Objective customer reviews about DeSheli cosmetics

The DeSheli brand, which was first heard of in Russia in 2012, continues to be surrounded by incredible rumors and unprecedented speculation. Despite the flow of negative information and armies of offended customers, interest in the brand does not fade. On the contrary, there are those who want to experience miraculous cosmetics that restore youth and beauty, as well as the ability to “restart” DNA information and reverse the aging process.

Let's try to figure out whether anything stated could be true, and what has no reasonable basis.

History of Israeli cosmetics Desheli

The developers of cosmetics are two reputable laboratories - Hlavin Industries Ltd. - author of the first collection Crystal Youth Anti Age and ELErman Cosmetics Manufacturing Ltd. - author of Diamond Treasures Brilliant Hair, Diamond Treasures Skin Glory, Diamond Treasures Face, Diamond Treasures Men Gear sets.

Factories Hlavin Industries Ltd. and ELErman Cosmetics Manufacturing Ltd, where cosmetics are created, have earned the trust of consumers and have established themselves as manufacturers of effective products.

One of the important developments of scientists from the ELErman Cosmetics Manufacturing Ltd. plant. – FYTOTIGH™ complex, which includes the purest diamond micropowder, stem cells of argan sprouts, grapes, alpine rose leaves, apples and Chondricare® IS peptide. Studies of the complex have confirmed noticeable improvements in a number of indicators, such as: increasing skin firmness and elasticity, smoothing wrinkles, strengthening hair roots, and restoring their structure. FYTOTIGH™ Complex is included in Diamond Treasures sets. You can view the research results on the official website.

Comments on the article “Desheli”

  • rider |
    2018-10-15 15:18:10 I touched this fucking organization once and regretted it for the rest of my life, they work mostly with girls, shameless, arrogant scammers who bitches put a loan on me and demand its payment, this is a complete SCAM!!!!
  • Hello! Are you interested in customer databases for selling your products and services? Reply to emai | 2018-02-01 13:31:57

    https://www/ Hello! Are you interested in customer databases for selling your products and services? Reply to email: [email protected] Hello! Are you interested in customer databases for selling your products and services? Reply to email https://www/

Research of each cosmetic product

Products are regularly tested. Thus, in the fall of 2013, the Desheli brand conducted a special toxicological and hygienic study of each cosmetic product from the Crystal Youth Anti Age set. This procedure took place at the ILC of the Federal Budgetary Institution of Health “Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology” in Moscow. The results of the examination showed that cosmetics fully comply with sanitary standards under Article No. 5, clause 6.1.1 of Appendix No. 8 of the Technological Regulations of the Customs Union TR CU 009/2011 “On the safety of perfumery and cosmetic products according to toxicological safety indicators”, and also that the impact Crystal Youth Anti Age cosmetic products on the skin and mucous membranes do not exceed the standards prescribed by Russian legislation.

Free presentation, or sleight of hand - no fraud

The procedure is carried out by a “cosmetologist”, who for some reason has the skills of an experienced salesman. All the fun begins after diagnosis. As soon as a woman relaxes in a soft, cozy chair, inhaling the pleasant aroma of cosmetics, they unobtrusively begin to select a series of cosmetics for her, taking into account the characteristics of her skin. It turns out that the client’s skin urgently needs expensive care, because... her condition leaves much to be desired.

After this, the “cosmetologist” selects a “suitcase” containing a series of cosmetic preparations for the gullible client. It is interesting that the price of the same “suitcase” with a set of miracle remedies varies at the time of writing this article within the range of 32-50,000 rubles. Most likely, the cosmetologist-seller determines the cost of cosmetics based on the appearance (read ability to pay) of each individual client.

If the client does not have that amount of money with her, she is offered to apply for a loan for the required amount right on the spot (for which a passport was required). This is where many gullible women fall for the hook of clever swindlers. Under the influence of emotions, the kind words of a consultant courting his victim, a pleasant atmosphere, women, without thinking about the consequences, take out a loan for the treasured “suitcase”, without even having time to think that they actually bought ordinary cosmetics for fabulous money. Do such actions, coupled with the provision of deliberately incorrect advertising information about “intelligent crystals”, fall under the concept of “fraud”? This is up to the lawyers to decide, but from the point of view of an ordinary person, everything looks extremely ugly.

Negative Desheli reviews – myth or reality?

photographs of handwritten reviews Desheli

On the Internet you can find a variety of reviews about Desheli cosmetics, comments about products that surprise and sometimes even scare away potential buyers. Ill-wishers use black PR technologies, filling the information field with a mass of data about Desheli that does not correspond to reality. A huge number of lies about the low quality of cosmetics, poor service in Desheli beauty salons and various violations in the sale of products are actively spread by competitors. Almost any negativity addressed to the brand is not supported by facts or experiences of real cosmetics consumers. Therefore, when studying any reviews about Desheli, you need to be vigilant in order to be able to distinguish the comments of clients and ordinary visitors from custom-made stuff “paid for” by competitors.

What are potential buyers saying?

However, not everything is as rosy as it may seem . You can find a lot of negative information on the Internet. Moreover, it concerns not only the cosmetic products themselves, but also the methods of their distribution, and, more simply, pushy sellers. It’s not easy to get rid of urgent invitations to a presentation if your phone number is included in the database.

By the way, the cost of the miracle set is considerable. On average, in different parts of the country, prices for a suitcase of Desheli cosmetics range from 32 to 50 thousand rubles.

The sales scheme is also questionable. Products can only be purchased through online distributors. This cosmetics cannot be found in pharmacies, specialty stores, beauty salons.

In addition, the reviews especially note the fact that Deshely’s funds are distributed exclusively in the territory of the former USSR. This cosmetics is not sold either in America or in Europe.

Mark Deshely and real opinions of visitors

Before purchasing any products, the natural desire of any girl is to first try them on herself and see the results. To learn more about the brand, customers look for information not only on the official Desheli website, but also on forums, social networks, blogs - that is, where Desheli reviews are published. Indeed, it is important to learn about cosmetics first-hand: readers are sure that those people who leave reviews have already used cosmetics more than once and express their own, unbiased opinion .

Comments from other buyers allow us to understand when the effect becomes noticeable, how it manifests itself, and how long it lasts. In addition, brand employees themselves carefully study customer opinions about cosmetics. After all, such comments are no less important than serious research: they suggest how products can be improved in accordance with the needs of customers. For example, on the same official website there are constant discussions between site visitors and moderators, and this indicates an attentive attitude towards its existing and potential clients, even on the virtual network.

Desheli cosmetics receive grateful reviews from girls not only on the Internet, but also directly in the beauty centers themselves. We borrowed several photographs of handwritten reviews , which we post for you.

Customer Reviews

Here we must immediately make a reservation that we considered reviews both about the company itself and its methods of doing business, and about cosmetic products of this brand.

Cosmeceuticals DeSheli

The majority of clients who have tried the miracle drugs of this brand on themselves are satisfied. We are talking about those who use purchased products as home care . Many note the light texture, pleasant unobtrusive aroma, good moisturizing properties and cost-effectiveness of cosmetics. But at the same time they emphasize that the price is significantly inflated in comparison with the quality.

Some clients of DeSheli have encountered allergies to cosmetic products, which appeared after a free procedure in the salon. And this is not surprising. According to the results of research by Center for Independent Expertise LLC, cosmetics contain butylated hydroxytoluene as a preservative, which is a strong allergen and is prohibited for use in cosmetic products.

The results of the same examination also indicated other violations:

  1. Lack of clarity of information for the consumer.
  2. Incomplete information about the use of products.
  3. No expiration date indicated on the samples.
  4. The quantity and name of ingredients indicated in product labeling do not correspond to the actual composition of cosmetic products.

Service quality and marketing

Many companies with foreign investment, selling their products through network marketing, operate in Russia and Ukraine. However, their way of doing business does not resonate with ordinary people as much as the methods of the DeShely company. In their case, aggressive marketing is very aggressive.

After analyzing numerous reviews from DeSheli customers, we can draw conclusions about the pros and cons of the company’s activities.


  • The company's consultants are good psychologists;
  • free demonstration procedure (for those who can withstand the onslaught of employees).


  • Usually the office is rented, does not shine with renovation and design, the offices are not equipped with running water;
  • the appearance of cosmetologists, their lack of medical education and health certificates do not correspond much to the image of a serious company;
  • illiteracy, intrusiveness of employees, sometimes turning into outright rudeness;
  • salons have licenses only for retail trade in cosmetics and perfumes, but not for conducting medical activities.

In Russia, the DeSheli company developed rapid activity in 2012. In Ukraine they heard about it later, in 2014-2015, and here the company slightly changed its strategy. The Ukrainian program “Scammers in Networks,” in its episode dated September 8, 2015, talks in detail about the methods of sales and attracting clients by DeSheli employees.

Now, to attract people, the company makes full use of dating sites and decoys in the form of young girls. Such “freelance employees” meet women and, in their correspondence, allegedly accidentally stipulate an invitation to a free spa treatment. The key word in this scheme is “free”. On the appointed day, a female employee personally accompanies a potential client to a beauty salon, having a casual, friendly conversation with her over a cup of tea while waiting for the procedure.

Here you need to make a note about the tea or coffee that is offered to clients in the salon. Some women note that the drink had a strange effect on them: it caused an increased heart rate and a feeling of sudden euphoria and peace. Perhaps this maneuver is intended to facilitate further processing of the client.

Thus, it is difficult to prove anything and impute guilt to the company, but the listed facts remain in the form of food for thought.

Feedback from employees about DeSheli's activities

The company hires people to work as operators and directly as cosmetologists . The operator begins his duties immediately after the interview. Employees calling potential clients are required to invite four confirmed clients per shift. All client protests are described in the “Table for Handling Objections.”

That is, a well-mannered person has practically no chance of discreetly refusing such an intrusive service. There are only a few left working in the company who are able to withstand the noisy neighborhood of other operators, the rigid schedule and the ruthless processing of clients.

In any DeSheli salon, at the reception there are job application forms. The questionnaires do not contain a single question regarding the applicant’s medical education or whether he or she has a health certificate. Future employees undergo three-day courses in which they are taught not so much the basics of cosmetology, but rather the methods of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP). For example:

  • soft monotonous speech;
  • conducting intimate conversations during which the client’s financial situation is clarified;
  • touching while forming positive emotions in the client, etc.

If such methods do not work, threats, insults, attempts to press pity and appeal to civil conscience are used. All these techniques together serve one purpose - to sell at any cost for a fabulous sum. At the same time, the client’s financial situation is absolutely not taken into account; anyone can get caught in the network: a student, a single mother, an unemployed woman, a pensioner... As they say, the end justifies the means.

Not everyone can withstand this pace and methods of doing business, but only the most unprincipled and immoral people.

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