Instagram of Nastya Balinskaya and in House 2 • Anthony keyrouz

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A real revelation for viewers of the TV show were photos of Anastasia Balinskaya, taken a couple of years before joining the project. They depict a pretty girl with regular facial features, completely different from the Nastya we see now. In any case, the label “woman-man”, firmly stuck to Balinskaya, is clearly inappropriate here, as is the comparison with the shocking character Gauguin Solntsev. Let's try to figure out why the Belarusian beauty has changed so fatally; is rhinoplasty really to blame?

early years

The girl spent her childhood in her small homeland - Belarus. From a very early age, she was a leader in all games and activities and was respected by her friends. Her character was difficult, but the girl always knew how to defend her point of view. Self-confidence helped her achieve her own goals.

Anastasia has said more than once that her best years passed in the city of Grodno, that it was there that she matured and formed as a person.

After graduating from school, Balinskaya decided that she wanted to live in the capital. Her goals were a good education, a decent career, and family life.

Do you use Instagram for fun or work?


Before becoming a participant in the Dom2 project, the girl attended all sorts of metropolitan parties, was interested in news from the fashion world, and was a regular guest at parties. Photos with various famous personalities often appeared on her social networks, including rapper MC Doni, with whom Nastya was credited with having an affair.

Childhood and youth

Anastasia Balinskaya was born on January 16, 1992 in the Belarusian city of Grodno. The character traits inherent in people born under the Capricorn zodiac sign, and the passion for everyone’s attention, which manifested itself during their years of study at a comprehensive school, gave rise to excessive ambitions and the desire to move to Moscow.

True, the girl managed to fulfill her dream only after graduating from the Grodno State Agrarian University, where, at the insistence of her parents, she received a higher education, but this did not play any role in the future and did not bring Nastya satisfaction.

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Anastasia Balinskaya before the Dom-2 project
Balinskaya was able to feel like a “human” only after she settled in Russia and began to lead an active lifestyle, visiting fashionable parties and nightclubs. Due to the ratio of height (170 cm), weight (about 60 kg) and good appearance, before the Dom-2 project, Nastya’s biography was associated with celebrities, and photos appeared on her Instagram in the company of stars.

However, this was not enough to satisfy the girl’s appetites, and in search of wealth and popularity, she decided to make a career in television. The easiest way was casting on the show “Doma-2”.


Anastasia came to the Dom2 show on December 9, 2022 and is still there. She admitted that she came to the project in order to build a relationship with a specific person - Simon Mardanshin. Balinskaya said frankly that she only needed sex from the young man.

The hosts of the project wanted to send the girl to the Seychelles to build a relationship with Simon, but at the very last moment they changed their minds and left her in Moscow. After some time, she began to build a relationship with Andrei Shtrikh, and Simon said that nothing would work out between him and Balinskaya. He needs an honest girl who is committed to a serious relationship. Margo Ovsyannikova is also vying for Simon; Anastasia is extremely dissatisfied with the appearance of her rival, so conflicts constantly arise in this love triangle.

Anastasia’s most striking relationship on the project was with Alexey Kudryashov. But even there there were conflicts and betrayals on Alexey’s part, so the couple decided to separate.

What “metamorphoses” happened to the face of Anastasia Balinskaya

Like millions of other girls, Nastya was dissatisfied with her own appearance. The correct oval face, high cheekbones, spectacular eyebrows and beautiful eyes were not pleasing, and it seemed to her that those around her only saw her large, hooked nose.

Anastasia Balinskaya did:

Rhinoplasty. Anastasia had the operation about two years before she appeared on TV screens, so the decision was not spontaneous, dictated by the burglars’ fashion for plastic surgery. The surgeon she contacted suggested not only removing the hump, but also reducing the tip of her nose, which in his opinion was too long. The effect of the operation “exceeded” expectations: the nose not only did not decrease in size, but, on the contrary, became even larger, although the hump actually disappeared.

Reference. Typically, the hump consists of cartilage tissue, which can be evaporated with a laser or removed with a scalpel. If the hump consists of cartilage and bone, then doctors use a combined technique for its removal using a laser, scalpel and surgical chisel.

Revision rhinoplasty . Dissatisfied with the result of her nose job, Anastasia Balinskaya decides to undergo corrective surgery, and entrusts it to the same surgeon. Hopes for success here were not justified: the organ of smell did not shrink and did not look better due to the curvature of the nasal septum, which is clearly visible in the photo of Anastasia Balinskaya after plastic surgery. As usually happens in such cases, the girl had breathing problems due to the impossibility of free passage of air flows through the curved nasal passages.

Lip contouring. Looking at the photo of Anastasia Balinskaya before and after nose surgery, we involuntarily notice that the tip of the nose has become more massive and has begun to hang over the upper lip. Apparently, in order to somehow compensate for this defect, the girl decided to “pump up” her lips with hyaluronic filler. Unfortunately, Nastya was disappointed here too, because... voluminous lips, coupled with a large crooked nose, added masculinity to her once sweet and feminine face.

Looking at her before and after photos, Anastasia Balinskaya admits that she cannot hold back her tears. She encourages girls to remember her sad experience when choosing a plastic surgeon. Nastya has a reason to be sad: so far not a single Russian or foreign specialist has decided to perform reconstructive rhinoplasty on her due to the threat of collapse of the nasal bridge.


The girl stands out noticeably among the other participants in the project, and her audacity and sharp tongue help her in this. Nastya’s life principle is to tell everyone only the truth, so she has very few real friends and girlfriends. At the same time, she is completely satisfied with her own character; she does not want to change.

Viewers respect her for the fact that Balinskaya has her own point of view on every issue and does not want to bend to anyone, for her courage and openness.


Despite the fact that Anastasia is an emotionally courteous person, she experienced great, but unhappy love.

Balinskaya had a loved one with whom she had a serious relationship. The young man also had ardent feelings for Nastya, but after a while he lost interest in the girl, stopped paying attention to her, and lost interest in her.

Anastasia is reluctant to remember past relationships because it causes her pain and suffering.

Fans are convinced that Balinskaya’s arrival on the famous television set is connected with her desire to forget about the past and immerse herself in new love relationships. But you can find out whether it will work out or not if you carefully watch all the episodes of the program.

Personal life

Even before the project, the personal life of this daring girl was not particularly successful. She hides her true nature behind scandals, attacks and not always decent jokes. The reason for this behavior is parting with a loved one, which was given to Nastya with great difficulty. This happened because the guy didn’t pay enough attention to her. The girl does not like to share memories about this, as it hurts her to do so.

Most likely, she came to the Dom2 project in order to forget her former love.

“HOUSE-2” star Anastasia Balinskaya: “After the second miscarriage, I was hysterical for three days”

Anastasia Balinskaya
Photo: Instagram

Fans of “DOM-2” remember very well how the relationship between Anastasia Balinskaya and Alexey Kudryashov began. The lovers often clashed, but feelings turned out to be stronger than mutual claims. A few months after the meeting, the stars of the scandalous project announced that they would become parents. However, Anastasia had a miscarriage, and then she found it difficult to come to terms with her personal tragedy.

On March 11, Balinskaya again announced her pregnancy. Before they could rejoice for the girl, fans learned that she had lost her baby again. Why tragedy struck Anastasia’s family again, and how she coped with the ordeal, the girl told StarHit.


Nastya, how did your life with Alexey change after leaving “DOM-2”?

To be honest, when we first stepped outside, we were sure that we were now stars, that there would be contracts and offers. But then we realized that we needed to work. That is why we moved to Grodno, closer to my mother. I now work as a hair treatment specialist, the income is not bad. Lesha does not have a permanent job and does freelance work.


Recently, fans were shocked by the news that you had another miscarriage. How did you find out about pregnancy?

I already had one miscarriage, and the second pregnancy was an absolute surprise. I felt that this had happened from the first days, from the first minutes. I became sensitive to smells and felt nauseous. I decided to get tested, and they showed that the hCG level was very low. We were talking about a very early date, one or two weeks maximum. But I was so happy! I already felt like I was pregnant with every cell.

Upon learning of her pregnancy, Balinskaya immediately published the test results

Photo: Instagram


How did Lesha react to the news that he would become a dad?

Honestly, when I got pregnant for the first time, Lesha was not ready. He was very worried and didn’t know how to behave. When I found out about my second pregnancy, I was simply in seventh heaven. He was so happy and took care of me.


Have you and Lesha managed to make plans for the future? Maybe they came up with names for the baby?

Yes, we have already managed to choose names and think about where I will give birth. I really wanted a girl, I dreamed about her wildly. And Lesha, like any man, wanted a son. He already has a whole list of names for the baby. He was thinking about how to provide for the family while I was pregnant and on maternity leave.


Why did you decide to tell your fans about the joyful event, because the time was still very short?

It was such good news, such happiness that I wanted to scream about it. I wanted to share my joy with everyone. That is why she announced her pregnancy on Instagram. I hid my first pregnancy and took the position that happiness loves silence. Only later did I understand that a child is born or not born, regardless of what his parents say to others about this.

Balinskaya and Kudryashov were one of the most scandalous couples of the project

Photo: Instagram


All fans of “DOM-2” remember how hard it was for you to experience your first miscarriage. Was it even harder to face tragedy a second time?

The doctors immediately warned me that the fetus might not implant. But I had hope. When I found out, I was hysterical, I couldn’t calm down for three days. She cried, lay in bed awake, and thought all the time. I wondered why girls who really want to be mothers are not given this? Why do all sorts of alcoholics easily give birth to one, two, three? It was a very difficult time, only the support of loved ones and the belief that everything would change helped me then.


How did you find out about the miscarriage?

Yes, I will never forget it. I started having strange discharge. Then the blood began to flow. I immediately rushed to the doctors, but nothing could be done. The fruit did not set. The doctors said that I was lucky. If the miscarriage had occurred at a later date, I could have said goodbye to the dream of becoming a mother forever.


How do doctors explain this?

They have been telling me since I was 19 that I won’t have children! I had cysts on my ovaries, and as a woman I was in pain a lot. The doctors said that if I don’t get pregnant in the coming years, then that’s it. But I was able to get pregnant once, then a second time. Both times were unplanned, but I did everything to ensure that the baby was born. I really want children, I have dreamed about it since I was young. I still believe that everything will work out.


How are you feeling now?

My mom is always with me. She was with me in the hospital and was very supportive. She has no doubt that Lesha and I will succeed, that I will become a mother. Physically I feel fine, the time was short. But mentally... the pain, of course, is severe. Some people say that our “pea” was only a couple of weeks old, that he was not a child yet, but I loved him! I was already imagining how the baby would be born. And these thoughts make it even harder.

Anastasia has long known about her women's problems, so she regularly undergoes examinations

Photo: Instagram


How did Lesha react?

Lesha was incredibly upset. After all, he, too, was tuned in to the child, he wanted him. It was so difficult for him psychologically that for three nights after the miscarriage he stroked my stomach in his sleep. I remember this and cry. But we are together and we support each other.


Lesha wrote on Instagram that one of the reasons for the miscarriage was excessive anxiety, a certain situation that made you cry and worry. What is he talking about?

You see, I am generally a very emotional person. I often cry and overreact to everything. And then pregnancy, hormones immediately came into play. I began to react sharply to any of Lesha’s jokes, to each of our conflicts. That’s why I cried, my condition was unstable, but I tried to hold on and not expose my body to additional stress.


After such a shock, it is difficult to make plans for the future. But tell me, if you see two lines on the test again, will you be scared or happy?

Of course, I will be happy, but fear will probably prevail. It seems to me that if I get pregnant, I will not leave the house at all. I’ll just lie down and do everything possible so that the fetus becomes established and begins to develop. Children are the most important thing in life, I continue to believe in this, and I have no doubt that someday I will become a mother.

The lovers have no doubt that they are ready for the birth of a child

Photo: Instagram


How to maintain a relationship with your loved one after such a tragedy?

It's difficult to answer this question. You know, when I published a post that I had a miscarriage, a wave of negativity poured out on me. Someone wrote that I was promoting myself on such a terrible topic. But soon girls who had similar problems got in touch. It’s scary to imagine how many women have lost unborn babies. I would like to help each of them. To say that there is no need to give up, to give up. A man should support a woman in such a situation. Well, the woman herself can only believe that someday everything will work out and work out. You need to be in a positive mood.


Is there any hope now that someday you will become a mother?

There is always hope! Lesha and I are now planning to return to Moscow. Take a course of treatment. I will begin to be even more attentive to my health, I will communicate with doctors. I want my next pregnancy to be planned, according to doctors’ recommendations.


On March 17, Lesha proposed to you. Are you getting ready?

We are now actively discussing the wedding, thinking about the details, the guest list. We also plan to return to Moscow, where we will work a lot. In general, it was hard work that helped me distract myself from anxious thoughts and forget about the pain after a miscarriage. Now let’s start asking Lesha for any suggestions, even if we can work as waiters! We will work on ourselves in the coming months so that next time we will be absolutely ready for pregnancy.

Problems with dad

A bright and cheerful girl had serious problems with her father. It's hard to believe that a parent could sexually abuse their own child. According to the girl, her father left the family when she was 12 years old. He refused to help his ex-wife and daughter financially. Having met his daughter many years later, he did not even inquire about her life, but indecently touched her butt. Nastya stopped communicating with her father. After moving to Moscow, the girl tried to improve relations with her parent. But I heard from him that I should deal with all my problems myself, and not count on his help. In response to her words that someday he would need help, he replied that he would never need it.

Photo by Anastasia

Anastasia Balinskaya pleases subscribers with selfies and vacation photos. The girl has more than 4 thousand subscribers on Instagram.

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