Surgical defloration: photos, videos, patient reviews

Literally translated from Latin, defloration means “plucking a flower.” From a medical point of view, this is a rupture of the hymen (hymen), and in colloquial speech “deprivation of virginity” appears more often. Be that as it may, this process usually occurs naturally when the hymen is torn during the first sexual intercourse.

Surgical defloration is an operation to remove the hymen, performed in a clinic, for medical reasons or at the request of the patient.

As a rule, girls turn to a surgeon in cases where, when trying to lose their virginity in the usual way, they experience severe pain that they cannot bear.

The fact is that from the age of 18-20 the hymen begins to lose its elasticity and the further you go, the more difficulties will arise during defloration. In addition, the structure, thickness and structure of the hymens are extremely individual for each girl, therefore the sensations during attempts to break them can vary regardless of age - from almost imperceptible to absolutely unbearable.

In addition, there is an unpleasant pathology known as atresia of the hymen (its complete overgrowth). Normally, the hymen has natural perforation - one or more holes through which blood comes out during menstruation. The absence of perforation leads to stagnation of blood in the vagina, which is fraught with inflammatory processes and other unpleasant complications.

Thus, surgical defloration will be the best option in the following cases:

  • the hymen is too elastic and stretches well, but does not tear;
  • the hymen is too dense;
  • complete overgrowth of the hymen, as a result of which menstrual blood accumulates in it;
  • increased sensitivity to pain;
  • psychological fear of the first sexual intercourse.

The operation itself is considered simple and does not require special preparation. After a preliminary consultation with a gynecologist, you will need to undergo tests:

  • urine test (general);
  • blood test to determine its coagulability (biochemical and general);
  • blood test to determine blood group and Rh factor;
  • blood test for HIV, syphilis, hepatitis;
  • smear on flora.

Based on the results of a visual examination and examination of tests, a final decision is made on the possibility of performing the operation.

How is surgical defloration performed?

The operation is performed on an outpatient basis. After administering anesthesia (usually local, much less often general), the surgeon dissects the hymen. Previously, a regular scalpel was used for this purpose, but recently it has increasingly been replaced by a laser.

Then a tampon soaked in an antiseptic is inserted into the vagina and the operation can be considered complete. The entire process takes no more than 5-15 minutes. There is no need to stay in the hospital; after 1-2 hours the patient can return home (except in cases of general anesthesia).

Next, for some time, usually 2-3 days, it is recommended to refrain from physical activity and regularly douche with antiseptic solutions. On the 7-10th day after the operation, you can begin to have a full sex life.


  1. Samoilichenko A. N. Fundamentals of forensic hymenology. - Karaganda, 1994. - 105 p.
  2. 1 2
    Emans, S. Jean.
    "Physical Examination of the Child and Adolescent" (2000) in Evaluation of the Sexually Abused Child: A Medical Textbook and Photographic Atlas
    , Second edition, Oxford University Press. 61-65
  3. 12
    McCann, J; Rosas, A. and Boos, S. (2003) “Child and adolescent sexual assaults (childhood sexual abuse)” in Payne-James, Jason; Busuttil, Anthony and Smock, William (eds). Forensic Medicine: Clinical and Pathological Aspects, Greenwich Medical Media: London, a)p.453, b)p.455 c)p.460.
  4. [ The phenomenon of late virginity. Collection “Social and clinical problems of sexology and sexopathology.” - M., 2003]
  5. 1 2 3 4 Deryagin G. B.
    Criminal sexology. - M.: Shield-M, 2008. - P. 345-356. — 552 p. — 5000 copies. — ISBN 978-5-93004-274-0.
This is a rough article about sex. You can help the project by adding to it.

Contraindications, possible complications and side effects

The likelihood of side effects and complications after surgical defloration is extremely low. Undesirable consequences of the operation may include:

  • pain in the genital area in the first days after surgery;
  • general internal discomfort;
  • introduction of infection;
  • bleeding;
  • elevated temperature.

If such symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor to find out and eliminate the cause of the problems.

As for contraindications, these, in addition to general surgical ones, include the presence of cancer or acute inflammatory diseases of the genital organs and blood clotting disorders.

How much does surgical defloration cost? Current prices

The operation is uncomplicated and inexpensive - it does not take much time from the surgeon, does not involve significant costs for anesthesia, hospital stay and other additional expenses.

Average prices for surgical defloration in Moscow are in the range of 5-10 thousand rubles . In high-status clinics, the figure may be higher, up to 15-20 thousand, while in some multidisciplinary medical centers the cost of this service is only 2-4 thousand.

At the same time, there will be no significant difference in quality in this case - the surgeon simply has no room to “turn around” and show skill (as well as mess up). However, in any case, you should approach the choice of a specialist and clinic with all responsibility.


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Reviews about surgical defloration

Since we are talking about a rather intimate operation, not many patients dare to talk about it, even on the relatively anonymous Internet. Basically, the authors of the few reviews about surgical defloration note the ease and painlessness of the procedure, and its clearly positive impact on later life (there are practically no negative opinions):

“I had the operation yesterday, and as it turned out, I had no reason to be afraid! Everything happened very quickly and simply (unlike previous attempts to solve the problem “naturally”), after 20 minutes I was on my way home. I didn’t feel any pain at all, but today there is some discomfort, not constant, but only when I stand or sit in one position for a long time. I’m sure it will pass soon” (Author of review: Olga, Moscow)

“The worst thing about this procedure is the very name “surgical defloration.” In fact, there were no problems with her. It hurts a little during the process, but it doesn’t take long at all. The next few days it also hurt when I sat and walked a little, but to be honest, I expected much worse. Otherwise, everything is fine, I remember my torment “before” and am very glad that I decided to “go under the scalpel” (Review author: Elena, St. Petersburg)

“I can’t even remember how many times my boyfriend and I tried to take my virginity. And all the time this wild pain. I knew about this operation, but somehow I was embarrassed... And then we finally decided to go ahead, no matter what. It worked, but it hurt more than ever, and it started bleeding; they were both scared. After that, problems with sex began; I just couldn’t have it. I finally got to the doctor and was diagnosed with vaginismus. Well, at least the recommendations and treatment helped more or less, but I ended up having a normal sex life only after six months - I’m sure that if I had gone for surgery right away, everything would have been much simpler and happier!” (Author of review: WikiA, Yekaterinburg)

Experts' opinions:

plastic surgeon, doctor of medical sciences, DoctorPlastic:

There is an infrequent (in my rather large practice there were only two such patients), but an important feature that I consider necessary to mention as a clear indication for surgical defloration - a septum in the vagina. It must be said that in most cases, partners still cope with the task themselves. It’s true that women will remember this “plucking of a flower” with a shudder all their lives.

Moreover, this may be accompanied by very heavy bleeding. Also, after rupturing the septum on their own, women are left with a tongue-shaped flap in the area of ​​the vaginal vestibule, which can then cause them a lot of inconvenience, since it is wrapped inside the vagina during sexual intercourse. But surgically, the septum is excised very easily and quickly, under local anesthesia.

Plastic surgeon, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Mont Blanc Clinic:

Surgical defloration is not a very common operation; I perform about 2-3 of them per year. As for the indications, they are due to both psychological and physiological reasons. In the first case, it may be difficult for a girl to lose her virginity naturally, for example, due to fear of pain.

The second situation occurs if the hymen is very dense and during intercourse it simply cannot be completely torn. As a result, the woman is left with abrasions and wounds, which with each subsequent intimate contact open again, hurt and bleed. To stop this unpleasant cycle, we perform surgical excision of the hymen, and no trace remains of past troubles.

There is also a condition - vaginismus, which is purely psychological in nature. The point is this: when penetrating the vagina or even touching its vestibule, a woman experiences a reflex muscle spasm. The operation here will be useless, since the problem itself is no longer a surgical problem. But our sexologist colleagues successfully solve it using psychotherapy methods, removing this block, after which the woman begins to live a normal life.

Is it possible to get pregnant for the first time?

You can often hear the statement that pregnancy cannot happen after the first sex. Mostly, such rumors are spread by people who have absolutely no understanding of the mechanism of conception. Also, a girl can hear similar speeches from her friend, who wants to take advantage of the opportunity and lull her vigilance.

When asked whether a girl can become pregnant after the first sexual intercourse, all gynecologists answer in the affirmative. If a girl has already had menstruation at least once, then her body is ready for conception. It is risky for a young girl to decide to have unprotected sexual intercourse, since conception can occur even before the menstrual cycle is established.

Ovulation occurs in young representatives of the fairer sex a few days before the first menstruation. During this period, the ovaries begin their active work, changing hormonal levels. Outwardly, this is manifested by the growing up of the girl: enlargement of the mammary glands, the appearance of feminine curves of the body, hair growth in the pubic area and armpits. Approximately 1.5-2 years from the beginning of these processes, the first menstruation occurs - menarche. They report that the girl is becoming sexually mature and now an egg capable of fertilization will be released from her ovaries every cycle.

Whether a virgin can get pregnant will have to be debated. Much will depend on how close the relationship with the boy was. As you know, for conception it is necessary that only one sperm enters the vagina. In this case, direct contact of the genitals is not necessary. Stroking the genitals and rubbing them can already lead to pregnancy. This type of contact is called petting and is widely popular among teenagers. Girls, fearing getting pregnant during the first sexual intercourse, agree to mutual affection. However, even in this way they “fly” the first time.

So, the first time you can get pregnant with the same success as the thirty-first. Therefore, you should not listen to guys’ beliefs, but it is better to consult a gynecologist or mother on this topic.

Features of the procedure, preparation

Surgical deflowering can be complete or partial. The operation is performed under local anesthesia, and the procedure itself takes 15-20 minutes. After this, the patient goes to the ward, where she can rest for 2-3 hours, after which she can safely return to normal life.

Preparing for surgery should be the same as for other minimally invasive interventions. First of all, you should make sure there are no contraindications and get tested. After this, the doctor sets a date for the operation; before it, it is not recommended to take medications, especially those that affect blood clotting.

Safe and fast

In our clinic, surgical defloration is performed using a laser. This is the most modern and safe method of removing the hymen, in which there is no risk of bleeding or other complications.

After the operation, the patient is given instructions regarding intimate hygiene: the doctor may recommend douching with antiseptic drugs or herbal infusions. During the first few days, you need to be especially careful about keeping your intimate area clean.

The professionalism of our doctors, their delicate and attentive attitude is a guarantee that going to the clinic will not be stressful for you. The procedure will take place in a calm and completely sterile environment.

When is surgical defloration recommended?

There are a huge number of indications for surgical defloration. First of all, surgery is required if the hymen has high elasticity, stretches well, but does not tear after sexual intercourse. Gynecologists also recommend artificial defloration in the following cases:

  • With increased density to reduce the risk of injury during persistent sexual intercourse on the part of the partner. In this situation, a perineal rupture, vaginal damage, and intense bleeding may occur.
  • Incomplete rupture during the first sexual intercourse. Provokes acute pain during subsequent acts, heavy bleeding.
  • Too late breakup. Causes pain and heavy bleeding, since the density of the hymen increases with age and the elasticity decreases.
  • Overgrowth (atresia). Often the hymen has a small hole for blood to escape during menstruation, and in the absence of natural perforation, the blood can stagnate and, as a result, provoke serious inflammation.
  • Low pain threshold.
  • Psychological factors.

Thus, the above indications are decisive for removing the hymen artificially.

Artificial defloration in the Mother and Child clinics

At the Mother and Child Group of Companies, preparation for surgery begins with an examination by a gynecologist, who prescribes a set of laboratory tests, including a urine test, a smear for flora, and also:

  • General blood and urine analysis.
  • Blood chemistry
  • Coagulogram
  • Blood type and Rh factor
  • Blood test for syphilis and determination of antibodies to HIV.
  • Blood test for the presence of antibodies to hepatitis B and C viruses.
  • Gynecological smear for flora and cytology of the cervix
  • ECG and consultation with a therapist.

The list of laboratory tests is mandatory and necessary to determine contraindications to the operation.

The patient can take all tests directly at the Mother and Child clinics, receiving results in a short time. Already at the first consultation, the doctor will tell you about all the intricacies of the procedure and the specifics of its implementation.

Of course, there are a number of contraindications that exclude the possibility of artificial defloration, namely:

  • infectious and venereal diseases;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • various types of mental disorders;
  • severe forms of pathologies of the internal organ system;
  • oncological diseases of the genital organs;
  • elevated temperature, fever.

Surgical removal of the hymen is performed under local anesthesia. In some cases, if the hymen has an increased density, the doctor uses general anesthesia, which ensures that the procedure is absolutely painless.

The operation is simple and takes up to 145 minutes. In the process of removing the hymen, the specialist cuts the hymen with a surgical scalpel, widens the passage into the vagina with his fingers, and then installs a tampon with an antiseptic.

Loss of the “hidden”

Not mesh string bags in hands, gray hair in curls and the transition to the forty-year mark are awarded the name “women”. During sexual intercourse, when the penis penetrates the girl’s genitals, “innocence” is destroyed. The shell of chastity loses its integrity and from this solemn moment the young (or not so young) girl turns into a woman. This is what defloration is. The medical term characterizes precisely such an exciting process as the “first sexual intercourse” of representatives of the fairer sex.

Defloration can be complete or incomplete. The hymen is broken completely or partially. Sometimes the inaccurate actions of a gynecologist during a routine examination can “deflower” a patient. Rough petting with a persistent and extremely careless partner has a “chance” to break the virginity of the hymen before the due date.

Quote of the Day

Quote of the Day

Quote of the Day

Avid riders, when their vagina touches the saddle, can also injure their genitals and “independently” lose their virginity. Complete or incomplete rupture of the hymen is accompanied by minor pain and discomfort.

During sex, the partner's penis penetrates the woman's body, pulling on the leading edge of the "chaste protection" and breaking through it. The man’s actions cause pain and, in some cases, slight bleeding. The girls are scared by the lack of blood. They believe that red droplets indicate a complete rupture of the hymen, but this is not entirely true. Sometimes blood appears the next day or does not appear at all.

Rehabilitation period

Surgical defloration does not require thorough rehabilitation. In specialized Mother and Child clinics, this event is carried out by qualified surgeons, so it is tolerated easily and painlessly by patients of any age. The likelihood of significant side effects immediately after surgical procedures is reduced to a minimum, which is one of the main advantages of our clinics.

The patient can leave the medical facility independently within 2-3 hours. In advance, the doctor provides recommendations regarding postoperative rehabilitation. If the incision of the protective hymen was performed under general anesthesia, the patient must remain in the clinic for at least 24 hours under the supervision of doctors.

The main recommendations after artificial defloration are:

  • compliance with personal hygiene rules;
  • douching with an antiseptic;
  • exclusion of physical activity;
  • abstinence from sexual intercourse for 7-10 days.

The recovery period is rarely accompanied by pain. If the patient experiences discomfort in the pelvic organs, it is possible to use traditional analgesics, which will be prescribed by a specialist.

The hymenal papillae that remain after surgery heal within 3-5 days. A week later, the woman needs to visit the gynecologist again. The professionalism of the surgeons of the Mother and Child Group of Companies and a special approach to each individual case will help solve such a delicate problem in the shortest possible time and at the same time maintain internal psychological harmony.

How is surgical defloration performed?

There is also surgical defloration, when the hymen is removed using surgical methods. It happens that it is so dense that a man simply cannot break through it without severe pain and even possible injury. Moreover, after thirty years, the hymen loses its elasticity, ages, and due to the thickening of the hymen, the process of natural defloration becomes difficult and even sometimes frightening. After all, because of failure for the first time, the mere thought of sexual intercourse terrifies a woman, and makes a man doubt his abilities. It is in such cases that surgical defloration is performed at the request of the patient or for medical reasons. To do this, you will have to undergo mandatory tests, such as a gynecological smear for flora, blood tests for syphilis, HIV, and hepatitis. In addition, additional tests are also required: coagulability, general and biochemical blood tests.

Typically, surgical defloration is performed under local anesthesia. If the vaginal septum is too dense, then general anesthesia can be used. It is worth noting right away that this operation requires only a few minutes and that it is not a complex operation. Her technique is quite simple: the hymen is cut in several places with a scalpel, resulting in minor bleeding. There's no point in stopping him. Finally, a tampon is placed, and after an hour you can safely leave the clinic, unless, of course, general anesthesia was used. With general anesthesia, of course, you will have to rest for some time.

After surgery, it is very important to observe the rules of personal hygiene of the genital organs. Until complete healing, you should abstain from sexual intercourse. Usually, after 3-5 days, the edges of the hymen return to normal, and sexual intercourse after surgical defloration should be painless.

Not the night of love8

In Ancient Rus' they took the loss of innocence very seriously. On the wedding night, the groom’s “friend” was present near the newlyweds’ bed. The man not only “held a candle” and watched what was happening. He could insure his newly-made husband and take possession of a virgin if he could not cope with marital responsibilities.

Residents of Tibet are also extreme people. They considered virginity during marriage to be a kind of shame. At the same time, the girl, before marriage, had to sleep with twenty representatives of the stronger sex. Such baggage of lovers announced that the young lady was now ready for a family relationship and would be faithful to her husband.

Ancient India, the birthplace of the Kama Sutra, took defloration seriously and responsibly. This procedure was performed by experienced craftsmen for a certain amount. They skillfully prepared the girl for the act: they relaxed her, excited her. The hymen was torn with a wooden phallus. After the process, the genitals were lubricated with medicinal ointment.

In the 16th century in France, a feudal lord was invited to deflower a bride. The girl’s husband considered it an honor if his mademoiselle ended up in the same bed with the “senior” for the first time. He could thank the gentleman with a certain amount of money.

But real horror awaited virgins in equatorial Africa. Young girls were sent to the Jungle to have intercourse with a gorilla. If the animal did not take possession of the poor thing, the virgin was doomed to shame and loneliness. She was haunted by laughter all her life, so much so that even the gorilla couldn’t covet the young lady!

Exact information about what the hymen looks like and what it consists of is already in our article at the link.

What are patients interested in about surgical defloration?

Patients are often concerned about whether surgical defloration will hurt. It is safe to say that there will be no painful sensations, since the operation is performed under anesthesia, general or local, depending on the indications. With local anesthesia, of course, at first there will be one sharp injection, but then, when it takes effect, there will be no pain. If desired, it can be done under general anesthesia. The patient will then be given intravenous pain medication and will fall asleep. When he wakes up, everything will be over. Some women are terribly afraid of pain, so they can choose which anesthesia is best for them. Before the operation, specialists will explain what the essence of this or that type is, and will also provide information on their effect on the body, and prescribe the necessary tests.

After surgical defloration, there will initially be mild painful sensations that can be compared to the sensations of an abrasion. Many people don’t consider this to be pain. But if it still causes some inconvenience, then you can take some kind of analgesic. All you have to do is take a pill and the discomfort will disappear. Horoscope for June 2022 for women

Many are still interested in the question: will the hymen become overgrown if, after surgical defloration, there is no sexual intercourse for a long time? It should be emphasized that the hymen simply cannot grow together over time; this is not typical for it. Therefore, it doesn’t matter how long a woman is not sexually active, a month, two or even six months, she cannot become a virgin again, even if she wants to.

It is also important to note that artificial surgical defloration is carried out in such a way that after its implementation it is no longer possible to understand whether it occurred naturally or artificially. Artificial defloration has no special features. Therefore, neither a young man nor even a gynecologist will be able to determine that defloration was performed surgically.

Will the scars be visible?

The purpose of intimate plastic surgery is to correct physiological and cosmetic defects of the genital organs. A qualified gynecologist surgeon will perform the procedure so that its traces will be completely invisible. To avoid scars, preference should be given to the surgical method of correction. The laser technique, popular today, causes tissue hardening, coagulation of blood vessels and the formation of thickened dark zones.

At the Center for Aesthetic Intimate Surgery in St. Petersburg, all operations are performed by experienced surgeons after a thorough study of the patient’s problem. This allows you to choose the right technique and avoid postoperative complications. Throughout the entire rehabilitation period, the clinic’s doctors support the patient and monitor her condition.

All surgical interventions are performed on an outpatient basis, which involves staying in the recovery room for two to four hours under the supervision of the operating physician and anesthesiologist. After the operation, it is necessary to follow a number of recommendations that depend on the type of surgical intervention.

User Questions

03/25/2017, Maria

Good afternoon Who in your clinic performs surgical defloration?

12/18/2015, Maria

Hello! Please tell me how much it will cost in your clinic to do surgical defloration with all the tests and consultations in total? How long will it all last? How quickly will it be possible to find out the test results? Thanks in advance)

03/11/2015, Maria

how much will surgical difloration with local anesthesia cost?

01/18/2015, guest

Tell me, please, how much does defloration and associated expenses cost?

06/22/2014, Olga

Hello! It's been 3 weeks since I had surgical defloration. My husband and I tried to have sexual intercourse, but again there was pain, and nothing worked. What could it be? I read a lot of reviews, everywhere it is written that after cold water. floor. the act is painless.

Cost of services

Name of serviceprice, rub.
Primary, outpatient appointment with an obstetrician-gynecologist (complaints, history taking, examination, drawing up an examination plan)2100
Repeated appointment with an obstetrician-gynecologist, outpatient2100
Consultation with an obstetrician-gynecologist, candidate of medical sciences2400
Consultation with an obstetrician-gynecologist, head of department2600
Consultation with an obstetrician-gynecologist, candidate of medical sciences, head of department2800
Consultation with an obstetrician-gynecologist, doctor of medical sciences, professor3000
Consultation with an obstetrician-gynecologist, chief physician of the clinic3300
General clinical blood test (including 11 indicators + leukocyte formula + ESR)750
General clinical urine analysis (10 indicators + smear microscopy)480
Smear bacterioscopy in women: cervical canal, vagina, urethra550
STD PCR complex (10 positions) (Chlamydia trachomatis, Mycoplasma hominis, Mycoplasma genitalium, Ureaplasma urealyticum, Herpes simplex virus type 1+2, Cytomegalovirus, Gardnerella, Trichomonas, Gonococcus, Fungi)2950
Surgical defloration (without the cost of anesthesia)from 20 000

Dear patients!

You can find a full list of services and price list at the reception or by phone. The administration tries to promptly update the price list posted on the website, but in order to avoid possible misunderstandings, we advise you to clarify the cost of services on the day of contact at the reception or call center by calling 8(495)223-22-22 . The posted price list does not constitute an offer.

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