5 reasons why men with big noses make great husbands

Men with big noses are more muscular and strong

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Big noses are more common in men with strong physiques, science confirms.

Scientists have found that the size of a person's nose is related to the amount of oxygen needed for the development of muscle mass.

Skeletons of ancient people indicate that they had more muscle mass than modern people, and they needed a larger nose in order to provide their bodies with enough oxygen.

Other studies have also shown that men's noses are, on average, 10 percent larger than women's.

, and they also have larger nasal cavities and respiratory tracts. In addition, men absorb more oxygen when breathing through their nose than women.

As men increase in body size, there is a disproportionate increase in nose size. Men tend to gain more lean muscle mass during adolescence than women, which requires more energy and oxygen.

How can you tell a person's character by their nose?

Nose length. Short indicates a person who is open, optimistic, flexible and friendly. Very long - characterizes an intelligent but capricious person. A long and wide nose is characteristic of calm, charming and economical people. A long nose indicates a conservative personality.

The shape of the nose and the character of people are interconnected. A straight nose indicates the owner’s honesty, energy and calm character, while a skinny nose indicates a person’s poor concentration. A potato nose is characteristic of slow, phlegmatic people. A person will have to work a lot with a narrow nose. If a woman has a small one, she is jealous.

Determining character by the tip of the nose:

  • A round shape is characteristic of a successful person.
  • The pointed tip indicates a treacherous, treacherous personality.
  • An upturned nose characterizes a person with unstable sexual morals and unable to keep secrets.
  • A full, convex and large tip of the nose is characteristic of a kind, hardworking, kind-hearted person capable of self-sacrifice.
  • A split tip of the nose indicates suspicion and shyness of its owner.

Earn more money

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Physiognomists say that a person’s nose can tell about his behavior, libido and other character traits.

For example, it is believed that people with a small tip of the nose do not attach much importance to money, and people with flared nostrils are more likely to be spenders.

Additionally, face reading experts believe that people with larger noses are luckier with money and are more likely to become rich as they age.

Experts from the UK studied the facial features of the most successful people and created an ideal model of a face that would ensure success in business. It turned out that these were men with aquiline noses, wide-set eyes and widened nostrils


Researchers' opinion on the proportions of the nose

According to the ancient Greeks, the ideal nose should be proportional, straight, visually drawing a straight line from the roots of the hair to its tip. Modern plastic surgery has made great strides in correcting facial features. Surgeons are able to create a profile as close as possible to the Greek one. However, in accordance with the rest of the facial features, the Greek profile does not necessarily suit every person. It is important that the nose, lips, forehead, eyebrows, chin, and skull structure harmoniously combine with each other. This is where you should start considering ideal proportions.

Nasofacial angle

Look at the profile of a European-type person. The importance of the parameters of the nasofacial angle is important. It is believed that ideally it should be located within 34 – 360 degrees. However, if your measurements show different results, don't worry about it. Measuring the nasolabial angle is also important. According to modern researchers, for women it should be 1050 degrees, for men – 950. Although it is worth noting that the nose can change significantly with age, becoming hooked.

Bridge of the nose

It is undesirable if the bridge of the nose is too wide, as this gives a rough, rustic expression to the face. This belief originates from the film about Pinocchio, in which the tip of the nose narrows significantly compared to the wide bridge of the nose.

Parameters of the bridge of the nose

The ideal location of the bridge of the nose is just above the eyelash line of the upper eyelid, and protruding 9 - 14 mm beyond the eyelid line. Another ideal option is to place the bridge of the nose 4–6 mm deeper than the line of the bridge of the nose. The top of the bridge of the nose should flare out gracefully towards the tip.


Correct facial features imply complete harmony. Therefore, the nostrils should be symmetrical. The level of facial attractiveness depends on their shape and size. The wings of the nose should not be wide apart, turned out or excessively compressed (narrow). Between them is a dividing septum called the columella. It should be located 3–5 mm below the edge of the nostril. Asymmetry in the location of the nostrils indicates an abnormal structure of the nasal septum or cartilage tissue.

Columella (photo)

tip of the nose

The shape and size of an ideal nose is of great importance in giving the right look to your face. If its shape resembles a potato, its facial expression seems rustic. The strongly pointed tip gives evil, predatory features to the face. It should not hang excessively over the upper lip or ride up too much. A slightly raised tip of the nose gives a perky, sociable facial expression. The transition from the back of the organ to the tip should be uniform and smooth.

The ideal nose should not be completely straight. Regular features suggest the presence of a small hump and a slightly raised tip. However, the hump should not exceed 2 mm in size, since large parameters give the face some predation and savagery.

They get sick less often

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It also turned out that a large nose also better protects its owner from bacteria, allergens and infections.

According to a study conducted at the University of Iowa

people with large noses inhale 7 times less pollutants than those who do not have outstanding size

The nose serves as a barrier of sorts that keeps germs away from the mouth.

Scientists have found that prominent facial features such as the nose and lips reduce the entry of dust particles, pollen and bacteria into the body, thereby reducing the risk of infection.

Female standard of beauty

The ideal nose of a girl has been studied by many scientists, based on an analysis of the faces of beautiful girls of ancient times and modern beauties.

In Ancient Egypt, the standard of beauty was a slender, graceful woman with a straight nose, big eyes and huge lips. In Ancient Greece, the standard of beauty was the sculpture of Aphrodite, who had a straight nose profile, large expressive eyes and a majestic posture. The Greek profile was emphasized by straight lines of the chin, mouth and nose, and a low forehead.

Modern research was carried out by American scientists under the leadership of Professor Omar Ahmed. They looked for the formula for a woman's ideal nose and came to the conclusion that its beauty depends on the angle formed by the base of the nose and the line connecting its tip to the lips. In a study of four thousand girls, a focus group and online users rated faces with noses ranging from 96 to 116 degrees. After processing the results, it turned out that the optimal angle was 106 degrees. The singer, famous model and actress Scarlett Johansson has such a neat, slightly upturned nose. It is with a nose like hers that girls want to see a plastic surgeon.

Now there is no standard of beauty. Individuality is valued. More and more often, European designers invite girls of atypical appearance to the catwalk.

A big nose is a sign of wisdom and power

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Since ancient times, the nose has been a symbol of reputation, perhaps due to the fact that it is one of the most prominent organs and is located in the center of the face.

The ancient Egyptians considered a large nose to be a sign of wisdom.

. The Greeks and Romans placed great importance on the beauty of the nose and preferred long and prominent noses, considering a large nose to be a symbol of power and strength.

Physiognomists believe that those with a large nose are more responsible and valued at work and in society. Most often they rely only on themselves, are self-confident and ambitious


If you are building a relationship with a man with a big nose, you should remember that he tends to set high standards for his chosen ones and is a perfectionist. Unfortunately, it can be very difficult to change this man's opinion.

The ideal nose according to Leonardo da Vinci

The Italian scientist, artist and scientist in the 15th-16th centuries gave the most complete idea of ​​the model of perfect proportions of the face and body. He devoted a number of studies to this topic, drew sketches and drew conclusions about ideal proportions. A feeling of harmony appears if the figure is based on symmetry and the principle of the golden ratio. This principle is that the human body is composed of components that stand in a certain relationship to each other and to the whole.

To measure the parameters of the nose and check the principle of the golden proportion, you will need a facial profile and measuring instruments: a ruler, a pencil and a protractor.

The parameters of the nose become ideal if its length corresponds to one third of the height of the face, and the height of the tip is equal to two thirds of the back of the nose.

Is it possible to remove a hump on the nose at home?

The author of the Facebook building method, Carol Maggio, will answer unequivocally “Yes.” To do this you need to do special exercises. However, it is possible to reduce a hump on the nose only if it is completely cartilaginous, since bone tissue cannot be removed using gymnastics.

Carol suggests two exercises:

1) Tighten your hips, buttocks, and pull in your stomach. Grab the bridge of your nose with your index finger and thumb, then gently but firmly press down on your nose.

2) Press the tip with your index finger, lifting it. Hold this position for 8-10 seconds.

Each exercise must be repeated 35 times and done twice a day. Only then is it possible to eliminate the nasal hump. If classes are stopped, the effect does not persist.

How to make a beautiful nose?

Nature has endowed man with an individual appearance. But what if there are flaws and need to be hidden? There are many ways to achieve image harmony and improve your appearance.

Let's look at some of them:

  • With the help of makeup, you can visually enlarge or reduce different parts of the face. With a slight movement of powder and foundation, you can create the perfect nose for a girl.
  • Using a hairstyle, you can emphasize your face shape and hide imperfections.
  • Radical methods of changing appearance include plastic surgery. If a person has serious congenital or acquired defects, for example, curvature of an organ after an injury, then rhinoplasty will help cope with this problem.

Every person is unique. The idea of ​​a perfect face and an ideal nose is subjective and changes all the time. By properly emphasizing your strengths, you can achieve harmony in your appearance and significantly increase your self-esteem.

Rhinoplasty - surgery to remove a hump on the nose

Plastic surgery is the most reliable and accurate method of removing a hump - cartilage or bone. Access can be open (through an external incision) or closed (through the mucous membrane). Plastic surgery is performed under general anesthesia and lasts 1-2 hours.

! See also More about rhinoplasty: choosing a method, before and after results

Main stages:

1) Opening the skin to access the hump.

2) Incision of the cartilage and its gradual removal.

3) Cutting the bone to the desired level, grinding.

4) Cutting the side slopes and then moving them to a new position to give the back a natural roundness.

We have described the main stages of open access surgery. When closed, the technique is slightly different. The method of intervention is always chosen individually, based on the characteristics of the patient’s nasal structures.

Physiognomy - nose. What does its length mean?

A long nose.

Owners of such noses are balanced people, with a good and sometimes even a great sense of humor. These are people of action and that is why they often strive for power.

Such people are also stubborn. But this gives them the strength to overcome all difficulties.

You can almost always rely on a person with a long nose. Nature has given them responsibility.

They defend their moral principles. And most often such people lead a measured and correct lifestyle.

A long nose is considered the nose of thinkers.

Short nose.

Owners of such a nose are subject to outside influence. The approval of others is very important to them. For example: from parents, bosses or from their other halves.

They are also very open and willing to communicate people. They are often very attractive to the opposite sex. They have a flexible and rather soft character. But it is worth remembering that such people are also impulsive.

These people are very open, optimistic and talkative.

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