Removing synthetic polymers from lips, XY-plastic.

In the 90s of the last century, plastic surgery experienced a real boom. Having the opportunity to adjust their appearance in the desired direction, millions of women rushed to make new faces for themselves.

Non-surgical lip augmentation has often been performed using silicone gels, polyacrylamide gels and Formakryl. They promised results “for life.” Inexpensive and seemingly safe.

Removing biopolymer gel from lips. Internal cut. Performed by surgeon: Andrey Iskornev

Expert comment:

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“The price tag for bio gel is lower than the cost of administering self-absorbable gels. But so as not to have to learn again the hard way, the low price of lip contouring should not please you, but be alarming. And in no case should price be the determining factor when choosing a drug.

The consequences of introducing biopolymer gel into the lips became clear only after a few years. In 9 out of 10 cases, the gel migrates, collects in lumps, becomes inflamed, reduces the sensitivity of the lips, and interferes with facial expressions. The shape of the lips changes. The effect of “duck mouth” and “hare lip” develops, which hopelessly spoil the face.

Of course, most often the choice in favor of biopolymers was made out of ignorance. But today you should refrain from them, no matter what your cosmetologist tells you about the “safe Spanish gel.”

Andrey Iskornev, plastic surgeon.

Before and after photos: removing silicone from lips

“This is an example of how the perception of a face changes after harmonization.
I removed the biopolymer from Marisha’s lips, and her eyes immediately “lit up.” This is the rule: the gaze of the beholder always catches the eyes, so nothing should distract from them - neither a large nose, nor lips. Moreover, the adjusted lips immediately lengthened the lower third of the face, making it more model-like and memorable. Plump lips are a feature that is initially atypical for the Caucasian type of appearance. This means that girls with a certain type of appearance can afford such large lips and still look natural.

And it’s not a matter of skin color at all - lips should have a “place” on the face. That is, the proportions of the lower third of the face should be of sufficient length to accommodate plump lips. Ideally, the height between the upper and lower lips should be 1/4 of the distance from the tip of the nose to the chin.

But in harmonizing appearance, not everything is so simple. If the tip of the nose is tilted down, then it “cuts off” the full face, shortens the above distance, and the lips, even after moderate contouring, look artificial.

Only a true artist who knows and understands the principles of appearance harmony can correctly fit new lips into the structure of your face.” Performed by surgeon: Andrey Iskornev

Lip reduction, biopolymer removal. Performed by surgeon: Andrey Iskornev.

Photos “before” and 2 weeks “after” removing silicone from the lips. Surgeon: Iskornev Andrey.

The patient was injected with silicone gel under the guise of hyaluronic acid gel. The lips became deformed and became asymmetrical. The photo shows the results of removing silicone gel from the lips in combination with lip shape correction. Surgeon: Iskornev Andrey.


Patient review:

Thank you :) Well, in one word, I am delighted!!!!! I remember how I walked and covered my lips)))) but now I’ve forgotten that I once faced this problem and the rehabilitation was generally easy, I expected terrible pain, which didn’t even happen) Andrey, thank you so much again for removing me from my life is a huge complex! You are simply a miracle person, talented, a huge professional, and by the way, your lips turned out worse in the photo than in life)))

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Recommendations after the facial biorevitalization procedure

Biorevitalization is performed to improve the patient’s skin condition, restore youth and self-confidence. During the session, preparations based on hyaluronic acid are injected into the skin. After a course of therapy, the skin becomes smooth, small wrinkles disappear, and restoration processes begin. Manipulation is performed when the dermis loses its elasticity, is dehydrated, or if the number of wrinkles has increased and they have become deeper. A procedure is performed to correct the oval shape in preparation for plastic surgery. The advantage of doing this is that the result can be seen fairly quickly, and the manipulation is safe. Questions often arise about what should not be done after biorevitalization of the face with hyaluronic acid and how to care for the skin after the procedure.

How to care for your skin after biorevitalization?

Hyaluronic acid is produced naturally and is responsible for the elasticity of the skin, but with age the concentration of this substance decreases, causing the skin to look unattractive and signs of aging become noticeable. This procedure is carried out precisely for the purpose of replenishing hyaluronic acid reserves and is performed by injection into the facial area in order to launch rejuvenation processes.

Skin restoration using biorevitalization is relevant at the age of 25 to 30 years. The most visible result can be obtained when performing the procedure at 30 years of age. Main indications:

• Dry skin; • Presence of age-related changes; • Presence of sagging; • Swelling and bags under the eyes; • Pigmentation, wide pores; • Previously performed chemical peeling or plastic surgery, preparation for manipulation.

After biorevitalization, no complex care is required. The skin looks fresher, the oval becomes clearer, small wrinkles are smoothed out. No lengthy preparation is required, the procedure takes no more than an hour and does not cause pain. There are few contraindications after facial biorevitalization.

To notice a pronounced result, you will need to go through the procedure several times. There are several ways to administer the drug - by injection, non-injection method and laser method.

Administration of the drug using injections is the most popular option. The active component is injected using a thin needle. Local anesthesia is used to relieve pain. The rehabilitation period after biorevitalization of the face is 1-3 days. Non-injection treatments use liquid nitrogen, galvanic current, magnetic waves or ultrasound. Low molecular weight acid is used for laser biorevitalization.

When you can use the cream after biorevitalization, your doctor will tell you during your consultation. Immediately after the procedure is completed, cosmetics with a calming effect are applied to the face. You cannot do a massage or visit a sauna or bathhouse, as this can lead to the development of complications.

Care after biorevitalization involves the use of sun protection products for 5 days when going outside. It is necessary to periodically wipe your face with antiseptics. You need to give up sports for a while to avoid increased sweating, which will cause irritation.

What should not be done after facial biorevitalization?

This procedure is considered one of the safest and most popular in cosmetology. It is aimed at restoring the water balance of the skin. The day after biorevitalization, if the skin is sensitive, redness and swelling may appear - this is a reaction to the injections. To reduce the risk of complications, it is recommended to consult only experienced and qualified doctors. For detailed advice on the procedure and recommendations after biorevitalization of the face, contact our specialists at the Medial clinic. What not to do after facial biorevitalization:

• Do not touch your face to avoid infection; • You can apply makeup after biorevitalization only after complete healing; • You cannot steam your face; • Restrictions on playing sports must be observed; • You cannot sunbathe, exfoliate or use a scrub; • Alcohol should not be consumed.

To speed up the recovery process after the biorevitalization procedure, you need to follow a number of recommendations. It is necessary to drink enough water and take anti-inflammatory drugs on the advice of a doctor. If signs of allergy appear, you should consult a cosmetologist.

Biorevitalization and the menstrual cycle

It is not advisable to perform the procedure during menstruation, since during this period sensitivity to external influences increases and inflammation processes are most active. Some specific body reactions and hormonal changes can complicate skin care after biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid. Multiple injections can be very painful, especially in delicate areas around the eyes or lips. If pimples appear before menstruation, the procedure cannot be carried out until the rash disappears. The most pronounced edema may appear in response to the administration of the drug.

Solarium after biorevitalization

It is not recommended to combine a visit to the solarium with biorevitalization procedures. Getting a tan is one of the main prohibitions during the rehabilitation period. Temperature exposure can lead to the destruction of the acid, and the effect of the injections will be invisible. You should not visit a solarium or sunbathe in the open sun before the procedure. It is advisable to stop tanning approximately 2 weeks before the injection and 3-4 weeks after the injections. Healing of piercings may be slower due to sun exposure. To protect your skin from ultraviolet radiation, it is recommended to use special sun protection products.

Alcohol after biorevitalization

Drinking alcoholic beverages may negate the positive effects of the procedure. Any alcohol, even in small doses, accelerates the removal of fluid from the body. Because of this, the effect of the procedure will be less pronounced, since the dermis will become dehydrated. Vasodilation from drinking alcohol can lead to unpredictable consequences. Possible increased swelling. You can drink alcohol no earlier than 4-5 days after biorevitalization. By this time, the swelling will pass and the formations that appeared due to the punctures will disappear.

Procedures after biorevitalization

The rejuvenation effect of biorevitalization is achieved by introducing preparations with concentrated hyaluronic acid into the deep layers of the skin. As a result, the production of collagen and elastin, which are responsible for elasticity, increases in the tissues. The severity of the result after the procedure is influenced by age and individual characteristics of the body. Typically, a positive effect can be noticed after the first procedure, but to obtain a pronounced and lasting result, a course of sessions will be required. After execution there is usually no discomfort. There may be a sensation of bumps at the puncture sites - this is an accumulation of the drug, which completely resolves over time. This takes about 1-2 days. The maximum effect is estimated approximately 14 days after the last session.

Sports after biorevitalization

Any physical activity leads to activation of metabolic processes and stimulation of blood circulation. After biorevitalization, it is not recommended to actively engage in sports for the first few days, as injection marks can become inflamed from sweat. This will lead to an increase in the duration of rehabilitation. Active physical activity immediately after the session will lead to stress for the body, increased swelling, and loss of effect from the procedure. The rehabilitation period may increase as papules form after injections. They will take longer to heal if they get sweat. The likelihood of bruising, hyperpigmentation, and hyperpigmentation increases, especially if you train outdoors. It is advisable to resume sports approximately 10 days after the procedure, when the microtraumas have completely healed. This will avoid complications and maintain a positive result after therapy.

Is it even possible to remove biopolymer gel from lips?

Restoring the shape of the lips after previously injected silicone gel is an art.

When enlarging lips with gels, many believe that if necessary, “pumping out the gel” is a minor problem. After all, the gel was introduced through a thin puncture, which means it can be removed back in the same way. Unfortunately, everything is not as simple as it seems. This gel grows into the lip tissue, becomes overgrown with connective tissue (scar) and deforms the natural shape of the lips.

And in this case, lip correction turns into an extremely difficult task for the surgeon.

Defects requiring filler removal

Facial features will not immediately become similar to what the clinic’s advertisement promised. There must be a rehabilitation period, during which the injection site heals, swelling goes away and the body as a whole gets used to the filler.

How can you determine whether the healing process is proceeding normally, or whether the situation is out of control and the filler needs to be removed? Indications for the “do everything as it was” procedure may include:

  • Asymmetrical and unsightly contouring . The hyaluronic acid should be distributed evenly over the lip, but if the drug forms a noticeable relief, nodules, or is present on one side in greater quantities than on the other, there is probably too much filler or the injection was carried out at an insufficient depth.
  • Distortion of facial proportions. If the filler is injected too deeply or due to the individual characteristics of the patient, the filler can move under the skin, changing the contours of the lips.
  • Hypercorrection of lips , which end up looking not just unnatural, but ugly.
  • Hematomas , severe redness and swelling for more than 7 days.
  • Tissue necrosis , which is diagnosed by whitening of the skin.

Based on the scale of the problem, there are several ways to remove lips after hyaluronic acid: massage, physiotherapy, applications with special gels, injections of the enzyme hyaluronidase.

Find out which method of correcting scars and stretch marks is optimal for you!

doctor Svetlana Viktorovna Ogorodnikova.


Depending on the density of the filler, the substance remains in the tissues for six months to a year. During this time, the filler is gradually destroyed and removed from the body naturally, which is bad if the procedure has a positive effect, and good if the “beauty injection” was unsuccessful.

The process of removing small amounts of hyaluronic acid can be accelerated by simply stimulating blood circulation. Intense sports, walks in the fresh air and healthy eating will help with this. If the problem requires decisive action, then you should turn to injections or physical therapy with the enzyme hyaluronidase or collagenase.

Read on our blog:

Application of the collagenase enzyme in cosmetology

How to remove gel from lips in one procedure

The Platinental clinic has developed a surgical procedure that has helped more than 300 women regain their natural lips. It is unique because it allows you to remove the biopolymer gel from the lips and reconstruct your own lips at the same time.

Removal of gel from lips is carried out according to a specially developed scheme IN ONE PROCEDURE


But the need to remove gel from your lips is only part of the task. Therefore, during the same operation, the harmonious shape of the lips is restored and excess mucous membrane, which hangs in the form of “curtains” in the upper lip area, is eliminated.

The biopolymer is removed through an incision on the inside of the lip. This avoids damage to muscles and blood vessels, as well as the appearance of an unsightly scar on the lips. The operation is completed with a special internal suture, which will not be noticeable after healing.

Surgeons Maxim Vasiliev and Andrey Iskornev during an operation to remove biopolymer gel from the lips. Surgeons at the Platinental clinic have helped more than 300 patients regain their natural lips.

During surgery, the shape of the lower lip is usually also corrected in order to maintain the natural proportion, when the lower lip is 1.5 times “plumper” than the upper.

As for the upper lip, removal of excess gel is also performed in the area above the upper lip to eliminate the so-called “duck mouth” effect.

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