Expression wrinkles on the face: causes of appearance and methods of correction

Every day our face makes thousands of muscle contractions while we smile, laugh, become indignant and angry, expressing our emotions through facial expressions.

At a very young age, due to its elasticity, the skin quickly returns to its original state as soon as the facial muscles involved in facial expressions relax. But over time, the structure of the skin changes, its elasticity is lost and small creases form at the site of muscle contractions, which are called expression wrinkles.

Expression wrinkles are the first signs of age-related skin changes. And in order to preserve youthful skin for as long as possible, you need to consult a specialist: a cosmetologist will help you choose the right skin care and select a technique for the prevention and correction of facial wrinkles.

Reasons for appearance

Active facial expressions are not the only cause of early facial wrinkles. There are several factors that affect the condition of the skin, reducing its firmness and elasticity:

  • insufficient skin care;
  • influence of the external environment (water quality, air pollution, climate (sharp fluctuations in humidity and air temperature));
  • photoaging (frequent exposure to the sun, lack of skin protection from ultraviolet radiation);
  • low-quality cosmetics;
  • thin and dry skin (usually expression lines appear and become noticeable at the age of 30, but with this type of skin they can appear up to 25 years);
  • congenital hyperactivity of muscle fibers in a certain area (the area around the eyes, on the forehead);
  • diseases of internal organs;
  • bad habits (smoking, alcohol).

Wrinkle correction methods

Depending on the type of facial expression, you can choose an effective way to get rid of wrinkles.

The possibilities of modern cosmetology make it possible to correct any wrinkles in a minimally invasive way, i.e. without surgery:

  • Hardware techniques. This could be Doublo ultrasonic lifting, Picosure laser rejuvenation, Quantum Luminis photorejuvenation.
  • Injection therapy: biorevitalization, mesotherapy, contouring, botulinum therapy.
  • Professional care cosmetics, selected individually.

Without delving into the specifics of this or that method, we strongly advise you to contact our clinic to select the most suitable option for you to correct and get rid of wrinkles. You need to remember that it is unlikely that you will be able to deal with wrinkles using some one-time miracle procedure. You shouldn’t go to the other extreme, believing that defeating wrinkles is possible only through a long, grueling, endless struggle. Together we will determine the optimal sequence and frequency of actions and procedures that will definitely lead to success.

Related factors

In addition to the main reasons that provoke the appearance of facial wrinkles, there are also associated factors that make them more pronounced:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • passion for solarium and sunbathing contribute to a decrease in skin firmness and elasticity;
  • hormonal changes, due to which facial wrinkles can become more noticeable;
  • diets and lack of nutrients contribute to the deterioration of skin quality and the early appearance of wrinkles;
  • stress and nervous shock (any stress has a negative effect on the skin);
  • any active facial expressions (the habit of pursing your lips, the habit of frowning during a conversation, squinting, etc.) provokes the appearance of early wrinkles.

If age-related wrinkles form at a more mature age, then the first facial wrinkles appear quite early and it is more difficult to resist them, because our facial expressions work constantly.

It is worth mentioning that the fight against expression wrinkles is immediately doomed to failure if you neglect skin care and do not monitor your health, since any changes in the skin largely depend on these factors.

What to do to avoid wrinkles

Not a single representative of the human race has yet managed to avoid the appearance of wrinkles. But creating conditions under which wrinkles appear later and in smaller quantities is a solvable task.

You should start with the basics:

  • get enough sleep;
  • drink coffee in moderation;
  • increase the share of vegetables and fruits in the diet;
  • quit smoking (no matter how difficult it is);
  • increase physical activity in any way comfortable for yourself;
  • leaving the city more often for walks in nature;
  • spend less time in the sun (if this is not possible, use cosmetics with SPF protection and wear sunglasses);
  • reduce the time you use your smartphone;
  • use a humidifier in the rooms where you spend the most time;
  • change your pillowcase every three days, avoid high pillows.

Despite all the banality of these tips, the benefits of following them are very great.

Another important action on this path is the correct use of cosmetics. They should correspond to your current age, skin type and condition. Don't get too carried away with cleansing your skin. Using a scrub more than once a week and constantly using cleansing lotions or toners leads to skin becoming too dry. Dry skin inevitably contributes to the formation of wrinkles. No need to squeeze pimples. This way you injure the skin and give rise to small wrinkles.

Recommendations from cosmetologists

It is impossible to completely avoid the appearance of facial wrinkles, but it is quite possible to slow down the aging process.

Prevention of the early appearance of facial wrinkles must include:

  • skincare treatments: facial massage and deep cleansing improve skin condition and help delay the appearance of wrinkles;
  • proper skin care must include creams, sun protection, nourishing and moisturizing masks suitable for the condition and type of skin;
  • timely injection and hardware procedures serve as excellent prevention of skin aging;
  • A healthy lifestyle is also very important: good sleep, sports, physical exercise, facial fitness exercises, a balanced diet, and the absence of bad habits are necessary for beautiful and youthful skin.

Types of wrinkles

There is no uniform classification of wrinkles. For example, cosmetologists differentiate them due to their formation:

  • mimic - can form at a fairly young age;
  • gravitational – formed as a result of sagging skin;
  • age-related – appear as a result of the natural aging processes of the skin.

In turn, expression wrinkles are divided into two types:

  • dynamic - in a relaxed state they are invisible, appear when the muscles on the face are active;
  • static - do not disappear regardless of muscle activity.

If we go deeper and analyze the types of facial expressions, then, of course, a person’s temperament plays an important role, for example:

The hyperkinetic type is usually characteristic of choleric people; such people are characterized by pronounced facial expressions.

Normokinetic type - most often observed in sanguine people. This type is characterized by a harmonious pattern of facial expressions.

Hypokinetic type - usually phlegmatic and melancholic people who have “poor” facial expressions.

How to get rid of facial wrinkles?

There are many effective techniques:

  • hardware correction of facial wrinkles (phototherapy, laser resurfacing, microcurrent therapy);
  • botulinum therapy (Botox and other drugs based on botulinum toxin allow you to temporarily block the active work of facial muscles and thereby, by relaxing the muscles, remove facial wrinkles on the forehead);
  • contouring using hyaluronic acid fillers to fill existing deep wrinkles;
  • comprehensive skin care procedures to prevent the early appearance of wrinkles;
  • PRP therapy (plasmolifting);
  • SPRS therapy to treat the skin and increase its cellular potential, that is, its ability to heal itself;
  • mesotherapy with a personally selected cocktail of vitamins and nutrients;
  • biorevitalization.

Before making injections in a clinic or testing other beauty procedures, it is important to first hear the expert opinion of a cosmetologist.

Each method has its own indications and nuances; its effectiveness in your case can only be assessed by a doctor during a face-to-face consultation.

Expression and static wrinkles

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    Recommended Procedures
  • Biorevitalization, Botulinum therapy
  • Contour plastic surgery, SMAS lifting
  • Thread lifting, Photorejuvenation

Wrinkles are visible linear skin defects that occur in places of facial muscle facial activity, at the bottom of folds and furrows.

There are facial (dynamic) and static wrinkles.

Facial expressions are a manifestation of our emotions, and they are characteristic and individual for each person. Some of us have the habit of frowning, raising an eyebrow, or squinting while laughing. Most often these are unconscious movements up to 10,000 times a day! Expression wrinkles are visible only at the moment of muscle contraction and are not noticeable at rest. They appear as linear depressions in the skin, but without disturbing the structure of the skin itself. They appear at the age of 18-25 years.

The localization of such wrinkles is most often: the area between the eyebrows (we frown) horizontal forehead wrinkles (we are surprised) from the outer corners of the eyes (we laugh) from the inner corners of the eyes (wrinkle our nose)

Where there is increased muscle activity, prolonged formation of a skin fold leads to structural damage in the form of thinning of the skin and scarring at the bottom of this fold. Thus, static wrinkles at the locations of facial wrinkles. But they become permanent and noticeable even at rest. This type of wrinkle may be familiar to people after 30 years of age.

Static wrinkles also occur due to dryness and impaired skin elasticity. We see small lines on the surface of the skin - wrinkles. They most often appear on the skin of the forehead, cheeks and neck. Also, permanent wrinkles are formed as a result of gravitational ptosis. When the soft tissues of the face move downward, folds are formed, at the bottom of which wrinkles are subsequently formed: nasolabial, vertical parotid, cheek-zygomatic, chin, etc.

The severity of wrinkles depends on age, facial activity, skin quality (turgor, moisture, regenerative ability), and the thickness of subcutaneous fat. The importance of external factors is also important: ecology, smoking, intoxication, sun rays (photoaging), stress, improper care. Early aging can also be associated with improper functioning of internal organs, nervous pathology, malocclusion or missing teeth, and incorrect sleeping posture.

In addition, wrinkles can be divided into superficial and deep. Superficial are located at the level of the epidermis and upper layers of the dermis. Deep ones are located at the level of the middle and lower third of the dermis and arise as a result of chronological aging and hormonal levels.

Methods for correcting wrinkles

To correct expression lines and prevent the formation of static wrinkles, the procedure of choice is botulinum therapy (Botox, Dysport). The drug is administered intramuscularly in the localization of facial wrinkles. This technique removes excess muscle activity, relaxing them, but leaving them active. This is called the “living face” technique. There is no complete immobility, a “mask-like” face. Facial expressions remain natural and lively.

Correction of facial wrinkles with DISPORT in our video on YouTube:

Treatment of static wrinkles using blanching in our YouTube video:

To prevent and combat fine wrinkles, proper home care, sun protection and medical procedures are necessary.

These include: Mesotherapy - injections of biologically active substances based on hyaluronic acid. Helps moisturize the skin, nourishes it, saturating it with microelements and vitamins;

Biorevitalization is an injection procedure that allows the skin to maintain the necessary level of hydration by delivering Hyaluronic acid to the deep layers of the skin. The result of the procedure is the smoothing of small superficial wrinkles and the prevention of the appearance of deep ones;

Plasmacytotherapy Endoret - injections of plasma with activated rasta factors - real biological rejuvenation of the skin;

Chemical peels “remove” the top layer of skin, renewing it, smoothing out fine wrinkles, narrowing pores;

Hardware massage enhances metabolism, production of collagen and elastin, returns the skin to a healthy, well-groomed appearance;

RF lifting is a hardware procedure that can give a lifting effect without rehabilitation and after the first session. Helps increase skin elasticity and density. Microneedling RF lifting has a much more pronounced effect due to deep stimulation of the skin;

Laser resurfacing (peeling/rejuvenation) - healing the skin and improving its quality under the influence of a laser. As a result: reduction of skin area, correction of photoaging defects.

Professional cosmetic care supports the skin and helps it maintain a fresh, well-groomed appearance.

When wrinkles form as a result of folds due to gravitational ptosis, contour plastic surgery with hyaluronic acid fillers and thread lifting .

Only after a medical examination and collection of anamnesis about the presence of contraindications, taking into account the clinical picture, is a plan drawn up for the prevention and medical correction of existing age-related manifestations. It is important to know that prevention of wrinkles is always better, because treating wrinkles is a long, labor-intensive process.

In our medical center you will receive highly qualified medical advice and the widest possible range of services.


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How to remove wrinkles under and around the eyes?

Wrinkles under and around the eyes most often appear earlier than in other areas. This is due to the fact that the skin in this area is thin and does not have a fat layer. Wrinkles form in the eye area as a result of active facial expressions. The first small wrinkles can appear at the age of 20-25 years; the older a person gets, the deeper they become.

It is unlikely that you will be able to remove wrinkles under the eyes at home. It is possible to maintain the condition of existing wrinkles and slow down the process of the appearance of new wrinkles using cosmetics. Products with hyaluronic acid moisturize the skin well, while products with peptides replenish the lack of collagen and elastin.

To eliminate wrinkles around the eyes, hardware techniques and injection therapy are mainly used. They have a pronounced effect and give quick results. Either one method is used, or several at once to enhance the effect.

  • Mesotherapy effectively eliminates even deep wrinkles. The procedure is carried out by injection with drugs in the form of cocktails.
  • Biorevitalization is suitable for eliminating skin folds and is aimed at filling them with hyaluronic acid
  • Botulinum therapy perfectly corrects facial wrinkles. The effect is achieved by blocking nerve impulses with botulinum type A.

Hardware methods:

  • Laser rejuvenation effectively eliminates both facial and age-related skin changes.
  • Photorejuvenation – the procedure has a long-lasting effect of up to 3 years, the skin will look tightened and elastic.

How to remove wrinkles between eyebrows?

The vertical furrows between the eyebrows are one of the first wrinkles to appear on the face; they give the face a gloomy and gloomy appearance.

To correct this type of wrinkles, the following are used:

  • Botoxotherapy is a serum with a rejuvenating effect. Thanks to this injection, the forehead relaxes and wrinkles are smoothed out. The effect of the procedure lasts up to 6 months.
  • Fillers are injections of serum with hyaluronic acid. The consistency of the serum is very plastic, it fills wrinkles and smoothes them, and also promotes collagen production. The effect of the procedure lasts from 6 to 10 months.

Clinical manifestations

Wrinkles can appear at any age, but more often after 40 years. Typically, between 40 and 50 years, noticeable facial (dynamic) wrinkles form, and after 50 years, static wrinkles begin to form - first in the form of fine lines, gradually deepening to large furrows.

Wrinkling and sagging are the “leading” problems of fair skin (I–III), while hyperpigmentation and uneven shade are characteristic of dark phototypes (IV–VI) ( Fig. 2 ).

Experts have developed a photographic scale to assess the degree of skin wrinkling. When using it, it was found that wrinkling increases with age in the following areas (in ascending order):

Bridge of the nose → nasolabial folds → perioral region → forehead → cheeks → upper eyelid → lower eyelid → periorbital region.

There are differences in the time of appearance and severity of wrinkles between residents of the northern and southern regions (even of the same country). For example, in one of the studies, a comparative analysis of skin aging of two Japanese groups was carried out: from the north (Kagoshima) and the south of the country (Akita). People living in the northern regions were distinguished by a greater number of wrinkles on the face, the presence of age spots, yellow and rougher skin, and reduced moisture in the stratum corneum of the epidermis compared to residents of the southern regions. According to quantitative estimates, the skin of northern residents looked on average 8 years older when assessed by facial wrinkles, and 16 years older when assessed by pigmentation.

Rice. 2. Gradual formation of fine wrinkles on the face (from left to right)

How wrinkles form

Under the influence of a number of reasons (more about them below), the nutrition and blood circulation of the dermis and subcutaneous fat, as well as facial muscles, deteriorate.

Cell division slows down. Normally, the cell cycle is 28 days; after 30 years, +1 day is added annually. Wrinkles on the skin are “fixed” and turn from mimic wrinkles into creases, because Dead, but not exfoliated, keartinocytes accumulate on the surface.

The work of fibroblasts slows down, the production of new collagen fibers decreases. The skin loses firmness and elasticity.

The functioning of the sebaceous glands is disrupted, plus a lack of synthesis of young collagen leads to dryness and the formation of voids in the skin and the formation of wrinkles.

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