A swollen Tom Cruise was suspected of chasing youth. She harmed many celebrities

Plastic surgery can either help transform a person’s appearance for the better or play against a person. An actor's face is his bread and butter, so everyone has to take good care of themselves. Almost all stars resort to one or another cosmetic procedure. Tom Cruise, long famous for his youthful appearance, has also been seen turning to plastic surgeons. His latest appearance on the Red Carpet raised a lot of questions and confusion.

Tom Cruise plastic surgery

The actor has been appearing as a superhero for decades now. Always muscular, pumped up, with perfect abs, young and lively. Cruise’s appearance, on the one hand, is peculiar, on the other, pleasant and attracting women’s attention.

All his life the actor has been fighting with himself. It is known that in his youth Tom suffered from dyslexia (a peculiar problem with reading and writing). He had to work hard on himself. So he is not used to giving up and putting up with shortcomings. But age, apparently, takes its toll. In the last film, Cruise did not like himself; age-related changes are already visible - a double chin, bags under the eyes, wrinkles.

This state of affairs did not suit the actor, who was accustomed to looking his best. Obviously, that’s why he appeared at the awards ceremony at the BAFTA film festival with clear signs of plastic surgery.

Even the host of the ceremony, Stephen Fry, could not resist making caustic jokes towards the actor. Tom Cruise was to present the award for Best Picture. But the solemn moment faded into the background in importance. Everyone immediately began to wonder what happened to his face. Also, many viewers and fans on social media sarcastically suggested that he was bitten by a swarm of bees.

2015 before and 2016 after plastic surgery

Indeed, Cruise’s face has become too swollen, the skin is tense and unnaturally shiny . The shape of his eyes has changed, it feels like it’s hard for him to look at the flashes. He squints as if in bright sunlight. Also, his smile, which amazed fans on the spot, seems to be given with great difficulty.

Most likely, the changes that have occurred are associated with a side effect of the cosmetic procedure and the drug. According to the instructions, you need some rest after use, but Tom Cruise could not stand it and remain indifferent. Therefore, the action has not yet passed, and it was published too early. But, probably, the swelling will soon subside, and the star will again delight her fans with her impeccable appearance.

We recommend reading about Nicole Kidman's plastic surgery. You will learn about what kind of plastic surgery Nicole Kidman had and the results before and after, as well as about the beauty injections that the actress did. And here is more information about Madonna's plastic surgery.

George Clooney

Photo: Kinopoisk.ru/ East News

While many Hollywood actresses are embarrassed to admit that they have sought help from plastic surgeons, actor George Clooney has openly admitted that he has changed some things about his appearance. So, before the release of the film “Ocean’s Eleven,” the actor said that he had blepharoplasty. “I pulled my eyelids up a little,” the actor said, explaining his decision by saying that he didn’t want to look sleepy. Such a minor change in appearance went almost unnoticed, but nevertheless benefited the actor.

Other facial changes

According to the actor himself, he has never gone under the surgeon’s knife and has no intention of doing so. But experts, carefully examining his photo, come to different conclusions. Tom Cruise has had plastic surgery more than once.

Of course, everyone knows that he changed his bite and the shape of his teeth . He did this immediately after the first successful film, “Outcasts.” But this doesn’t really apply to changes in the face.

Before and after bite change

According to experts, Tom was changing the shape of his nose. Previously it was larger and wider. In Tom's opinion, he was too simple-minded. In addition, he had a hump. Also, men have a predisposition to enlargement of this part of the face, and “old man bumps” appear.

Therefore, at the beginning of his career, he had his nose redone. But the surgeon turned out to be a real professional. He just adjusted it a little, made it thinner and more aristocratic. Tom’s face also changed and became more noble.

In addition, many believe that he changed the shape of his eyes. This was also done at the beginning of my career. So now fans can admire and be delighted with his signature squint.

Recently, many have suspected that, contrary to his statements, Tom Cruise is undergoing cosmetic procedures, including laser resurfacing and peeling, Botox and Restylane beauty injections.

How Tom Cruise has changed

He also performed a midface lift. To get rid of bags under his eyes, Tom had lower eyelid blepharoplasty. All this was done around the end of the 2000s, when the first signs of age were already beginning to appear on his face.

For now, the actor is hesitant to have an eyelid lift, as this can unpredictably change the look that has already become his signature look.

Zac Efron

Photo: Kinopoisk.ru/ instagram.com/zacefron

Many celebrities use advances in aesthetic dentistry to achieve a Hollywood smile. That's exactly what High School Musical star Zac Efron did when he corrected his bite and achieved his perfect smile. However, fans are sure that the actor did not stop there and, with the help of rhinoplasty, slightly corrected the shape of his nose: he began to look more neat and closer to the standards of male beauty.

Result before and after interventions

The effect of the cosmetic procedure or operation stunned everyone. There have been a lot of comments online about Tom Cruise's appearance. Even the presenter joked that he found the actor sleeping backstage since last year. Many began to worry that Tom might become hooked on plastic surgery.

In addition, fans fear that he might suffer the same fate as Mickey Rourke or Sylvester Stallone. After all, they also once fought women, but after operations they lost their masculinity and charisma.

As for the rest, despite his age, he is in excellent shape. He continues to lead a healthy lifestyle, do fitness and yoga. As you can see, this gives real results.

We recommend reading about Donatella Versace's unsuccessful plastic surgery. You will learn a little about the life of Donatella Versace, addictions in her youth before plastic surgery, as well as about her plastic surgery and the unsuccessful results after. And here is more information about Jennifer Aniston's plastic surgery.

Any celebrity has complaints about his appearance. Impeccable facial features are the key to success in your career. Indeed, many stars owe their popularity to their pleasant, cinematic appearance. And not everyone was born beauties and handsome men. Most had to work hard on themselves. Tom Cruise is a shining example of how you can make yourself.

Dwayne Johnson

Photo: Kinopoisk.ru/ instagram.com/therock

Dwayne Johnson regularly appears on the lists of the highest paid celebrities according to Forbes, but once upon a time the actor’s dream was to engage in wrestling. However, Johnson was not afraid to radically change his life and also make changes to his appearance. So, Dwayne turned to a plastic surgeon for help to perform a so-called gynecomastia reduction procedure. The fact is that Johnson did not like the shape of his chest, which even exercise could not correct. For Johnson, undergoing a gynecomastia procedure was a purely aesthetic decision, but after that his career took off and “The Rock” acquired an ideal, sculpted figure.

Useful video

Watch the video about how Tone Cruz changed:

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Meg Ryan

Many stars, in pursuit of youth, turn to the services of cosmetologists, but some do not know when to stop. Their face becomes unrecognizable and their careers are destroyed. Such people include American actress Meg Ryan.

Dr. Mark Youssef of Younique Cosmetic Surgery told Hollywood Life that the actress has had too much work done on her face over the past twenty years.

“The most obvious thing she has done is some kind of filler or fat on her cheek. When she smiles, all this filler rises up, making her eyes appear smaller. And her voluminous cheeks give her a masculine look,” he noted.

It is likely that the actress had rhinoplasty, since the tip of her nose now looks more compressed than before. According to the doctor, she went too far with Botox on her forehead and fillers in her lips.

Prone to lies

In the same book, written by a former nanny, there is information that Cruise is not nearly as smiling and good as most people think. Thus, the nanny argued that the real reason for the multi-volume contracts could be the fact that in all their interviews she and Nicole said that they were raising their children on their own, without the support of nannies and educators. Thanks to the contracts, he could easily say that no one is helping them raise their children, and the nannies would have no way to influence this lie.

Mickey Rourke

Photo: Kinopoisk.ru/ instagram.com/mickey_rourke

After the release of the film “Nine and a Half Weeks,” the male lead Mickey Rourke turned into a real sex symbol of the late 1980s. The actor was expected to be invited to a movie, but Rourke decided to try his hand at sports and took up boxing. After a series of sparring sessions, Mickey had a broken nose and a crushed cheekbone - the actor had to see a specialist to fix the damage, but the operation was unsuccessful, and Rourke was forced to visit the plastic surgeon several more times. As a result, the actor's appearance changed beyond recognition.

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