Mandelac M | Chemical peeling with mandelic acid

One of the popular salon cleansing techniques is ferul peeling (nanopeeling, Hollywood cleansing, Mediderma peeling). This wonderful product is distinguished by its gentle effect and high efficiency.

With nanopeeling you can achieve amazing results. This applies not only to cleansing the skin, but also to rejuvenating it. Clean, fresh skin with a perfectly even tone - such effects are guaranteed by the manufacturers of Mediderma peeling.

What is the advantage of this method over other types of cleaning? How is Hollywood cleansing carried out, are there any contraindications to it?


Mediderma peelings are innovative products that combine various components contained in the composition in a certain concentration. When exposed to the skin, it is possible to achieve the most effective result.

Mediderma peeling products are premium products. Based on the method of exposure to the skin, they are divided into liposomal (more gentle) and chemical (quite aggressive).

This allows you to choose the most suitable treatment for any problem, be it pigmentation, hyperkeratosis, wrinkles of varying severity and skin unevenness.

In addition, the developers produce not only anti-aging products, but also neutralizers and aftercare products.

Peeling after facial cleansing

Smooth, delicate skin can be achieved at any age, but it requires proper care.

The procedure is performed using peelings of this series according to a specially developed protocol.

Spanish companies produce peeling products in batches. Their names are chosen based on the presence of the main active ingredient.

The effect of using this line can be seen after the first session. The main difference between such peels is their exfoliating properties, as well as cleansing the skin of dead particles, which allows you to achieve not only an improvement in appearance, but also eliminate more serious defects.

When choosing a peel, you should be guided by the patient’s skin type and the likelihood of unwanted skin reactions after manipulation.
It is important to find out what cosmetic or medicinal products the patient uses at home. It is necessary to follow all recommendations after peeling to avoid complications.

Dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist

Zhikhoreva Inna Viktorovna

6 years experience

Operating principle and effectiveness of the method

Mediderma ferul peeling is a popular procedure in the network of beauty salons.

This technique is an example of the most effective way to look good at any time of the year. Indeed, unlike many other peels, Hollywood peeling can be carried out without taking into account seasonality - it cleanses the epidermis equally well in winter and summer. It also activates the protective mechanisms of the dermis, due to which it is more quickly aligned and regenerated.

Hollywood peeling has the following cosmetic effects:

  • Restoration of cells damaged by free radicals.
  • Establishing intercellular metabolism.
  • Accelerating the removal of toxins, restoring blood vessels, improving blood circulation in them.
  • Deep cleansing of the epidermis.
  • Lightening of the skin.
  • Launching cell regeneration processes.
  • Stimulation of the “production” of collagen and elastin.
  • UV protection.
  • Rejuvenation of the integument.
  • Regulation of the sebaceous glands.
  • Evening out complexion.

Hollywood peeling has worked well in exfoliating keratinized particles of the upper layers of the epidermis. It also saturates the skin with essential nutrients.

Mediderma peeling is an excellent assistant in the treatment of acne or its consequences. This manipulation is recommended for women whose faces have already begun to show age-related changes.

For your information. The process of making preparations for Hollywood peeling cannot be repeated at home, due to the complexity of the selection and combination of ingredients. As a rule, this intervention is carried out in salons. Some manufacturers produce formulations adapted for independent use. But the effectiveness of their use is significantly inferior to the salon technique.


All Mediderma series peels are divided into two large groups.


This is the safest type of exfoliating product in this line. They have a gentle effect on the skin and help nourish the deeper layers of the dermis, resulting in natural restoration at the cellular level. Due to the fact that molecules of different sizes are used, this allows for a prolonged and comfortable effect of the drug.

Peels in this category are also classified into several types.

Ferulac peel

These are Classic and Plus drugs. The higher their acidity level, the more aggressive the effect on the skin.

The main component of these products is ferulic acid. This, in turn, is also an excellent antioxidant that protects the epidermis from ultraviolet rays and the formation of age spots.

The composition also includes floretinol, lactic, citric and malic acids, retinol.

Retises nano

Peeling has a 1% concentration. Thanks to retinol, it is possible to obtain a rejuvenating effect, provide the dermis with necessary nutrients, and eliminate pigmentation and stretch marks. Can be used in combination with other cosmetic procedures.

Salipeel lic

The product is based on salicylic acid. Has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and exfoliating effects. It is complemented by components such as linoleic and citric acids.

Target nanopeel

Produced in a series of drugs. Includes cleansing lotion, sealing cream, classic peeling. The approximate price of the set varies within 10 thousand rubles.

DNA recovery peel

The main active ingredient is ferulic acid. It helps reduce the likelihood of injury from sun exposure. In addition, it is noted that this product has a restorative effect on the DNA chain of the skin. Its use is not accompanied by any discomfort.


The line of these products includes two products - a mist and a sealing gel. Used for oily epidermis. Provides natural collagen activation.

3 Retises CT

It is also a systemic product, including ampoules, sachets and exfoliant gel. The preparations contain zinc, retinol molecules and hyaluronic acid. Thanks to the use of such peeling, the skin receives the necessary amount of vitamin A, and its protective functions are also activated.


They have a more aggressive effect. This is due to exfoliation of the top layer and activation of natural renewal processes.

Glycolic ACID

Refers to superficial types of peeling. The main substance is glycolic acid, which can have a concentration of 25, 50 and 70%. Has a brightening effect and eliminates acne marks.


Gel peeling that contains urea, arginine, lactic acid, allantoin and aloe vera. Helps moisturize and brighten the skin. It also allows you to gently remove dead particles of the epidermis and restore elasticity.

Azelac Peel

This is a series of products with azelaic acid. It has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Helps remove age spots and improve the condition of the skin.


Also applies to milk peelings. Used for dry skin types to eliminate dehydration. The basis of the product is lactic acid and the antioxidant DMAE at a concentration of 11 percent.


A series of exfoliating preparations based on mandelic acid. Allows you to fight pigmentation and aging.


The skin is exposed to several types of acids at once. In addition, the composition contains the antifungal component resorcinol.

Nomelan Cafeico

This series contains depigmenting peeling, a preparation for a uniform tone, against wrinkles, scars and scars. Most products contain caffeic acid, which helps to correct facial contours and rejuvenate the epidermis.

Nomelan Phenol

Peels based on a phenol component. They have a positive effect in the fight against wrinkles and help maintain the thickness of the stratum corneum. Also contain various acids, phenol and retinol.

Pyruvic Peel

This series is characterized by the presence of lactic and pyruvic acid. Each product has its own concentration of these substances.

Thanks to the active components, the skin is gently exfoliated from dead particles and receives the necessary amount of moisture.


This is a type of yellow peeling. The main active ingredient is retinol, but there are no liposome molecules. The drug provides skin nutrition and has a rejuvenating and healing effect.


The main component is salicylic acid. Has antiseptic, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and rejuvenating properties

Main differences from other peels

Peeling with ferulic acid is considered more gentle compared to other methods. This manipulation carefully removes only the top layer of the epidermis, destroying impurities, smoothing out wrinkles and narrowing pores.

By the way. To carry out this type of peeling, a Spanish-made drug from the company Mediderma is often used. In addition to the main active drug - ferulic acid - the product contains other acids and various vitamin supplements. Based on the name of the manufacturer, this cleaning received an alternative name - Mediderma peeling. It is also called Hollywood peeling, due to its particular popularity among celebrities and movie stars.

There are the following types of Mediderm peeling:

  • with almonds;
  • with retinol;
  • with vitamin C.


Mediderma peels are designed to solve skin problems such as the appearance of signs of chrono- and photoaging, inflammation, hyperkeratosis, hyperpigmentation, comedones, enlarged pores, the formation of sebaceous plugs, rosacea.

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The procedure is also indicated for seborrhea, oily skin, and changes in the structure of the epidermis.


Since the products in the Mediderma line contain chemical compounds, they must be used with extreme caution. Thus, restrictions on the use of such funds are:

  • hyperemia;
  • swelling in areas requiring treatment;
  • chronic diseases at the acute stage;
  • increased temperature ;
  • herpes;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • diabetes ;
  • hypertension;
  • mental disorders .

Also, the procedure cannot be performed during pregnancy and breastfeeding.


To achieve maximum results and reduce the risk of side effects, you need to properly prepare for the procedure using Mediderma peels.

To do this, 2-3 weeks in advance, you need to start cleansing the skin with a special mousse, which contains a small concentration of an acidic substance. Before going to bed, it is recommended to treat the skin with pre-peeling cream.

It is also important to apply sunscreen to your skin throughout the preparation period.

Skin care after procedures

Ferulic cleansing is a serious cosmetic procedure, so the skin will definitely react to it. After peeling, in most cases, redness of the skin is observed. But painful sensations, burning or tingling are considered an individual reaction.

It is worth considering that after the Mediderma procedure, on the 3-4th day, the upper layer of the epidermis will begin to peel off from the surface of the skin, flaking. Crusts may form—neither them nor dry, flaky areas should be peeled off!

For complete post-peeling care, you should consider a number of recommendations:

  • For the first days, do not use decorative cosmetics. At this time, foundations and correctors will cause more harm to the skin. And they will not adhere well to the surface of the skin (after peeling, the activity of the sebaceous glands increases).
  • After 3 days, you can apply the post-peeling cream recommended by the master.
  • To cleanse your face, it is better to use special foams and gels with antioxidants.
  • It is mandatory to apply sunscreen to avoid inflammation and burns.
  • Do not touch your face with your hands (especially dirty ones).
  • At first, it is forbidden to go to the bathhouse, sauna and solarium.

Advice. The chemical composition of Mediderm peeling may not be suitable for all clients. To avoid possible consequences, you need to warn the cosmetologist in advance about your tendency to allergies or the presence of chronic skin diseases. Most likely, the specialist will test the composition on the client’s elbow to check for a possible skin reaction.

Execution steps

The procedure is performed in several sequential steps.


The specialist applies a cleansing mousse to the face. The exposure time is no more than 15 minutes. After which the remaining product is removed with clean water. The skin is dried with napkins.


One of the following methods can be used to apply the peeling composition. For superficial penetration, the mixture is applied using a brush with light movements. For a deeper effect, use a cotton pad, and rub the substance in a circular motion.

Regardless of the type of peeling, it must be applied in a certain sequence. First, the area of ​​the forehead, chin and cheeks is treated. At the second stage - the perioral region, wings of the nose and eyelids.

The time of exposure to the drug in each case is selected individually. However, at the first signs of erythema, the product must be immediately removed from the surface of the skin.


A neutralizing agent is applied over the peeling composition, and the reverse sequence of processing is observed. Next, the neutralizer is washed off with water, and the face is dried with paper towels.


At the final stage, the skin is treated with a post-peeling cream that has nourishing and moisturizing properties.

Stages of the procedure

The Mediderm peeling protocol includes the following steps:

  1. First stage. Preparing the skin for peeling should begin about a week before the procedure. For this reason, such cleaning is not offered to clients who are visiting a cosmetologist for the first time. First of all, the master must carry out preliminary cleaning or maintenance. In this way, the cosmetologist will understand which peeling methods are suitable for a particular client and how his epidermis may react to them. 7-10 days before cleaning, the client treats the face with compositions containing fruit acids (creams, tonics).
  2. Second phase. Makeup removal, cleansing, degreasing the facial surface.
  3. Third stage. Applying vitamin C to the skin, followed by a peeling preparation (distributed in layers). A “mask” appears on the client’s face, which may cause itching or burning on the skin.
  4. Fourth stage. After the required time, the composition is washed off the face with water or cosmetic sponges. The composition can be kept on the face for 7 to 12 hours. In other words, peeling can be removed from the face even the next day.

Mediderma ferul peeling is carried out in courses over 1-2 months (1 procedure per week). In addition, this cleansing can be recommended as an intermediate step before moving on to more serious cosmetic procedures.

For your information. Types of Hollywood peeling may differ in component composition. So, you can choose one of the types of peeling offered by the manufacturer - summer or winter. They differ in composition and reaction to sunlight.


Even if superficial peeling was carried out using Mediderma products, the possibility of various complications should not be ruled out. So, after exfoliation with pyruvic acid, which has a terrible odor, bronchospasm may begin to develop. It is for this reason that it is prohibited to be used in relation to people who have been diagnosed with bronchial asthma.

Also, after the procedure, swelling and redness cannot be ruled out, which can be caused by the action of retinol.

Azelac can cause pustular rashes, and glycolic acid can cause peeling and a feeling of tightness.

Are there any contraindications?

Although complications after ferul peeling are rare, they may well make themselves known. To avoid these possible negative consequences after the cleaning procedure, it is worth following safety measures and taking into account existing contraindications.

The main contraindications for ferul peeling:

  • Individual intolerance to one of the Mediderm peeling components.
  • The period of exacerbation of herpes.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Pregnancy, lactation period.
  • The presence of damage to the skin (open wounds, scratches, abrasions, areas of inflammation, pustules).


The result can be seen after just one exfoliation session. Dead cells are removed, the skin surface becomes smoother and silkier.

Peeling in spring and summer

Facial peeling belongs to the category of aggressive procedures associated with some trauma to the epidermis.

In addition, there is a reduction in age spots and freckles, and facial contours are tightened.

The result is an improved overall appearance.


Ferulic facial peeling is a modern cosmetological development that allows for high-quality skin cleansing. The effect of this manipulation is clean, smooth, young skin without signs of inflammation. Hollywood cleansing is a more delicate peeling method and is therefore suitable for those with sensitive skin. Before committing to this type of exfoliation, you must first consult a cosmetologist. The specialist will determine the need for such intervention, prescribe the required number of procedures and give advice regarding the rehabilitation period.

Advantages and disadvantages

Experts consider the main positive aspects of Mediderma peels to be immediate results, complete safety, hypoallergenic product, minimal side effects, and the ability to cope with most dermatological and age-related problems.

Disadvantages include the high cost of peeling agents, difficulty in use, complications and a number of serious limitations.

Mediderma peelings are a series of innovative and effective products that are used to cleanse, rejuvenate and solve many skin defects. However, we must not forget that all drugs have certain indications and contraindications.

Therefore, before deciding to undergo this type of cosmetic procedure, you must first consult with a specialist. In addition, in order to reduce the risk of complications, it is important to contact only trusted specialized clinics.

Almond peeling

Service codeName of serviceprice, rub.
A16.01.024.001Almond peeling “Mendelicpeel” 40% (to give youthful facial skin, and to combat age-related changes in the skin of the hands and neck)3000

What is almond peeling?

Almond peeling has been known in aesthetic cosmetology for several decades.
But this fact does not prevent it from remaining one of the most popular facial cleansing procedures. Almond peeling involves a gentle surface cleansing effect with a special chemical composition. Peeling works with the epidermis, ridding it of dead particles, helping to fight rashes, making the skin younger and healthier. The manipulation itself is easily tolerated by the skin and does not provoke complications. The list of indications for the procedure is wide and includes a range of problems from adolescence to age. At a young age, problems most often arise with disruption of the sebaceous glands, and for mature patients, the most pressing problems are loss of skin elasticity and slow cellular metabolism.

With the help of almond peeling, you can give the epidermis radiance, purity and a healthy state. Almond peeling does not involve prolonged and severe redness and does not cause peeling, as is the case with procedures that use acid.

Minor side effects disappear after just a few days; there is no specialized care after the procedure.

Features of manipulation

Peeling with mandelic acid is one of the most popular procedures of our time. This is primarily due to the many benefits of almond cleansing. The advantages of the procedure include the following:

  • delicacy of influence. Almond peeling is a safe and gentle procedure. It is important to note that the harmlessness of the procedure does not detract from its effectiveness;
  • versatility is achieved thanks to a huge list of problems solved by peeling. The procedure is suitable for patients of all ages and skin types. Even patients with thin skin are prescribed almond peeling procedures by cosmetologists, which once again confirms the safety of its effects;
  • suitable for any season of the year. Today, this advantage is very important, since most procedures are carried out in the cold season, when the sun does not have such an active effect on the skin. For the almond peeling procedure, the time of year is not so important. The only thing worth paying attention to is that during the procedure the target area should not be tanned;
  • no risks - you can resort to almond skin cleansing after 18 years. The procedure even helps fight acne and skin inflammation, post-acne scars, making the skin healthier and more radiant;
  • absence of a long rehabilitation period - after the procedure there is no need to take serious specialized measures to restore the condition of the skin. This feature is important for busy people who do not have the opportunity to take a long break from work or study.

The main feature of almond peeling

The main feature of the procedure, which determines its high efficiency, is the active substance used during manipulation - phenoxyglycolic acid. This active substance is obtained from natural bitter almonds, so the acid is most often called mandelic acid.

The safety of almond peeling is associated with the large size of the acid molecules. It is the size of the molecules that prevents the active substance from penetrating too deeply, so peeling with this composition does not involve any risks.

It is also important to emphasize that the active substance - mandelic acid - has the following properties:

  • is a good antioxidant - it is able to bind and block the action of dangerous free radicals and heavy metal compounds, removing them from cells;
  • has an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect - prevents the progression of infections;
  • promotes tissue cleansing - mandelic acid participates in the destruction of keratin without injuring healthy areas of the epidermis;
  • triggers rejuvenation processes - cells begin to renew, elastin and collagen are produced;
  • peeling helps get rid of sebaceous plugs and comedones;
  • cellular metabolism is restored, microcirculation in the target area improves, the skin is now able to counteract and protect itself from negative external influences;
  • Stagnant spots disappear, complexion becomes fresher and healthier.

Indications for almond peeling procedure

Almond peeling of the facial area helps to get rid of a number of problems, regardless of the patient’s age and skin type. Obviously, the procedure cannot completely smooth out the skin, which has deep wrinkles and serious ptoses, but peeling can definitely improve the general condition of the tissues, make the complexion healthier, and stop the aging of aging skin.

Indications for the procedure include: problematic oily skin, acne; acne, post-acne marks; facial wrinkles and uneven epidermal relief; disruption of the sebaceous glands, excessive oily skin; pigmentation and freckles; noticeable pores; primary age-related changes in the skin; unhealthy, dull complexion.

Cons of almond peeling

The procedure has some disadvantages, although minor: a specific smell of the active substance (the aroma gives off acetone); slight tingling (mandelic acid is one of the AHA acids, which causes slight discomfort during the procedure); the effect does not last very long, so cosmetologists advise using almond peeling in combination with medium and deep; not exactly a budget cost for the manipulation.

Step-by-step procedure

Cleansing manipulation can be carried out at home or in a salon, but first of all it is necessary to follow the cleansing technique.

In order for the skin to better perceive the peeling effect, it is recommended to prepare before the procedure.

Preparation stage

It is 1-2 weeks before the procedure. This period is enough to make the target areas softer and remove dead cells. At this stage, it is important to prepare the tissues for exposure, so that during peeling the skin is already “accustomed” to this type of action.

During preparation, it is necessary to use a cream containing mandelic acid at a concentration of 15 percent. This cream is applied before bedtime. For morning care, once a week you can choose a “wash” with fruit acids. If cleansing with mandelic acid is scheduled for the near future and there is no time to prepare thoroughly, you can perform a “demo procedure” of peeling with a reduced exposure time.

Manipulation protocol

How to carry out the procedure to prevent potential problems and complications.

  1. With the help of a cleansing composition (milk), makeup residues, surface impurities and the results of the activity of the sebaceous glands are removed from the face.
  2. The skin is wiped with a tonic lotion containing 10 percent mandelic acid.
  3. The time comes for a deeper effect, the epidermis is treated with weakly concentrated lactic, mandelic and glycolic acids.

These three subparagraphs are included in the pre-peeling stage.

  1. The remainder of the pre-peeling is not removed, then the affected areas are treated with phenoxyglycolic acid 30-60%, the concentration is selected taking into account the personal characteristics of the patient. Sometimes citric acid or alcohol elements are added to the composition to dry the skin. The duration of this stage depends on the characteristics of the client, but cannot be more than 25 minutes.

Residues are neutralized and washed off with water.

  1. The end of exfoliation is the application of a natural-based moisturizing composition (soothing chamomile, aloe, etc.). This composition helps the skin rehabilitate itself after quite intense exposure. Keep the moisturizing mask on the face for about 20 minutes, then rinse off and cover the face with moisturizer.

Facial care after almond peeling

The effectiveness of the manipulation also depends on the patient’s behavior after the procedure. If you take proper care of your skin, the effect of almond cleansing will last much longer. In the first five days after the procedure, cells are actively renewed, you need to be especially careful with the skin at this time.

Cosmetics used on the face must be natural and provide a gentle, predominantly soothing effect. It is important to use sunscreen to prevent pigmentation.

After almond cleansing, complications rarely arise due to incorrect use of the reagent or impaired procedure technology. In case of any ailments (inflammation of the skin, manifestation of a herpetic infection or prolonged redness, complications in inflammatory processes, swelling), you should consult a doctor without delaying the visit. Only a specialist can assess the condition of the skin and prescribe appropriate treatment.

How often should the procedure be performed?

To get visible results, it is necessary to carry out from 4 to 10 procedures with a break of 1-1.5 weeks. The duration of the course is determined by a cosmetologist, taking into account the individual characteristics of the skin and the body as a whole.

The course of almond peeling is usually repeated after a year to consolidate the results obtained for a longer period of time. For preventive purposes, peeling is allowed once every 60 days.

Almond cleansing is a modern, effective procedure that provides a delicate but effective effect on the skin. The procedure has a minimum of disadvantages and is suitable for patients of any skin type and any age. More detailed information and personal recommendations become available to the patient at the initial consultation.

It is also important to note that there are different opinions about the procedure, since the body of each patient is so complex and unique that one procedure cannot suit absolutely everyone in the same way. Some patients are upset because of the short-term effect of the manipulation, but for many, almond peeling helped them forget about a whole range of skin problems.

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