Wrinkles at 20 years old. Why does early aging of the face and body begin?

Experience, suffering, joyful laughter, skepticism, surprise are reflected on our faces. Facial muscles move certain areas of the skin, thereby showing an emotional response to any irritation. In both teenagers and children, for example, you can notice some kind of wrinkles in the forehead area, but they disappear without a trace as soon as the emotion is replaced by another.

Over time, repeated repetition of such motor stereotypes leads to the formation of stable marks and wrinkles are formed. Age-related changes in subcutaneous fat and skin enhance this process. This is how life experiences leave a mark on our faces.

In Ancient Rome, for example, it was customary to be proud of wrinkles - traces of a turbulent life.

And in the last century, the world-famous actor Belmondo won the hearts of women, hiding a unique charm in his very wrinkled face. But everyone gets wrinkles, and charm is a piece goods.

Now the trend has changed significantly; wrinkles have long gone out of fashion. Prolonged youth is in trend.

What can you do to maintain your youthful appearance for as long as possible? Stop feeling emotions? But without them, life will lose color. Change facial stereotypes? But this is very difficult, because most people do not even notice that they are wincing or frowning. To get rid of this habit, there are botulinum therapy drugs that reduce the activity of facial expressions, help smooth out wrinkles and make it possible to learn to control facial expressions. If we frown and frown less, fewer wrinkles will form.

The Vocation Beauty Institute is made up of doctors with extensive practice (Elena Anatolyevna Maslyukova has been using botulinum therapy for 17 years and passes on vast experience and her know-how to the Vocation doctors). All doctors constantly improve their qualifications, attend seminars by leading Russian and foreign specialists, and participate in scientific conferences. We use only certified botulinum therapy drugs.

The drug Dysport is French, Xeomin is German and Relatox-Russia. All these drugs are similar and contain botulinum toxin type A, but it cannot be said that all drugs are the same. Each has its own characteristics, which the doctor must know well. The extensive experience of doctors at the Vocation Beauty Institute makes it possible to choose the optimal drug for each individual person. Many of our patients, who have been observed in our clinic for many years and undergo botulinum therapy procedures, report excellent results in the form of wrinkle reduction.

Causes of forehead wrinkles

The first noticeable folds on the forehead can appear at the early age of 20 years. What wrinkles on the forehead look like: these are horizontal and vertical creases that form in places of increased muscle activity.

The occurrence of wrinkles is only 20% due to genetic factors - the structure of the skull and the type of tissue aging, the remaining 80% are the consequences of the negative influence of external environmental factors that can be minimized.

Alexander Prokofiev: Dermatovenereologist La Roche-Posay

Let's take a closer look at the reasons for the formation of wrinkles on the forehead:

  • Active facial expressions (the habit of frowning and raising eyebrows in surprise) play an important role in the formation of horizontal wrinkles, longitudinal wrinkles and inclined symmetrical wrinkles on the forehead: over time, muscles and tissues remember the position of the folds, the first facial creases appear, and then static age-related changes.
  • Insufficient care is another reason for early aging of the skin on the forehead. Due to insufficient hydration, antioxidant support and protection from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation, the skin becomes dehydrated, its protective functions are impaired and visible age-related changes appear.
  • With age, due to a decrease in the synthesis of natural collagen and hyaluronic acid, the skin loses its elasticity, firmness and is unable to smooth out on its own even with intensive hydration of the epidermis.
  • Bad habits, lack of physical activity (sedentary lifestyle), stress and lack of sleep, lack of oxygen, insufficient drinking regimen, unbalanced diet - all this affects our appearance: the skin loses tone, becomes dull, dehydrated, soft tissues sag, visible signs of age-related changes.
  • The habit of sleeping on the stomach (face in the pillow) also causes tissue deformation and the appearance of early wrinkles on the forehead: in this position, the blood supply to the skin and its full night restoration are disrupted.

Stress factor

The first cause of premature aging of the entire body in general and the skin in particular is stress. Stress is the body's way of adapting to the environment for survival and self-preservation. If we give the body the wrong food, which overloads it, do not saturate it with water, do not get enough sleep, maintain a deficiency of vitamins and microelements, are constantly in muscle tension and live in some of our thoughts, often negative, then we expose the body to stress.

This means that even at the smallest level - the cellular level - the body also suffers. As a result, all processes either begin to stop or even go backwards. And negative processes are accelerating against this background. After all, the strength of the immune system is aimed at correcting the effects of stress. Accordingly, the body remains defenseless against infections, viruses and bacteria.

Also, internal inflammation develops from stress, which often occurs secretly, and this is a direct path to diseases that do not add youth and beauty.

So it’s worth stopping periodically, looking for outlets and moments of rest, drinking sedatives (preferably plant-based) and choosing more activities to your liking in order to relieve the stress on the nervous system.

Overcome anxiety. When can you handle it yourself, and when is it time to see a doctor? More details

How to get rid of wrinkles on the forehead at home?

The process of age-related changes in the skin in the forehead area cannot be completely stopped, but it is possible to slow them down by following the care recommendations.
Mature skin (45+ years), unlike older skin (30 years), does not respond as readily to home care and pronounced furrows are not completely smoothed out. In this case, it makes sense to additionally resort to salon and cosmetic procedures. Alexander Prokofiev: Dermatovenereologist La Roche-Posay

How to fight forehead wrinkles with cosmetics?

Let's look at cosmetic products that help fill wrinkles on the forehead:

How can gymnastics and massage help reduce wrinkles on the forehead?

Massage is another effective way to combat wrinkles on the forehead. Rejuvenating self-massage is not only a pleasant, but also a useful procedure that will help smooth out wrinkles on the forehead without Botox, and also disperse the lymph and give the face a fresh look and a healthy glow.

How to properly massage your face:

  1. Pre-prepare your skin: thoroughly cleanse your face of makeup and other contaminants, apply any base cream for better glide. Massage will help the active component of your care product penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis.
  2. Warm up your palms by rubbing your palms together. Then lightly rub your face from bottom to top.
  3. Gently move along the massage lines in a circular motion from the center to the crown. Avoid pulling and pressing movements.
  4. Perform frequent targeted taps over the entire surface of the face, in the area under the chin and behind the ears.
  5. Repeat each movement at least 5 times. The optimal massage time is 15-20 minutes.

The next effective way to fight wrinkles on the forehead is gymnastics or face-building. With anti-aging exercises on a regular basis (at least 3 times a week), you can achieve a noticeable lifting effect and smooth out even deep wrinkles. Gymnastics is aimed at strengthening facial muscles, normalizing blood microcirculation, providing oxygen to cells, improving complexion and improving skin quality.

Anti-aging gymnastics for wrinkles on the forehead consists of several blocks:

  • Warm-up – be sure to prepare your muscles for exercise by warming them up with a 5-minute warm-up.
  • Exercises for forehead wrinkles and glabellar furrows smooth out facial wrinkles, relax and strengthen muscles, preventing the formation of new wrinkles.

Smoothing forehead wrinkles by facial taping

Taping or Kinesio Taping is a popular method of smoothing out wrinkles by applying special adhesive elastic strips - tapes - to the skin along the muscle lines. Tapes effectively relax overstrained muscles without injections, and also support them and prevent gravitational tissue ptosis.

Folk remedies against wrinkles on the forehead

An additional way to reduce wrinkles in the forehead area at home are folk remedies that can easily be found on supermarket shelves, on the shelves of kitchen cabinets or refrigerators.

What ingredients can be used to make an effective homemade mask against wrinkles on the forehead:

  • fruit, berry and vegetable masks (grapefruit, cucumber, strawberry, kiwi, apple, etc.);
  • masks made from grains and seeds (oatmeal, flaxseed);
  • clay masks diluted with water or facial tonic;
  • mask based on aloe juice;
  • masks based on antioxidants (vitamin A, E, C + green tea);
  • masks based on honey, avocado and egg yolk;
  • gelatin masks;
  • masks based on organic oils (wheat germ oil, argan oil, peach kernel oil, macadamia oil, etc.)

Masks are applied to previously cleansed and toned facial skin for 15-30 minutes, 2-3 times a week. Alternating the composition every 2-3 weeks will help prevent the skin from getting used to the active composition of the mask.

Masks made from natural ingredients should be used with caution on sensitive skin prone to allergies and do not replace full corrective care using professional anti-age care with rich active formulas.

How to remove deep wrinkles on the forehead in a salon?

Where anti-aging home care is powerless, all kinds of cosmetic procedures come to the rescue: peelings, deep masks, hardware therapy of various types, beauty injections and even plastic surgery. Let's take a closer look at each of the options on how to get rid of wrinkles on the forehead in the salon.

Hardware cosmetic procedures against wrinkles on the forehead:

  • Peels (chemical, laser, ultrasound, etc.)
    allow you to carefully remove the stratum corneum of the epidermis and instantly transform, soften, smooth, renew and cleanse the skin.
  • Non-injection mesotherapy
    is an alternative way to combat loss of tone and elasticity, fine wrinkles, dull complexion, rosacea, hyperpigmentation and other manifestations of age-related changes. There are several types of non-injection mesotherapy: electroporation (hydromesotherapy), cryomesotherapy, laser, oxygen, iontophoresis, magnetophoresis, etc.
  • Photorejuvenation
    is a laser procedure aimed at eliminating age-related skin defects such as wrinkles, pigmentation, rosacea, etc. During the procedure, the laser affects hemoglobin without affecting the skin.

Hardware and traditional cosmetology are usually used in a complex manner, so the above procedures are often supplemented with masks, bioactive cocktails or serums.

Injection cosmetic procedures against wrinkles on the forehead:

  • Mesotherapy is an injection procedure through which a bioactive meso-cocktail is injected into the skin, smoothing its texture, returning it to a uniform color and healthy radiance, elasticity and filling wrinkles, creases and folds on the forehead and other areas.
  • Biorevitalization is the injection of hyaluronic acid under the skin. Deep hydration and preservation of moisture in cells is the most effective way to get rid of facial wrinkles and dehydration lines. With age, the synthesis of hyaluronic acid decreases, the skin becomes dry, which accelerates the aging process.
  • Plasmolifting is rejuvenation through the subcutaneous injection of the patient’s own plasma. Plasma as an active ingredient increases skin turgor, smoothes even deep wrinkles and prevents the formation of new ones, and has a pronounced lifting effect.
  • Botox for the face is one of the most common procedures for instantly smoothing out wrinkles. Botox is a protein that literally paralyzes muscles, reducing their contraction. At the site of Botox injection, the skin stops forming folds, and existing facial wrinkles are noticeably smoothed out (Botox is not as effective on deep wrinkles).
  • Fillers are gel-like fillers that can combat age-related changes and correct the shape of the face. The filler is injected subcutaneously into the problem area and fills the soft tissue deficiency, due to which the skin is smoothed.

Poor nutrition

The diet of a modern person, and this is no secret to anyone, is not correct and healthy. The diet and variety of options in stores directly depend on how well the country's economy is developed. So, for example, today there are more processed products - the same sausages and sausages - but before there was more natural meat. The climate is changing, plants do not have time to ripen, all this directly affects the composition of microelements and vitamins in food: they become poorer. People are also starting to eat more trans fats - foods that fill you up more quickly, but are not good for the body. The cells are not nourished, they begin to work worse, and they are not renewed.

Eating on the run also becomes a negative factor. The result is problems in the gastrointestinal tract. And our immunity largely depends on the functioning of the intestines.

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In the role of rejuvenating apples. What foods slow down aging?

How to smooth out forehead wrinkles with plastic surgery?

Plastic surgery will be relevant if other methods of correcting age-related changes are powerless.

Let's look at how to remove deep wrinkles on the forehead and what surgical methods of rejuvenation are:

  • Plastic surgery is a radical surgical intervention aimed at aesthetic correction of the oval of the face. Eliminates wrinkles of any depth, age-related deformation (face skin tightening).
  • Gold threads (bionithreads, mesothreads) are another method of surgical correction of facial contours, which involves the subcutaneous introduction of medical threads that can tighten sagging tissues and rejuvenate the image. In addition to noticeable facial correction, threads help enrich cells with oxygen, remove free radicals, and stimulate the production of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid, which are responsible for the firmness and elasticity of the skin.
  • Lipofilling is a procedure for injecting a patient’s adipose tissue subcutaneously into problem areas of the face and body. Lipofilling helps to permanently get rid of sagging soft tissues and effectively smooth out even deep creases.

Methods of the Facial Aesthetics Clinic

The aesthetics clinic of the Altermed group of clinics can safely be called unique. We have combined in one place all possible services and techniques that relate to the care, correction, diagnosis and treatment of skin problems. With us you can use any service from the field of traditional, injection and laser cosmetology, dermatology, remove any tumor, cure skin diseases. Our specialists have the appropriate licenses and certificates; all of them have undergone special training cycles to work on the latest generation equipment, which is available in all three branches of the Altermed network. Waiting for you!

Preventing the appearance of early wrinkles on the forehead: expert advice

  • Drinking balance: consume enough clean water per day (up to 2 liters).
  • Proper nutrition: watch what you eat! We are what we eat and this is the honest truth. Enrich your usual diet with fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, grains, vitamins and minerals (take multivitamin complexes and nutritional supplements).
  • Stop smoking and alcohol: these two bad habits are more reflected on the face by the loss of firmness, elasticity, healthy glow and smoothness of the skin.
  • Full sleep: sleep at least 8 hours a day, it is during sleep that skin cells begin to actively restore and renew themselves, intensively absorb active substances from your night care. Learn to sleep on your back or purchase a pillow with anatomical properties.
  • Watch your facial expressions: try to control your emotions: frown, wrinkle your forehead and squint less.
  • An anti-aging beauty routine should consist of a multi-step complex of skin care procedures: regular cleansing, toning, basic corrective care, antioxidant protection and protection from UV radiation. To prevent photoaging, a light milk spray Anthelios XL SPF 50+ or ​​an invisible spray veil for face and body Anthelios SPF 30 from La Roche-Posay is suitable.
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