What is Xeomin and how does it differ from other botulinum toxin preparations?

From this article you will learn:
  • which is better Xeomin or Botox: reviews, videos,
  • instructions for use (PDF),
  • Xeomin price per unit for 2022.

Xeomin® is a drug for botulinum therapy, which can easily be classified as a new generation of botulinum toxins, because it contains only pure botulinum toxin type A, almost completely free of complexing proteins (why this is important and what these proteins affect - we will tell you below). The drug is available in bottles of 50 and 100 units. Manufacturer – German

The drug entered the German market in 2005, and already in 2011 it received approval from the FDA (Federal Bureau of Pharmaceutical Quality Control in the United States) and is now widely used throughout the world. This drug has 2 key advantages that distinguish it from botulinum toxins from other manufacturers. Firstly, as we have already said, there are no complexing proteins, and secondly, this drug can be stored at room temperature for 48 months without requiring a refrigerator or freezer.

Xeomin (release forms 50 and 100 units) –

Such storage conditions guarantee the cosmetologist that the drug will definitely work. After all, any violation of the temperature regime for storing a bottle of Botox, Dysport, Refinex, Botulax and others (from the moment of production until the moment of dilution of the drug in the clinic) leads to complete or partial denaturation of botulinum toxin molecules and a decrease in its effectiveness. With the exception of Xeomin, botulinum toxin preparations from any other manufacturer should be stored until dilution either in the freezer or in the refrigerator at a temperature of 2-8 degrees Celsius.

Botulinum therapy with the drug Xeomin gives the doctor confidence that the effectiveness of the drug will not be affected in any way by the conditional Vasya Pupkin, who accidentally turns off the power supply to the refrigerator where this drug was stored before it was delivered to the clinic. And the patient can also be calm, because... possible power outages in the clinic also cannot in any way affect the effectiveness of the drug. And for this I really like Xeomin, although we also need to return to the topic of complexing proteins, the presence of which leads to the production by the immune system of special antibodies that neutralize botulinum toxin.

What is Xeomin (Xeomin)

Xeomin is a drug used in botulinum therapy, based on botulinum toxin type A. Injections with Xeomin are used to eliminate age-related changes, primarily to smooth out dynamic wrinkles in various areas of the face. The drug was developed in Germany by Merz Aesthetics; today it is successfully used in almost all countries, including Russia. Xeomin is one of the most modern and newest drugs; it has appeared on the German market since 2005. Almost all drugs used in botulinum therapy are demanding regarding the conditions of their maintenance, because retain their effective properties only when stored in refrigerators at low temperatures. The advantage of Xeomin is obvious here - this drug can be stored at room temperature for 48 months, without requiring special refrigerators and freezers. Xeomin’s advertising slogan is: “Xeomin gets rid of wrinkles, but not facial expressions.” And this is true - the active substance of xeomin, compared to other botulinum drugs, has the lowest molecular weight, thanks to this, the muscles are blocked as selectively as possible, facial expressions are completely preserved.

Comparison of the composition of various botulinum toxins –

Below you are presented with table No. 1, which shows that the drug Xeomin contains botulinum toxin molecules with a molecular weight of only 150 kDa. This is a big plus, because... several times increases the resistance of botulinum toxin molecules to denaturation, for example, when a cosmetologist makes mistakes when diluting and mixing the drug with saline. Botulinum toxin molecules are very delicate, and therefore too rapid introduction of saline solution into the bottle or subsequent vigorous shaking of it leads to partial denaturation of the toxin molecules and a decrease in its effectiveness.

Table No. 1 – (comparison of the composition of drugs for botulinum therapy: Xeomin, Dysport, Botox, etc.)

Also, a number of scientific studies indicate that the small molecular weight of the toxin is one of the factors that facilitate the diffusion of the solution into tissues after injection (i.e., the spread of the solution in the tissues). But this factor is considered only secondary, and the degree of diffusion is more influenced, for example, by the anatomical features of the injection zone, as well as the volume of solution removed at each point. For example, if you remove 0.05 ml of a solution containing 2 units of botulinum toxin at each point, then the degree of diffusion will be less than if at each point you remove 0.1 ml of a solution also containing 2 units of toxin.

In addition to the possibility of storing the drug at room temperature, cosmetologists' reviews of Xeomin are positive due to the almost complete absence of complexing proteins (from which botulinum toxin molecules are technologically very difficult to get rid of during their production). For example, in the first versions of the drug Botox® there were 2 times more complexing proteins than in the modern version of this drug. Currently, Botox contains only 4.6 ng of protein, and Xeomin contains only 0.6 ng. This is important because the amount of complex-forming proteins affects the rate of development of the body's resistance to botulinum toxin.


Botulinum therapy is a serious trend in cosmetology, which involves the injection of botulinum toxin into muscle tissue.
Remember that such procedures must be carried out by highly qualified specialists with higher medical education! Xeomin or any other neuroprotein in inexperienced hands can harm not only the appearance, but also the health of the patient. Before carrying out the injection procedure, a responsible, experienced doctor will definitely collect an anamnesis, carry out the necessary procedures, make prescriptions, if any, and eliminate all risks. Injections are indicated for absolutely healthy patients; if there are signs of acute respiratory viral infection or any other cold, the procedure is not performed. Also, the procedure is impossible during the period of exacerbation of any chronic diseases. It is imperative that the skin at the injection sites be free of any inflammatory processes or wounds.

One hundred percent contraindications include the following factors: - the patient’s age is under 16 years; — pregnancy and lactation; — allergies to medications, individual intolerance; - fever, ARVI and any other infectious diseases; — chronic diseases of the nervous system; — chronic diseases of the circulatory system; - oncological diseases; - diabetes; - the presence of inflammatory processes on the skin (ulcers, wounds and other injuries) - taking antibiotics and other potent drugs; - various lung diseases.

Scope of application of Xeomin in cosmetology

Like its analogues, Xeomin works on the principle of a muscle relaxant and a “soft” blocker of the susceptibility of muscle fibers to nerve impulses. Additionally, it stops the activity of the sweat glands, so it can be used as a local medicine against hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating). The second application option is less common, because In the fight against hyperhidrosis, Botox has proven itself most well, and Xeomin and Dysport are inferior to it in this case.

Indications for Xeomin injections

With the help of Xeomin, expression wrinkles are most often corrected in the upper and lower thirds of the face, as well as in the neck area. The drug is almost never used in the treatment of hyperhidrosis.

The drug is administered to the following areas:

  • Forehead (to smooth out horizontal and vertical wrinkles of the forehead / bridge of the nose);
  • Area around the eyes (to smooth out wrinkles in the outer corners of the eyes, the nasolacrimal area and on the cheeks);
  • Nasolabial triangle (to smooth out radial wrinkles around the mouth);
  • Neck and décolleté (to smooth out vertical “cobweb” wrinkles).

To correct one zone, from 2 to 30 units of the drug are required, depending on its size and the severity of the initial problems.

Xeomin effect

It is important to know that xeomin is not an anti-aging agent; xeomin does not produce collagen, which is responsible for the strength of the body’s connective tissue. Xeomin is a drug that relaxes the muscles that cause facial wrinkles and allows them to rest. But externally, the effect of xeomin injection looks exactly like rejuvenation. Thanks to the relaxation of facial muscles, we get an amazing effect - wrinkles in the eyes, lips, forehead and other areas of the face are smoothed out. In addition to smoothing existing ones, the formation of new wrinkles also stops. The skin is transformed and restored, while all functions of facial mobility are completely preserved. Thanks to injections with Xeomin, the contours of the face and its oval are improved. Wrinkles are smoothed out, cheekbones and jawline become more pronounced. The corners of the mouth rise, due to this the sad, mourning expression on the face disappears. The look becomes more expressive and open, wrinkles around the eyes disappear.

Correction of facial wrinkles with Xeomin

Upper face

The most common target for correction using botulinum toxin injections in aesthetic dermatology is the glabella area. This is the area where the proud muscle (m. procerus) is located, which starts from the nasal bone and attaches to the skin of the forehead. It is this muscle that forms the transverse folds between the eyebrows, which beautifies the appearance of men, but worries women who want to have softer features.

In the area of ​​the glabella, vertical wrinkles formed as a result of the activity of m. are also eliminated. corrugator supercilii - “brow furrower.” Another common feature of the upper face is horizontal forehead wrinkles, formed by the fibers of the frontal belly m. occipitofrontalis (m. epicranius). It should be borne in mind that an overdose of the drug or an injection too close to the eyebrows can lead to ptosis (drooping). Therefore, the drug is administered no closer than 2 cm from the eyebrow line. There is one more circumstance: due to the lateral distribution of the fibers of the frontal muscle, an asymmetrical skew of the eyebrows or excessive raising of one of them is possible (the “surprise” pose). In this case, appropriate corrective injections are made to lower the eyebrows.

Periorbital region

Correction of “crow’s feet”—a network of wrinkles localized at the lateral canthus (“crow’s feet”)—is extremely popular. Their occurrence is due to excessive contraction of the lateral part of the orbicularis oculi muscle - m. orbicularis oculi, as well as to some extent the muscles involved in the formation of a smile - m. zygomaticus and m. risorius.

To detect these wrinkles, it is necessary to ask the patient to actively smile in order to detect the “foot” (or “mesh”) of periorbital wrinkles.

Middle and lower face, nose, lips

In this area, one most often encounters cosmetic correction of the mouth and lips. First of all, especially women, they are concerned about radial wrinkles around the lips, or “smoker's lines”. For correction, injections are made into the orbicularis oris muscle - m. orbicularis oris.

Nasolabial folds are currently filled with fillers. However, in some cases, botulinum toxin is injected directly lateral to the wing of the nose. The target muscles, as a rule, are the levator labii superioris muscle - m. levator labii superioris alaeque nasi and the muscle involved in the formation of a smile - mm. zigomatici.

In the nose, the object of manipulation is m, nasalis, which is involved in the formation of wrinkles on the nose - “rabbit lines”.

Neck area

Neck bands are the most striking and inexorable sign of aging skin, causing so much concern to women. Botulinum toxin immediately established itself as a life-saving remedy. Vertical beams are easier to correct. Usually, several injections are made into each cord m. Platysma, which may cause weakness in the neck muscles and difficulty swallowing. As for the horizontal lines on the neck – the “necklace” lines – botulinum therapy is also used here, but with less success and requires the use of other methods.

Onset of therapeutic action The therapeutic effect of BTA appears 2–3 days after administration, the peak therapeutic effect occurs after 7–12 days. This effect gradually decreases and muscle spasm returns.

Duration of action The therapeutic effect of botulinum toxin is temporary when administered in small doses, and therefore muscle contraction is gradually restored. Although the binding of the toxin is irreversible, recovery occurs through the growth of new nerve endings and the creation of new neuromuscular junctions. This circumstance explains the temporary effect of therapeutic doses, which lasts from 3 to 6 months.

Cost of procedures

NamePrice for 1 procedure
Injections of botulinum toxin preparations (Xeomin), for 1 unit.380 rub.

Xeomin, Botox or Dysport?

All three drugs are neuroproteins used in botulinum therapy, the active component of which is botulinum toxin type A, which blocks neuromuscular transmission.
Similarities of drugs

— active component – ​​botulinum toxin type A; — all three drugs are officially registered, approved for use in Russia and have all the relevant supporting certificates; — correction of facial wrinkles is the main task of these drugs in cosmetology; — all drugs are safe, but to carry out an injection procedure using any of the listed drugs, an experienced certified cosmetologist is required.

Differences between Xeomin and other botulinum-containing drugs

— xeomin has a low molecular weight; — Xeomin is produced in Germany, Botox is produced in America, Dysport is a French drug; — all preparations contain different concentrations of botulinum toxin, which affects the number of units required for the correction and smoothing of wrinkles. Thus, the cost of one unit of the drug may be more expensive, but less quantity will be needed to obtain the desired result. And vice versa - the cost of a unit of the drug may be much cheaper, but more units will be needed for the procedure. As a result, the final cost of the procedure with any of the possible botulinum toxins is approximately the same. Therefore, when choosing the type of botulinum toxin, it is better to be guided by your doctor’s advice, and not by its cost. — the drug Xeomin does not contain complexing proteins, therefore it is most suitable for correcting age-related changes and smoothing wrinkles for patients who often experience allergic reactions to medications; — xeomin is purified from complexing proteins, it has a low molecular weight, and therefore the risk of addiction to the drug and the reaction of the immune system to it is minimal; — xeomin has the lowest molecular weight, thanks to which natural facial expressions are preserved; - xeomin, unlike other botulinum toxins, is stored at room temperature up to 25 degrees, the shelf life is longer - 48 months;

What are the advantages of Xeomin?

Due to the fact that Xeomin is maximally purified from protein, this gives it many advantages over other botulinum toxins:

  • Xeomin has the smallest molecular weight (among the known botulinum toxins), so it does not cause allergic reactions or immune rejection;
  • Xeomin does not cause addiction, each subsequent procedure is as effective as the previous one;
  • Xeomin acts only on the desired muscle, which allows you to preserve natural facial expressions;
  • And perhaps the most compelling argument: no cases of serious complications caused by the drug have been recorded!

Xeomin: how long does its effect last and how quickly will the result come?

The main and frequently asked question of many patients is: how long will the effect of the procedure last?
The exact duration of action of botulinum toxin xeomin cannot be determined. Usually this is 3-6 months, in some cases there is a longer lasting effect. The duration of the drug's effect on the muscles depends on various factors - the amount of the drug administered, the depth of the wrinkles, the age of the patient, and the characteristics of the body's metabolism. The body’s immune system also has an effect – it can provoke a rapid weakening of the drug’s effect on facial muscles.

The effect of the drug Xeomin occurs gradually and intensifies over time. The first results after Xeomin injections are visible already on days 2-3, and the final result will be obvious on days 12-14, when the muscles that cause facial wrinkles are completely relaxed.

As a rule, the results after injections with Xeomin last 3-4 months, then the effect of the drug begins to weaken, because the relaxing effect of xeomin on the facial muscles ends. The residual effect of the drug Xeomin can persist for up to two months, and after six months the procedure is recommended to be repeated.

Xeomin: price per unit

For Xeomin, the price per unit in Moscow and the regions will be approximately the same - this is approximately 280 rubles per 1 unit. Let us remember that one unit of Xeomin has 100% therapeutic equivalence to 1 unit of Botox, therefore the same dosages are used for these drugs in different zones. The selection of dosages is individual for each patient and takes into account, among other things, the expression of the facial muscles. For example, to eliminate crow's feet at the outer corners of the eyes, 10-12 units of Xeomin are recommended on each side.

For injections of Xeomin into the forehead, 20 units are usually sufficient, but in patients with pronounced facial muscles, a little more may be required. A total dose of 20 units is recommended for the area between the eyebrows, but with very pronounced muscles in this area, sometimes up to 28 units. It should be noted that different specialists prefer different dosages. For crow's feet in the corners of the eyes, the standard dose is 20-30 units (for women usually 20-25 units, for men - 25-30 units).

Recommended dosages of Xeomin by zone –

But some doctors work in small dosages, for example, they place only 3-5 units of Xeomin on each side at the outer corners of the eyes. Such dosages, of course, will not give a pronounced effect, and besides, in this case it will last, say, not 5 months, but only 2-3 months. In addition to the number of units, it is important to observe the degree of dilution of the drug Xeomin (24stoma.ru). For example, to correct the eyebrow area, it is more effective and safer to use a dilution of 100 IU per 1.0 ml of saline solution (50 IU per 0.5 ml), and to correct other areas, use a standard dilution of 100 IU per 2.5 ml of saline solution.

Thus, it turns out that to correct the eyebrows, more concentrated solutions should be used, which will ensure less diffusion of the drug in the tissues. If you use 20 units of Xeomin in the area between the eyebrows with a standard dilution, this will result in a shorter duration of effect. Therefore, when you come to a cosmetologist and the bottle has already been diluted earlier, this a priori means that it was diluted with a standard volume of solution of 2.5 ml, which automatically means a shorter lasting result.

Cost of the procedure

Elimination of expression wrinkles with the drug Xeomin: 1 unit – 300 rubles 50 units – 13,000 rubles
Before carrying out the procedure, a consultation with a cosmetologist is necessary. More detailed information about visiting a cosmetologist and the cost of services can be obtained by calling: +7 (3452) 65-94-32. Or leave a request for a call back, we will call you back within a day.

The professionalism and experience of the doctor, correctly selected doses, the correct method of administering injections, strict adherence to sterility and many other important factors are the key to an excellent result.

Carry out injection cosmetic procedures only in specialized clinics with experienced cosmetologists, take care of yourself, love yourself and be irresistible!

The article was checked by: Deputy General Director of the Nanoesthetic Clinic, Candidate of Medical Sciences, cosmetologist, trichologist, Elena Andreevna Makhneva.

How is the procedure done?

Let us immediately draw your attention to the fact that Xeomin can only be administered by doctors with special training. The specialist sets the dosage and number of injections for each patient individually. In the medical network you are guaranteed maximum safety and results.

The Xeomin administration procedure takes about 3-4 minutes. It will not cause any discomfort - the injections are completely painless.

The therapeutic effect of botulinum toxin will form after a couple of days, but the maximum cosmetic effect will become noticeable on days 10-17. The result from the injection lasts from 3 to 6 months.

It is also worth noting that to achieve maximum effect, you should follow some rules. After the procedure, it is not recommended for several days:

  • massage the face and apply cosmetics;
  • drinking alcohol;
  • visit a sauna, steam bath or solarium;
  • engage in sports or physical labor;
  • Take certain medications (blood clotting drugs and antibiotics) for 2 weeks.


Botox is still considered the most effective in the fight against wrinkles, despite newer analogues. The procedure is also painless; the thinnest cannulas are used. Botox injections can be used on the face and neck, décolleté and hands. In the fight against hyperhidrosis, Botox is considered the most successful. It can be diluted and the concentration selected individually.

Botox. Photo from the Instagram of clinic doctor Lydia Kogan. There are contraindications, specialist consultation is required

The most important advantage of Botox is its quick effect. It is achieved already on the third day. The skin is evened out, the face looks younger. The effect lasts longer than analogues - up to 1 year.

As a result of research into the effect of Botox on the skin, it was found that it increases skin elasticity and is also an effective remedy for tightening the forehead and narrowing pores.

Botox. Elimination of facial wrinkles. Post on Instagram by clinic doctor Lydia Kogan.

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