Defloration operation | Surgical deflowering - removal of the hymen

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Surgical defloration is a safer alternative to the natural process of tearing the protective hymen. It is located at a distance of a couple of centimeters from the labia minora and is designed to block access to the vagina. Anatomically, it is a dense shell with a natural opening.

The hymen is unique for each woman; it can differ in elasticity, saturation with a system of blood vessels, and the number of nerve endings. That is why the first intimate contact proceeds differently for different women: some experience barely perceptible discomfort, others experience severe pain, accompanied by intense bleeding.

This fact does not have the best effect on the psychological state: a woman may experience fear of intimacy, fear of pain and discomfort. This is a direct indication for surgical defloration.

However, the desire of the patient herself is not the only reason to contact a gynecologist for such a service. In some cases, there are medical indications for surgical dissection of the hymen.

Indications for surgical defloration

There is a wide list of medical indications for such a procedure. An overly elastic and extensible hymen, which stretches well but does not tear as a result of sexual intercourse, is one of them. In addition, the gynecologist may recommend intervention in other cases:

  • incomplete rupture as a result of the first intimate contacts: the consequences of this phenomenon are manifested in severe pain, bleeding with each subsequent attempt to engage in sexual intercourse;
  • late rupture: the density of the hymen increases with age, its elasticity becomes lower, which is also fraught with tissue injury;
  • atresia: this is an overgrowth of the hymen, which leads to serious consequences in the form of stagnation of menstrual bleeding and inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs;
  • low pain threshold: even with a normal anatomical structure, sufficient elasticity and low density of the hymen, attempts to initiate sexual activity may fail due to pain.

Indications and contraindications

Medical indications for surgical defloration:

  • Anomalies in the structure of the hymen, if it is dense and rigid, such a hymen is almost impossible to break naturally during sexual intercourse;
  • Complete fusion of the hymen, when there is no hole in it and menstrual blood does not come out, accumulates in the vagina, causing sharp pain;
  • Sexual dysfunction in a partner, when he is unable to deflower the hymen, which has a normal structure. If penetration does not occur after three attempts at sexual intercourse, contact your gynecologist for help;
  • The need to perform gynecological operations on virgins before the intervention itself;

Non-medical indications:

  • The girl’s desire to avoid pain during the first sexual intercourse;
  • Women over 30 prefer to hide the fact that they are virgins;

Possible contraindications to surgery:

  • Presence of pelvic cancer
  • Presence of acute inflammatory diseases of the genital organs
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases
  • Bleeding disorder
  • Mental disorders

Preparing for defloration

Despite the fact that surgical defloration is a fairly simple intervention, it is important to properly prepare for it. The gynecologist conducting the initial examination will also prescribe a list of diagnostic procedures, which may include:

  • clinical blood and urine tests;
  • blood chemistry;
  • determination of coagulability;
  • tests for blood group, Rh factor, if these data are unknown;
  • laboratory diagnostics for infections (syphilis, HIV, viral hepatitis);
  • vaginal smear for flora;
  • ECG.

This allows you to ensure that there are no contraindications. If they are not, the doctor will plan the operation taking into account the menstrual cycle. It is performed on days without natural bleeding.

Question answer

How many days after the procedure can I resume sexual intercourse again?
After 7 days you can have sex again.

Is it better to choose local anesthesia or general anesthesia?

Local anesthesia is sufficient for painless surgical defloration.

Comments and questions

Alexandra 09/01/2016 at 03:02 # Reply
I don’t know why these hernias under the eyes appear, but I have them too. This worries me more than anything right now. If there was a solution, I would agree to it without hesitation, and it looks like I found it. I need eyelid surgery. What contraindications could there be for this?

Kristya 10/19/2016 at 09:19 # Reply

The shape of the girl’s eyes has not changed at all, but the expression has become different. The look became open and cheerful. And the face itself has miraculously refreshed, it seems healthier and younger.

How is the procedure performed?

The patient is located in a gynecological chair. The doctor treats the genitals with anesthetic solutions and performs local anesthesia - in the vast majority of cases it is sufficient for comfortable manipulation. Sometimes anesthesia may be used if the hymen is too dense. In this case, the work is carried out in tandem with an anesthesiologist, and short-term intravenous anesthesia is used.

After anesthesia, the specialist cuts the hymen with a scalpel, widens the entrance to the vagina with his fingers and inserts a tampon soaked in an antiseptic into the vagina. The entire procedure takes no more than 15 minutes; it is one of the simplest and most predictable gynecological operations.

Other methods of dissection are the use of radiosurgery or laser methods. These methods of performing gynecological interventions have many advantages:

  • antiseptic effect - low risk of infection;
  • coagulating effect - prevention of bleeding due to the immediate “sealing” of blood vessels;
  • shorter period of tissue restoration and healing;
  • painlessness.


Recovery is fast. For 2-3 days you need to limit yourself to high physical activity, avoid visiting baths, swimming pools and saunas. After 7-10 days you can begin to have sexual activity; this period is enough for the wounds to completely heal.

If you want to undergo the procedure of surgical deflowering, come to “El.En.”, qualified personnel are waiting for you (our doctors not only have extensive experience, but also have great understanding of the patients’ problem). We guarantee you a safe operation.

Surgical deflowering: price

The cost of such an operation in our clinic ranges from 8,500 to 15,000 rubles and depends on the anatomical features of the patient. In each individual case, the surgeon decides on the advisability of using a laser instead of a conventional scalpel. Laser defloration is a non-contact method; tissue is cut under the influence of a tuned laser beam.

By contacting the DECA clinic, each patient can count on:

  • high level of professionalism and delicacy (which is very important when solving problems of an intimate nature) of specialists;
  • using the latest laser equipment (if necessary);
  • absence of pain (high-quality and safe local anesthesia drugs are used);
  • absence of complications after surgery (subject to the doctor’s recommendations, sexual contact in the first few days can provoke the development of inflammatory or infectious processes);
  • absolute transparency (the doctor will tell you in detail how defloration will take place in your case, justify the cost and predict the exact result);
  • no additional payments (the price immediately includes tests, examinations, examination and consultation with a doctor):
  • saving time (the appointment time is agreed upon in advance; in the absence of contraindications, defloration can be done on the day of treatment).

If you need the help of an experienced gynecological surgeon, come to DECA!

Types of artificial defloration

There are two main types of hymen removal surgery - complete or partial dissection, as well as removal of its remnants. Let's look briefly at each of them.

  1. In most cases, patients prefer to undergo cosmetic hymenotomy. In this type of intervention, the hymen is simply removed, i.e. excised without residue. As a result, we obtain a vaginal opening with smooth edges, without any remaining tissue protruding outward. After surgical defloration performed in this way, after 3-4 weeks there are no traces of the intervention left and neither the future sexual partner nor the gynecologist will be able to guess about it.
  2. Traditional surgical defloration involves making an incision in the hymen in the places of its greatest tension during stretching, i.e. 2, 3 or 4 radial incisions are made from the edge of the hymen to the vaginal wall. In some cases, certain structural features (thickness, abundant blood supply, density) may require the application of several separate sutures. The girls decide to leave the remaining hymen in place for personal or religious reasons.


Below are the most common clinical situations when such a delicate issue may require the help of a gynecologist:

  • I'm 26 years old and I don't want to look like an "old maid" in front of the person I want...
  • She got married, but the wedding night ended in nothing - the husband was unable to break through the hymen...
  • I tried to have sex with my boyfriend, but nothing works, it hurts terribly...
  • The hymen is very dense, it prevents sexual intercourse and causes pain as soon as he begins to push the head inside...
  • I haven’t had anything “like that” yet, I don’t want to experience pain during the first sex. And besides, I'm afraid that there will be a lot of blood. I’d rather have defloration done by a gynecologist, without pain and stress...

“I had surgical defloration” - reviews

1. “As funny as it may sound, but personally, at the age of 23, surgical defloration helped me lose my virginity. I tried several times with a guy, but it didn’t work out - no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t break my hymen. After a month of suffering, I went to the gynecologist, she looked and said that the hymen was dense (maybe from age?) and with a small hole. Also, in her opinion, it will be possible to lose it, but rather slowly and after preliminary stretching. In general, nothing came of it, since it was impossible to stretch the hymen: the finger entered with difficulty, and I didn’t want to use a dildo. I had the hymen incised by a gynecologist using local anesthesia, it didn’t hurt and was pretty quick. And, lo and behold, after 2 weeks I was able to forget about that nightmare.” — Olga, Moscow.

2. “I had my hymen removed today under local anesthesia after 3 months of meaningless attempts to have sex! I tried everything (with my finger, an artificial phallus), unfortunately nothing…. You can say whatever you want, but I’m happy that I got rid of this problem! I really paid a lot... in the amount of about 25,000 with all the tests, consultations, surgery and anesthesia. Of course, the doctor suggested cosmetic hymenotomy, because... My hymen is fleshy and, as she said, the remnants of the hymen can later interfere and will have to be removed. But for now I decided to stick to the classic version of surgical defloration. I didn’t read the girls’ reviews, because I already had information about where to have this operation done in Moscow from good specialists - my friend had it done at this paid clinic that year and was very pleased with the attitude, everything was delicate and without fuss! Girls, my opinion is that since “IT” does not happen naturally, it is better not to torture yourself or the young man, just choose a decent clinic and a good specialist. After surgical defloration, it was a little unpleasant to sit for 3-4 hours, it hurt a little, by the evening everything went away, and the next day everything was as usual. So don’t be afraid, don’t turn the sacrament of sex into elementary violence against your female organs!” — Anastasia, Moscow.

3. “I just recently had surgical defloration and was scared to death. My reason was more psychological than physical. Well, I couldn’t admit that at the age of 22 I hadn’t found the one, I couldn’t decide to lose my virginity, etc. etc., although I won’t hide it - there were enough people willing). Now a review about the process itself. I came to this clinic on the recommendation of a friend, the gynecologist examined me and said that everything would be fine. On the same day I donated blood and a smear (no big deal, not on an empty stomach, it took about 10 minutes). A day later I came, everything was done in 20 minutes, under local anesthesia, I removed the hymen completely and absolutely painlessly! For several days after the operation, the wounds bled slightly; they needed to be treated several times a day with chlorhexidine. For the first 2 days, sitting was somewhat uncomfortable, but otherwise everything was fine. A cut in the hymen feels like a deep cut on a finger.” — Victoria, passing through Moscow.

After surgical defloration

Carrying out this procedure allows you to effectively eliminate the main problems associated with pain or the inability to perform the first sexual intercourse. After one or two weeks, everything heals and you can begin full-fledged intimate relationships with positive emotions and orgasm instead of constant pain in “that very place” and constant anticipation like “when will this all end”...

However, here it is worthwhile to dwell separately on such a frequent situation when everything is done, the obstacle to the depths of the vagina in the form of the hymen seems to have been eliminated, but after surgical defloration it still hurts. You can penetrate inside with a dildo or penis, but sex causes very unpleasant sensations at the entrance or along the entire length of the vaginal passage. The reason for this unpleasant phenomenon may be as follows:

  • narrowness of the entrance to the vagina, surrounded by the musculo-ligamentous apparatus of the small pelvis;
  • in spasms of the intimate muscles as a manifestation of the initial stage of vaginismus, especially if the removal of the hymen was preceded by repeated and prolonged painful attempts to lose virginity;
  • the remnants of the hymen rub when the penis (or dildo) moves.

What to do if the pain remains after surgical defloration? Do not panic, contact our specialists and, if the cause is a narrow vagina, carry out procedures to expand it. This is a set of manual techniques aimed at slightly enlarging the vaginal opening, relieving muscle spasms and eliminating pain during intimacy. The first 1-2 sessions, in case of significant discomfort, can be carried out under local anesthesia - details about the service, what is done and how, can be found out at a consultation with a doctor after the examination. When it comes to pieces of the hymen remaining after surgery, it will be necessary to remove the remaining hymen.

Cost of services

Preliminary part!Price
Specialist consultation2 500
Survey, approx.3 500
Preparation before hymenotomy1 000
Local anesthesia, imp.1 unit2 500
Surgical deflorationPrice
Hymen removal1 cat15 000
Hymen incision2 cat25 000
Cosmetic hymenotomy35 000
Blind hymen incision25 000
Defloration with atresia30 000
Hymen surgery for hematocolpos35 000
Removing the remaining hymen10 000

Here you can see all prices for intimate surgery

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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