Buzova swore off, but her breasts seem to have enlarged after all

Buzova swore off, but her breasts seem to have enlarged after all

The leading singer of the television project “Dom-2” Olga Buzova from the stage about unhappy love about “halves are not enough.” And yet she decided to get married, having found her other half in the person of blogger David Manukyan , a relationship with whom, judging by information in the press, she developed throughout the end of last year. But she didn’t forget her “halves” either, having increased them, apparently, for the sake of her new passion.

Yes, what can you do for your man if he suddenly has such a whim - to feel in his calloused hand the silicone breast of his beloved girl, especially his new wife. However, it is unlikely that Olga went under the plastic surgeon’s knife, yielding to the wishes of her newly-made husband, and it is not a fact that this happened immediately after her next marriage. One can even doubt that she enlarged her own “halves” at the direct request of her young man, named after the mythical hero David. A simple playful hint is enough - oh, these men!

Olga Buzova before and after plastic surgery: all the transformations of the former blonde and real singer

The last couple of years in show business have passed under the light of a new rising star. In just a few months, former participant of “House 2” Olga Buzova released 6 singles, 4 videos, appeared on all possible television broadcasts and implemented a lot of other projects named after herself. Today she is perhaps the most talked about media person in Russia, millions of fans follow her personal life, and her appearance is analyzed down to the eyelash. Any changes to Olya’s image—experiments with hair length and color, makeup, clothing style—immediately become fashion trends.

However, according to observant fans, changes in Buzova’s appearance are associated not only with the ability to create fresh images - the matter probably could not have happened without plastic surgery. Comparing how the star looked at the beginning of her career and what she has become now, sometimes it seems that we are talking about two different girls. TecRussia.ru studies photo archives and finds out what is behind all these transformations:

↑ Path to the top

  • Birthday: January 20, 1986
  • Height: 178 cm. Weight: ~53 kg
  • Parameters: 85-62-94, bust size: 1

For the first time, Olga announced herself on the Dom-2 project almost at its very start, in 2004. TV viewers immediately fell in love with the bright blonde for her sincerity, naivety and inexhaustible positivity. Successful participation in the show opened the way for the girl to television: initially there were small but regular broadcasts, and since 2008 she became the host of the “main television program of the country” on TNT. Vigorous television activity did not prevent the star from graduating with excellent marks from St. Petersburg State University (SPbSU).

A lot has changed from 2004 to 2018:

Since then, her career has been rapidly gaining momentum. Psychologists and sociologists are seriously struggling with the mystery of the “Buzova phenomenon”: the girl is constantly criticized, her name has become a negative household name, she has a huge army of ill-wishers, the number of abusive comments under each of her posts is simply off the charts, and with all this, Olina’s popularity and demand is only growing !

It's no joke - the star's Instagram has already exceeded 13 million subscribers; no other Russian celebrity can yet boast of such numbers. At the same time, she does not betray herself, remaining as simple and sincere as possible: she can cutely “blunt” in front of the camera, blurt out something wrong and immediately make fun of herself. She is the embodiment of “her” girl from the next yard and, probably, that’s why her story is becoming more and more interesting to watch.

This is how Olga looked in her youth, long before her television career:

When Buzova started singing, few people took it seriously. At first, the musical career developed quite modestly: the first test compositions were included in the collection “Stars of the House-2. Laws of love." But since 2016, Olga took up the conquest of the stage seriously and quite quickly managed to settle on the top lines in iTunes. And then it started - concerts in cities and countries, recordings of new hits, rehearsals...

In addition, she managed to write several books, act in TV series (“Univer”, “Zaitsev +1”, “Poor People”), appear on the theater stage (plays “Honeymoon”, “Gorgeous Wedding”, “A Man in Great Demand”). and on numerous television broadcasts. She also became the founder and ideological inspirer of the clothing brand “Olga Buzova Design” and the restaurant chain “BUZfood”. The singer is never short of activity, she works like a bee, and this is, most likely, the main solution to the “Buzova phenomenon.”

↑ Personal life

Olya diligently tried to be a noticeable participant in “House-2” and, together with Roman Tretyakov, formed perhaps the most popular couple in the entire history of the reality show. It is unknown how this relationship would have ended if Tretyakov had not left the project in 2006, tired of life under the gun of cameras. The guy waited for some time for his significant other to repeat this step, but she decided to stay, opting for a television career. Love, if there was any, eventually faded away.

For quite a long time, the famous blonde of the TNT channel made do with short-term romances, until the Lokomotiv football player Dmitry Tarasov appeared in her life. The wedding of the athlete and TV presenter took place in June 2012. The beautiful couple was compared to the English football family Beckham and affectionately called “Tarabuziki”.

But this love story also turned out to be short-lived: in 2016, the relationship between Olya and Dima began to crack. It was rumored that it was a matter of betrayal, but whose exactly it was - the versions are the most opposite. We will not judge who is right and who is wrong. It is only known that the star had a very difficult time with the divorce. But perhaps it was this dramatic story that became the starting point for her powerful career takeoff, which began at the end of 2016 and has not stopped to this day.

And in 2018, Olga began to appear more and more often in the company of Philip Kirkorov, and even starred in his video “The Color of Mood is Blue.” The creative couple performs together and attends social events, exchanges compliments on Instagram and enjoys being photographed in rather provocative poses. Rumors about the beginning of a romance have not yet been confirmed, although none of the “sides” directly refutes them: their answers to relevant questions from journalists are always evasive and ambiguous.

↑ From blonde to brunette and more: plastic surgery or cosmetology?

As she grew older and grew in status in “House-2”, Olya also changed her appearance. The way Buzova looked as a participant in the show and as a presenter are two big differences. The 18-year-old girl who came to the casting did not spare self-tanning, curled her hair into wild curls, wore bright minis, and loved bright pink lipsticks and nail polishes. She was also distinguished by her youthfully plump cheeks and eyebrows, plucked into a thread - like her beloved Christina Aguilera of the early 2000s. But after 5 years, the girl’s makeup becomes nude, and her hair color and styling become more natural.

With ex-host of “House-2”, Russian presidential candidate Ksenia Sobchak:

During her marriage, Buzova completely turns into an elegant socialite. She noticeably loses weight, her facial features become thin and sculpted, characteristic dimples appear on her cheeks, and her long curls give way to a stylish bob. After breaking up with her lover, Olya began to experiment even more actively with her appearance - for the first time she abandoned the usual blonde and turned into a brunette, and also noticeably changed the shape of her hair, immediately setting a new trend: in hairdressers across the country, women began en masse to ask for “a bob like Buzova’s.” "

Without a doubt, makeup and coloring can transform a woman beyond recognition. However, apparently, the matter was not limited to changing the hairstyle - in the photos from different years, differences in facial features are clearly visible: the cheekbones, chin area, nose and, of course, the volume of the lips have changed. The star herself assures in numerous interviews that she did not undergo any plastic surgery - she supposedly does not need any operations. Is it true? Let's try to figure it out.

↑ Did Buzova enlarge her lips?

Olga definitely did this procedure, and it’s unlikely that at least one of the fair half of the domestic showbiz has not yet tried hyaluronic fillers - a simple and safe way to add volume where it is most needed. Unlike many of her colleagues in the industry, the star approached the injections very carefully: she did not turn her mouth into a huge “dumpling”, but only slightly pumped up where necessary.

The first procedure was carried out relatively recently - most likely, after a scandalous breakup with her husband. Compare, back in 2015, the singer’s lips were much thinner:

↑ Did Olga Buzova have rhinoplasty?

Plastic surgeons, artists and sculptors know well that it is the nose that sets the perception of the entire face: being the central point, it determines its proportions and overall harmony. The fashion for a small upturned nose has forced more than one woman to lie on the operating table, but with our heroine everything is not so simple.

Olya initially had no problems with this detail of her appearance - neither excessive fleshiness, nor hookiness, nor asymmetry. However, in the early photos a small hump is clearly visible. And in later ones, the bridge of the nose is almost perfectly straight. Upon very meticulous examination, it is noticeable that the tip has undergone slight changes: previously it was slightly bent down, which, coupled with rather deep nasolabial folds, gave the TV personality a characteristic “predatory” expression.

Now the nose has risen and become sharper. These changes are barely noticeable, but they are enough to make your face fresher and look much more feminine.

It is not difficult to achieve such an effect with the help of surgical rhinoplasty, but such minor changes can be made without surgery - a similar result can be achieved with the help of the same fillers. The only negative is that the procedure will have to be repeated every 8-12 months - however, given its simplicity and the absence of a rehabilitation period, even with the star’s extremely busy schedule this will not be difficult.

↑ Sculpted face: where did chiseled cheekbones come from?

Analyzing the latest photographs of Buzova and her photos from past years, one cannot help but notice the changes that have occurred with the contours of her face. The beauty's cheeks have lost a significant amount of volume - they say that the TNT star achieved this effect with the help of an operation to remove Bisha's lumps (a rather popular option for “tuning” among Instagram models, it was done, for example, by Alena Shishkova and Oksana Samoilova). However, in this case, it seems to us that Olga took a more natural route: firstly, she lost extra pounds, and secondly, she skillfully emphasizes her thinness with makeup.

It is also impossible not to note how the lower third of her face has changed - it has lengthened significantly, and her chin and cervical-mental angle have become sharper. Here, most likely, we are not talking about plastic either: such transformations are quite natural for those who diligently and regularly get rid of subcutaneous fat in the gym.

But the cheekbones were clearly corrected with the help of fillers: they became sharp and expressive, thanks to which the entire facial sculpture looks sophisticated and aristocratic. Some girls achieve a similar effect with the help of endoscopic lifting, but Buzova shows no traces of this operation.

Compare what the contour of Olya’s face looked like three years ago and how it is now:

In general, it seems that despite the obvious desire to meet modern beauty standards, the girl still tries not to overdo it, not to lose her own individuality and not to turn into another faceless individual from Instagram - and so far she has been quite successful.

↑ Fighting wrinkles

Olga’s character has two positive traits – hard work and positivity. But they don’t have a very healthy effect on your appearance: constant wear and tear coupled with active facial expressions inevitably provoke the early appearance of wrinkles. However, on Buzova’s porcelain-smooth skin it is difficult to notice any sign of age. Apparently, the girl diligently maintains her beauty with the help of salon care, and also regularly does mesotherapy and biorevitalization to deeply moisturize and nourish the dermis.

However, even such effective procedures could not become a panacea for facial wrinkles. In addition, she is genetically endowed with deep, clearly defined nasolabial lips, which back in 2013-2015 were noticeable even in a calm state, but now have noticeably smoothed out and appear only when smiling:

To combat these problems, Buzova definitely used more powerful artillery - in the form of botulinum toxin injections and fillers. It is thanks to competently carried out “beauty injections” that the singer’s face is fresh, like that of a 20-year-old girl - no deep creases in the area of ​​the nose and mouth, no wrinkles around the eyes. Also, according to Olga, she always undergoes ultrasonic cleansing and facial massage with a cosmetologist once a month, acid peeling every fall, and never allows herself to sleep in makeup.

↑ Secrets of a slim body

Our heroine was never overweight (except for a very short time, in her youth, immediately after she quit smoking), but she always paid special attention to working on her figure. Long slender legs, pumped hips, elastic buttocks, thin waist, six-pack abs - Buzova achieved all this through hard training in the gym and frantic daily activity, during which she sometimes doesn’t even have time to eat properly. And in 2016, the girl’s figure was also affected by the stress she experienced during her divorce from her husband. The poor thing remained painfully thin for several months, but then returned to an equally slender, but much healthier look:

Obviously, there is no talk of any liposuction here - with such a low percentage of subcutaneous fat, it is absolutely impractical to additionally get rid of it surgically. We do not rule out that Olga could try the increasingly popular Vaser procedure to further emphasize her toned abs, but even this, by and large, does not change the overall picture. It’s the same with the girl’s athletic “fifth point”: the photo clearly shows that her butt is completely her own, without implants or lipofilling.

In general, thanks to sports and diet, we see a thin and sonorous Buzova with an almost perfect figure by Instagram standards. Why "almost"? But because modern canons of beauty dictate that fragile girls have a voluminous bust, even if it does not suit their petite bodies very well. Olya has very small breasts, and even devoted fans constantly advise her to think about plastic surgery. But for now, the star’s position remains unchanged: she will not undergo any operations, since she is completely satisfied with her own first size.

The only tuning available on Buzova’s body is several tattoos. On the right ankle of the TV personality there are five stars, which indicate achieved goals. Which ones exactly are Olya’s secret, which she does not reveal, for fear of scaring away her luck. The second is the inscription on the back, just below the neck. It reads “Love lives in my heart,” which translates as “Love lives in my heart.”

But the third tattoo can probably be considered unsuccessful - it is dedicated to the girl’s ex-husband. While still the happy wife of football player Dmitry Tarasov, Olya had a design made of intertwined capital letters of their names “D” and “O” on her wrist. After the breakup, the beauty tries not to show this monogram in the photos, and at one time she even covered it with a bandage - and it seemed like she was going to finally get rid of the scandalous design. However, judging by recent photos, the family initials have not yet left their place.

The conclusion is this: Olga Buzova is extremely cautious about plastic surgery and even injection cosmetology, she limits herself to only the bare minimum of procedures and does not welcome radical surgical transformations of the face and body. Apparently, this is not an attempt to attract unnecessary attention to herself, but a principled position that the girl confidently follows. Whether the star’s beliefs will change at 40 or 50 years old, when time inevitably begins to take its toll, we will definitely see.

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