From lifting to mesotherapy. What procedures will tighten the stomach?

Dermatovenerologist-cosmetologist Ekaterina Mikaelyan says :

— All salon procedures for eliminating the tummy do not replace, but complement each other. First you need to decide what problem will be initially fixed. If these are excess fat deposits, then you need to start with mesotherapy with lipoleptic cocktails. In addition to mesotherapy, a cosmetologist must prescribe a massage procedure and various hardware techniques. When the layer of fatty tissue on the abdomen reaches the required thickness, the thread lifting technique is added to the remaining procedures. Its essence is to eliminate sagging and increase skin tone. Most often, 3D mesothreads are used, which are aimed at eliminating minor defects: if there is sagging skin of the abdomen, but there is no severe sagging (this method will not cope with more serious problems). 3D threads are ideal for girls without excess fatty tissue, but who have a slight sagging skin after childbirth. For those who were overweight and after childbirth or severe weight loss, the skin on the abdomen is very sagging, threads with Aptos hooks are used.

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Ultrasonic Cavitation

The essence of this method is to influence fatty tissue using ultrasound. During cavitation, bubbles appear in the liquid contained in fat cells, which increase in size, burst and destroy the fat cell, displacing its remains into the intercellular space. 90% of these residues are removed by the lymphatic system, and 10% enter the blood and are converted into glucose. Ultrasonic cavitation is an absolutely safe procedure that allows you to make your waist 5 centimeters thinner and your stomach long-awaited flat in just a few sessions.

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The main aesthetic problems that carboxytherapy solves

1. Correction of sagging skin and elimination of wrinkles

The smoothness and elasticity of the skin depends on two factors - the content of hyaluronic acid in the tissue and the framework proteins collagen and elastin.

Hyaluronic acid is an important component of the intercellular matrix. It is capable of holding water molecules in quantities exceeding its own weight. Thanks to this, the visco-elastic properties of the dermis are increased, and it looks moisturized, elastic and fresh.

The main elements of the fibrous dermis are collagen and elastin. Elastin fibers are largely responsible for skin elasticity, and collagen is responsible for resistance to age-related changes and strength.

On average, the content of framework proteins decreases by 1% every year. Exposure to carbon dioxide significantly stimulates metabolic processes and supports the synthesis of components important for the dermis - collagen and elastin - at an optimal level.

2. Lipolytic effect of gas injections

Carboxytherapy has been successfully used for local elimination of fatty tissue. For this purpose, carbon dioxide is administered together with a sterile saline solution. In this case, saline solution is administered first, and then CO2 injections are performed. As a result, a chemical reaction begins aimed at the synthesis of carbonic acid. This compound is extremely unstable and immediately dissociates to form hydrogen and bicarbonate ions. Hydrogen ions are powerful oxidizing agents and, interacting with adipose tissue, lead to local breakdown of lipids, i.e., in essence, they simply burn fat.

In parallel with this, the remaining CO2 molecules cause local hypoxia and provoke increased microcirculation of blood and lymph. This promotes the rapid removal of lipid breakdown products, tissue oxygenation, and activation of repair processes. All this generally has a beneficial effect on metabolism in this area, tones the skin and helps tighten it after loss of fat volume.

3. Elimination of cellulite

Carbon dioxide not only leads to the burning of local fat deposits, but also fights the main factor in the development of cellulite - fluid stagnation and local circulatory disorders.

Carboxytherapy improves microcirculation of blood vessels, not only blood vessels, but also lymphatic ones. Also, tissues are saturated with oxygen, toxins and metabolic products are removed from them.

Indications for the use of carboxytherapy

Carboxytherapy is successfully used both for treatment and for aesthetic purposes in cosmetology and provides:

  • saturation of cells with oxygen;
  • deep restructuring of the skin and stimulation of the synthesis of framework proteins - collagen;
  • relieving inflammatory reactions;
  • breakdown of fats and removal of toxins from cellulite;
  • stimulation of lymphatic drainage.

Thus, carboxytherapy is indicated in the following cases:

  • Fighting age-related changes - eliminating wrinkles.
  • Elimination of sagging skin (inner surface of shoulders and hips, knee area).
  • Elimination of local fat deposits - double chin, bags under the eyes, fat deposits in the abdomen, riding breeches, above the knees, etc.
  • Elimination of cellulite.
  • The fight against post-acne - scars, stagnant spots, uneven skin texture.
  • Recovery after plastic surgery and traumatic cosmetic procedures.
  • Getting rid of stretch marks (striae).
  • Reducing blueness under the eyes.

Threadlifting with mesothreads

A tummy tuck procedure using mesothreads is necessary in several cases: with sudden weight loss, after liposuction or childbirth, when the skin becomes stretched and loses tone, or when skin problems are associated with age. Indeed, in all these situations, even pumped up abs will not save you - the skin of the abdomen above the pumped up muscles will still hang in flabby folds. The thread lifting procedure is completely painless, the result is visible immediately and lasts up to several years (depending on the types of threads used and the characteristics of human physiology).

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Mesotherapy of body and abdomen

The technique of performing mesotherapy on the abdomen is highly dependent on the goals of the procedure. However, in general, due to the structural features of the skin in this area of ​​the body, injections are almost always quite deep, and the volumes of administered medicinal cocktails are relatively large.

Most often, patients turn to the services of a cosmetologist to remove fat deposits on the abdomen. It is important to note that the mesotherapy procedure cannot significantly reduce body weight, especially if a person does not eliminate the cause of fat accumulation - poor diet, sedentary lifestyle, etc. However, a certain effect is always evident after the administration of lipolytics.

The cosmetologist visually and palpably determines the size and boundaries of the local accumulation of adipose tissue (as a rule, they are located in two groups symmetrically relative to the midline of the body). After this, the skin is wiped with a cotton pad with an antiseptic solution (0.25% chlorhexidine digluconate solution or 70% ethyl alcohol). Then an anesthetic gel is applied to the treatment area, which is sometimes covered with an occlusive dressing for 20-30 minutes. During this time, the doctor prepares instruments for the procedure.

In this type of mesotherapy, a G30 needle (0.4 mm thick) with a length of 13 mm is used. As for the volume of the syringe, it depends on the type of drug injected, that is, ultimately, on the amount of liquid injected.

After cleansing the skin of any remaining anesthetic, the specialist injects the entire length of the needle at several points, holding the syringe perpendicularly, having previously gathered the skin into a fold. The amount of the drug released per injection depends on the composition of the medicinal cocktail. In this way, the entire area of ​​fat accumulation is chipped. After the last injection, the surface of the skin is wiped with an antiseptic. This technique is called infiltration.

For postoperative scars and stretch marks, mesotherapy is performed directly in the defect area. After treating the skin with antiseptics and taking pain relief measures, the cosmetologist takes a 2-5 ml syringe with a G29 or G30 6-13 mm needle and begins the procedure. The manipulation technique is linear-retrograde; most specialists prefer its tracing version. Injections are made at a small angle to the skin at a distance of 1 cm from each other along the skin defect. The essence of the effect is that the pressure of the medicinal liquid destroys the fibrous structures of the defect, and the medicinal components of the cocktail stimulate the development of more delicate collagen fibers.

For cellulite and other similar disorders on the skin of the abdomen, it is practiced to administer tonic cocktails similar to those for gynoid lipodystrophy on the hips and buttocks.


Today, “beauty injections” are widely used not only in facial skin care, but are also one of the most common ways to correct the figure, tighten and rejuvenate the skin of the body, and even help eliminate cellulite. The essence of the procedure is that, using subcutaneous injections, various cocktails of drugs that tone blood vessels, burn fat and tighten the skin from the outside are injected into problem areas. This method will help make your stomach flat in just 5-7 procedures.

The main advantages of a non-surgical facelift

Hardware and injection techniques have the following advantages compared to surgery:

  • painless, non-traumatic, few contraindications;
  • high efficiency, the ability to start the process of internal rejuvenation by stimulating collagenogenesis;
  • long-term effect (on average from six months to one and a half years).

It is important for a modern client to undergo a course of procedures without falling out of the usual rhythm - non-surgical lifting is simply irreplaceable in this regard. There are very few restrictions: for some time after the procedures you cannot sunbathe, visit the sauna and swimming pool, or use certain types of ointments and creams.

Description of the method and its advantages

The mechanism of action of all lipolytic injections is the same: after the administration of drugs in the corresponding area, the process of lipolysis is activated - the breakdown of fats into fatty acids and other elements. To prevent decay products from returning to their original state, weight loss injections contain substances that stimulate the process of removing the components of fat deposits through the circulatory and lymphatic systems, as well as activating blood microcirculation in a specific area of ​​the body. Thus, fat burners for weight loss have multidirectional effects:

  • accelerate metabolic processes in tissues
  • restore lipid metabolism in the corrected area
  • actively break down fats into safe substances that are eliminated from the body naturally
  • regulate metabolism
  • normalize blood circulation and lymph flow

However, weight loss injections do an excellent job of removing fat traps in these areas of the body, allowing women to easily improve the silhouette and shape of their faces. In addition, the advantages of lipolytics include the following:

  • Possibility of correcting a specific problem area. Lipolytic injections allow you to reduce volumes exactly where it is needed.
  • Instant results. The effect of using fat burners is noticeable 2 weeks after administration: first, swelling is possible after the procedure, and after it subsides, the volume in the corrected area decreases by several centimeters compared to those before the procedure.
  • The rehabilitation period is minimal. The procedure for administering weight loss injections takes less than an hour. Swelling and bruising are possible for 1-2 weeks, so you should not plan to visit the beach for 2 weeks after the procedure. It is recommended to wear shapewear for a week after the procedure to enhance effectiveness.
  • Prolonged effect. Destroyed fat deposits do not return for a long time.

Lipolitics for the face

Cosmetic lipolytic injections for the face are used for the following indications:

  • uneven oval face
  • appearance of a double chin
  • defects of the nose area
  • excess fat deposits on the cheeks
  • fat deposits in the eye area

The lipolytic is injected into the subcutaneous tissue using the finest atraumatic needles. The depth of the injections is determined individually; it depends on the patient’s skin type and what part of the face is being corrected. The duration of the procedure is about 20 minutes.

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