What socialite Alena Kravets looked like before plastic surgery

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Alena Kravets as a child, and this is convincingly proven by the photo below, was a lovely child. Having matured, the girl literally blossomed! Correct facial features, a slender body with ideal proportions 90-60-90 made her stand out from the crowd and allowed her to take her rightful place in the social circle. Today Alena is “Rublev’s wife” from the top of her head to the tips of her nails, i.e. a spectacular lady without wrinkles on her face, with a graceful nose, voluminous lips and delightful raised cheekbones! Let's try to figure out whether plastic surgeons are behind the positive changes in appearance or whether Alena Kravets is not misleading, claiming that she has “everything that is her own, dear.”

Has Alena Kravets had a nose job?

Objectively speaking, the girl’s nose, both in childhood and in her youth, was neat and had no flaws. However, over time, its shape changed somewhat - the tip rose slightly upward, and the back became noticeably narrower. The difference is clearly visible when comparing photographs of Alena Kravets in her youth and today. Since it is impossible to change the appearance of the olfactory organ either through exercises, massages, or cosmetic procedures, it turns out that the girl still had rhinoplasty, although she does not admit it. The plastic surgeon who performed the correction is probably proud of his work, because Alena Kravets’s nose after plastic surgery looks elegant and looks natural on her face.

Photos in childhood

Not much is known about Kravets’ childhood. From her biography you can find out that Marina was born in Leningrad on May 18, 1984. Her family is the most ordinary - her father worked as a mechanic, and her mother as an accountant. The actress has two older brothers.

The girl received a philological education, but did not pursue a specialty. Although she taught several Russian lessons for foreigners. Her creative nature took over, and she decided to become an artist - to sing, dance and perform comic numbers. Moreover, Kravets had experience working with the public - she was a participant in KVN. In the childhood photos you can see that the girl has not changed that much since then, she was always pretty.

At the moment, the actress has a husband, Arkady Vodakhov, and she recently gave birth to a little daughter. The woman met her husband during her student years. The couple became especially close when they participated together in the KVN team “Simps”. Then the lovers moved from St. Petersburg to Moscow and there they began their careers at Comedy Radio. Kravets worked as a radio presenter, and Arkady as a creative producer.

Immediately after this, Marina’s career took off sharply.

My wife and I are currently dreaming of two children. So after the first addition to the family on April 9, 2022, we are waiting for the second little one.

From all of the above, we can conclude that the TV presenter’s personal life is in perfect order, as is her appearance.

Does Alena Kravets enlarge her lips with fillers or has she undergone cheiloplasty?

It is obvious that the shape of the socialite’s mouth has changed. Firstly, the curves of the “Cupid’s bow” (the arch of the upper lip) disappeared, and secondly, the upper lip became much more voluminous and began to “stick out” somehow unnaturally in the central part. This is usually what lips look like after contouring, which Alena probably does. By the way, to maintain the shape and volume of the lips, hyaluronic fillers must be injected twice a year. So far the girl looks natural, balancing on the edge, but if, wanting to achieve an even greater effect, she increases the dose of filler injected into her lips, she will begin to look comical.

What does she look like now

At 36 years old, Marina looks simply charming. Has the actress had plastic surgery?

Most likely, she still had contour plastic surgery. But at the same time, one cannot help but notice that the main features of her face are all her own. The actress looks fresh, well-groomed and can be called simply beautiful. Marina Kravets is, of course, the jewel of the Comedy Club project, and this can be seen by looking at photos and videos of the star’s performances.

Alena Kravets's look has changed

The girl has beautiful dark brown eyes. Their color has not changed, but their shape has become slightly different. In her youth, Alena Kravets’s eyes were rather round than almond-shaped, as they are today, and they were set relatively deep. The absence of “crow’s feet” - wrinkles in the outer corners of the eyes, completely dispels doubts that the girl clearly had blepharoplasty! It seems that at the same time she “worked” on her eyebrows - she performed an endoscopic lift. The result lived up to expectations, and today Alena Kravets looks stunning in the photo on Instagram.


The future actress and TV presenter was born on May 18, 1984 in Leningrad, many are interested in the girl’s nationality, she is Russian. She was the third child in the family and the only daughter. From early childhood, Marina really liked to sing. As a teenager, Kravets became interested in playing KVN. After school, she decided to enter St. Petersburg State University at the Faculty of Philology.

KVN became a part of Marina’s life, so she began to play in KVN as part of the faculty team, which was called “Simps”.

In 2008, Marina received an offer to participate in the “Made in Woman” project, which was then called “Comedy Woman”. Kravets starred in two issues. But in 2010, true success awaited her, as a result of which she became a permanent resident of the Comedy Club show.

Marina sings superbly; she simultaneously sang in several musical groups. In addition, she managed to behave with dignity and not look vulgar while performing such provocative hits as “Disco Goddess”, “There Will Be No Sex”, “Hop, Trash Can”. The singer sang a duet with several popular performers - with Sergei Kristovsky (group “Uma2rman”), with DJ Smash and Renars Kaupers (BrainStorm).

In 2012, Marina Kravets played the main role in the television series “Super Oleg”. She managed to perfectly get used to the role of journalist Tatyana Pichugina. The film premiered the same year.

In addition, she participated in various entertainment television shows, winning the hearts of many viewers.

Does Alena Kravets have a “rich girl face”?

“The face of a rich woman” is a trend in the beauty industry today at the peak of popularity. To match the fashion trend, a girl must have plump lips, sunken cheeks and high, sharp cheekbones. With Alena Kravets everything is exactly like that! We have already dealt with the lips, but as for the cheeks and cheekbones, to achieve the desired effect, fatty tissue (Bishat's lumps) is removed from the former, and the latter are lifted with hyaluronic fillers. It is possible that such “sculpting” of the face was done by Alena Kravets.

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How the figure of Alena Kravets has changed

Today our heroine has an hourglass figure, is slim and fit, although some time ago she did not look her best. With a height of 170 cm, Alena Kravets weighed only 40 kg. Experts do not dispute that the diva’s flat stomach, wasp waist and firm buttocks are the result of training and a balanced diet, and not liposuction. We must pay tribute, Alena Kravets did not wait for revelation and herself admitted that she had enlarged her breasts by 2 sizes. At the moment, this is the only plastic surgery she has confirmed.

What the star officially says about them

The actress and resident of the comedy show claims that she has never had plastic surgery. One can readily believe this. She looks very natural. Comparing her old and new photos, we can confidently say that the nose, eye shape, face shape and even cheekbones - all this was there from the very beginning.

Although Marina is most likely telling the truth about plastic surgery, judging by her ideal, smooth skin, absence of wrinkles, and the like, we can conclude that the cosmetologist is her “best friend.” She herself does not make any statements about this.

Everything is clean with the figure too. Although the actress once suffered from slight excess weight (about 5-7 kg), she is happy to share recipes and tips for losing weight. Marina regularly exercises and tries to eat right. Now, with a height of 170 cm, she weighs only 57 kg, and also has ideal parameters of 83 – 61 – 87 centimeters.

Height, weight, body parameters of Alena Kravets and other information about the socialite

Date of birth/place of birthMay 30, 1985 / Russia, Moscow.
OccupationModel, television show participant, singer, socialite.
Height, weight, body parameters of Alena Kravets170 cm / 58 kg / 90 cm - 60 cm - 90 cm.
Confirmed plastic surgeriesMammoplasty.
Alleged plastic surgeries and cosmetic proceduresRhinoplasty, contouring of lips and cheekbones, removal of Bisha's lumps, blepharoplasty.

How plastic surgery affected your career

No one denies that Marina Kravets has rare talent, charm, acting skills and the ability to entertain and cheer up any person. But her appearance also played a role. The spectacular image allowed the woman to be the lead singer of three popular Russian groups “NotNet”, “Mary & Band” and “Nestroyband”, and she also worked with the groups “Uma2rman” and DJ Smash.

Particularly popular with Marina are the funny songs “Hop, Trash Can”, “There Will Be No Sex”, “Disco Goddess”, and many fans associate these compositions not only with a pleasant evening in front of the TV and the laughter of family and friends, but also with the star’s pleasant appearance .

At the very beginning, the girl was noticed by Natalya Yeprikyan (host of “Comedy Woman”). Marina Kravets was a very versatile person and even then she looked quite good and would have easily found her role in a show that was just gaining momentum. But Marina decided to leave him and ended up in the Comedy Club, where to this day in 2022 she performs on a par with Garik Kharlamov, Demis Karibidis and Dmitry Sorokin.

It's amazing how easily a girl jokes about plastic surgery. After all, the singer and TV presenter recently criticized the fashion for devil lips (injecting hyaluronic acid so that the lips acquire a specific shape), and the star herself made her cheeks in such a way that many fans are now joking “the cheek ran away from Kravets.” The last photos even look unnatural to some.

It is not known how many years Marina will hide the presence of plastic surgery, or will the actress decide to preserve her natural beauty? We'll see.

So, according to Marina Kravets, the girl has nothing to do with plastic surgery. But, if you look closely at the photographs in her youth and now, you can notice strong changes in the area of ​​the cheekbones and cheeks, lips, as well as the condition of the skin at 36 years old, we can conclude that the woman regularly visits a cosmetologist.

Marina probably injected hyaluronic acid into her lips to give them a special shape. Kravets could also use plastic surgery to influence the swelling under the eyes. And the sudden change in the shape of the cheekbones also raises many questions.

In any case, today Kravets looks charming despite the fact that she has not resorted to any serious plastic surgery. And for this we can only applaud.

Personal life

Alena Kravets has never hidden the fact that she is not deprived of male attention. And this is not surprising: her appearance, charm and manner of communication make the stronger sex immediately pay attention to her. In America she met Ruslan. After marriage, Alena Kravets, whose husband was against her profession as a model, left the podium and began to equip the family nest. Soon they had a daughter. When Daniella grew up a little, Alena started singing and making videos.

The socialite lived with Ruslan for more than nine years. However, after this the couple officially filed for divorce. It was quite difficult. The former spouses had serious financial claims against each other. And after the separation, scandals did not subside between them, which sometimes reached the point of assault. TV viewers are well aware of the programs on Channel One, where Alena Kravets came with bruises.

But the singer does not despair. Today she is a free woman. Recently, the singer even took part in the television program “Let's Get Married.”

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