Cruroplasty: reviews and all the nuances of the operation (in detail)

Cruroplasty, reviews of which are mostly positive, is an operation on the legs.

But not every woman can boast of beautiful legs. Unattractive appearance, curvature, lack or excess of volume cause psychological discomfort.

An aesthetic defect has to be constantly hidden by refusing to wear fashionable clothes. But this procedure allows you to quickly correct the defect and get rid of complexes.

The essence of the technique

Cruroplasty is a plastic surgery aimed at correcting the shape and volume of the legs.

During the medical procedure, implants are used, which are elastic products with a smooth or textured surface and an elongated shape. The internal cavity is filled with silicone.

The implants are placed in a “case” formed by the calf muscles.

To do this, a small incision is made in the area below the knee. A foreign body is placed in it. Almost immediately after surgery, the lower leg takes on its natural shape.

The medical procedure has another name – contour plastic surgery of the legs.

This type of surgical operation appeared relatively recently, in the 70s.

Then pieces of silicone were used, which were processed and acquired the required shape immediately before the operation.

Modern technologies have significantly transformed the technique, but in our country not all aesthetic medicine clinics still provide such services.

Knowing about the nuances of cruroplasty and understanding what it is, you can find the best surgeon who specializes in leg correction.

From reviews of men and women, you can learn about the safety of the procedure and the rare occurrence of side effects.

How the operation works:

In the ward, the surgeon examines the patient again and makes preliminary markings. Cruroplasty lasts about 1-2 hours. The incisions are made under the knee - they are small, about 4-5 cm. They heal quickly and become invisible over time. Through them, the surgeon inserts the instrument and forms a pocket for the implant. If some additional correction is needed for a more aesthetic appearance, you can immediately perform liposuction of another area and perform lipofilling of the legs with the collected adipose tissue. At the end of the intervention, a cosmetic suture is applied and compression stockings are put on.

Features of implants

Today, prostheses that are used to correct aesthetic imperfections on the legs vary in shape and volume.

The products are filled with cohesive silicone gel or saline solution, and the outside is covered with a reliable shell.

In terms of density, they practically coincide with the muscle tissue of the human body.

The implants accurately follow the shape of the calf muscles, and tactile sensations are preserved.

Modern surgeons prefer to work with silicone-based prostheses, since they replicate the muscle configuration well and rarely provoke the development of complications.

Such products are resistant to mechanical damage and do not need to be replaced, therefore they have a lifetime warranty.

In Russia, America, and European countries, French and German products are allowed for use.

When studying patient reviews on forums, we can conclude that among the prostheses for cruroplasty, there are two types:

  1. Symmetrical. Characterized by maximum thickness in the central part.
  2. Asymmetrical. Corresponds to the configuration of the calf muscles, thanks to the thickened upper edge.

Patients who have learned what it is - cruropallasty, from their own experience, warn that the shape and size of the prostheses should be selected by a doctor, but only after a thorough examination.


An operation is prescribed when the following problems are detected:


  • False curvature. The reason for the deficiency is a lack of volume in the calf muscles. In this case, the anatomical location of the bones is normal.
  • Deviations in the development of the muscular structure of the legs. Defects can be congenital or acquired after surgery or injury.
  • No changes in the configuration and size of the calves with regular attendance at sports training.
  • Asymmetrical structure of the muscular system.

Reviews from patients about cruroplasty on forums indicate that the procedure is often prescribed to eliminate true leg deformities.

The main reason for this problem lies in improper bone structure. It is not possible to completely get rid of the disease with surgery alone.

Complex therapy will be required, combining the efforts of several specialists.

According to plastic surgeons, the intervention is tolerated by patients quite easily, and the rehabilitation period does not require a lot of time.


Reviews of cruroplasty in Almaty, Moscow and other large cities of Russia confirm information about the simplicity of the operation and minimal risks.

Despite this, many pathologies and health conditions may be a contraindication to the procedure.


  1. diabetes;
  2. some diseases of an infectious nature in the acute stage;
  3. chronic diseases in acute form;
  4. tumors in the body, benign and malignant;
  5. progressive inflammatory process in the treated area;
  6. skin pathologies;
  7. disruption of the blood vessels in the legs, which negatively affects blood circulation;
  8. problems with blood clotting;
  9. age under 18 years. At this time, the muscles are still developing, so the appearance of the legs may change over time.

Cruroplasty is not performed for O- and X-shaped deformities of the limbs.

In such cases, special correction techniques are used. Before carrying out any manipulations, the doctor must make sure that there are no possible contraindications.

The best clinic for cruroplasty

There is no need to hide unattractive legs under a long skirt. The best clinic for cruroplasty, Dr. Alexander Markushin, will quickly correct the situation.

It is not difficult for an experienced plastic surgeon to change the shape of the lower leg. A thorough examination will be required to select the optimal technique suitable for the specific case. The effectiveness of plastic surgery directly depends on the skill, level of professional training, and experience of the specialist; therefore, it is necessary to carefully select a medical institution.

The best center for cruroplasty, represented by Dr. Alexander Markushin, will correct congenital or post-traumatic leg defects using implants of the required sizes and shapes. Today, cruroplasty is routine and is not something special. Modern silicone implants take root well, allowing you to radically change the aesthetic appearance of your legs without side effects.

On a note!

Cruroplasty is a plastic surgery that radically changes the internal volume of the lower leg using a silicone implant.

Who is cruroplasty indicated for?

Each person's opinion determines the aesthetic attractiveness of legs in their own way. Some people like plump ones, others skinny ones. A plastic surgeon corrects pronounced asymmetry or eliminates the consequences of excessive thinness of the lower extremities. Today everyone knows the standard of the ideal shape of the legs, where when they close there are three gaps. To do this, it is necessary that the knee joints have a deviation from the longitudinal axis of no more than a centimeter.

There are two main types of deformation.

  • O-shaped.
  • X-shaped.

They all demonstrate inward or outward deviation of the joint. The more significant the anatomical anomaly, the greater the need to seek help from the best cruroplasty clinic. With false curvature, the anatomical development of the leg skeleton is flawless, but there are problems with the proportional development of the calf muscles. Lack or excess volume spoils the appearance. This becomes the main prerequisite for plastic surgery. An experienced specialist will easily cope with the task.


O and X curvature cannot be corrected with cruroplasty. Only the help of a qualified orthopedist can change the figure in this case.

Congenital asymmetry or curvature manifests itself in cerebral palsy or central nervous system pathology due to muscle tissue dystrophy. Acquired asymmetry occurs after a road accident, sports or household injuries, or severe infectious diseases. In addition, athletes or bodybuilders turn to plastic surgeons for help. Aesthetic considerations are placed first among media personalities, artists, and models.

Contraindications for cruroplasty

Among aesthetic operations, cruroplasty is one of the safest and most uncomplicated. All manipulations are performed by a doctor under intravenous anesthesia. There are standard contraindications that influence the decision to undergo surgery.

  • Infectious diseases accompanied by elevated temperature in the acute stage.
  • Chronic diseases of the kidneys, liver, heart in the acute stage.
  • Any types of diabetes in the stage of decompensation.
  • Problems with blood clotting.
  • Malignant or benign tumors, regardless of their location.
  • Skin diseases, rashes, acne in the surgical area.
  • Presence of autoimmune diseases.

There are a number of specific contraindications for cruroplasty.

  • Varicose veins of the lower extremities or other types of circulatory disorders in the surgeon’s work area.

  • The patient's unwillingness to understand that his demands are impossible to meet or may cause serious health problems.

After collecting all the necessary information, conducting laboratory and instrumental studies, and visually examining the patient, the surgeon decides to perform the operation. The patient is given the opportunity to participate in the development of a 3D model to see how the figure will change after the specialist’s work.

Important information!

The implants are placed in such a way that they become an organic continuation of the calf muscles, smoothing out existing aesthetic imperfections.

How to properly prepare for surgery?

The most important step for a patient in the best cruroplasty clinic is internal readiness for the upcoming operation. It is necessary to make a conscious decision in order to then carefully follow all the recommendations of the attending physician. The choice of a plastic surgeon must be thoughtful. Carefully review the photos provided by the clinic. Go to the blogs of leading surgeons to understand the level of training and level of professionalism. Reading the reviews will give you an idea of ​​the quality of the specialist’s training and the attitude of the center employee towards visitors.

  • Call or leave a request on the website of the best cruroplasty center to make an appointment with your chosen doctor.
  • When you first meet, tell us in as much detail as possible about your problems and what you expect from plastic surgery.
  • Complete all tests prescribed by your attending physician to determine your body’s readiness for the upcoming surgery.
  • If, after an X-ray or CT scan, confirmation of false curvature is received, the patient, together with a plastic surgeon, uses 3D modeling to create new contours of his figure.
  • A consultation with an anesthesiologist is required after receiving laboratory test data.
  • The specialist selects the correct size and shape of silicone implants. In each case, the choice will be determined individually. They can be symmetrical or asymmetrical.

Volumetric computer modeling allows you to most accurately select the shape and size of implants for the upcoming operation.

Stages of cruroplasty

The surgeon’s work time depends on the complexity of the situation, but does not exceed 30-40 minutes. A strong anesthetic is injected into the lower spine. The sensitivity of the lower extremities is completely lost. During all manipulations, the patient is conscious and can talk with the staff. After the operating team completes the work, the patient is transported to the ward, where he will regain sensation in his legs in 3-4 hours.

  • Markings on the lower leg where the skin will be cut to install implants are made in the ward immediately before the operation.
  • The operation site is isolated with special underwear. The skin is treated with a special sterilizing solution.
  • A small area of ​​skin and internal tissue of the fascial sheet is cut under the knee.
  • The surgeon creates an implantation pocket under the fascia of the gastrocnemius muscle along previously drawn lines.
  • The implant is inserted into the place prepared for it, after which the position is corrected to give the ideal aesthetic shape to the leg.
  • The bleeding stops, cosmetic stitches are applied, and the wound is treated with an antiseptic.
  • The procedure ends with putting on compression garments.

Then the patient is transported on a gurney to the ward, where he waits until the anesthesia wears off. The patient is under the supervision of the attending physician in the clinic for a day. After this he is allowed to go home.

Possible complications after cruroplasty

Despite the fact that such plastic surgeries have long become a routine, routine procedure, each patient must be warned about possible complications. This is necessary so that if the patient notices deviations, he immediately contacts his surgeon for advice.

  • When there is hemorrhage in the implantation pocket, sharp pain appears. Do not step on the injured leg. Drainage of the hematoma will be required.
  • Very rarely, a purulent-inflammatory process occurs in the wound. This is only possible when contacting dubious specialists. In this case, the abscess is opened, the implant is removed, and a full course of antibiotics is prescribed. Repeated surgery is possible only after a full course of rehabilitation.
  • Capsular contracture occurs when the body rejects the implant. A dense area of ​​tissue begins to form around the prosthesis. The lower leg begins to deform, which requires immediate removal of the prosthesis.
  • Changing the position of the prosthesis leads to the appearance of asymmetrical contours. It can only be corrected by removing the implant.
  • Asymmetry of the lower leg can be noticed a few days after surgery, which is most often associated with the individual characteristics of the figure of a particular patient.
  • It is rare that seroma develops, but the patient should be aware of this. If the tissue reacts negatively to the prosthesis, serous contents begin to accumulate around it.
  • The formation of large scars at the incision site is due to the individual reaction of the body to the operation.
  • Contouring appears if the size and shape of the prosthesis are chosen incorrectly.

It is much easier to prevent any problems. The best cruroplasty clinic shows excellent results thanks to the high professionalism of the medical staff. A timely visit to your doctor will allow you to quickly deal with any problem.

Recovery process after cruroplasty

Plastic surgery of the lower leg has long been performed by plastic surgeons. The first operation was successfully performed more than forty years ago. In order to avoid any complications, the patient must take all recommendations of the attending physician responsibly. In this case, rehabilitation will take place quickly.

  • The first day the person is in the hospital under the supervision of staff, so that after the patient recovers from anesthesia, the body’s reaction to the appearance of a prosthesis in the body can be monitored.
  • Then the patient goes home, having previously received recommendations from the attending physician, wearing special underwear.
  • The sutures are removed within 7-10 days.
  • For the first month, you need to use compression hosiery to relieve stress as much as possible.
  • After 3-4 weeks, you can move on to normal life, gradually increasing the load.
  • After two months you can start playing sports.
  • Pain during the first 2-5 days is normal. The implant will be felt for 1-2 months after surgery. Gradually a person forgets about it, perceiving it as part of the body. If the pain intensifies and becomes pulsating, you should immediately consult a surgeon.

The result obtained after shin plastic surgery

It must be borne in mind that there will be no immediate positive effect. You will need to wait for the body to fully recover to see what a trip to the plastic surgery clinic brings. After 1.5-2 months, the prosthesis will be completely in place, swelling will disappear, the seams will lose their brightness, and you can see how the contours of the figure have changed. Two months is enough if the prosthesis is selected correctly and the patient strictly follows the regimen prescribed for rapid recovery. The legs acquire ideal proportions, the appearance becomes aesthetically attractive. The shape will remain impeccable if you choose the right shoes and do not overload your limbs.

Price of cruroplasty

The best cruroplasty center works with each visitor individually. The cost is determined by a combination of several objective factors

  • The complexity of the upcoming operation.
  • Selection of medications for anesthesia.
  • Conditions of hospital stay.
  • Cost of implants.

Cruroplasty is an effective, relatively simple way to correct leg defects. After complete recovery, the effect will remain for life. No additional correction is required. The specialists of our medical center will do everything to ensure that the patient leaves satisfied.

Preparatory stage

From patient reviews about cruroplasty on thematic forums in Moscow, you can learn how to properly prepare for the operation. The surgeon should tell you in detail about all these features.

There are several stages in total:

  1. Initial consultation with a doctor who specializes in providing this service. Clarification of the presence or absence of contraindications, determination of the appropriate type of implant.
  2. A comprehensive laboratory examination of the body to collect information about the state of health.
  3. Visiting other specialists: cardiologist, therapist, anesthesiologist. At this stage, the question of the possibility of surgical intervention is decided.

On average, preparation takes about 14 days. Throughout this time, the patient must strictly follow medical recommendations:

  • stop taking any medications that affect the degree of blood clotting: hormonal agents, anticoagulants, vitamin E;
  • give up bad habits: smoking, drinking alcohol. The substances contained in them can thin the blood, which can negatively affect the course of the operation;
  • do not eat salty foods. Salt leads to the formation of swelling of the legs during the recovery stage;
  • 3 days before the procedure you cannot play sports;
  • On the day of surgery, it is forbidden to eat or drink anything.

Carefully following the recommendations of specialists will help prepare the body for such a serious step as plastic surgery.

As a result, the success of all manipulations increases and the duration of rehabilitation is reduced.


The patient can walk already on the day of the operation, but he is discharged from the hospital only the next day. Unpleasant sensations may be associated with pain and compression stockings, which will have to be worn for the first three weeks after surgery. In order to reduce pain to a minimum, the patient is prescribed analgesics. Wearing shoes with heels 4–5 cm high will also help. This approach will not only relieve pain, but will also help reduce swelling. The sutures are removed on the 10th day after the operation. It is during this period of time that you will feel that the pain has become much less, and you will see the preliminary result of cruroplasty. It will be possible to start sports training only 3 months after the operation. To learn more about POLYTECH® calf implants, please call.

Features of the operation

First of all, the problem area is marked to determine access and installation of prostheses.

The surface of the skin is treated with antiseptic agents. Then a small incision is made in the popliteal region, no more than 40 mm.

The soft tissue is separated to form a so-called “pocket” where the implant is installed. The product is carefully placed under the muscles, its position is adjusted.

During surgery, general or spinal anesthesia is used. For optimal access to the problem area, the patient lies on his stomach.

After installing the implant, the correctness of the work done is checked, then the incision is stitched.

After all the manipulations have been carried out, the rehabilitation process begins, initially it takes place in the recovery room under the supervision of doctors.

Reviews from patients about cruroplasty, as well as before and after photos, make it clear that technically the operation is quite simple.

The duration of the procedure is about 50 minutes. Due to the fact that the incisions are made in the folds of the skin at the site of the natural fold, the scars will be practically invisible.

We recommend watching an interesting video about this operation:

Question answer

This intervention has a number of advantages. A person gets rid of complexes, the appearance of the legs improves, asymmetry can be eliminated, and the operation itself is carried out quickly. In addition, recovery after cruroplasty does not take a long time. If we talk about the disadvantages, it is worth noting that after the intervention there will be pain, there is a risk of complications, and you will have to wear special compression clothing. Also, the operation is not cheap.

A person runs the risk of encountering asymmetry and the appearance of suppuration. The implant may also become dislodged, a vessel may be damaged, and bleeding may begin. But if the operation was performed by an experienced doctor, then the risk of these troubles is reduced to zero. Therefore, choose a good surgeon.

The patient will have to undergo a repeat procedure if hematomas appear, as a result of which blood accumulates. In such a situation, the doctor removes the implant, removes the blood, cauterizes the vessel, and then reinstalls the implant. Also, a repeat procedure will be required if the prostheses stand out on the skin surface and the lower leg becomes deformed. The second operation is performed after 3-6 months, unless it is urgently needed.

Recovery period

The duration of rehabilitation after cruroplasty, as evidenced by reviews, varies depending on the scale of the intervention.

The duration is influenced by the individual characteristics of the human body. On average, complete recovery will take from 1.5 to 2 months. The patient spends no more than 3 days in the hospital.

Within a couple of hours after the procedure, you are allowed to stand on your feet and lie on your back. Painful sensations disappear after 3–5 days.

Discomfort in the treated area will appear for 21 days while walking. You can take a shower on the 5th day.

Sutures are removed after a week, maximum 10 days.

Final healing of the damage takes about 3 weeks. For 30 days you will have to limit yourself in physical activity and wear compression garments.

These can be stockings or tights; it is best to make them to order to fully comply with individual parameters.

Patient reviews of cruroplasty indicate that rehabilitation usually proceeds without problems, and the first results are visible after 3 to 4 weeks.

After a few months, you can return to your normal, full-fledged life, but you should first consult a doctor.

In most cases, 1 to 3 months after the procedure, you are allowed to visit saunas, steam baths, sunbathe and play sports.

Increasing the volume of the lower leg (cruroplasty) without the cost of implants

The volume of the lower legs can be increased through surgery to install prostheses or through lipofilling. A patient may need such an operation if he has crooked or thin shins. Modern medicine allows you to install implants of any size and shape. The procedure can only be performed by a true professional. The price of cruroplasty is calculated individually. You can find out the approximate cost by consulting by phone or directly during the consultation.

Increasing the volume of the legs with an implant or cruroplasty is carried out with the aim of correcting disharmony of the body, or rather the patient’s legs. Most often, this operation is indicated for patients with anatomical features and is classified as aesthetic surgery.

Correction of the shins with an implant is performed under general anesthesia by a plastic surgeon and takes about 45-60 minutes. The essence of the procedure is that a small incision is made in the lower leg area (below the knee). Next, the plastic surgeon creates a “pocket” for the implant and places it. The incision is sutured with cosmetic stitches, traces of the manipulation become invisible after just a few months, and the effect of the procedure is as natural as possible.

The size of the implant and its shape are determined by the plastic surgeon during a consultation after examining the patient. The doctor listens to wishes for the final result, determines anatomical possibilities, and evaluates the quality of tissue for the intervention. During a personal consultation, a plastic surgeon will answer all your questions, dispel doubts and tell you about the details of the operation. He will exclude possible contraindications to the procedure and refer you for additional studies (blood tests, cardiogram, fluorogram).

Any surgical intervention requires a qualified approach. It is important not only to assess the need for correction, but also to assess all the risks. If you have contraindications to the procedure, the plastic surgeon will be forced to refuse you the operation or send you for additional adjustments to your health condition, if possible.

Implants for shin correction have a number of features. As a rule, implants are smooth, have a dense shell and are as anatomical as possible. The purpose of this operation is aesthetics and maximum naturalness.

Some of the most popular patients for this operation are professional athletes. When the anatomical features of the muscle structure lead to a noticeable violation of the harmony of the body. This surgical intervention does not require giving up your normal lifestyle and restrictions on sports activities throughout your life. It is only important to undergo correct rehabilitation, listen to the doctor’s recommendations and perform all the necessary manipulations for the best recovery.

After surgery, you should limit physical activity and sports for 2 months. Heavy lifting and stress on the legs during the recovery period are prohibited. Only the right approach to the recovery process will give you the effect you want.

An alternative to shin augmentation with implants may be lipofilling of the legs or correction using your own fat cells. This manipulation is indicated when minor intervention is necessary, for example, when correcting the curvature of the legs.

Which particular operation will give the desired effect, the exact cost specifically in your case is determined only at a personal consultation with a plastic surgeon.

In plastic surgery, there are top-popular operations, and there are rare ones, but not because they are unclaimed. Often people do not even suspect that it is possible to get rid of imperfections. Such an operation, for example, corrects the curvature of the legs. Rostov is a southern city, short dresses and shorts are not uncommon in the wardrobe of women and men of all ages. In our clinic, the manipulation is carried out by experienced plastic surgeons and the result pleases patients immediately after the operation.

Possible complications

Some patients suffer from various complications after surgery. Let's look at the most common side effects and methods to combat them:

  1. Hematomas. It occurs due to damage to blood vessels that were not cauterized during surgery. This causes blood to accumulate and can lead to infection. To combat the deficiency, another operation will have to be performed, which involves removing the prosthesis, removing blood, cauterizing the vessel and re-installing the implant.
  2. Suppuration. It is observed soon after surgery when disinfecting manipulations are ignored at the time of the procedure. If the problem occurs later, the cause may be an infectious pathology. To avoid negative consequences, it is necessary to treat any ailments without triggering them.
  3. Neuralgic disorders. They usually go away on their own and occur due to compression of the skin nerves.
  4. Implant contouring. It appears due to an incorrectly selected prosthesis. To eliminate it, two operations are performed. First, the prosthesis is removed, then, after 5 months, a suitable product is installed.
  5. Accumulation of fluid in the muscles. It manifests itself as an increase in the size of the lower leg and goes away on its own after two weeks.
  6. Leg deformity. Occurs as a result of mechanical damage and requires replacement of the implant.
  7. Scarring. This phenomenon is observed extremely rarely. The defect can only be corrected through plastic surgery.

Photos before and after cruroplasty clearly demonstrate the result. The price of the procedure includes the cost of the prosthesis, hospital stay, and the work of a specialist.

Surgeon consultation

One of the mandatory points of the operation is a consultation with a plastic surgeon. He will provide the patient with detailed information about how the operation and rehabilitation after cruroplasty will take place, talk about what results can be expected, and show photos of the legs before and after cruroplasty. During the process, the expected result will be modeled, and the patient will not only be able to clearly define his wishes, but will also gain an understanding of the result that he will receive after the operation.

Cruroplasty: reviews


“I have long wanted to change the shape of my legs, my legs were very thin, I was embarrassed to wear shorts and short skirts.
I am very glad that I decided to have cruroplasty, the price was about 150 thousand rubles. I fully recovered after 4 months, with no complications.”


“My life was greatly spoiled by my crooked legs; I’ve had terrible complexes since school.
I thought I would walk around with such an annoying defect all my life. But everything turned out to be much simpler: the operation takes only an hour, it is safe, so I decided to change myself for the better. The prices for cruroplasty, I wouldn’t say are affordable, but you can always save up for your dream!”

Expert opinion

  • Cosmetologist
  • Surgeon

Anna Avaliani

practicing cosmetologist

Many people worry when they will be able to walk after the intervention. But walking is possible after a couple of hours. Usually a person is discharged for 2-3 days. But my legs will hurt for a couple more weeks.

Aisha Baron

plastic surgeon

I advise you not to wear high heels immediately after surgery.
To quickly get rid of swelling and alleviate the condition, compression garments are used. It is not removed and worn for 2 weeks. After this, it is used periodically for the same amount of time. You can start sports training after 2.5-3 months. Even minor leg defects can develop strong complexes that ruin a person’s life.

In such cases, it is worth considering cruroplasty, and reviews of the procedure indicate positive changes in patients.

Rehabilitation after surgery:

In the first few days, discomfort and pain are acceptable, but they are easily relieved with medications. The stitches will be removed after about a week, and the compression stockings will need to be worn for about a month. It will fix the implant in the correct position, help prevent severe swelling, and reduce discomfort when walking. You can walk from the first day, but it is better to protect yourself from running and other intense physical activity. Also, in the first month you should postpone visiting the sauna or swimming pool and not wear high-heeled shoes. The result of the operation is noticeable immediately, but at first the swelling remains, so you can finally admire your shape by the end of the first or second month.

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