic shape can be named. Other scrubs, gels, tonics, masks, creams can be used to cleanse the entire face. To ensure effect, they solve three problems simultaneously:

  • “loosening” the sebaceous plug;
  • removal of pore contents;
  • preventing the appearance of blackheads in the future.

Causes of blackheads

One centimeter of human skin contains up to 100 pores. With their help, the sebaceous glands moisturize and protect the surface of our body. But pores can become clogged with dead skin particles, dirt, dust, and sebum. As a result, two types of comedones appear: closed, that is, pimples, and open (blackheads). They usually form in those areas where the sebaceous glands are most active, namely: on the face (nose, forehead, chin), on the back, on the neck.

You need to understand why pimples and blackheads appear, and then it will become clear how to get rid of them. Here are some reasons:

  • Changes in hormonal levels . This factor is relevant for adolescence, menstruation, pregnancy, menopause, because it is at this time that hormones can provoke inflammation on the skin.
  • Poor cleansing . During the day, city dust settles on our dermis, and if you don’t wash it, it will remain on your face. Makeup that is not removed well enough also gets clogged in the pores - particles of powder, blush, and foundation accumulate in them.
  • Excessive skin cleansing . If you wash your face with soap several times a day, supplement this with wiping with various tonics and other means, you can easily destroy the protective layer of the dermis. As a result, the skin becomes easy prey for bacteria, and the sebaceous glands perceive this as an alarm signal. You will achieve something completely different from what you dreamed of: lard will only be released more abundantly.
  • Excessive use of scrub . If you try to effectively get rid of blackheads with frequent exfoliations, you may end up with negative effects. A scrub that is too rough can cause mechanical damage to the skin.
  • Frequent touching of the dermis . Try to touch your own face less often and do it only with washed hands. If your nose itches on the subway, use a paper napkin, because you just held onto the handrail, which has a lot of bacteria and just dirt that are dangerous for your skin.
  • Bad habits . Due to smoking, the dermis becomes dull, ages early, and cigarette smoke causes inflammatory processes on it.
  • Oily hair balm . Comedones on the neck, shoulders, forehead (if you wear bangs) may well arise due to the wrong choice of products for caring for curls. Residues of moisturizing compounds and thick hair styling products get onto the skin and settle in the pores.

There is an opinion that the condition of comedones can be affected by poor nutrition. Of course, you shouldn’t eat fatty, fried or sweet foods every day, because in general this is not very healthy, but such prohibitions have nothing to do with the process of getting rid of blackheads.

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Cosmetic products

The range of products offered by different cosmetic brands to combat blackheads (and on the nose too) is extremely wide. The following ingredients are useful in combating them:

  • zinc (exfoliates dead skin particles, dries and softens it, normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands);
  • salicylic acid (dissolves the contents of clogged pores, regulates sebum production, gives an antibacterial effect);
  • fruit acids (act as a chemical peeling, “dissolving” dead skin cells on the surface of the skin, cleansing and tightening pores, destroying pathogenic microflora);
  • extracts of green tea, lavender, citrus fruits (give an antibacterial effect).

Cleansing toner against blackheads and oily shine Clear skin from Garnier

The main beneficial ingredients are zinc and salicylic acid. You need to wipe your face with tonic every morning and evening. The skin becomes more matte, the tone is evened out, oily shine disappears, sebum production decreases, pores are cleaned and narrowed.

Garnier Clear Skin Cleansing Toner is specially formulated for oily and combination skin types.

The product does not contain additional caring components, so it is mainly suitable for combination and oily skin. It dries out normal and dry skin greatly, causing flaking. The average price is 350 rubles.

Egg Pore Blackhead Steam Balm by TonyMoly

An unusual warming balm first opens the pores, affecting them with heat (the same effect as steaming the skin), then deeply cleanses them. It is recommended to use it no more than twice a week. The product is applied to the skin of the nose and a light massage is performed for 3–5 minutes. During the process, a feeling of warmth appears, the gel changes color from transparent to white. Then the balm is washed off with clean water. Price - from 800 rubles.

Egg Pore Blackhead Steam Balm from TonyMoly simultaneously provides the effect of steaming the skin and cleansing the pores

The effect is provided by a combination of natural ingredients:

  • sea ​​salt (destroys pathogenic microflora, deeply cleanses the skin);
  • tiny eggshell particles (act as a very delicate mechanical peeling, removing dead epithelial particles);
  • corn extract (softens the skin, ensures its restoration, stimulates the process of renewal of epithelial cells);
  • egg yolk extract (tightens pores, mattifies the skin, evens out its tone);
  • green tea extract (a powerful antioxidant with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties).

Video: review of Egg Pore Blackhead Steam Balm from TonyMoly

Nose patches Speedy Solution Nose Pore Cleaning Patch from Missha

They look like a regular adhesive plaster - one side is fabric, the other is sticky. The characteristic shape ensures ease of use specifically for the nose. Patches are glued to damp skin and removed with a sharp jerk after 15–20 minutes. The active ingredients begin to work under the influence of water, the sebaceous plugs soften, the pores are cleaned, and the remaining contents are removed with a jerk, remaining on the patch. To get rid of a possible feeling of slight tightness and residual composition, wipe your face with tonic. It is recommended to use patches once a week or less often, as needed. Cost - about 400 rubles for 8 pieces.

Speedy Solution Nose Pore Cleaning Patch from Missha provides an effect due to the presence of natural extracts

The effect is provided by natural extracts:

  • parsley (refreshes the skin, removes oily sheen);
  • lotus (deeply cleanses pores, tones);
  • barley (soothes the skin, relieves inflammation);
  • witch hazel (destroys pathogenic microflora, tightens pores);
  • ylang-ylang (normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands).

Rare Earth Deep Pore Cleansing Masque from Kiehl's

The product actively cleanses pores, tightens them, dries the skin, removes dead cells on its surface, and fights sebaceous shine. The mask is evenly applied to clean, slightly damp skin. After a quarter of an hour, it will dry out and you can wash it off with clean water or wipe it off with massage movements with a sponge, a damp towel or a special silicone face brush. Apply the mask 1-2 times a week. The cost on the manufacturer’s website is 2600 rubles.

The price of the Rare Earth Deep Pore Cleansing Masque from Kiehl's is quite high, but the large package lasts a long time

Active components:

  • Amazonian white clay (rich in natural minerals, deeply cleanses the skin, removing excess sebum and dead skin cells, fights toxins and bacteria);
  • bentonite (another type of clay that absorbs sebum);
  • aloe vera extract and allantoin (soothe the skin, relieve redness and inflammation);
  • corn starch and oatmeal (soften the skin, stimulate regeneration).

Pore ​​Vacuum from Propeller

A whole series of products that together provide deep cleansing of the skin, its disinfection and narrowing of pores. The price of each of them varies between 100–200 rubles. The series includes:

  • gel-scrub for washing (does not contain alkali, gives the effect of mechanical peeling, reduces the amount of sebum production);
  • face lotion for blackheads (contains plant extracts and fruit acids, cleanses the contents of clogged pores, tightens them);
  • airy fluid (light cream, suitable as a base for makeup; chestnut, eucalyptus, nettle extracts mattify and even out skin tone, provide an antibacterial effect);
  • cream care for skin with enlarged pores (designed for very oily and problematic skin; absorbs quickly, tightens pores, reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands);
  • nasal cleansing strips;
  • express gommage for the T-zone (“ambulance”, if you need to get rid of blackheads as quickly as possible, gives the desired effect in 1-3 minutes).

Express gommage for blackheads Pore Vacuum from Propeller - the fastest-acting product in the series

Video: Propeller nasal cleansing strips

How to get rid of black dots

Keeping pores clean is not a one-time procedure, but regular, competent care, which includes the implementation of 2 points:

  1. The use of retinoids to normalize the amount and composition of sebum, as well as regulate skin exfoliation.
  2. Carry out a course of superficial peeling for the same indications, then switch to maintenance procedures once a month.

professional cleansing masks for home use once a week .

These are exactly what we will talk about today.

Preventing the appearance of blackheads

If you don’t want to struggle with blackheads on your forehead and constantly think about how to get rid of them, it is important to cleanse your skin properly and do everything to ensure that the sebaceous glands work correctly. To do this you need :

  • Wash your face twice a day using mild cosmetics.
  • Avoid alcohol and soap for cleansing . If the skin is dry, the body will try with all its might to restore the damaged protective layer, and this will only lead to increased production of sebum.
  • Wash off your makeup thoroughly , which is most important if it is waterproof. After removing makeup, you need to remove any remaining product with clean water.
  • Check all products used to suit your skin type.
  • After any water treatments, rinse your face with cool or cold water . This will close the pores, which means that impurities will not get into them.
  • Touch your face only with clean hands.
  • Choose one of the methods presented above , otherwise you may harm your skin. Overusing cleansing and exfoliating products will only increase acne breakouts.
  • Keep your nails clean so that dirt from under them cannot get onto your face (this is extremely important if you tend to fight acne on your own by squeezing it out).
  • Change your pillowcase daily to avoid re-infection of your skin.
  • Keep your hair clean , otherwise hair oil getting on your face will clog your pores.
  • Always use a non-greasy moisturizer.
  • Use a pore tightening product to protect your face from acne.

It is also worth mentioning the special requirements for cosmetics:

  • Choose a cream according to your skin type . Dry dermis requires a moisturizing composition that will weaken the work of the sebaceous glands. For oily skin, you need a light lotion or emulsion, then the pores will not become clogged.
  • Give preference to products that use water as a base rather than oil . They make it easier for the dermis to breathe.
  • Replace thick foundation with a tinted balm or BB cream . Forget about multi-layered visual skin smoothing, which includes applying foundation, tone, concealer and powder.
  • Remember that for residents of large cities, who are often surrounded by large numbers of people and transport, decorative cosmetics become a salvation . If the foundation is chosen correctly, its thin layer will protect the pores from dust and dirt from the air.

Since you have decided to get rid of blackheads on your face and ears, it is worth remembering some very important rules:

  • Too crude attempts to solve the problem can only do harm and make it worse. As a result, instead of a barely noticeable blackhead, you will have an inflamed red pimple.
  • Do not bring honey to a hot state if you are planning to make honey masks. You shouldn’t add burns and blisters to your already problematic skin.
  • Always read the instructions for use of the chosen product (they can be found on the packaging). If the product causes irritation, do not use it.
  • Avoid getting any cosmetics into your eyes. If this happens, rinse them thoroughly with water.

Nowadays, you no longer have to spend a lot of time performing complex and unpleasant procedures at home. It is much easier to seek help from real professionals - the Veronika Herba beauty and health center, equipped with effective and modern equipment.

Why clients choose Veronika Herba beauty and health center:

  • This is a beauty center where they will help you get rid of blackheads on your face at a reasonable cost, and you will be treated not by an ordinary cosmetologist, but by one of the best specialists in Moscow. This is a completely different, higher level of service!
  • You can receive qualified help at any time convenient for you. The beauty center is open from 9:00 to 21:00, seven days a week. The main thing is to agree with your doctor in advance on the date and time of your appointment.

Sign up for a consultation with a specialist by phone +7 (495) 085-15-13

, and you will see for yourself!

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