Veterinary clinic Konkovo ​​+7-499-350-69-38

Veterinary clinic near Konkovo ​​metro station

Help for pets 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Make an appointment with a veterinarian: +7-499-350-69-38 The best veterinarians, high-precision equipment, professional equipment and high-quality veterinary care represented by the best specialists in their field are ready to help animals on a daily basis. The staff of the veterinary clinic is represented not only by professors and academicians. The main advantage of our center is the kindness, sensitivity and responsiveness of each team member.

Veterinary clinic Konkovo: veterinary services

The range of possibilities of the veterinary clinic is unusually wide. We also practice an individual approach to each patient. In addition to standard veterinary services, we provide comprehensive ones. This method of work allows owners to receive veterinary care in various areas at a minimal price. Among veterinary clinics in Moscow, we are one of the few who are ready to use the services of alternative medicine if the need arises.

In addition to the classic services:

  • animal therapy,
  • dentistry,
  • dermatology,
  • animal surgery,
  • cardiology,
  • gynecology

We offer veterinary care in the areas of:

  • Endocrinology
  • Oncology
  • Ophthalmology
  • Neurology
  • We treat dogs, cats, birds, rodents.

There are departments of ornithology, rodentology, and urology. 24-hour veterinary clinics traditionally offer microchipping, vaccination, and euthanasia services. We went further and are ready to carry out euthanasia at home, pick up the body, cremate and bury the pet with dignity. We also perform surgeries of varying complexity at home, vaccinate, and offer dental services.

Eye clinic in Makhachkala on Gogol

Medical centers, treatment centers, clinics - Makhachkala

  • Makhachkala, Gogol st. 41
  • Tel.;
  • Tel.;
  • Trust, medical center

  • Makhachkala, Taho-Godi st. 54 D (Eltav plant area)
  • Tel/fax;
  • Tel/fax;
  • Mobile 8-928-501-45-62;
  • I don't feel any pain at all

    Autonomous medical non-profit organization “Center for High Technology Medicine named after. I.Sh. Ismailova" LLC Eye Clinic "High Technologies" has been operating for many years.

    traveling doctors of the eye clinic - general director Ismailo Muslim Ismailoich, professor, doctor of medical sciences, ophthalmologist, surgeon Atae Zainal Ullubiyeich, doctors Kurtae amzat Abdulmutalimoich, Abdullae Shamil Magomedoich.

    At the eye clinic, the main role is played by the general director, Ismailo Muslim Ismailich, and his experienced hand is felt about this. The clinic building is a solid eight-story building, the interior decoration is of very high quality, excellent design on all sides, good furniture: beds, dianas, tables, etc. Linen for patients is of high quality for both men's and women's departments.

    When operations are performed on the eyes, the new lens is removed, in addition to the surgeon, 3-4 more people work as assistants, each performing the indicated functions. The operations do not last long, smoothly and accurately. There is no pain, everything goes very well.

    All employees - both medical and service personnel - always give accurate answers to the surveys with a smile. The table works well with the chief Yusupa Mese Abdulmuslimona, the arheree Azhoy and others. The medical workers conscientiously perform their duties Magomedo Kabiran - procedural nurse, Sultano Lena - administrator, Karaya Iana - secretary, Abdulkadiro and Milara - resident nurse.

    I had poor eyesight and diabetes. I tried to lower my sugar and treated cataracts. And the doctors at the clinic helped me a lot. There are no such specialists about this in Dagestan, and I think that there are no such specialists in the other republics of the Northern Kazaz either.

    2013 marks my 90th birthday. I am a veteran of the Great Patriotic War, I was wounded three times: yes, light wounds, one severe and one shell shock. former commander of a paratrooper company, soldier of the 1st group, lives in Makhachkala. Many thanks to the seven doctors of the Center for High Technology Medicine named after. I.Sh. Ismailo A.

    Clinic Alisa in Makhachkala

    Al-Isa Clinic of Aesthetic and Reconstructive Medicine. founded in 1993, it became the first commercial plastic surgery institution in Makhachkala. Until now, the center is the only institution in the Republic of Dagestan that has been licensed for cosmetic surgery by the Russian Ministry of Health.


    has modern medical equipment that allows it to carry out diagnostic and treatment procedures at a high level (complies with the European ISO standard). In a short time it is possible to carry out the entire necessary range of studies - from a general blood test to computer diagnostics.

    The clinic’s specialists regularly improve their skills in the capital’s cosmetology and plastic surgery centers, and attend master classes and training seminars around the world.

    The clinic's price level falls into the Business category.

    Dermatovenereology in Makhachkala

    Clinic Medicine offers services in modern dermatovenerology in Makhachkala. Dermatovenereology consists of a number of areas:

    Dermatology, as an independent field that deals with pathologies of the skin and skin appendages (hair, nails, sebaceous/sweat glands), as well as human mucous membranes (oral cavity and genitals).

    Mycology, which deals with fungal infections, ranging from superficial (keratomycosis, pityriasis versicolor) to deep lesions (chromomycosis, sporotrichosis), also includes dermatomycosis of the skin of the nails, candidiasis of the mucous membranes and skin.

    Venereology, which deals with STDs (gonorrhea, syphilis, trichomoniasis, etc.) and STIs (mycoplasmosis, chlamydia, genital herpes, genital warts (papillomatosis), bacterial vaginosis) and other diseases that manifest themselves in the form of lesions of the skin and mucous membranes, which is why the treatment of these diseases It is the dermatovenerologist who deals with this.

    Non-operative cosmetology, which is also called conservative cosmetology. This area is the youngest branch of dermatology, using therapeutic methods to influence the skin in order to improve its appearance.

    By contacting the CLINIC Medicine institution in Makhachkala, you can receive high-quality medical care in all of the above-described areas of dermatovenerology.

    As for diagnosis, it is based on a visual examination of the patient’s skin and mucous membranes by a dermatologist. Therefore, it will not be wrong to say that the main diagnostic tool of a dermatologist is his eyes. It is a visual examination that allows you to determine even minor changes in the skin. An experienced dermatovenerologist approaches diagnosis in a differentiated manner and prescribes the correct treatment

    . If you leave rashes on the mucous membranes and skin, which for an ordinary person may seem like a minor problem, then there is a loss of time in identifying and treating the disease that causes the rashes, causing the skin to lose its beauty and health.

    At CLINIC Medicine in the dermatovenereology department you will be offered high-quality and complete diagnostics, as well as subsequent treatment for a number of diseases.

    If you notice any changes in yourself, be it rashes or pigmentation on the skin or mucous membranes, we recommend that you contact the dermatovenereology department of the Medicine CLINIC in Makhachkala. Dermatology is a branch of medicine that studies the structure, functioning, diseases, methods of prevention and treatment of the skin, as well as its appendages: hair, nails, mucous membranes.

    It is not strange that skin diseases and venereal diseases have existed at all times and at all stages of human development. The first descriptions of dermatological and venereological lesions of the skin/mucous membrane are records that have come down to us from the ancient healers of China, India, and Egypt. The records were created 1000 years ago BC. In addition to describing the diseases themselves, ancient civilizations also tried to identify the cause of the disease and the remedy for it.

    In the Department of Dermatovenereology CLINIC OF MEDICINE in Makhachkala, treatment of all types of dermatoses and STIs is available to you. Our specialists will help you with treatment:

    Pustular skin diseases (ostiofolliculitis, folliculitis, boils, carbuncles, hidradenitis, streptococcal and staphylococcal impetigo, seizures, sycosis, erysipelas).

    Viral lesions (herpes simplex and herpes zoster, molluscum contagiosum), human papillomavirus infections (flat warts, vulgar warts, juvenile warts), etc.

    Neurodermatoses: atopic dermatitis, skin itching, prurgy, urticaria.

    Eczema: true, microbial, childhood, seborrheic. Seborrhea (oily and dry, acne, rosacea, seborrheic alopecia).


    Lichen planus.

    Various blistering dermatoses (pemphigus, Dühring's dermatitis herpetiformis).

    Parasitic skin diseases (scabies, lice).

    Dermatitis (simple, contact, allergic, toxicoderma).

    Erythema (Zhiber's cornea, exudative erythema multiforme).

    Fungal infections of the skin and nails (onychomycosis, ringworm, rubrophytosis, candidiasis of the nails and skin, nail folds).


    At CLINIC Medicine you will be able to undergo traditional diagnostics and using new technologies and techniques in dermatovenerology. Treatment will be carried out, if necessary, in parallel cooperation with gynecologists, therapists, and urologists.

    Eye clinics in Germany

    At the moment, ophthalmology is one of the most innovative areas of German medicine. Timely diagnosis in the early stages of eye diseases makes it possible to successfully treat complex diseases, even those that were previously considered incurable.

    Our eye clinic in Germany has the latest equipment at its disposal and, thanks to the use of the latest achievements of world medicine in ophthalmology, provides effective treatment for eye diseases. Our specialists use minimally invasive treatment methods, which not only leads to effective results, but also shortens the rehabilitation period.

    For example, our eye clinic in Germany offers one of the professional achievements of specialists - low-traumatic (minimally invasive) treatment of a disease such as glaucoma. In most cases, this disease is diagnosed very late and develops mainly in middle-aged people.

    Most surgical interventions by specialists at our clinic are performed on an outpatient basis.

    Classic and modern

    A modern eye clinic in Germany is a conglomerate of highly professional service by medical personnel - the country's leading specialists and the use of the latest medical equipment.

    The medical institution includes a list of diagnostic capabilities and various methods of treating eye diseases.

    The medical institution works using both classical methods of eye surgery and the latest methods. And thanks to the closest cooperation between medical theorists and practitioners, our eye clinic in Germany can offer the highest professional level that meets international standards.

    The excellent geographical location of the German state, regularly developing infrastructure, active cooperation of large medical centers, both in the country and abroad, makes treatment in German clinics highly effective and reliable. Many medical centers in Germany represent a concentration of international research and implementation projects. Thanks to this situation, German doctors have the opportunity to introduce innovations into daily practice.


Veterinary clinic at affordable prices on Profsoyuznaya

The Konkovo ​​veterinary clinic adheres to a policy of affordable prices. The cost of veterinary services is at an affordable level. Current and popular services are affordable for every owner. For example, microchipping dogs with a passport and entry into the animal database will cost only 1,350 rubles. And vaccination with a complex vaccine with rabies - 950 rubles. Visit of a veterinarian to your home – 1000 rubles. In this case, the type of animal does not matter. Although many 24-hour veterinary clinics in Moscow deliberately inflate the cost of treating exotic animals.

Prices for animal treatment do not depend on the prestige of the pet! And if you can’t come on your own, you can always use the pet taxi service. Or arrange for a veterinarian to come to your home.

The veterinary clinic in Konkovo ​​on Profsoyuznaya Street is waiting for its visitors 24 hours a day. Don't put off the problem until later. Let's solve it now.


“Thank you that I live” Alice the Cat

Hello. We want to thank Konstantin Pavlovich Sadovedov and his colleagues again - this time for the operation of our cat Alice. We came to the Alisavet clinic by accident, but since then we have been treating our pets only here. Our story began in 2004, when our beloved dog, the Karelian-Finnish husky Dzhulya, fell ill. The district veterinary clinic said that it was useless to operate on a 14-year-old dog with severe cancer - she would only have to live for a month or two. We were in despair, but someone advised us to go to a nearby clinic to see Dr. Sadovedov. And Konstantin Pavlovich undertook to operate on Julia, gave her a year and a half of a full life, and gave us great joy to live this time with her. Years have passed. We picked up an abandoned tricolor cat – she is beautiful and smart. They named her Alice, now she is 10 or 11, or 12 years old - we don’t know for sure: abandoned domestic cats do not carry a birth certificate with them. Royal Alice was no stranger to ordinary cat fun and one day, in the heat of a pigeon hunt, she “flew out” of a fourth-floor window. She remained unharmed, but her face hit the curb. Her mouth was twisted, she could not eat or drink. At the local veterinary clinic, she sewed both jaws together and told her to syringe feed until it healed. Alice suffered a lot, and we doubted the actions of the doctors. We remembered Konstantin Pavlovich. We found the clinic where he worked; by that time it had moved to the other end of Moscow. And Alice and I went to Alisavet. This was seven years ago. Alice had a fracture of her lower jaw in two places and a torn ligament on one side. Konstantin Pavlovich performed a complex operation and saved Alice. Later we came to the clinic when she had a cold, when her tummy hurt, when, together with our second adopted cat, Christina, she ate some bugs. The doctors of the Alisavet clinic invariably helped our favorites, quickly and correctly making a diagnosis, conducting a comprehensive examination, explaining in detail its results and the course of treatment, then consulting by phone and mail until complete recovery. We were and remain grateful to them all. This year something bad happened. Alice was diagnosed with breast cancer. We did the necessary examination - tests, ultrasound, ECG, and on March 26, Konstantin Pavlovich, together with anesthesiologist Anna Sergeevna Melnikova, operated on Alice. To date, Alisa has completed two chemotherapy sessions and is feeling well. We will follow the treatment regimen prescribed by Konstantin Pavlovich and will not give up.

Dear Konstantin Pavlovich, our family is grateful to you all these years, you are a doctor from God, you have golden hands and a kind heart. Thank you very much!

We thank everyone who came to the aid of our Alice now: surgeon Konstantin Pavlovich Sadovedov, anesthesiologist Anna Sergeevna Melnikova, therapist Elena Vasilievna Shabalkina, cardiologist Tatyana Anatolyevna Shutovskaya, assistants Victoria Ivanovna Kleymenova and Evgenia Olegovna Kopylova-Guskova, administrator Anastasia Olegovna Aseeva for her high utmost professionalism , for fast, well-coordinated work and detailed explanations and consultations, for kindness and compassion, for the willingness to do everything in their power to save lives, for attention and goodwill towards people who worry about their pets, for warm words of sympathy and support. Thank you very much! Be healthy and happy. May God help you! As long as there are such doctors with big hearts, our pets are in good hands. At the Alisavet clinic they will always be helped, doing everything possible and impossible, they will receive prompt, competent treatment, and their owners will find warmth and sympathy. Thank you!

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