Treatment of soft tissue necrosis. Types of necrosis, forms of pathology

Necrosis is a disease in which harmful bacteria and microbes attack soft tissues and stop their vital functions. This condition is almost always very serious and requires long-term and high-quality treatment in a hospital environment. But before starting therapy, it is necessary to conduct a detailed examination of the patient in order to correctly diagnose and establish the cause of the disease.

Gum necrosis

Causes of necrosis
Types of gum necrosis and treatment

Symptoms of the disease

Diagnosis of the disease

Prevention of the development of gum necrosis

Gum necrosis (from the Greek nekros - dead) is the death of tissue that occurs due to cessation of blood circulation. This disease is difficult to detect at an early stage, as its symptoms are barely noticeable. Another danger is that this process is irreversible. Therefore, if the doctor has diagnosed gum necrosis, it is important to take appropriate measures as soon as possible to prevent the development of pathology. In this article we will look at the causes of necrosis, its types, and also tell you how to avoid it.

6.5. Congenital varus position of the femoral neck

Congenital varus position of the femoral neck is also called varus position of the femoral neck due to developmental delay. In this case, the gait resembles the walking of a person with a congenital dislocation of the hip. The x-ray shows that the characteristic signs of this disease are: a decrease in the neck-shaft angle, a lack of calcium in the lower part of the femoral neck and the formation of a triangular bone.

The mechanism and causes of this disease are unclear. They are thought to be associated with congenital abnormal development of the epiphyseal plate and interference with the calcification process within the femoral neck.

Causes of necrosis

Table 1. Causes of gum structure destruction

Causes of necrosis How it manifests itself
Insufficient oral hygiene Plaque forms, which leads to the development of gingivitis, periodontitis, and periodontal disease.
Injury to the gums due to malocclusion or ill-fitting dentures This disrupts blood flow and blood circulation stops in certain segments.
Hormonal disbalance During pregnancy, adolescence, with diseases of the endocrine system and blood.

Sometimes the disease can occur due to prolonged exposure to cold, high temperatures or arsenic, which is part of the dental pastes used in root canal treatment. For example, if a temporary filling does not close the dental canal tightly, the paste can come out, causing tissue necrosis.

6.2. Necrosis of the femoral head associated with smoking

According to statistics, today approximately 4 million people die annually from diseases caused by smoking. More than 30% of patients with ANFH are smokers, and many of them have poor health. By 2022, the number of people killed by smoking will exceed the number of people killed by any other disease, including AIDS. Smoking will become the most important epidemic disease in the 21st century.

When tobacco burns, it releases more than 4,000 toxic substances, of which, as is now known, more than 40 are carcinogenic. Smoking is the main cause of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. The incidence of lung cancer in smokers is 20 times higher than in non-smokers. One of the research centers in the USA, working on this problem for 35 years, confirmed that there is a clear connection between smoking and cancer: for those who smoke more than 1 cigarette per day, the risk of cancer immediately increases by 2 times , and for those who smoke more than one pack of cigarettes, the risk of getting cancer increases 20 times. Smokers easily get stomach and duodenal ulcers, as well as neurasthenia.

Active and passive smokers - patients with necrosis of the femoral head - poison themselves with nicotine and lead, which accumulate in the body and impair blood circulation, destroy the bone structure and aggravate necrosis of the femoral head. After smoking, nicotine quickly enters the bloodstream and irritates the sympathetic nerve and chromaffin cells, stimulates the production of active factors by the adrenal glands, causing an increase in angiotensin and vasoactive elements in the blood plasma. In different tissues, the quantitative distribution of α- and β-receptors is different, which contributes to the contraction of peripheral blood vessels in tissues and dilation of central vessels, spasm of arterioles, increased vascular resistance, impaired venous outflow, increased blood viscosity, preventing microcirculation in the head of the femur, as a result bone tissue stops receiving nutrition and the destruction of the bone structure of the femoral head accelerates.

Thus, smoking patients aggravate the course of ANFH, slowing down the recovery of health. The harm caused by smokers to society What is even more dangerous is that the smoke exhaled by smokers causes even more harm to others than to the smokers themselves. Research conducted by scientists has confirmed that in Shanghai, 37.8% of school-age children have blood lead levels above the permissible level. For every 100 mg increase in the level of lead in the blood of children, the mental development index decreases by 6-8 points, and the main cause of lead poisoning in children is second-hand smoke created by parents at home. In this regard, to preserve the health of children and other people, it is necessary to create a smoke-free environment in society.

Actively and passively smoking women, in addition to harming themselves, they also destroy their offspring, since smoking has a bad effect on the psychosomatic development of the fetus and causes serious damage to the intellectual abilities of children. If a nursing mother has nicotine in her milk, this has a negative effect on the baby's health. The authors hope that every patient with ANFH will show high social consciousness: will stay away from cigarettes and value the health of their loved ones and other people.

Types of gum necrosis and treatment

The treatment plan is developed individually for the patient and depends on the type of necrosis.
Table 2. Treatment plan depending on the type of anesthesia

Type of gum necrosis How to determine Treatment
Dry Dead areas dry out and decrease in volume. There are no signs of inflammation or intoxication. The affected areas are removed, the surrounding tissues are treated with antiseptics. After the procedure, the doctor prescribes drug therapy.
Wet It is considered the most dangerous form. Accompanied by swelling and increased hyperemia. They open purulent foci, cut out dead tissue, dry the gums, and carry out antiseptic treatment of the oral cavity. After – drug therapy

Once the necrotic process has stopped, bone grafting may be required to improve aesthetics.

Chapter 6. The main causes of the development of ANFH and symptoms of diseases associated with it

Volkov E.E., Keqin Huang Aseptic necrosis of the femoral head.
Non-surgical treatment / Transl. from Chinese V.F. Shchichko. - M., 2010. - 128 p.: ill. ISBN 978-5-9994-0090-1 UDC 616.7 © Volkov E.E., Keqin Huang, 2010 © HuangDi 黄帝

The most common causes of ANFH are alcohol intoxication, smoking and excessive use of glucocorticoids.

6.1. Necrosis of the femoral head caused by alcohol intoxication

6.2. Necrosis of the femoral head associated with smoking

6.3. Necrosis of the femoral head caused by glucocorticoids

6.4. Osteoporosis

6.5. Congenital varus position of the femoral neck

6.6. lupus erythematosus

6.7. Metabolic bone diseases

6.8. Neurotrophic diseases of bones and joints

6.9. Hyperparathyroidism

Symptoms of the disease

Signs of the disease differ depending on the stage.


The tissues are slightly affected, darkening of the enamel and pale gums may be observed.


. Swelling of the interdental papillae, a gray coating forms on the mucous membrane, and bad breath appears.


Swelling of the gum tissue - it turns black and ulcers appear on it. Appetite disappears, body temperature rises to 39 C°.


. The epithelium dies, severe pain is felt in the gums, the necks of the teeth are exposed, and the dental units become loose.

Diagnosis of gum necrosis

Often the problem is identified during an examination by a dentist, without any complaints from the patient. In some cases, symptoms are present: pain, bleeding, flushing, bad breath.

Other signs of the disease may include:

  • swelling of the mucous membrane;
  • digestive problems;
  • problems with swallowing;
  • deterioration of health.

During diagnosis, the doctor does an X-ray examination and conducts an instrumental examination. The image allows not only to identify the necrotic process, but also to determine the stage, possible complications, etc.

6.8. Neurotrophic diseases of bones and joints

Neurotrophic diseases of bones and joints are also called Charcot's joint (neurogenic arthropathy). Neutrophic Charcot arthropathy is a kind of degenerative-dystrophic damage to joints caused by a violation of their innervation. This disease can be caused by the following reasons: • spinal cord lesions due to syringomyelia, tertiary syphilis (neurolues), B12 deficiency anemia (funicular myelosis), myelomeningocele, cauda equina tumors; • pathology of peripheral nerves in decompensated insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, chronic alcoholism, vitamin B1 deficiency (beriberi), leprosy, familial amyloid neuropathy.

Charcot arthropathy is based on disturbances in the trophism and sensitivity of denervated articular tissues. Weakening of the trophically altered tendon-ligamentous apparatus leads to joint instability, which, in conditions of decreased deep (proprioceptive) and pain sensitivity, contributes to their increased trauma. Moreover, due to trophic disorders in bone tissue, even the usual load on the joints becomes excessive. Under the influence of these factors, pronounced destructive changes occur in the joints, in particular the development of osteolytic processes in the epiphyses with their fragmentation and the formation of intra-articular osteochondral sequestration. X-rays of the hip joint in this disease indicate the presence of osteoporosis and destruction of the bone structure, resorption of the femoral head, and in severe cases, resorption and disappearance of the head and neck of the femur. There is only a small amount of osteochondral formations (bone remains) in the joint, the damaged end of the femoral neck is dislocated upward, the acetabulum and the remains of the femoral neck look unclear, and bone density is reduced. In some images, the head of the femur is flat and the neck is shortened, bone density is increased, there are scattered sac-like light-transmitting zones and peripheral sclerosis between the head of the femur and the trochanter. The edges of the acetabulum are thickened and ossified, the distance between the head of the femur and the bottom of the acetabulum is widened, the head of the femur is shifted outward, the articular space is noticeably narrowed, under the greater trochanter there is a wide proliferation of periosteum in the form of onion peel, in the cartilage tissues at the upper end of the tibia there is a long band of calcification (fascia lata calcification), and in the lower part of the ischial tuberosity there is calcification in the form of a strip or circle.

Differential characteristics of Charcot's joint.

Charcot's joint differs from osteoarthropathy mainly in that it is manifested by the presence of osteoporosis, joint destruction, the presence of bone debris within the joint and its deformation. At the same time, the main thing is not so much osteoporosis, but the presence simultaneously with it of serious destruction of the joint, which is completely inconsistent with the patient’s subjective symptoms in the form of mild pain.

The severity of osteoporosis in osteoarthropathy is less than in Charcot's joint, and its main symptoms are joint pain and impaired movement.

Prevention of the development of gum necrosis

Interventions are often based on maintaining oral health and preventing dental diseases.

  • Regular teeth cleaning and professional hygiene.
  • Quitting bad habits (smoking, alcohol).
  • Timely correction of the bite to prevent trauma to the mucous membrane and accumulation of dental plaque.
  • Balanced diet, taking vitamins if necessary.
  • Timely treatment of diseases of teeth and gums, gastrointestinal tract, endocrine diseases, etc.

After treating necrosis, it is important to prevent its reappearance. Proper oral care and mandatory visits to the dentist once every six months will help with this.

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