Rhinoplasty in a clinic in Moscow

Surgery to remove a hump on the nose is a method of correcting the shape of the nose, aimed at solving functional and aesthetic imperfections.

A hump is a formation of osteochondral tissue, which is congenital or acquired (injuries, diseases). During surgery to correct a hump on the nose, the surgeon corrects both types of tissue. Correction of a hump requires highly qualified and experienced rhinosurgeons.

“For some reason, most patients bring photos of Angelina Jolie. Let’s just say I’m not a supporter of “jolinization” of noses. Plus, in my opinion, this is not a standard. For your consultation, it is better to bring 5 photos of noses that you like, from different people (maybe famous, maybe not), from different angles. It will also be great if you find 5 rhinoplasty results that you don’t like. This approach will help us understand each other better.”

Tamarov Alexey Nikolaevich plastic surgeon

Types of rhinoplasty

Nose reduction is one of the most popular procedures. But the method depends on what kind of defect the plastic surgeon will correct. Experts distinguish the following types of operations:

  • Base plastic surgery or narrowing of the nose. Allows you to adjust the size of the nostrils, making them neat and attractive. It is performed both for aesthetic reasons and to reduce swelling after other facial surgeries.
  • Plastic surgery of the tip of the nose. A labor-intensive procedure that allows you to completely change the visual perception of your face. Rhinoplasty of the tip of the nose eliminates defects such as upturned nose, hooked nose, and asymmetry.
  • Columella correction. This is the name given to the skin part of the septum between the nostrils. The procedure is quite simple because it does not require work with cartilage or bony facial structure (unlike hump rhinoplasty, for example).
  • Correction of the shape of the nose. During the procedure, the shape of the back changes and the axis is aligned. This is rhinoplasty for a crooked nose.

Nasal septum surgery is a separate category. It is usually carried out for medical reasons and allows you to eliminate breathing problems and reduce the incidence of ENT diseases.

In what cases can we definitely help you?

  • A long nose
  • Wide nasal bridge
  • Excessively large or small nose
  • Nose axis displacement
  • Split tip of the nose
  • Hooked, pointed or wide tip
  • Saddle nose shape
  • Humpback
  • Large nostrils
  • Asymmetry of the wings of the nose
  • Deformation of the nasal septum
  • Fractures of the nasal bones

Closed rhinoplasty of the nose

Plastic surgery on the nose is performed using various techniques, but recently closed rhinoplasty is the most popular. Its advantages:

  • Less traumatic;
  • Shortened rehabilitation period;
  • No scars;
  • Maintaining normal tissue nutrition.

Closed rhinoplasty allows you to evaluate the result of the plastic surgeon’s work after 5 months from the date of the procedure. However, the technique is quite complex, and therefore requires experience and skill from a specialist. For nose correction to be successful, it is important to choose a qualified doctor.

Photos before and after rhinoplasty

Doctor's comments:

Dr. Kharitonov's comments: A typical Caucasian nose is a hump, a wide, overhanging tip of the nose, and excess length of the nose. Closed rhinoplasty was performed, all the listed defects were eliminated, and although only 10 days have passed, swelling and bruising still persist, but the shape of the nose is exactly what the patient wanted.

Indications and contraindications

Rhinoplasty of the nose can be done if there are visual defects, which include:

  • The presence of a hump;
  • Saddle shape;
  • Hooked tip;
  • Excessive length;
  • Asymmetrical wings;
  • Other aesthetic defects that cause psychological discomfort to the client.

Rhinoplasty of the nose is performed only when the patient reaches the age of 18: until this time, the cartilage continues to grow and form, i.e. plastic surgery on the nose will not give a stable result. Contraindications to the procedure are standard:

  • Metabolic disorders (diabetes mellitus);
  • Blood diseases;
  • Acute infections and exacerbations of chronic diseases;
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Correcting the shape of the nose is possible only after consultation with a surgeon, who measures the main anatomical indicators and compares them with the average statistical data.

Indications for rhinoplasty

  • Wide and long wings of the nose;
  • Asymmetry of the wings of the nose (often the defect is congenital);
  • Too narrow wings, which create a general disharmony of the parts of the nose;
  • The wings of the nose are too thick;
  • Recession of the wings of the nose after injury or previous surgery.

Too long or wide nostrils are sometimes an indicator of belonging to a certain race, for example, Negroid. Regardless of the causes of nasal defects, in each case the operation is performed taking into account individual indications.

“The issue of motivation is extremely important for me: you need to understand whether the patient wants to change the shape of his nose at all, and if he wants, then how radically. It’s not always easy to “get into my head,” but this is one of my main tasks. I will definitely ask how long the patient has been thinking about rhinoplasty. If it was a sudden and spontaneous decision, then I will definitely ask you to weigh everything and think it over. I will never persuade anyone. If the patient hesitates, he does not have a strong feeling and desire to undergo rhinoplasty, if he is afraid of postoperative rehabilitation, then I will not take him for surgery.”

Tamarov Alexey Nikolaevich plastic surgeon

Cost of rhinoplasty

Repeated rhinoplasty from RUB 150,000.

Full rhinoplasty230,000 rub.
Stay in the observation room (up to 3 hours)3,000 rub.
Primary appointment (examination, consultation) with a plastic surgeonFOR FREE

Preparation for the procedure

If you want to have surgery, the first thing you need to do is make an appointment at the clinic for a consultation. Surgeon Vitaly Aleksandrovich Balandin will conduct an examination and determine whether there are indications for nose surgery. Nose surgery begins with a computer simulation of the result: a 3D model allows the client to evaluate how he will look after a wide nose rhinoplasty or nose job.

Regardless of whether the patient is undergoing nasal hump rhinoplasty or nasal septum surgery, the second step is taking tests. If the research does not reveal any contraindications, the date of the operation is set.

Nose correction does not require special preparation. But the surgeon may limit the use of certain medications (for example, vasoconstrictor drops). For rhinoplasty to go well, it is important to provide the specialist with a complete list of medications used.


1. What time of year is it best to perform the operation?

Rhinoplasty can be done at any time of the year. Weather conditions do not affect the results of correction and the duration of rehabilitation.

2. How many days after rhinoplasty can I go to work?

Most patients return to work within 7-8 days. The maximum period of incapacity for work is 2 weeks.

3. I wear glasses. Will this interfere with recovery after surgery?

The temple of glasses can deform the bridge of the nose. To avoid this, we recommend using contact lenses for the first 4-6 weeks after surgery.

4. When will the nose after rhinoplasty take its final “new” shape?

Tissue healing continues for 4-6 months, so the final results are assessed after this time.

5. Which is better: non-surgical or surgical rhinoplasty? Do you perform injection nose reshaping?

Non-surgical rhinoplasty involves the introduction of special fillers into the soft tissues of the nose. This technique allows you to correct minor defects, but is not able to significantly change the shape of the nose. In addition, it gives a very short-term result - after 6-8 months. The filler is completely absorbed and correction has to be done again. Therefore, in our practice we prefer to use only the surgical technique - as it is more reliable and durable.

Carrying out nose surgery

Closed nose reduction is performed under general anesthesia. The scheme is approximately as follows:

  • The plastic surgeon makes one or more incisions inside the nostrils to separate the skin from the frame;
  • The specialist performs other manipulations: reduces or increases the volume;
  • Upon completion of the procedure, the soft tissue is stitched back together.

A bandage is applied to the operated area. Before the procedure, respiratory function is assessed; if it is impaired, rhinoplasty of the nasal septum is performed at the same time.

Nose reshaping takes about an hour, the time varies depending on the individual situation of the patient. The postoperative period is under the strict supervision of the surgeon. You can evaluate the result of rhinoplasty of the nasal wings or other correction after the swelling subsides.

Recovery after correction of the wings of the nose

The rehabilitation period after rhinoplasty as an independent operation is quite quick and easy. On the 5-6th day after surgery to correct the wings of the nose, the surgeon removes the cosmetic sutures.

After rhinoplasty, the patient remains in the hospital at our clinic for at least one day. On the first day, turundas are inserted into the nasal passages, and a plaster splint is placed on top of the nose. The turundas are removed by your doctor the very next day, and the plaster cast is removed after 2 weeks.

Patients often worry about whether scars will remain after rhinoplasty. After 3-4 weeks, the seam will smooth out and will be almost invisible. During the first weeks after rhinoplasty, it is advisable to avoid direct sunlight, not engage in active physical activity, and avoid saunas and steam baths.

How much does rhinoplasty cost?

The price of the procedure depends on the required correction and the individual situation of the client. For example, the cost of rhinoplasty for a snub nose may differ from the removal of a hump or crooked nose. You can find out how much nose surgery costs in the price list below; you can also check the approximate price of the procedure with the clinic administrator by phone. If you want to know exactly how much the operation costs, the cost will be announced by the plastic surgeon after the first consultation.

At the center of aesthetic medicine, appointments are conducted by V.A. Balandin is an experienced plastic surgeon specializing in facial surgery. You can make an appointment online, or by phone. The clinic is open from 9:00 to 22:00, seven days a week.

Non-surgical method for nasal hump removal

Rhinoplasty without surgery is gaining more and more popularity due to its immediate effect without the need for rehabilitation. The filler, injected into the areas near the hump, evens out the contour of the nose by filling it with a gel preparation.

  • Advantages of non-surgical hump correction:
  • Less traumatic;
  • Lack of rehabilitation;
  • Comfort and speed;
  • Local anesthesia;
  • Affordable price.

Trauma can lead to the formation of a hump on the nose. In this case, in addition to aesthetic imperfection, the patient is bothered by difficult or completely absent breathing through the nose. In this case, hump correction is often performed in conjunction with septoplasty.

Computer modeling of rhinoplasty results

The transition to surgery is not carried out without virtual design of the plastic results. The construction of a future model of the nose is not carried out solely according to the wishes of the customer. This equally valuable stage is accompanied by a number of physiological and anatomical studies: external examination, X-ray examination, computed tomography.

Based on the analysis carried out, as well as the client’s wishes, his virtual image with new outlines is formed. It is worth noting that the resulting model provides an estimated, maximally approximate forecast, and not an exact match. The final shapes and sizes obtained after restoration may differ slightly due to the personal characteristics of the body. However, this does not reduce the significance of the procedure. During the design process, the doctor and patient agree on how they want to see the result obtained, and based on this, they select the appropriate method of corrective action.

Here, proper mutual understanding is formed between the customer and the surgeon, risks are specified, which forms the basis for an adequate perception of the results of plastic surgery, warning against excessive demands.

Consultation before rhinoplasty with surgeon Grishkyan in Moscow

The nose occupies a central position on our face. The presence of even small defects creates disharmony of lines, attracts attention and annoys their owner. Daily dissatisfaction with appearance inevitably forms many complexes, which results in a decrease in self-esteem. From experience we can say that women are more dissatisfied with their appearance. Typically, nose surgery is the most popular among them.

The consultation begins with a comprehensive assessment of the client's facial features. This approach is due to the fact that the plastic surgeon does not simply eliminate the defect, he gives optimal, natural proportions, ideal for each specific case. It is important for us that the end result always pleases.

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Deviated nasal septum and its surgical correction during rhinoplasty

Septoplasty is a functionally responsible surgical operation to eliminate a deviated nasal septum and surgical treatment of ENT diseases. It is carried out both independently and in combination with aesthetic correction.

It helps normalize nasal breathing and restore health, which undoubtedly has a positive effect on the quality of life.

Read more about what septoplasty is on our website

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