Chocolate wrap - a delicious procedure for your beauty

From this article you will learn:
  • The essence of the procedure
  • The benefits of chocolate wrap
  • Indications for the procedure
  • Contraindications for chocolate wrap
  • Chocolate wrap procedure in the salon
  • Recommendations before and after the procedure

After a harsh and snowy winter, not only nature wakes up. The soul of every girl blossoms, anticipating renewal. Meetings, acquaintances, love and relationships - this is what everyone dreams of. The fly in the ointment can be lack of confidence in yourself and your external attractiveness. Over the winter, you usually gain extra pounds, your skin becomes less elastic, which is very frustrating for the fair sex.

To get in shape, you need to meet several conditions. First, proper nutrition. Secondly, an active lifestyle. And thirdly, suitable care procedures. One of them is a chocolate wrap, which in a few sessions will make your skin soft and velvety and make you feel confident again. Read on to learn more about the features of this delicious procedure.

The essence of the procedure

The chocolate wrap procedure involves applying a special cosmetic composition to the body based on cocoa bean butter, as well as other active ingredients that help preserve the youth and beauty of the skin, as well as have a fat-burning effect.

Why was chocolate chosen as the main component? It has the following properties:

  • cocoa beans help disperse lymph;
  • chocolate tree oil has an amazing effect on the skin, nourishing, moisturizing it, increasing firmness and elasticity;
  • caffeine is responsible for active fat burning and acceleration of metabolism in tissues;
  • cocoa contains a large amount of antioxidants, which ensure the removal of waste and toxins from the body;
  • a large amount of minerals, vitamins and microelements helps strengthen the immune system and overall health.

Chocolate body wrap has a beneficial effect not only on the appearance of the skin, but also on the condition of the entire body. Fans of this procedure claim that a visible effect is achieved after the first session.

A chocolate wrap lifts your spirits and ensures excellent well-being more effectively than any of the most expensive services at a spa. All beauty industry specialists, as well as thousands of satisfied women around the world, will tell you this.

The popularity of chocolate wrap is explained by the unique effect it has on the dermis. The tone and elasticity of the body increases, the skin smoothes out, becomes nourished and youthful, and regeneration processes are launched. In addition, the procedure has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

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This effect is explained by the unique composition of the fruits of the chocolate tree, as discussed above. Cocoa butter has a pronounced rejuvenating effect, which makes it an indispensable assistant in the fight against aging.

The human body is designed in such a way that reserves of vitamins, minerals and trace elements are not formed in it. Cells absorb exactly as many nutrients as they need at the moment. Therefore, there is often a situation of shortage of vital chemical elements. Chocolate wrap allows you to replenish the lack of vitamins, penetrating through the skin into deeper tissues.

Cocoa scrub

Scrubbing is an integral part of complete dermal care. It helps to free the skin from dead scales of the epidermis, deep impurities, and remnants of decorative cosmetics.

It is good to use cocoa as exfoliating particles, which not only cleanses, but also nourishes the skin.

To prepare a homemade cellulite scrub you will need:

  • ½ cup cocoa powder;
  • a glass of sea salt (or brown sugar);
  • a little bit of any vegetable oil. They need to dilute the dry ingredients so that they do not scratch the dermis.

All components need to be mixed well, distributed over problem areas, rubbed intensively into the skin for 2-3 minutes. Leave the mixture on the body for another 5 minutes so that the epidermis absorbs the beneficial substances. Then wash off the remaining scrub with warm water without soap. Treat the affected area with your usual anti-cellulite cream.

The benefits of chocolate wrap

It’s not for nothing that a chocolate wrap in a salon is one of the top facial treatments. Its action is as follows:

  • cocoa bean oil moisturizes the skin, nourishes and smoothes it, increases turgor;
  • due to the antioxidant effect, cells get rid of free radicals - the main cause of aging;
  • the presence of beta-carotene in the composition provides a mild exfoliating effect;
  • caffeine promotes fat burning in problem areas;
  • polyphenols and essential oils speed up metabolism and remove excess fluid;
  • Due to the presence of flavonols in the composition, regeneration processes are launched, as a result of which minor inflammations and pimples go away.

Chocolate also promotes the production of the happiness hormone, which ensures a good mood after the procedure and stabilization of the emotional background.

It is impossible not to note the effectiveness of chocolate wrap in the fight against cellulite. Care using cocoa activates the production of natural elastin and collagen in the skin. Due to the fact that excess fluid is removed from the tissues, problem areas of the body become more toned, their relief is noticeably evened out. Chocolate anti-cellulite wrap provides an effective fight against extra centimeters in the hips, buttocks, abdomen, back and arms.

Anti-cellulite massage with cocoa

Massaging problem areas is one of the most effective auxiliary ways to eliminate cellulite. External influence on the integument stimulates blood flow in the problem area, which accelerates metabolism and intensive removal of fat cells from the body.

For the procedure, special creams are used that prevent mechanical trauma to the skin. As a similar product, you can use cocoa butter heated in a steam bath or powder dissolved in any base oil to obtain a paste with a consistency convenient for application.

You can do a massage in a salon or at home. When performing independent manipulations, you need to start the session with stroking movements, gradually increasing their intensity. Then you can move on to pinching and kneading. The massage should be completed with soothing strokes. Hands should move from bottom to top (in the direction of lymph outflow).

Indications for the procedure

This procedure is useful for men and women of any age. Its effectiveness has been proven for several decades. Indications for chocolate wrapping include:

  • fading and dry aging skin (due to the presence of cocoa butter, polyphenol and vitamins B1, B2, PP, A, E, the composition provides a strong antioxidant effect, which helps slow down the aging process);
  • sagging skin, decreased turgor (the composition of the wrap stimulates the production of natural elastin and collagen, this helps avoid sagging skin during the period of active weight loss and recovery after pregnancy);
  • lymph stagnation (caffeine ensures fluid drainage, and potassium, magnesium and theobromine help eliminate waste and toxins);
  • excess weight, cellulite (chocolate wrap perfectly improves blood circulation, which triggers the processes of weight loss, fat burning and elimination of cellulite; after a course of procedures, the body contour is modeled, the skin becomes smooth and elastic);
  • local fat deposits (due to the unique composition of chocolate tree fruit oil, the breakdown of fat cells is ensured, so excess volumes disappear);
  • swelling of tissues (chocolate wrap with cocoa butter allows you to remove excess fluid from tissues, as well as lactic acid from muscles after training);
  • inflammation of the skin, acne, pimples (polyphenols trigger the process of skin regeneration, due to which inflammation and rashes go away faster);
  • stretch marks, stretch marks, age spots, spider veins (chocolate therapy can also help in getting rid of these cosmetic flaws);
  • exposure to ultraviolet radiation (if you are planning a vacation in a hot country, be sure to take a course of 5-6 chocolate body wrap treatments in the salon in advance to ensure skin protection from the aggressive effects of the sun);
  • stress, nervous tension, apathy (the procedure has a beneficial effect not only on the skin, but also on the human nervous system: chocolate has a pleasant aroma that everyone likes, so wrapping with cocoa butter helps to relax, calm, and improve mood).

Most often, women do chocolate wraps as a measure to combat cellulite, excess weight, and sagging skin. However, it should be noted that the aromatherapy component attracts all spa clients without exception.

Contraindications for chocolate wrap

Hot chocolate wrap can help solve many problems, including making the body smoother, firmer and more beautiful. The procedure is effective in combating age-related skin changes, such as wrinkles, dryness, hyperpigmentation. The composition of the wrap is useful for acne. If you want to lose weight and reduce the appearance of cellulite, you will also enjoy chocolate therapy.

There are a number of contraindications for the chocolate wrap procedure:

  • pregnancy period;
  • inflammation of the vein walls;
  • allergy to cocoa and other components of the wrap;
  • high blood pressure;
  • breastfeeding period;
  • open inflammation and damage to the skin;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • benign and malignant formations on the skin;
  • hot intolerance;
  • tendency to bleed;
  • diseases of the pelvic organs;
  • food allergic reaction;
  • varicose veins
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As before any cosmetic procedure, consultation with a specialist is necessary. It is also important to do an allergy test before your session.

Chocolate wrap procedure in the salon

Chocolate thermal wrap is a complex procedure that includes exfoliation of the top layer of skin and application of a cocoa butter-based composition. It is also possible to accompany the procedure with a massage.

How to make chocolate wrap:

  1. The specialist conducts a consultation with the client, then he is asked to put on disposable underwear.
  2. Before applying the active composition, the skin is gently cleansed and polished with a scrub. This enhances the effect of the chocolate mask. Due to the fact that the keratinized scales of the dermis are removed, blood circulation improves, and the components of the wrap penetrate deeper into the tissue. If you additionally perform a relaxing or anti-cellulite massage, the effect will be even more pronounced.
  3. The chocolate mass, heated to 37–40 degrees, is distributed over the skin in a dense, even layer.
  4. To ensure the sauna effect, the body is wrapped in film and covered with a warm blanket. While the client lies with the wrap for half an hour, additional facial treatment can be done.
  5. Finally, the wrap is washed off with a warm shower, and then a special serum, lotion or body cream is applied to the skin, which allows you to achieve maximum tightening and moisturizing effect.

Chocolate wrap can be done as a stand-alone procedure or in combination with other body skin care programs.

Recommendations before and after the procedure

If you want to achieve maximum cosmetic results, add regular exercise and proper nutrition to the wrap. This will help make your skin beautiful and elastic in a short time, eliminate cellulite, and reduce excess fat deposits.

If you want to make chocolate wrap at home, consider the following recommendations:

  • Two hours before the procedure and for an hour after it, refuse food. Also, immediately after wrapping, do not take a hot bath, do not walk down the street, do not go to the beach or solarium. By the way, if you do the wrap regularly, your skin will acquire a beautiful chocolate shade.
  • One of the recommendations for the procedure is to consume two pieces of dark chocolate immediately before the session.
  • The wrap is carried out only on clean skin, so you first need to take a shower with a washcloth, rub your stomach, thighs and buttocks well, do a massage and only then apply the product.
  • At the end of the session, you need to rinse off the composition with warm water and apply a nourishing cream to the body.
  • On the day of the procedure, it is recommended to drink at least 2-3 liters of clean water. It is better to adhere to this recommendation on other days. Drinking herbal tea is not prohibited.
  • You can't do a chocolate wrap after taking a bath.
  • Before the procedure, it is important to test for an allergic reaction.

Girls and women around the world prefer chocolate wrap as their main body care procedure. It can significantly improve the appearance of the skin, get rid of cellulite, reduce fat deposits, and tighten the turgor of the dermis. Just a few sessions will help get rid of aesthetic problems and increase self-confidence.

Why clients choose Veronika Herba Beauty and Health Center:

  • This is a beauty center where you can take care of yourself at a reasonable cost, while your face and/or body will be treated not by an ordinary specialist, but by one of the best professionals in Moscow. This is a completely different, higher level of service!
  • You can receive qualified help at any time convenient for you. The beauty center is open from 9:00 to 21:00, seven days a week. The main thing is to agree with your doctor in advance on the date and time of your appointment.

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Cocoa powder or butter, which to choose?

In cosmetology for cellulite, chocolate tree beans are used in two forms:

  • oil, which is fat obtained from compressed fruits;
  • powder - dried cake left after squeezing the oil.

Bulk cocoa can be bought at any store. For skin care, you need to choose a pure product without added sugar or flavorings.

Attention: use only the highest grade powder. It is distinguished by a uniform, rich brown color. It is forbidden to use a product that has expired!

The oil is sold in pharmacies or specialized stores. It can be natural or deodorized. Both types are equally effective, but the first has a rich chocolate aroma, the second is almost completely odorless. Cocoa butter is solid and heats up at a temperature of about 37 degrees.

The powder product is easier to use at home, but fat is considered preferable because it contains the active ingredients in higher concentrations. The substance is included in products for various skincare and cosmetic procedures.

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