Chinese patches for weight loss: instructions and reviews

Before an important event, women are usually concerned with the question of how to remove a couple of centimeters from their waist in a short time. In principle, men also began to monitor themselves and their weight. A small patch will come to the rescue - a weight loss patch, on the surface of which a special composition is applied. This is the easiest way to quickly achieve the desired body contours.

How the Chinese slimming patch works

It is better to apply the Chinese patch to the area of ​​the body where there is excess fat deposits. Immediately after contact with the skin, the effect begins: the active substances from the impregnation are softened by body heat and enter the blood through the pores, bypassing the gastrointestinal tract and gall bladder. Once inside, the active substances improve metabolism, accelerate blood flow to the problem area, and enhance lymph flow.
This action leads to a gradual reduction in swelling and dissolution of fat under the skin. As a result, excess weight disappears, the figure becomes slim and toned. You should use with caution those options that include pepper tinctures (many people are allergic to them). You shouldn't expect an instant effect from Chinese stickers, but they are safe and easy to use.

Harm of the patch and features of use

  • Allergy is the first problem that you may have to face when using a weight loss patch, and the manufacturer assures that this reaction of the body will soon go away on its own.
  • You shouldn’t put a lot of patches on your body at once, or place them very close to each other, since the effect of the active substances extends somewhat further than the limits of the plate itself—there’s no need to overload the body.
  • Do not constantly use the patch in one place.


Experts advise sticking Chinese patches on the navel area, because this is the area of ​​the center of the human body through which energy flows pass, this way it is possible to achieve results faster. The main substances with which the stickers are impregnated:

  • red pepper, capsaicin - quickly burns fat, but you should not abuse it, it is better to apply a patch based on it for 15-20 minutes;
  • caffeine – improves metabolism, blood microcirculation, is effective in the fight against cellulite and varicose veins;
  • Chinese camellia, guarana, fucus finely blistered, cactus extract - these components remove excess moisture and enhance metabolism;
  • kelp - algae saturates the body with beneficial microelements, smoothes the skin, removes excess moisture and toxins.

How fat patches work

Bio-stickers can fall into different categories. It all depends on what active substance was applied to its surface. They are aimed at achieving a specific goal.

Slimming patch with pepper base. Red pepper can burn fat very well. Before use, carefully study the instructions. It usually describes the technology of application and for how long it should be glued. Typically the time specified is at least 20 minutes. It is very convenient here that the pepper-based tape is used for 2-3 days in a row, the same one.

Bio-sticker with applied caffeine. Thanks to it, you can improve blood circulation, accelerate metabolism at the cellular level to normal, and successfully combat cellulite deposits. With frequent use, the patch can eliminate varicose veins.

Stickers made in China that help a person lose weight and reduce appetite. What is bad about Chinese products is not knowing whether the ingredients contain natural products or not.

Recommendations for use

Before using the Chinese patch for weight loss, you need to make sure that the patient has no contraindications. According to the instructions, the area of ​​skin where you plan to stick the sticker is cleaned and dried. You cannot glue the sticker onto wet skin, it will not be securely fixed. The protective film is removed from the sticker and gently smoothed over the skin without folds or gaps between the skin. You need to keep the product on the skin for 20-30 minutes, some options require exposure for a day or night.

You can do your normal activities while using the sticker. After the required time, the old sticker is removed, and a new one is glued to the problem area with a shift of 1-2 cm. If, after using the products, redness, peeling, or irritation appears on the skin, wipe the area with a damp towel, apply the cream and move the patch away from the problem area.

The devices are used without a break for a month, then a rest is taken for 7-10 days. To consolidate the weight loss effect, you need to repeat the course 2-3 times a year. The advantage of patches is safety, but many people do not like that they work slowly (the active substances enter the body smoothly). The ideal place to apply the sticker is the stomach, 5 cm below the navel, or on its sides. The patches remove toxins, normalize the functioning of the lymphatic system, and smooth out cellulite.

About manufacturers and assortment

There are many Chinese, Korean, as well as American and European patches available in stores. Each product has a special composition, but, as a rule, they consist of plant components that have long been used in alternative oriental medicine to activate metabolism and intensively burn fat.

  • Thus, the Soso Slimming Patch brand patch is designed to break down the fat layer, remove excess fluid and increase blood flow. The active ingredients of the patch are violet root, wormwood and pepper. Due to this, you can speed up weight loss in the hips and waist.
  • Another equally popular brand is Lusero, from an Italian manufacturer. They are used for the abdomen, thighs, and buttocks. The active substance includes fucus extract and Chinese camellia.
  • And Slim Patch patches from the American company Beauty Style help you lose weight while you sleep. The fact is that the plates are applied to the problem area before going to bed, which should last 8 hours, and are removed in the morning.

Contraindications for use

The products are not ideally safe because they contain active plant components, to which allergies can manifest in the form of redness, burning, and dryness. Contraindications for the use of Chinese patches are:

  • pregnancy, breastfeeding (lactation);
  • menstruation;
  • diseases of the kidneys, thyroid gland;
  • diabetes;
  • rash, skin injuries, scars;
  • sensitive skin;
  • allergy or intolerance to the components of the composition;
  • age under 18 years;
  • use for more than 30 consecutive days.


The weight loss patch is a relatively new product on the modern market. Manufacturers present it in a fairly wide range. Based on the nature of their action, the following types of transdermal products are distinguished:

  • to normalize metabolic functions;
  • to remove excess fluid;
  • active fat burners.

It is recommended to use the newfangled product only on healthy skin that is free of allergic manifestations and damage. Do not use on mucous membranes, chest, heart area, or glue to hair. Pregnancy, thyroid and kidney diseases, diabetes mellitus, allergies, and childhood are mentioned as contraindications.

Popular Chinese slimming patches

You can buy a weight loss patch in online stores or some chains, cosmetics stores, and pharmacies. A popular product is the Slim Hot sticker, which is applied to the stomach, buttocks, and thighs. The result of use is fat burning and smoothing of the “orange peel”. The patch can be used multiple times and is applied for 20 minutes every two days. Other popular stickers are described below.

Slim Patch

This Chinese patch is magnetic, impregnated with mineral powder, resins, mint ether and phytoncides. Such active components work on losing excess weight. The product is stored closed (it begins to heat up when opened) in a cool, dark place. Restrictions on its use include pregnancy, lactation, diabetes, allergies, exacerbations of dermatological diseases, body injuries, and wounds.

Slim Patch may cause skin irritation; if it occurs, therapy is canceled. The patch acts around the clock on problem areas and adjacent areas, reduces appetite, restores skin firmness and elasticity, and removes moisture . The composition contains Tibetan herbs:

  • alisma rhizomes (chastukha) – lymphatic drainage component, eliminates swelling;
  • hawthorn fruits - restore, improve blood circulation, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, reduce cholesterol levels;
  • sesame seed – blocks the growth of fat cells, reduces fat deposits, removes waste and toxins;
  • Cassia seeds – have antibacterial properties, remove waste and toxins, reduce cholesterol;
  • tree resin – softens the skin and ensures reliable adhesion of the patch.

It is advisable to apply the sticker overnight and change it to a fresh one in the morning for a better effect. The manufacturer says that if you are overweight up to 10 kg, using the patch for a month will help to significantly correct your figure. If you add sports and diet to the use of the sticker, the weight loss effect will be even more pronounced. The price for one piece is 150 rubles, sold in packs of 10 or 30 pieces.


The Chinese Soso sticker contains extracts of Alexandria leaf, wormwood, Sichuan pepper, Eklonia thallus, Florentine iris, which helps solve two problems at once - excess weight and cellulite. In addition to improving your figure, the patch improves the functioning of the digestive tract, removes excess moisture from the body, and stabilizes the function of the endocrine system. You can glue it on the navel or 5 cm below every 2-3 days (change every 3-5 hours during the day) for 1-3 months. The result is noticeable in the second month. Cost for 1 piece. – 99 rubles.


This patch is not Chinese. and made in Korea, contains caffeine. According to the manufacturer, it ideally fights excess weight and cellulite. The patch is applied to dry skin, previously cleansed, for 4-8 hours. Consumer reviews are mostly negative, because the product is expensive and causes discomfort when used at night . Price for 1 piece. – 320 rubles.


Chinese Meitan weight loss patches are more often called bio-stickers. They contain natural gems, violet root, bitter radish seeds, and Pennsylvania sedge. The stickers are glued to dry, cleansed skin 1 cm below the navel. After a day, they are replaced with new plates. In addition to losing weight, using the sticker normalizes metabolism. Cost 1 piece. – 230 rubles.

Hao Gang

Haogang slimming patches are only applied to the stomach or navel. Due to the penetration of active substances, the use of the product helps to break down fats, remove excess moisture, toxins and impurities. Hao Gan improves intestinal motility, functionality of the lymphatic system, and blood circulation. The sticker is used once a day, one piece costs 160 rubles.


These stickers are also used only on the stomach and navel, because in the process they improve the functioning of the intestines and the entire gastrointestinal tract. Using them for weight loss helps burn excess fat, remove toxins and improve skin elasticity. These stickers come in different sizes (from small 74*44 mm to large 93*82 mm). The main components of the composition are extracts of violet, sedge, styphnolobium, extracts of red pepper, green tea, prunes and saltwort, caffeine. Cost for 5 pcs. – 1600 rubles.

How to use it correctly

The patch must be used with caution. If, when sticking the patch, a person feels discomfort, a strong burning sensation, itching, pain or unpleasant symptoms are heard, in this case, you need to immediately remove the weight loss patch.

The affected area must be washed with warm water. If symptoms do not go away, visit a dermatologist. People may suffer from individual intolerance to the components applied to the bio-sticker. For example, a person experiences allergic rashes or redness of the skin.

The weight loss patch is simple to use. Let's look at some simple recommendations:

  • To fix the patch, select several problem areas at once that require adjustment. This is the area of ​​the hips or abdomen, lumbar region, surface of the arms/legs;
  • Before applying the slimming tape, you should take a shower and wash off any dirt deposits, if any. Dry with a towel;
  • Remove the protective film from the bio-sticker and stick it to the desired problem area;
  • each type must be kept on the body for the time specified in the instructions. For example, a feather-filled sticker should only be left in place for up to 20 minutes to avoid getting burned;
  • After the time period has expired, it is carefully removed, the remaining sticky layer must be washed off with soap. In some cases, it is first moistened a little and then removed so that it does not hurt the skin;
  • Lubricate the skin with a soothing cream.

Application benefits

Let's look at the positive aspects of use:

  1. Point impact. Despite all the positive aspects of other methods, they are not only able to remove a few centimeters from a specific problem area. The use of the patch allows application on the abdomen, gluteal muscles, and lateral surface. In this case, the active substance works only in these zones;
  2. The slimming patch is used externally only. Therefore, its active components will not harm the gastrointestinal tract or affect the functioning of the liver or kidneys;
  3. Using the products, people go to work, do fitness, and go for walks.

Product Disadvantages

With all the advantages of using this weight loss product, it has some disadvantages:

  1. Capable of burning only the fat that is located under the skin. But there is also fat on the internal organs, which the patch cannot remove;
  2. Normalization of metabolic action is carried out only at the local level. This alone is not enough to fight excess weight in general.

Benefits of Chinese weight loss patches

People who use patches report a number of advantages and disadvantages. The positive qualities of stickers include:

  • ease of use;
  • the ability to lose weight without dieting and exercise;
  • there is an option for losing weight in specific places where excess fat accumulates;
  • the active substances of the composition do not penetrate the digestive tract, which does not impair the functioning of the stomach and intestines;
  • stickers do not have a regime - you can stick them in the morning and forget them until the evening, going about your usual business (with some you can even take a bath and shower);
  • do not stain clothes;
  • minimal number of side effects;
  • you can always remove it if allergies or irritation occur;
  • The possibility of overdose is completely excluded.

About the pros and cons

First, let's look at the positive aspects of using the drug:

  1. With the patch there is no risk of staining your clothes.
  2. The risk of harmful effects on the digestive organs (unlike, say, tablets) is also eliminated.
  3. Weight is lost only in a certain part of the body.
  4. No need to radically change your lifestyle (physical training, diet)

However, there are a number of disadvantages:

  1. Relatively inexpensive.
  2. It is not advisable to use the patch if you have too much excess weight, since it does not remove internal fat.
  3. You cannot use it constantly - after a month you need to take at least a 10-day break.


Weight loss stickers are also not without their negative qualities. Their main disadvantages include:

  • high cost of the course, not everyone can afford it;
  • only external fat is burned, but internal fat (visceral, enveloping the intestines and liver) does not go away;
  • not suitable for those who have more than 10 kg of excess weight or an advanced case of cellulite, otherwise they will have to combine gluing with diet and sports;
  • if there are many problem areas, stickers are applied to everything that can negatively affect sweating.
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