Medial platysmaplasty of the lower third of the face

The desire for an ideal appearance and getting rid of complexes can hit your pocket hard. However, all the money spent is worth it to overcome shortcomings and become more self-confident. We talk about the most expensive plastic surgeries.

Otari Gogiberidze
, plastic surgeon, founder of the Beauty Time clinic


Cost: from 300 thousand rubles
Rhinoplasty is rightfully considered the most popular plastic surgery. Not everyone is born with an ideal nose from the point of view of the golden ratio, so this part of the face causes many complexes and, as a result, a strong desire to change it.

Due to the high demand for rhinoplasty, unscrupulous plastic surgeons are actively offering to perform this operation for 150-200 thousand rubles. However, patients who are greedy for cheap prices may become victims of the work of an unprofessional doctor, and will need to undergo a second operation to correct the problems. Therefore, a high-quality operation under the guidance of an experienced specialist will not cost you a lot: the full cost includes the work of not only the surgeon, but also the medical staff, legal registration of responsibility for the patient’s health, consumables, a comfortable room and many other little things that you don’t even know about.

How is platysmoplasty surgery performed?

In order to be able to fully carry out plastic correction of the cervical area, access is most often necessary through incisions under the ears. In some cases, it is possible to resort to endoscopic surgery with access from the temporal zone. However, this option is optimal only for those patients who do not suffer from excess skin and fatty tissue in the cervicomental area. In other cases, only the first option is used.

The operation usually combines liposuction and skin tightening. First, through microscopic incisions under the conchae, the surgeon removes excess subcutaneous fat from the operated area. Then, if necessary, the excess skin is excised and the remaining tissue is tightened. Deep plastic surgery can also be performed, disconnecting the neck muscles and removing the fat layer. The muscle fibers are either pulled or attached closer to the central part of the neck. To make the jawline more pronounced, a wedge-shaped excision of the neck muscle is performed. The surgeon then places invisible sutures, a drainage tube, and a sculpting bandage.


Cost: from 450 thousand rubles
Despite the fact that small breasts have long been “not a death sentence,” many girls struggle with a complex from childhood, dreaming of mammoplasty. Breast surgeries can have a different nature and, accordingly, different costs: from changing the shape of the nipples to breast enlargement or reduction. Complex mammoplasty, for example, lifting and increasing breast volume with silicone implants, will cost the most.

The approach to such operations should be strictly individual. A professional surgeon will study your wishes and suggest the technique that is right for you. Carefully study the clinic you have chosen for the operation: good materials for mammoplasty and high-quality work of a plastic doctor cannot be cheap.


The duration of the rehabilitation period is two to three weeks.

On the seventh to tenth day, the sutures are removed if non-self-absorbable material was used.

In the first few days, swelling and bruising persist. These manifestations go away on their own without causing significant discomfort. For faster recovery, physiotherapy (microcurrents, ultrasound, etc.) may be prescribed.

The elastic bandage is removed after two days. Next, a supporting neck brace is required for three weeks. The load on the operated area should be minimized, overheating and exposure to the sun, or visiting a solarium should be avoided.

Buttock surgery

Cost: from 300 thousand rubles
An expressive butt like Kim Kardashian and Cardi B is blowing up the Internet. Building your buttocks to such volumes in the gym is difficult and time-consuming, and even the most active workouts do not always help you achieve the desired volumes. Therefore, plastic surgery becomes a solution to the problem.

There are different methods of buttock augmentation: gluteoplasty using implants, lipofilling, injections. The optimal result is achieved by a combination of several techniques, for example, endoprosthetics with silicone implants plus lipofilling.

Trust your body only to a professional surgeon - in pursuit of profit, some doctors set a cheap price for surgery, which then leads to serious complications. High-quality buttock surgery will cost a significant amount, but the result will be stunning.

Preparing for surgery

The initial stage of preparation is a consultation with a plastic surgeon, during which the following is assessed:

  • skin elasticity;
  • position and size of the salivary glands;
  • clarity of the cervical-mental angle;
  • chin shape;
  • degree of tension and symmetry of the edges of the platysma.

Based on these factors, a decision is made on the tactics and volume of intervention.

Then the patient needs to consult with a therapist and anesthesiologist, and also undergo tests:

  • clinical and biochemical blood tests;
  • general urine analysis;
  • blood tests for coagulation, hepatitis, syphilis, HIV;
  • fluorography;
  • ECG.

A few days before the intervention, you need to stop taking anticoagulants, alcohol, and smoking. Do not eat or drink for 8-12 hours.

Complete face and neck lift

Cost: from 500 thousand rubles
Restoring visual youth to the face and neck is the dream of many women after 40-45 years. There are many methods for lifting different areas of the face that give good results, but for truly high-quality rejuvenation, you need to solve not individual problems, but approach the problem comprehensively.

Full face lifting in modern approaches includes not only redistribution and removal of excess skin, but also work with deep layers of muscles - this is called SMAS lifting. Facial muscles lose tone and sag under the influence of gravity, forming ptosis, jowls, deep wrinkles and making the face haggard. The surgeon first sutures and returns the facial muscles to their place, creating a reliable frame on which the skin is then fixed.

The same manipulations are carried out in the platysma area - the neck muscles. Weakening over the years, it causes the formation of those very “rings of Venus” that betray age. An integrated approach allows you to create a young, toned face without visual signs of aging, and also maintain the effect much longer than after a conventional circular or coronal lift. You can consolidate the result with the help of injections and hardware cosmetology, which will increase the cost of rejuvenation, but will help maintain the effect.

Progress of the operation

The operation is performed under general anesthesia and lasts up to two hours. To access the muscle, three small incisions are made under the chin and behind the ears. The platysma is peeled off and the fat underneath is removed. Next, the muscle is either pulled up and fixed in the area behind the ears (lateral technique), or its separated medial edges are sutured and fixed in the required position (medial technique). A combination of two techniques can be used in case of very pronounced changes and loss of tone. At the final stage, the incisions are sutured and a fixing bandage is put on.

Figure correction: liposuction + lipofilling

Cost: liposuction - from 50 thousand for one zone, lipofilling - from 150 thousand for one zone
Beautiful expressive contours in photographs of stars are most often the result of an integrated approach to creating a figure. The combination of liposuction (removal of excess fat) and lipofilling (injection of fat into certain areas to create additional volume) allows you to create the perfect silhouette of almost any figure.

There is a myth that liposuction is only needed for those for whom neither exercise nor diet helps. However, people who are not overweight often resort to this procedure, and not only women, but also men. Even with the right lifestyle, fat traps can form on a person’s body, which can only be removed with liposuction. Most often they are found in the abdomen, thighs, knees and armpits, even the chin.

Lipofilling is a change in body shape using the patient's adipose tissue. Unlike implants, using natural human fat helps achieve softer shapes in both appearance and feel. Lipofilling is used on the face and body both to increase volume and to get rid of unevenness. The main advantage is that your own fat does not cause allergic reactions or complications.

At first glance, the procedures are simple, but they have many pitfalls that only an experienced surgeon can know and be able to work with. Therefore, when choosing a doctor, you should not save money if you want to get a beautiful body.

Progress of the procedure

Platysmaplasty involves cutting the skin in a limited area and gaining access to the subcutaneous muscle. This is a thin but wide formation covering the anterior surface of the neck from the body of the lower jaw to the clavicles.

Depending on the complexity of a particular case and the volume of the upcoming intervention, contour plastic surgery is performed in several ways:

  1. Median (medial). In this case, the incision is made directly under the mental protuberance.
  2. Lateral (lateral). It is carried out through an access located behind the auricle.
  3. Mixed platysmoplasty. It involves the combined use of the two mentioned techniques.

Sometimes the doctor resorts to extended surgery, supplemented by liposuction. In this case, not only open vacuum aspiration of excess subcutaneous fat is performed, but also accumulations of adipocytes hidden under the platysma are eliminated.

After gaining access, the surgeon tightens the muscle tissue followed by fixation. The muscle is sutured from the inside; no traces remain on the skin, except for the place where the initial access was made. The postoperative suture is no more than a few centimeters long. The incision is made along the natural lines of the skin, so at the end of the recovery period it becomes invisible.

Contraindications for neck plastic surgery

You should refrain from performing neck plastic surgery if you have health problems such as:

  • Diseases of internal organs in the stage of decompensation.
  • Severe cancer.
  • Disorders of the blood coagulation system.
  • Acute infectious and/or inflammatory processes.
  • Pathology of the thyroid gland.

Each procedure has its own special contraindications, so each case is individual and requires consultation with a specialist.

Indications for the procedure

Platysmaplasty is used not to prevent age-related problems, but to eliminate existing defects, for example:

  • pronounced sagging skin;
  • a large number of wrinkles;
  • a significantly prominent double chin;
  • deep folds in the neck area.

The price for neck platysmaplasty in Moscow varies from clinic to clinic, but when choosing a location for the operation, you should focus not on the cost, but on the quality of services and the competence of the doctors. Before the operation, the patient must have a consultation with a surgeon and a series of diagnostic tests to exclude complications after the procedure.


Like all surgical operations, chin platysmaplasty has a number of relative contraindications, which include:

  • blood clotting problems;
  • history of heart and vascular disease;
  • various ulcerative diseases, rashes and mechanical damage to the skin;
  • existing malignant neoplasms of any location;
  • diagnosed mental disorders;
  • any disease in the relapse stage.

Multidisciplinary medical specialists perform a neck and chin lift, combining it with facial plastic surgery. Prices for neck platysmaplasty and reviews from numerous patients can be found on the center’s website.

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