Effective peeling Holy Land: instructions for use, composition and reviews

produces cosmetic products for various purposes. For rejuvenation, the Israeli brand has created 4 lines of products that, to one degree or another, have an exfoliation effect.

Holy Land Alpha Complex and ABR peelings are intended for regular use. The brand also produces exfoliating products for beauty salons and products for home use.

Manufacturing Basics

It is no coincidence that the brand has gained popularity in the cosmetics market and the trust of millions of customers. When creating its peelings, Holy Land is guided by the following principles:

  • Safety and effectiveness.
  • Using high quality raw materials.
  • Conducting clinical trials to which all brand products are subjected.
  • Non-toxic.
  • The priority is not the immediate, but the final result. For the company, the intensity of peeling of dead cells after peeling is not important, which means that “Holy Land” products are not aggressive, but lead to excellent results.

All of the above principles exclude the possibility of producing low-quality cosmetic products and defects. Therefore, the company has earned an ideal reputation and has held a leading position in the market for decades. And although Holy Land peels cannot be called cheap, they are definitely worth all the money spent.

Professional Products

  1. Balance Peel is a drug for the treatment of acne and elimination of oily dermis.
  2. Alpha Peel is a gentle peeling for all skin types that can be used even by pregnant women.
  3. Anti Age Peel is a professional product for preventing age-related changes.
  4. Renew Peel - the product actively renews both young and mature facial skin.
  5. Extreme Peel is a drug with acidity from 3.3 to 3.9% created for cell renewal.
  6. White Peel is a unique complex obtained from milk processing. “White peeling” promotes the dissolution of intercellular material and accelerates the formation of new cells.

Reviews from cosmetologists

“An important advantage of this drug is its versatility, because it is suitable for all types of epidermis, acting indirectly on a particular problem. There are also no age restrictions, which once again proves the versatility of its action. This exfoliant, in addition to its main purpose – exfoliating dead cells, relieves inflammation, dries out pimples, and smoothes out minor wrinkles.”

“Lactolan is good for creating a cosmetic effect and eliminating minor aesthetic flaws. It cannot solve more serious problems, so you should not trust advertising one hundred percent and hope for a miracle. You can only get rid of long-term wrinkles or scars with the help of special procedures, such as fractional photothermolysis, biorevitalization, mesotherapy, etc.”

“The peeling is gentle and truly suitable for all skin types. The presence of fruit acids in the composition indicates that oily skin has a drying effect; this product can be used 1-2 times a week. For carriers of dry dermis, peeling should not be used more than once every 10 days.”

“Cleansing procedures are best carried out in beauty salons under the supervision of a specialist, but if you have the appropriate knowledge, you can use exfoliating products at home. For initial application, it is recommended to apply Preparing Lotion, which enhances the effect of the main substance. Holy Land Rapid Exfoliator has proven itself as an exfoliant using the same acids, but with a higher concentration, preparing the epidermis for deep penetration of active substances.”

For home use

As a complement to professional products, the Israeli company has released a series of drugs for self-use:

  1. Daily Micro Peel - daily peeling to eliminate unevenness and excess sebum secretion.
  2. Enzymatic Peel (enzyme) - delicate creamy texture removes dead cells and fights the appearance of the first wrinkles.
  3. Reveal Peel (revealing) - thanks to the content of natural extracts, improves the appearance of the skin, giving it freshness and softness.
  4. Superlift Peel - the active substances of the drug accelerate the formation of elastin and collagen fibers, due to which a lifting effect is observed.

Composition of Holy Land Alpha Complex peeling: active components


  1. Blueberry (Vaccinium Myrtillus (Bilberry)) - due to its high content of antioxidants, it vitamins the skin, eliminates puffiness, dark circles under the eyes, promotes blood microcirculation, neutralizes the effects of free radicals, and also protects the dermis from the negative influence of the environment.
  2. Sugar Cane (Saccharum Officinarum (Sugar Cane) Extract) is a moisturizing ingredient that helps keep skin feeling supple and smooth. In addition, the ingredient has a beneficial effect on acne and pimples.
  3. Sugar maple (Acer Saccharum (Sugar Maple) Extract) is a natural source of AHA acids. Promotes self-renewal of the dermis, that is, exfoliates dead cells - as a result, the skin is hydrated and smoother.
  4. Orange (Citrus Aurantium Dulcis (Orange)) - stimulates the production of natural collagen, tones, moisturizes, fights pigmentation and whitens the skin, tightens pores and removes toxins.
  5. Lemon (Citrus Medica Limonum (Lemon)) - in cosmetics it has an antiseptic, tonic, antibacterial and astringent effect. The extract contains vitamin C, and products containing this component may cause an allergic reaction and irritation.
  6. Fig (Ficus Carica (Fig)) is widely known for its unique property of softening and restoring the dermis. In addition, the substance helps improve cellular respiration, stimulates blood microcirculation, reduces swelling and eliminates dark circles under the eyes.
  7. Pomegranate (Punica Granatum) - extract is necessary for tightening the oval of the face, smoothing out wrinkles and activating the regeneration process. The acids contained in the component provide a powerful rejuvenating effect and help in the fight against hyperpigmentation.
  8. Dates (Phoenix Dactylifera (Date)) are another anti-inflammatory substance that restores the structure of the dermis, removes toxins from it, slows down the aging process and helps remove the stratum corneum.
  9. Green tea (Camellia Sinensis (Green Tea)) is a component necessary for tightening pores, cleansing, giving the face a matte appearance and a pleasant pink tint. In age-related cosmetics, the extract enhances blood microcirculation, has moisture-saving properties and stimulates the production of its own collagen in the layers of the epidermis.


  1. Milk is effective in combating the formation of comedones, tightens pores, moisturizes the skin, improves complexion, promotes the birth of new cells, increases firmness and gives the dermis healthy elasticity.
  2. Citric acid, a popular acid in cosmetology, has a calming effect. In addition, the component is actively used in skin whitening products.
  3. Salicylic acid is known for its drying properties, but does not irritate the dermis. Preparations based on this ingredient have excellent exfoliating properties. Salicylic acid also dissolves sebum and regenerates dermal cells.
  4. Ascorbic acid is a very strong antioxidant. Performs a protective function, prevents the formation of wrinkles, fights pigmentation and improves complexion.

Product overview

The cosmetics company Holy Land is a famous Israeli brand that produces an extensive line of products.

Lactolan peeling cream, a light, thick peeling cream, is most popular among consumers. It smells like yogurt and cheese and contains lactic acid and milk proteins.

The drug helps solve a number of problems at home. Thanks to its oily base, it moisturizes the skin well.

Peeling is classified as mid-superficial, i.e. affects only the epidermis and does not injure the skin.

The cream has a gentle effect on sensitive areas and removes dead layers of cells. Active components effectively cleanse pores, straighten texture and rejuvenate the skin.

This product can be purchased on the official website - this will eliminate the possibility of purchasing a fake. The average price is 2,000 rubles per package (70 ml).


Thanks to well-chosen components, the result does not take long to arrive.

The cream contains: albumin, hydrolyzed milk proteins, casein, cheese, lactic acid, calcium caseinate. Also contains: Propylene Glycol, Lactic Acid, Phenoxyethanol, Parfum (Fragrance), Alpha Isomethyl Ionone, Butylphenyl Methylpropional, Citronellol, Geraniol, Hexyl Cinnamal, Linalool.

Buyanov Sergey Yurievich (Expert Doctor):

The main active ingredient is lactic acid, which has a keratolytic effect, the remaining ingredients moisturize the skin and promote the rapid restoration of epidermal cells.


Indications for use:

  • signs of aging (wrinkles);
  • dry skin;
  • uneven terrain;
  • loss of elasticity;
  • impaired turgor;
  • improper functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • excessive pigmentation.

Peeling is suitable for any age and any skin type. It exfoliates dead skin cells, helps cleanse the upper layer of the dermis, improves recovery processes, has an antioxidant effect, and stimulates collagen production.

Result after use:

  • the relief is leveled;
  • pores narrow;
  • blackheads disappear;
  • the skin is moisturized, becomes smooth and matte (oily shine disappears);
  • improves complexion;
  • signs of irritation are minimized, peeling and redness disappear.


  • Allergy to components;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Damage to the face (scratches, burns, wounds, etc.);
  • Acne;
  • Active inflammatory process;
  • Herpetic rashes;
  • Pathology of the thyroid gland.

Buyanov Sergey Yurievich (Expert Doctor):

The procedure is contraindicated in the presence of acne only in cases where the inflammatory reaction is pronounced - redness and swelling of the skin.

Instructions for use

Chemical peeling Alpha Complex from Holy Land can be done not only in the salon, but also at home.

Recommendations for carrying out an independent procedure:

  1. The product is applied sequentially to each area of ​​the face, and must be washed off at the same time.
  2. Peeling should remain on the skin for up to 10 minutes.
  3. The worse the condition of the dermis, the more pronounced the peeling. The same applies to frosty, windy days, as well as sunbathing sessions.

Application: After thoroughly removing makeup and cleansing, spread the peeling over the face, including the neck and eyelids. After 10 minutes, rinse off the product with water. The procedure is recommended to be carried out no more than once a week for oily skin and every 10 days for other types.

Note: After application, the peel may cause a slight burning sensation and redness. This discomfort is not a sign of an allergy and goes away completely in subsequent stages.

Rules of application

Peeling is carried out once every 10 days. With more frequent use, the deeper layers of the dermis can be damaged.

There are several ways to use the product. The effect of the procedures will vary, so experts advise alternating techniques.

The general stage is cleansing the face and removing makeup with washing gel, toning the skin (it is better to choose the accompanying lotion from Holy Land).

To enhance the effect, you can steam the skin in a water bath.

1. Classic version:

  • Apply peeling in the direction of the massage lines (from forehead to chin). Leave for 5 minutes, then apply a second coat in the same way, paying special attention to problem areas.
  • After half an hour, the product is removed with a damp cloth.
  • A special neutralizer is used, it acts for 10 minutes, then it is washed off with cool water.
  • At the end you need to apply a mask with a soothing and moisturizing effect.

2. Mask. Peeling cream is applied to the face, covered with film, and a warm towel is placed on top. Leave for 10 minutes. After drying, rinse with cold water. This mask has a deep effect on the skin.

3. Gommage. The composition is evenly distributed over the face and left for 15 minutes. Remove by rolling: roll the remains with your fingers, following the massage lines - the resulting pellet balls contain dead skin cells, dirt and toxins.


Any peeling procedure from Holy Land is prohibited if:

  • viral infections;
  • severe somatic diseases;
  • rosacea;
  • cold;
  • violation of the integrity of the skin.

The listed contraindications are not absolute, as individual restrictions may exist. Therefore, in order to avoid negative consequences, before an independent procedure, you must consult a cosmetologist.

Are there any contraindications?

Holy Land exfoliants are chemical cleansers, but they are not as dangerous as other types of similar effects. If you adhere to the instructions for use, side effects after applying the composition will not manifest themselves.

But there are certain groups of people for whom the use of such drugs is contraindicated for several reasons:

  • Herpes, as well as other viral infections of the skin;
  • Acne;
  • Mechanical damage in the form of abrasions, cuts;
  • Burns;
  • Cuperosis, eczema, psoriasis;
  • Colds, somatic diseases;
  • Complications of the thyroid gland.

The listed contraindications are not exhaustive, because there are also individual intolerances to components and allergies. Therefore, before applying any product, it is advisable to carefully study the composition and consult a dermatologist.

Note! Women should use this product with special caution during pregnancy and breastfeeding, especially if there are pustules on the face.

Quick cleansing from “Holy Land”: ABR peeling

The company positions the product as a means to restore skin texture and give a healthy complexion. This chemical belongs to the category of superficial-medium action, that is, the mixture penetrates the entire depth of the dermis, but does not affect the basal layer.

ABR peeling from Holy Land eliminates dead cells through exfoliation and actively fights problems such as wrinkles, scars, pigmentation and enlarged pores. As a result, a person becomes the owner of clean, fresh, renewed skin without imperfections.

This effect occurs due to the presence of the main active components in the composition:

  1. Alpha and beta acids that carefully dissolve dead skin particles, activate metabolism, cleanse pores, and have anti-inflammatory and keratolytic properties.
  2. Retinol - improves collagen synthesis and also regulates the activity of the sebaceous glands.

The principle of action and effectiveness of Lactolan peeling cream

Holi Land is an Israeli concern that produces several types of cosmetics, among which the Laktolan peeling cream of the Holi Land brand is especially popular. The products belong to the group of mid-superficial peels, which act only on the superficial layers of the epidermis, without affecting the tissue at a deep level. The mild effect is achieved due to the active components included in the composition:

  • Alpha acids that gently cleanse the top layer of skin, improve tone and accelerate regeneration;
  • Beta acids, soothing and relieving inflammation;
  • Retinol or vitamin A stimulates collagen production and is a good antioxidant.

When referring to these ingredients, you will often see an acronym such as “ABR”, indicating the first letters of the three active ingredients (“Alpha-Beta & Retinol”). In addition to the basic elements, these peels are supplemented with milk proteins, acids, mineral salts, oils, and B vitamins.

All exfoliating lines of this company differ in purpose and action, while the effectiveness of each product is high, thoroughly cleansing the skin while gently affecting delicate areas.

How is the procedure performed?

Before starting peeling, you need to cleanse the skin with ichthyol or sugar soap. For maximum effect, you can apply a special Preparing Lotion from this brand to your face. If the procedure is performed for the first time, then the Holy Land Rapid Exfoliator peeling is applied at the next stage. The composition of the drug is based on the same acids, but the concentration is 8%. Thus, the product prepares the skin for deeper cleansing.

After 5 minutes, ABR peeling is applied to the entire surface of the face, including the eyelid area, in the following sequence: from the forehead to the ears and chin. If desired, you can treat the décolleté and neck area. After 10 minutes, the composition is redistributed. At this stage, a quite tolerable slight tingling sensation will be felt.

ABR peeling from Holy LAnd must be washed off after 15-20 minutes with warm/cool water using a soft sponge or a special porous sponge for washing. Next, a neutralizing composition should be applied to the face. After 10 minutes everything is washed again. The final part of the home peeling is a whitening mask from the same series with an antiseptic effect.

It is recommended to complete a course of 5 to 7 procedures with an interval of 10 days.

Holy Land Lactolan Peeling Cream. Peeling cream “Lactolan”

Hello everyone!

I was a little absent due to exams that came suddenly, but all this time I was carefully preparing new posts, which I will now spoil you with more often!

Today we’ll talk about an excellent product that combines several useful actions and has become very popular not only among procedures among cosmetologists, but also in home care for the fair sex.

Israel, Holy Land: Peeling cream Lactolan

Effectively exfoliates and promotes epidermis renewal, improves skin condition and appearance (

and who is not yet familiar with this miracle remedy - welcome, I will try to describe it as much as possible in this post).


gommage, mask, peeling roll


Whitening, lightening, renewal, moisturizing, nutrition.

Skin type:

Suitable for all skin types.


the tube has a volume of 70 ml, there is also a professional volume of 250 ml, I don’t recommend buying this for home care, because it will dry out before you empty the entire jar)

Shelf life after opening: 6 months


70 ml is enough for 1 year (I don’t apply it all over my face every time). Often on the T-zone and cheek-zygomatic area.


Fermented milk. For many, this scent (I’m not afraid of this word) will be specific, but I really liked it. When applied, you get the feeling that you are holding the freshest goat cheese in your hands, so tender, melting in your mouth :)


white (slightly beige)

Active Ingredients:

albumin, hydrolyzed milk proteins, casein, cheese, lactic acid, calcium caseinate. Also contains: Propylene Glycol, Lactic Acid, Phenoxyethanol, Parfum (Fragrance), Alpha Isomethyl Ionone, Butylphenyl Methylpropional, Citronellol, Geraniol, Hexyl Cinnamal, Linalool.


But here you can completely roam, because there are many options for using this product. It all depends on what effect we want to get.

Let's break it down:

  • Enhancing the penetration of active enzymes: apply a thin layer, put a warm damp cloth on top for 15-20 minutes, let it work, then remove the cloth, dry it (2-3 minutes) and then roll it up gently, like gommage.
  • Simple gommage. Unlike simple gommage, lactolan additionally moisturizes the skin.
  • Cleansing and moisturizing: apply a thin layer, wet your hands in water and perform a peeling massage, re-wetting your hands as they dry, then wash off the peeling.

We can apply the peeling cream comprehensively and independently:


  • We can enhance the effect of Lactolan with other HL products (for example, ALPHA-BETA & RETINOL Prepping Lotion) wipe the face with Prepping L. before applying
  • By applying Lactolan before the peeling serum, the penetration of fruit extracts is improved and the effect is enhanced.
  • If we apply Lactolan after the peeling serum, it will soothe and moisturize the skin and improve the rehabilitation process
  • After rolling and lotion, we can consolidate the result with cream (based on skin type)

Independent remedy:

Before purchasing, I studied a lot of reviews and came to the conclusion that they love to use HL Lactolan at home, and very often use it as an independent product.

Makeup remover


Roll up

Rinse off (if desired, fix with cream).

Once a week is enough and the skin says - Thank you!

My application:

My skin is prone to dryness, keratinized particles often bother me, you know, sometimes you run your hand over the skin and you feel - it’s not the same anymore, roughness and roughness (especially in the T-zone).

It is for the above reason that I do not use peeling cream every week, but as needed. Once every 2-3 weeks:

  • When the skin feels rough to the touch
  • Before the event - a great transformation, it glows, you can safely apply the tone, everything will lie evenly
  • Prevention from pore pollution
  • Additional nutrition for the skin

My scheme:

Makeup remover - Toning lotion - Peeling cream (for the whole face or T-zone, sometimes including the cheek-zygomatic zone) - Film for 15-20 minutes - Removing the film, the mask dries for about 3 minutes, then roll it up with soft massaging movements if somewhere The areas are very dry, I slightly wet my hands.

Afterwards I apply serum - cream or just cream.


The skin acquires a healthy glow, feels polished, clean, and fresh.

It feels very tender and soft, like a peach.

The result is always visible!

This is my second tube.

You can buy it at cosmetology centers or find it in online stores.

☑ for all skin types ☑ multifunctional ☑ does not cause irritation ☑ always gives excellent results ☑ suitable for frequent use ☑ used in combination or as a stand-alone product



10/10 rating

2 years, 3 rubles/month use

Skin type:

Normal skin, no special problems



Thank you for your attention!

( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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