A hump on a girl's nose. Beautiful or not, how to remove without surgery, rhinoplasty

A hump on the nose is a bone-cartilaginous bulge clearly visible in profile, most often found in girls born in the mountains of the North Caucasus, living in the countries of Asia Minor, or having hot Italian blood.

Rarely found among the European type of appearance, such a feature deprives the face of harmony, requires plastic surgery or a less radical method of treatment, but sometimes it can become a real highlight, giving the appearance an original and unforgettable look.

What causes a hump on the nose?

A hump on a girl’s nose can be a hereditary, genetic feature or appear as a result of injuries that have caused damage to the nose. In the latter case, small bone cartilage not only spoils the appearance, but also interferes with normal breathing.

Men rarely pay attention to such a defect, while for girls, bulge often becomes a big problem that requires a radical solution.

A hump on the nose can occur:

  • for hereditary reasons;
  • because of the girl’s racial and ethical background;
  • as a result of a bruise or damage to the nose, which provoked the growth of osteochondral tissue;
  • due to external influences such as frequent wearing of glasses;
  • due to internal pathologies leading to changes in the structure of the respiratory organ.

A nose with a pronounced hump in most cases has a narrow and slightly widened structure in the vertical plane, which significantly facilitates a person’s breathing.

There are 2 varieties of this form:

  • The Roman nose is of medium length with a pronounced, thin and graceful hump.
  • Caucasian nose - has a large structure, with a strongly protruding base in the front part and a clearly protruding “humpback”.

Alignment of the nasal bridge

In order to remove the hump, I use a scalpel and an osteotome.

An osteotome is a surgical instrument used to cut bone.

I remove the cartilage tissue with a scalpel, and excise the nasal bone with an osteotome.

Removal of nasal hump

In this case, we make the back even by removing the hump, i.e. we lower it. But if you have a snub nose, removing the hump is not enough. For such cases I use a special technique.

Is it possible to remove a hump on the nose?

A hump on a girl’s nose can cause many unpleasant moments, significantly distorting the natural features of the face and giving them a rougher shape. The only way to correct the defect is plastic surgery, as a result of which the osteochondral growth is literally cut off from the nose.

It will not be possible to correct the deficiency with exercises on your own, since the growth is caused by serious external or internal, most often hereditary reasons.

A small hump can be disguised with cosmetics. To do this, you do not need to apply a large amount of foundation, but you should play with light shades, slightly darkening the protruding part of the nose with shadows.

Reasons for the formation of a hump

The main reason for the formation of a hump on the back of the nose is heredity.
The bones and cartilages of the facial skeleton are finally formed during puberty. Therefore, it often happens when a child’s neat nose in adolescence acquires a slight or very noticeable hump - a genetic feature of the genus. A hooked nose is characteristic of many peoples of the Middle East and the Caucasus. However, this aesthetic defect can be acquired for a number of reasons:

  1. Injury. The nasal bones are quite thin and fragile. Even a small blow can trigger the growth of cartilage and the formation of a growth.
  2. Unsuccessful surgery can cause improper bone fusion and the formation of a nasal hump.
  3. Destructive changes in cartilage and nasal bones. The causes may be serious hormonal imbalances and metabolic diseases.
  4. Constant mechanical impact. Sometimes a cartilaginous growth appears as a result of prolonged mechanical impact on the bridge of the nose. It usually occurs when glasses with heavy frames that rub against the bridge of the nose are worn for a long time, forming a ridge.

Sometimes they try to correct a hump using fillers, but a clearly visible defect can only be eliminated surgically.

Contraindications for removal

The hump on a girl’s nose is removed using rhinoplasty or as a result of correction with fillers. Experts recommend this operation for girls aged 18 to 40 years. It is during this period that the skin still retains maximum elasticity and can easily cope with the consequences of surgery.

It is recommended to remove a hump on the nose using rhinoplasty between the ages of 18 and 40.

Before undergoing rhinoplasty, the girl will have to undergo a series of examinations, as a result of which contraindications to the intervention may be identified, divided into absolute and relative.

Absolute contraindicationsSerious chronic or acute pathologies, as well as mental disorders that cannot be treated.
  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • diabetes;
  • lupus;
  • typhoid fever;
  • brucellosis;
  • impetigo;
  • Lyme virus;
  • blastomycosis;
  • gonorrhea;
  • meningitis;
  • autoimmune and immune pathologies;
  • chronic granulomatosis;
  • HIV infection;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • death;
  • hepatitis;
  • chronic liver pathologies;
  • oncological tumors;
  • dysfunction of the bronchi and lungs;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • mental illness;
  • age over 50 years.
Relative contraindicationsTemporary pathologies that disappear after appropriate treatment.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the nasal mucosa;
  • rhinitis;
  • ARVI;
  • adenoid infection;
  • herpes simplex;
  • purulent-skin-inflammatory pathologies;
  • age up to 18 years.

Surgery to remove a hump on the nose

Rhinoplasty, performed to remove a hump on the nose, is performed only under general anesthesia and under the guidance of a highly qualified surgeon. If the appearance of a hump was caused by a nasal injury simultaneously with rhinoplasty, septoplasty is also performed to correct the shape of the septum.

The patient can see the new shape of her nose at a doctor’s appointment, during 3D computer modeling, which allows her to imagine a new, desired shape and see how it will look on the girl’s face.

Operation process:

  1. First, the surgeon incises the skin in the nasal area and carefully opens the osteochondral tissue.
  2. Next, the doctor begins to gradually cut off the cartilage tissue that has formed the growth until the desired level is reached.
  3. After removing the cartilage using a chisel and file, the protruding bone is also removed.
  4. If the shape of the nose needs to be corrected along with the hump, the lateral parts are dissected and adjusted, and then, by removing excess fat and cartilage tissue, the tip of the nose is also corrected.
  5. Having given the nose the desired appearance, the doctor places an internal suture, and then the new respiratory organ is placed in plaster to form and secure the newly created shape. At the same time, cotton swabs are inserted into the nostrils, and the patient needs to breathe through her mouth.

Usually the plaster is removed on the 7-11th day, but the final shape of the new nose can only be judged after 6 months from the date of surgery.
To relieve the patient's pain, analgesics are prescribed and proper care is prescribed to help avoid suppuration, bleeding or tissue necrosis. Swelling, hematomas and congestion disappear 1 month after the operation, and in order for the recovery period to go faster, the girl is recommended to drink as little liquid as possible and reduce physical activity.

A complication of the operation may be the formation of small adhesions on the nasal mucosa, dulling the sense of smell and making breathing difficult. It is also possible that the patient will not be satisfied with the result obtained and will decide to undergo rhinoplasty again.

Open or closed hump surgery?

Open and closed rhinoplasty
From the patient's point of view , the only difference is in the incision. With open rhinoplasty, the incision passes through the nasal passages inside the nose and along the columella, and with closed rhinoplasty, only through the nasal passages.

Many people are convinced that after open rhinoplasty there will be visible scars on the columella. But in fact, scars are practically invisible, and over time they disappear without a trace.

From the surgeon’s point of view , the difference is that with closed rhinoplasty, the surgeon acts blindly, but with open rhinoplasty, he sees and controls everything.

Open rhinoplasty provides predictable results and allows for precise changes to the internal anatomy of the nose. That's why I only perform open rhinoplasty.

Look at my case, take a special look at the columella.

Scar 2.5 months after open rhinoplasty ©Dikarev Alexey Sergeevich

Correction with fillers

A protruding hump on the nose can also be corrected using fillers containing the patient’s own fat cells, hyaluronic acid or collagen.

Fillers used to correct the shape of lips and cheekbones cannot remove the defect, but make it temporarily completely invisible, straightening the depressions of the skin. An injection of the drug is carried out subcutaneously above and below the hump, thereby filling the gaps and straightening the shape of the nose.

This procedure is easier and safer than rhinoplasty and has fewer side effects and contraindications. The only disadvantage of the procedure is that contour plastic surgery needs to be repeated once every six months.

Cost of non-surgical nose correction

The method of changing the shape of the nose, used by our aesthetic specialists, costs much less than surgical rhinoplasty. Prices are presented in the table:

Services Prices
Restylane (1.0 ml) 15800 rub.
Surgiderm 30 15,000 rub.

The Armida clinic will help you change the shape of your nose without surgery: Moscow, Maly Karetny Lane, building 9, building 1.

You can make an appointment by calling 8 (495) 409-777-4

Rhinoplasty with laser

Rhinoplasty using a laser, called evaporation , is considered less traumatic due to the instant heating of water in the tissues, and then the destruction of the outer layer of cells.

The procedure uses a high-frequency carbon dioxide laser, which evaporates liquid from the surface of the skin and makes the cartilage tissue more plastic. First, the laser cuts the skin, and then allows you to remove the soft osteochondral tissue that is the cause of the hump.

The bloody edges of the incision and damaged vessels are instantly stopped, preventing possible bleeding.

After the operation is completed, the respiratory organ, which is performed under local anesthesia, is fixed not with plaster, but with nasal splints, which do not interfere with breathing and lymph flow, and also prevent the occurrence of inflammation and swelling.

After laser correction, not cotton swabs are inserted into the nostrils, but hygroscopic hemostatic tubes or silicone intranasal splints, which have holes for the free functioning of air, and also have regenerative and hemostatic properties.

Unlike conventional rhinoplasty, laser correction to remove hump:

  • does not leave scars or scars;
  • is not accompanied by a long rehabilitation period;
  • does not carry the risk of tissue infection due to the antiseptic effect of the laser;
  • practically painless and does not require general anesthesia;
  • is not accompanied by the need to use plaster, which interferes with free breathing for 8-10 weeks after surgery;
  • is not accompanied by bleeding, and injured vessels and wound edges are instantly cauterized with a laser;
  • due to exposure to high temperatures, it softens osteochondral tissue and facilitates subsequent modeling;
  • stimulates tissue regeneration and promotes faster healing.

Pros of hump removal without surgery

A girl can try to remove a hump on her nose, which has a cartilaginous structure and does not affect the bone tissue, on her own, with the help of makeup, physical therapy or a course of exercises.

The advantages of this, albeit lengthy, approach will be:

  • There is no long rehabilitation period, accompanied by pain, hematomas and the danger of tissue suppuration.
  • There are no contraindications prohibiting the procedure.
  • Possibility of massage and gymnastics at any age. Manipulations can be carried out both before the age of 18 and over the age of 50. For mature women, gymnastics is most useful, since it allows not only to reduce the severity of the defect, but also to tighten the tissue.
  • There is no need to use anesthesia, which can negatively affect human health.
  • The method is low-traumatic, does not interfere with free breathing and is not accompanied by any restrictions.
  • No large cash costs. The cost of conventional or laser rhinoplasty is about 90 thousand rubles, while self-massage and exercises are not accompanied by material losses.


It will not be possible to completely remove the hump on a girl’s nose on her own, but with the help of physiotherapy and cosmetics, you can smooth out the severity of the defect, making it less noticeable.

The effectiveness of physiotherapy lies in the long-term effect on osteochondral tissue in order to reduce the volume of the respiratory organ:

  1. Before starting the massage, it is necessary to warm up the hump area well. To do this, you need to apply a small piece of gauze, a sterile napkin or any other fabric, carefully ironed and heated with an iron, for 5-7 minutes.
  2. After the cartilage tissue has warmed up, you can begin the massage. You need to knead the bulge by pressing on it with the middle finger of each hand, alternating pressure from stronger to weaker. The exercise should be carried out for at least a minute (counting to yourself to 30-40). In total, you need to do at least 6 approaches per day.

With daily exercise, the cartilage will gradually give way, decrease in size and become less noticeable.

Cosmetic gymnastics to straighten unevenness

American Carol Maggio has developed a special set of exercises that help not only reduce the severity of the hump, but also tighten the oval of the face.

The exercise can be done anywhere. You do not need to take any special position for charging. To reduce the severity of the cartilaginous hump, the respiratory organ should be squeezed with the thumb and forefinger from the sides, and with the other hand, pull the tip of the nose upward. The lip area should alternately straighten or tighten during the exercise.

Such gymnastics helps not only to cope with the hump, but also to improve well-being, and also effectively prevent the appearance of age-related ptosis. You need to do the exercises twice a day (in the morning and evening), doing at least 35 approaches per session.

Unfortunately, gymnastics will only be effective if the hump consists of cartilage tissue. If the defect affects the bone, it can only be dealt with through surgery.

Correcting a hump with makeup

Respiratory defects can also be corrected using cosmetics. Makeup artists do not advise hiding the cartilage growth under a thick layer of makeup, but suggest playing with shades of shadows and slightly darkening the protruding growth.

To correct the defect, darker shadows or bronzer should be applied to the sides of the nose, and the front part should be highlighted in a lighter tone. Correction can be done with different shades of eye shadow, bronzer, blush or powder with a mandatory matte finish. Such manipulation will visually hide the defect, making it less noticeable.

§1. A girl or guy has a hooked nose. What to do? Correction and operations + Photo

In their opinion, a hump on the nose spoils your overall appearance, as well as your career, relationships and mood.

The reasons for the formation of a hump depend not only on geographical and genetic factors, but also have an unnatural origin.

Often, humps are formed as a result of a severe fracture or bruise or injury. In absolutely any case, these defects can be removed.

Why a hump may form on the nose

If everyone in your family, including you, had a straight and neat nose, but it changed due to certain outside interference, then it is best to eliminate this problem as quickly as possible.

Even the slightest hump on the nose, which was formed unnaturally, threatens to turn into psychological trauma. Not every woman or girl is ready to see her appearance with a hump, which did not exist until a certain moment.

So, let's look at how and where a hump on the nose can form.

Remember that a lot depends on the aspect of perception of the shape of your nose:

  • If you are an optimistic person, then your nose will never bother you;
  • However, if you think about it, and from the very beginning you set yourself up for failure in love or career, so be it.

We hit our noses

This turn of events is considered quite common, but you shouldn’t be afraid of it, because to form a hump you need to hit with all your might. The back bone is very fragile, but it takes work to break it.

Don’t worry if swelling and bruising develop after the blow, everything will go away very quickly, the shape will remain the same without any negative consequences.

However, if the blow was still very strong, and you damaged the nasal dorsum, then curvature and a hump in this case are quite expected. In this case, only a plastic surgeon can help you.

Consequences of nasal surgery

A hump on the nose can also form due to an incompetent plastic surgeon.

Most girls want a perfect nose, but when they come to a plastic surgeon, they don’t know whether he can do it beautifully as a highly qualified specialist or not.

If you have this case, then most likely you will be compensated for unsuccessful surgical intervention.

We advise you to agree to compensation if it is solely in material form.

Natural causes of hump formation

In general, you have already learned a little about them above. Owners of the so-called large hump live in Asia Minor and the Caucasus.

Other types of humped noses are distinguished by grace and sophistication.

Based on their shape, hooked noses can be classified.

Roman nose

A pronounced hump, the nose is short and thin. This look is considered classic, it can make the face a little strict, but not rude. For example, Sophia Loren and Penelope Cruz have Roman noses.

Caucasian nose

It protrudes quite strongly, has a lowered base and a noticeable hump. Women don't really like this type. If a girl has such a nose, then over time she will become embarrassed, and she will be very angry about it. For example, Jennifer Gray has a Caucasian nose.

A hump on a woman's face is not always ugly and rude. In most cases, the bulge becomes the highlight.

How to get rid of a hump

There are several ways in the world to get rid of a hump. There is a method of rhinoplasty, as well as other methods that do not involve surgery.

Only you can choose whether to get rid of the hump or not:

  • Contour plastic surgery – with the help of injections;
  • Correction with makeup;
  • Rhinoplasty is an operation or surgical intervention.

If you don’t like any of the above three methods, then there is another method that is no less effective. This method is intended only for the patient, and will require a person to spend a lot of time practicing approximately 2 times a day, every day.

Interesting: One of the authors and developers of the idea, Carol Maggio, advises her method exclusively to those who have the patience and whose cause of the formation of the hump is injury. If you have a congenital hump, then, alas, such gymnastics will not save you.

Therapeutic gymnastics complex

  • Stretch your stomach as far as possible and tighten the muscles of your buttocks and thighs. At the same time, grab the bridge of your nose with your index finger and thumb and squeeze as hard as possible. In this case, it is necessary to lower the lower lip down and relax.
  • Press the tip of your nose with your index finger so that it rises up. Hold your nose in this position for five to ten seconds. Repeat the exercises up to thirty-five times.

Other correction methods


Makeup artists claim that nose correction with the help of successful makeup saves the situation quite well.

That is why, if the hump on your nose is not critical and does not cause you any problems or inconvenience, then we advise you to use makeup tips.

To hide a hump using decorative cosmetics, you need:

  1. Highlight the base of the nose (the area closer to the eyebrows) with a light tone, apply a darker tone to the wings and hump and blend. A clear lip contour and voluminous hairstyle can distract from the hump.
  2. Contour correction, or rather injections, is also a fairly good way, and she has very truthful comments. But this type of defect correction, for all its advantages, has a certain drawback. So, in order.


  • No recovery period;
  • Complete absence of side effects;
  • Affordable price;
  • Painless;

The operation is fairly quick, thirty minutes in the worst case scenario.


  • Reversibility of the process - the gel has the property of resorption. That is, after a certain period of time (about eight to nine months), the nose will return to its previous appearance.

Before you decide to have surgery, you need to know a very important point, which concerns not only the shape of your nose, but also the role of the hump in the usefulness of the respiratory process.

The natural cause of the formation of a hump on the nose can serve as a failure for rhinoplasty, because after surgical intervention difficulty breathing can be added to a number of consequences.

There are also contraindications to correcting the shape of the nose through surgery, namely if:

  • Viral diseases are present;
  • Diabetes mellitus is present;
  • There is poor blood clotting;
  • There is inflammation of the skin in the nose area;
  • Oncological diseases are present;
  • Are you over forty or under eighteen?


Can a hump form when wearing glasses?

Maybe. However, if you are constantly wearing heavy-framed glasses on your nose. To minimize the chance of developing a hump, you should choose glasses with light frames.

Can the problem reappear after rhinoplasty?

Unfortunately, a large number of surgical interventions to correct the shape of the nose do not go as well as we would like, so yes, it is possible.

Important: We advise you to choose your plastic surgeon very carefully. The specialist who performs rhinoplasty must be highly qualified and guarantee you that there will be no need to repeat the correction.

Can a hump disappear without gymnastics and surgery?

No, the nose itself will not be able to return to its original state, so we advise you to consult a specialist. First, contact an ENT specialist.

Most likely, you will be sent for an x-ray, and based on this, further measures will be taken to treat your nose.

We recommend that you get rid of a hump on your nose only if it bothers you and affects your self-esteem or health.

Stars with a hump on the nose

Despite the fact that rhinoplasty is one of the most popular procedures, there are still several Hollywood stars who are in no hurry to part with their large nose, decorated with a hump:

  • Lady Gaga has not only a shocking appearance, but also a rather large “Roman” nose with a pronounced hump. Despite the large number of different operations, the singer is in no hurry to correct her nose, considering it a real highlight of her appearance.
  • Sarah Jessica Parker has been considered a true fashion icon for more than 20 years, and her legendary Carrie Bradshaw has become a symbol of a generation of modern beauties. The actress's outstanding appearance is adorned with a nose with a pronounced hump, giving the movie star's face a bright personality and piquancy.
  • Meryl Streep is not only one of the legends of cinema, but also the owner of a sophisticated, but far from ideal appearance according to the canons of modern beauty. Considered a strong opponent of plastic surgery, Meryl never resorted to the services of aesthetic medicine and retained a slightly humpbacked long nose.
  • Cate Blanchett is known for her extraordinary appearance, which allowed her to make a dizzying career in Hollywood. The majestic “Queen Elizabeth” is also distinguished by a wide “Roman” nose with a clearly protruding hump.
  • Barbara Streisant became a symbol of the 20th century. and, although her beauty could not be called ideal, it invariably drove millions of men crazy. A distinctive feature of the singer and actress was her large, “humpbacked” nose, which she not only never felt shy about, but even elevated it to a real cult.
  • Rachel Weisz is considered one of the most beautiful Hollywood actresses and the beloved wife of Daniel Craig, as well as an ardent opponent of plastic surgery. The luxurious appearance of the actress is decorated with a rather large nose with a small hump, which does not spoil the actress’s face at all.
  • The legendary “Pretty Woman” Julia Roberts also does not seek to correct the shape of her rather large and crooked nose, considering it a calling card and the highlight of her appearance.
  • Anna Kendrick has an impressive, “humpbacked” nose, which does not spoil the actress’s appearance at all. The girl even notes that if she had rhinoplasty, she would look very much like a “Barbie doll,” but she remains herself and does not suffer from it at all.

The hump on the nose, which gives girls many unpleasant moments, can be corrected with rhinoplasty or physiotherapy, and sometimes it can become a distinctive feature of appearance, giving the face an original, completely special look.

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