Svetlana Loboda: biography, songs, husband, children, photos, news

Svetlana Loboda
“All people are like people, and I am a superstar,” Svetlana Loboda sings, and we completely believe her. Now almost no one remembers that the artist began her career in the Cappuccino group, and then performed for several months as part of VIA Gra. Being part of the group was not part of the ambitious singer's plans. Judging by the number of hits created by Svetlana solo, it is obvious that she made the right choice.

Loboda turns 38 on October 18, but she is still single. The singer’s relationship with producer Alexander Shirkov and with the father of her eldest daughter Eva ended in painful breakups. For the last couple of years, there have been rumors about the singer’s romance with Rammstein lead singer Till Lindemann. What is this: just gossip or real love?


Loboda Svetlana Sergeevna was born on October 18, 1982 in Kyiv. The parents of the future star worked in ordinary professions; only the grandmother was associated with creativity. She was an opera singer, but she had to give up her career after meeting her future husband, Svetlana’s grandfather.

According to the artist, she made all her relative’s stage dreams come true. At some point, delighted with her granddaughter’s success, the woman told her never to give up her favorite business for a man. Like, this person can leave you, and then you will be left with nothing. Having become a famous singer, Loboda admits that there have been times in her life when someone tried to persuade her to give up creativity, but it didn’t work out.

Svetlana Loboda in childhood. Instagram @lobodaofficial

Like many of her colleagues, Svetlana Loboda has a special education. The artist has not only a music school background, but also studies at the Kyiv Variety and Circus Academy. The latter, judging by Loboda’s numbers, had a considerable influence on her and her work.

Fans of the star consider the star's performances to be a separate form of art. They often use sophisticated concert equipment. The troupe's dances are choreographed by professional choreographers, and the singer herself performs truly circus acts, performing all her songs without a soundtrack. The last star, in her own words, simply does not accept.

However, despite all her individuality today, Svetlana Loboda had to start by participating in female pop groups.


After leaving VIA Gra, Loboda decided to build her own career. She decided to conquer the audience in Moscow nightclubs. By 2004, the artist had earned enough money to shoot her first solo video. “Black and White Winter” was chosen as the composition.

At the same time, Loboda was building a career as a presenter. She hosted “Showmania” and the program “Miss CIS” on the New Channel. The singer has always strived for independence.

First steps on stage

The creative path of Svetlana Loboda began in the group “Cappuccino”. However, the team failed to achieve fame and the participants spent some time without work. During this period, the girl, secretly from the producer, sang in restaurants. She soon leaves the group.

Now the future star is participating in the musical “Equator”. However, the urge to become a solo artist prevailed. In 2003, Svetlana Loboda created her own group “Ketch”. However, the project never became popular and a year later the singer took part in the casting of a famous producer

According to the star’s recollections, it began at 9 a.m. and ended closer to 10 p.m. A good thousand attractive girls applied for the role of the project’s pupil. However, the jury preferred Loboda's candidacy. When the singer was announced that she had passed the casting for VIA Gra, she was taken aback. The artist did not at all want to work in a team again, because she went to the casting with the goal of being Konstantin Meladze’s artist.

Nevertheless, Svetlana Loboda becomes the vocalist of the project, but she will not stay there for long. Less than six months later, the girl will leave the project to pursue a solo career. In the future, she will compare the experience of participating in a team to the state of a compressed spring. Frequent performances of VIA Gra took a lot of strength and energy from the girl, but did not save her from the dream of a solo career.

Today, the only reminders of the artist’s presence in VIA Gra are recordings from performances and the “Biology” video. In the latter, it is not so easy to recognize the familiar Svetlana Loboda, because she has not only a change of image ahead of her.

What changes have occurred to the body

Changes in the singer’s body indicate corrective interventions by doctors. Nature rewarded her with a slender figure and appetizing curves. Surgical plastic surgery only emphasized the beauty of the star.

Svetlana’s breasts after plastic surgery became firmer, rounder and larger in size.

Careful, skillful manipulation of Svetlana’s breasts made them more sensual and round. In relation to the whole body, it does not look artificial, thanks to the correctly chosen proportions.

The singer’s long legs have long given rise to rumors about their special lengthening. But carrying out this kind of surgical intervention would require a long period of treatment and a difficult rehabilitation period.

Svetlana is always in plain sight and would not be able to find time in her schedule for such an operation. At his concerts, Loboda moves a lot and performs complex elements, which contradicts assumptions about surgical intervention. Plastic surgery helped the girl get rid of her worries about her kneecaps, ankle bones and large foot size.

Svetlana is proud of her slender figure, and notes that she inherited it. The star does not burden herself with hours of training to stay in shape and would even like to gain a couple of kilograms. This is greatly hampered by the singer’s busy work schedule and energetic rhythm of life.

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Solo career

In 2004, Svetlana Loboda's solo career began. During this period, the artist appears before the viewer in the image of a passionate and sexy woman. The themes of her songs often become familiar to every woman. A year later, Loboda released her debut album “You Won’t Forget.”

The first solo record is followed by the release of more and more singles by the artist, many of which will eventually turn out to be hits. Nevertheless, the singer is trying herself in a new role. In 2007, Svetlana Loboda held an exhibition of her own photographs to help children in need.

According to the star, she did not expect such a response to her photographs, but the organizers managed to sell almost all the photographs, the money from the sale of which went to support the kids. After this, the artist will try herself in the design field. She will announce the launch of her signature clothing collection, Fuch 'n' macho, consisting of men's briefs, T-shirts and jackets designed for women.

The idea for the collection came to Loboda while filming the video “Not a Macho.” The inspiration was a T-shirt with the word F*ck 'n' Macho. Seeing it on the singer, the actresses she knew wanted exactly the same for themselves. So the girl decided to create a new line of fashionable clothing, the concept of which is that modern women are able to provide for themselves no worse than if men did it for them. The latter, according to the canon of the project, were crushed.

This milestone in Loboda’s work is filled with bright performances and high-profile solo concerts. The singer continually delights fans with fresh material and frank interviews. The girl is completely involved in the production process of her videos, so she often personally sits on the editing. Soon, determination and hard work will be rewarded to her a hundredfold.

Eurovision 2009

In 2009, Svetlana Loboda goes to Eurovision on behalf of Ukraine. The singer’s team decided to devote their performance to social issues. The composition turned out to be different from everything that the artist had previously done. By her own admission, the track for Eurovision was chosen by an Indian cow.

Svetlana Loboda remembers humming this song while sitting somewhere on the street in India. The chant attracted the attention of a cow - the country's sacred animal - and it approached the artist to lick her. At that moment, the singer took this as a good sign. So the song “Be My Valentine” became the artist’s entry at a European song contest.

Initially, the track was called Be My Valentine, then the words Anti-crisis Girl were added to it. Eurovision fans decided that the heroine of the song would be a girl who would save the world from the economic crisis that broke out in 2008. Loboda herself denied such a parallel, insisting that Anti-crisis Girl is a woman who is able to confront problems without anyone’s help. The word Crisis does not imply an economic decline at all, but the arrival of some kind of instability.

At the same time, the single ardently defends women's rights. Thus, Svetlana Loboda came to the opening ceremony of Eurovision 2009 in Moscow, covered in bruises. The media sounded the alarm that the artist was allegedly attacked before going on the red carpet. It later turned out that the bruises were makeup and they were part of a performance whose goal was to draw public attention to the problem of domestic violence in the family. In particular, about the situation of women in such a situation.

However, despite raising social issues and a spectacular show, Svetlana Loboda failed to take first place. The artist ended up only in twelfth position, which, as she admitted, she did not expect. In the future, the singer will call Eurovision an outdated and boring competition that she doesn’t even follow.

Svetlana Loboda's loss at the main song competition on the planet did not affect her popularity among listeners. The singer will release more than one hit; it will even happen that her album will receive platinum status. Colleagues, as well as users of social networks, are increasingly concerned with the question of who actually writes all these songs for Loboda?

Who writes songs for Svetlana Loboda?

According to the singer, she receives all her big hits from authors who send them to her by email. The artist even devotes special time to “parsing” mail. According to her, several dozen messages arrive there per day. At some point, there were too many letters and the singer’s producer got involved.

In one of her interviews, Svetlana Loboda told how the process of selecting potential hits goes. It turned out that the original composition undergoes a lot of changes before getting on the radio or the artist’s YouTube channel. For example, the super hit “40 degrees”, written by Monatik, in one of its versions resembled a folk song. The track received another 40 arrangements, of which music lovers heard only one - the one with violins.

Plastic surgery by Svetlana Loboda

Despite the recognition of listeners and many musical hits, netizens are more interested in the star’s plastic surgery. On the Internet, photographs of Loboda in his youth are constantly compared with today’s photographs. The prevailing opinion is that the artist has repeatedly turned to a plastic surgeon for help.

Among the obvious differences are the singer's nose and lips. Even the most loyal fans of Svetlana Loboda suspect that the girl still resorted to the services of beauty doctors. Among them supposedly were rhinoplasty, lip augmentation, and changes in the shape of the face.

Svetlana Loboda categorically denies these speculations. According to her, she only had to visit the plastic surgeon's office once - after she fell on the glass. The incident disfigured the girl's face, leaving scars on it and seriously damaging her nose, as a result of which a hump appeared on it.

The situation did not suit the artist and she turned to surgeons for help. As for the deliberate change in appearance, then, according to the singer, she did not change anything about herself. According to Svetlana Loboda, until the age of thirty there is no need for this at all. She herself is afraid to change anything about herself in this way, for fear of losing her individuality.

Facial plastic surgery

Fans and aesthetic surgery specialists provide convincing arguments about exactly how Svetlana Loboda changed before and after plastic surgery. Photos of the star are often published and analyzed.

The photo shows how the cheekbones and lips have changed after plastic surgery.

The singer’s large lips stand out sharply in photographs and give reason to think about artificially enlarging them. Svetlana's childhood photographs confirm the natural nature of her plump and sensitive mouth. Now its shape has changed, and its size has grown greatly. In addition, the singer always carefully emphasizes them through makeup.

Natural lips taper at the corners. The singer's round contour is explained by the use of silicone gel and surgery. The lips appear unnatural and swollen, giving the impression of deliberate protrusion.

The volume of the lips is really large, although this mouth structure may well be natural.

Loboda's cheekbones have also undergone changes. In her youth, the girl had an elongated face shape and weak cheekbones. Over time, the oval of the face became neater and softer. Such changes can occur due to contouring and the use of hyaluronic fillers. Or a similar result was obtained through lipolifting and the introduction of implants.

The hump on the star’s nose, which was noticeable in her youthful photographs, has disappeared. Rhinoplasty changed the shape of the singer’s nose, narrowed the wings and reduced the tip. Laser resurfacing helped get rid of the scar.

The tip of the nose is reduced, the lips are more swollen, the face looks like a mask

Svetlana’s smooth and beautiful facial skin is the result of Botox injections. This drug contains botulinum toxin, which can relieve tension in the facial muscles for several months. Their temporary paralysis blocks the formation of facial wrinkles, and the face turns into a mask.

Svetlana Loboda in 2022

Today Svetlana Loboda is known simply as Loboda. The artist registered the name as a trademark. The singer is still in demand among listeners. If the stronger half of the fans are attracted by the brightness and beauty of the singer, then women sometimes recognize their own love stories in Loboda’s songs.

Despite her bohemian lifestyle and a million Instagram followers, Svetlana Loboda is not isolated from society and shows sensitivity to those who are less fortunate in life. During the rampant COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, Svetlana Loboda and her team launched a campaign for the poor. As part of it, the artist will send food packages to families affected by the consequences of the coronavirus epidemic that came to their country. The event is held in the artist’s home country of Ukraine and Russia.

As for the star’s daily life, in her own words, she now lives in three countries. Loboda has a house in Russia, Ukraine and one other country, the name of which the girl refused to specify. At the same time, the singer has recently been persona non grata in her native Ukraine. However, fans of the artist’s work are much more interested not in big politics, but in the personal life of their idol.

Artificial beauty or natural: what is more?

Svetlana Loboda rarely appears in public without makeup. Therefore, it is difficult to say exactly what cosmetic procedures the star did on her face. The absence of facial wrinkles indicates constant visits to plastic specialists.

The singer is silent about the achievements of plastic surgery.

Lips have sharply increased in volume in recent years. Their shape also changed. If Svetlana used silicone gel, then it is unlikely that her goal was precisely this lip size. They look unnatural. The consequences of such an operation would look natural on the face of a girl with large cheekbones and a small nose.

Due to the lack of facial expressions, fans suspected the singer of being into contouring.

Users of social networks assume that the singer has a psychological addiction to various types of surgical interventions. After all, few people doubted her physical attractiveness. And her unusual plump lips were beautiful without correction.

Such frequent visits to doctors and cosmetologists made Svetlana’s face look like a doll mask. The singer's natural beauty is hidden under a thick layer of makeup.

Personal life

Despite candid images and intimate photo sessions, Svetlana Loboda was married only once. The singer’s first choice was a member of her troupe, Andrei Tsar. In this civil marriage, a girl, Eva, will be born, who will ultimately become the most faithful fan of the performer’s work. The girl maintains a warm relationship with her father. Andrey devotes all possible time to his daughter and helps her financially, as much as his income allows.

The couple broke up in 2014. According to Svetlana Loboda, the reason for the breakup was Andrei’s behavior. At that moment, when the artist was actively working, the man chose yoga classes, not realizing at all that his wife alone would obviously not be able to cope with such loads. Then the woman decided to separate from her lover.

Svetlana Loboda with her eldest daughter Eva. Instagram @lobodaofficial

After breaking up with Andrei Tsar, the artist will give up her personal life for a long time. More than once a woman will say that it is difficult for her to find a suitable passion. Svetlana Loboda believes that she needs someone who will be sympathetic to her profession and private travel. In addition, a person, like Svetlana, must be self-realized. The singer considers herself an esthete who is interested in beautiful people. At the same time, the singer states that in addition to external data, charisma and a sense of humor are important to her.

In 2017, Svetlana Loboda met the leader of the Rammstein group Till Lindemann. The couple began to appear together often, fans even started talking about the stars’ romance. The artist herself refused to comment on her marital status to the press.

Svetlana Loboda and Till Lindemann are credited with a secret affair. Instagram @lobodaofficial

In 2018, a girl, Tilda, is born. The press and fans of Loboda immediately attributed paternity to Till Lindemann, but the singer herself never confirmed these guesses. After a while, the artist only added fuel to the fire by starring in the video for the singer Frau & Mann. However, even after this, Loboda never clarified who the father of her second daughter is and what kind of relationship they actually have with the frontman of the German rock band.

What do the fans think?

Fans of the star have a unanimous opinion that Svetlana’s appearance is very different. Her lips were already plump, but they had noticeably enlarged recently, causing them to lose their natural contour.

This usually occurs after the injection of material that does not dissolve over the years. Svetlana apparently used silicone injection using a surgical method, because the thickness of her lips is exactly the same, and they also have an unnatural appearance.

Although this path is dangerous, it is unlikely that she agreed to this outdated procedure. Today's plastic medicine uses fillers with hyaluronic acid, without disturbing the proportions of the face. And after six months, this material is completely out of the body.

A narrow chin, a clear lower jaw, a sharp angle of the neck, sunken cheeks are fashion trends that the singer follows.

The singer herself admits that the most valuable things in her body are her vocal cords and kneecaps. A girl with irrepressible energy, talent, desire for everything better, beautiful, successful and bright, proved the words of Henry Ford that success is only 1 percent of genius and 99 percent of hard and exhausting work.

Expulsion from Ukraine

The annexation of Crimea to Russia affected the lives of millions of citizens of both Russia and Ukraine. It happens that certain artists are forced to admit out loud who, in their opinion, belongs to the peninsula.

In 2017, journalists from the 1+1 TV channel arrived at the star’s house. The film crew began filming Svetlana Loboda’s home, which immediately attracted the attention of security. The video captured a security attack on journalists. After this, the first ones were threatened with seven years in prison. According to rumors, the course of the investigation could be influenced by the fact that all Loboda security guards are registered on the territory of the DPR.

At the same time, there is an opinion that the action could have been aimed at harassing the star, and the customer was one of her colleagues. In addition to them, suspicion fell on influential politicians and businessmen.

Later in Odessa, nationalists disrupted Svetlana Loboda’s concert. Young men and women cordoned off the nightclub, standing with posters calling for the artist to be kicked out of the country. They were also joined by the city governor, who declared the need to boycott the star’s performance. In the future, Loboda will still refuse to call what happened to her bullying, labeling the incidents as incidents.

Svetlana Loboda has said more than once that artists are far from big politics. Her only desire in the context of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine is for the countries to make peace. In addition, the singer dreams of giving a big solo concert in her homeland.

Is your appearance appropriate for your age?

Svetlana emphasizes that she started taking care of her appearance from her early youth. It is thanks to proper care that her face now looks fresh and young.

Any imperfections in appearance can be corrected with the help of high-quality cosmetics

She explains the lack of skin aging with proper nutrition. The singer is not a supporter of diets, but mostly chooses healthy dishes for her menu. Her day always starts with a glass of water and a full breakfast.

Loboda's diet includes a large amount of fruits and vegetables. Sometimes the star allows himself sweet dishes or fast food. She sets aside two days a month to deload her body and eats healthy brown rice.

Svetlana keeps a lot of cosmetics for skin care at home. Her schedule includes constant visits to a cosmetologist for maintenance procedures. Loboda does not exclude folk beauty recipes either. A mask made from sour cream, honey, tangerine and flax seeds helps maintain skin elasticity.

But the girl names inner harmony and self-love as the main factors that help her look young and fit. She considers them the key to female beauty

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Opinions of specialists and ordinary people regarding correction

Many people, comparing the singer’s appearance before and after, believe that Svetlana underwent surgery to correct the shape of her nose, enlarge her lips and breasts, and also resorted to a facelift and changed her cheekbones, making them more expressive. Experts partially agree with this opinion. Plastic surgeons claim that the singer did not change her nose, but only got rid of the hump. Regarding the lower part of the face, many doctors claim that the star enlarged her upper lip using fillers. This is evidenced by the inability to completely close the mouth.

Svetlana Sergeevna Loboda turned from a red-haired beast into a stylish blonde

There is no clear opinion about the artist’s breasts. Some experts claim that Loboda enlarged her breasts with the help of artificial implants, while others deny such rumors, because the singer has never had a miniature bust size.

The slender figure of Svetlana Loboda is nothing more than good heredity

Some plastic surgeons agree with the opinion that the woman resorted to Botox to get rid of fine facial wrinkles. Regarding the change in cheekbones, only one thing can be said - this is just a high-quality make-up. Indeed, Svetlana’s image has changed in the last few years. It is difficult for many experts to confirm their opinion, since the singer almost never appears in public without a solid layer of makeup.

Svetlana Loboda without makeup and hair styling

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