How to get rid of loose skin on the stomach: procedures and prices

One of the most problematic areas that can be difficult to correct with the help of sports is the stomach. The muscles and skin of the abdomen can become stretched due to a sedentary lifestyle, childbirth, and other reasons. As a result, in the abdominal area, instead of the desired cubes, we see fat deposits, stretch marks, and loose skin. Fortunately, today's cosmetology has dozens of methods that will help deal with this problem.

Laser cosmetology clinic “BL” offers all modern methods of tummy tuck.

  1. Aikun laser is a hardware technique based on the action of laser radiation. A tummy tuck is performed without surgery; the method has almost no contraindications. A targeted effect on problem areas triggers the process of cellular rejuvenation. This method shows especially good results when the main problem is sagging, sagging skin (for example, after severe weight loss). Maximum comfort for the patient, without pain, does not require special preparation and long recovery.
  2. Fractional thermolysis is a progressive type of hardware lifting based on deep tissue heating. Targeted action allows you to destroy old cells, get rid of dead parts of the epidermis, and stimulate deep renewal at the cellular level. The result is visible almost immediately; over the course of several weeks after the procedure, the effect accumulates - new cells are formed, the skin in the treated area becomes more elastic, and the relief improves.
  3. RF lifting - radiofrequency hardware exposure is absolutely harmless, but effective. The procedures improve skin turgor by stimulating collagen synthesis. Radio wave therapy sessions do not require anesthesia, last from 20 to 40 minutes and significantly improve the condition of the skin - smooth it, eliminate spider veins, stretch marks, tighten and moisturize.
  4. Liquid threads are a minimally invasive method that allows you to fix tissues in the desired position, improve skin elasticity, and stimulate the production of your own collagen. A tummy tuck with threads is comparable in effectiveness to surgery, but is much easier to tolerate and does not require long-term rehabilitation. Threads make it possible to create a subcutaneous frame that prevents tissue from sagging and helps fight gravitational ptosis.
  5. Biomodeling with preparations based on hyaluronic acid (Profilo, Juvederm Volite). Provides deep hydration to tissues, stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, eliminates sagging, dryness, wrinkles, and reduces stretch marks. It is a safe, gentle method and does not require long rehabilitation.
  6. Abdominal correction with lipolytics is a relatively new technique that is gaining increasing popularity. It involves the injection of substances into problem areas that improve cellular (primarily fat) metabolism. The method is effective for small fat deposits that are difficult to correct with physical exercise.

The main advantages of a non-surgical facelift

Hardware and injection techniques have the following advantages compared to surgery:

  • painless, non-traumatic, few contraindications;
  • high efficiency, the ability to start the process of internal rejuvenation by stimulating collagenogenesis;
  • long-term effect (on average from six months to one and a half years).

It is important for a modern client to undergo a course of procedures without falling out of the usual rhythm - non-surgical lifting is simply irreplaceable in this regard. There are very few restrictions: for some time after the procedures you cannot sunbathe, visit the sauna and swimming pool, or use certain types of ointments and creams.

What determines the outcome of treatment with balloons?

The “patient factor” plays an important role. The patient must prepare himself for serious treatment over several months, limit his diet, review the composition of the food consumed, reducing the percentage of fats and carbohydrates in it. Currently, comprehensive weight loss programs have been developed. In addition to treatment with a balloon, such programs include diet therapy, dosed physical activity, and acupuncture. A patient who relies only on the balloon to do everything necessary for him will get worse results than someone who will work seriously throughout this period.

What is the duration of balloon treatment?

The recommended period for keeping the balloon in the stomach is 6 months. Sometimes, at the discretion of a specialist, this period may be slightly increased. The expectation is that during this time the patient will get used to a limited diet and in the future will be able to consolidate this stereotype of eating behavior. The patient is under the supervision of a specialist throughout the entire treatment period.

How is treatment with a balloon tolerated?

Most patients hardly feel the balloon during the entire treatment period; they can lead their usual lifestyle and exercise, which is very welcome. At the same time, in the first 2-4 days after installation of the balloon, as a rule, nausea, sometimes vomiting, heartburn, drooling, heaviness in the stomach, and dull pain are noted. These symptoms are associated with the reaction of the stomach to the presence of a foreign body in it. Subsequently, the stomach “gets used” to the balloon and subsequent treatment is usually well tolerated.

Does the patient need additional treatment while the balloon is in the stomach?

Yes, during the entire period of treatment the patient must take a daily drug that reduces gastric secretion (Omeprazole 1 capsule per day). This is necessary to prevent the development of inflammation and ulcers in the stomach. From 3-4 months of treatment, it is recommended to take Xenical 1 capsule with each meal. The calculation is made to improve the result of treatment, since this drug helps to reduce the absorption of fat in the small intestine. As already indicated, it is advisable to combine treatment with a balloon with diet therapy, psychotherapy, reflexology, and training in a weight loss school.

Are there possible complications during treatment? p3>

Complications are rare, but their absence cannot be guaranteed. If treatment is intolerant, early removal of the balloon is possible. There are known cases of exacerbation of gastritis and gastric ulcer while the balloon is in it. To prevent these complications, the patient should take a drug that reduces gastric secretion (Omeprazole, Omez, Ranitidine) every day, regardless of how he feels, and also avoid overfilling the stomach while eating. This means the need to stop eating at the first signals of satiety.

Are there any contraindications to weight loss using a balloon? p3>

Contraindications to the installation of intragastric balloons are erosions and ulcers of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum, a history of gastric surgery, pregnancy, taking anticoagulants, steroids and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, drug and alcohol addiction, cirrhosis of the liver, severe mental disorders.

What will the result be and how long will it last?

Everything will depend on the nature and severity of the problem, the chosen correction method and the individual characteristics of the skin of a particular patient, as well as his lifestyle. Correction with lipolytics gives an effect that lasts on average two to three months. It is most noticeable if you simultaneously play sports. Hyaluronic acid injections remain effective for up to a year.

Lifting with liquid threads and fractional thermolysis gives a very long-lasting effect - it can last up to 1.5 years.

To sign up for a tummy tuck in Moscow, fill out the form on the website or call us. Experienced doctors at our clinic will quickly select the most effective method in your case.

How to get rid of loose skin on the stomach: procedures and prices

After losing weight with Zeltiq, Olya Tretyakova still had doubts - should she now work on the skin on her lower abdomen? Three doctors offered her their options for solving the problem.

  • Three months after Zeltiq: what are the results?
  • Lose fat with Zeltiq in LazerJazz: try it for yourself

Four months have passed since I had the cryolipolysis procedure. My case was different from the classic ones: I was among those unlucky people for whom Zeltiq turned out to be painful and required a slightly longer recovery.

But it worked great. Look at the photo: above - before, below - after. A significant portion of the fat in the lower abdomen is gone. And what remained became soft... Very soft. And the stomach resembled a deflated balloon - the volume was gone, the shell (skin) remained.

It could have waited to allow natural regeneration processes to do their work. But I decided to try to speed up the process. And I went to different doctors to listen to different opinions.

Renata Aivazova, dermatocosmetologist, Beauty Time clinic

What did the doctor see?

“The skin is a little loose, but there are no stretch marks or scars. Turgor is not bad. A subcutaneous fat layer remains."

What to do?

“Zeltiq would be nice to repeat. You have a good result, and it will be even better - the fat will go away, the volume will decrease, the stomach will be flatter and more prominent.” But, having heard my categorical refusal to repeat Zeltiq, the doctor suggested trying Skin Tyte infrared thermolifting. During the procedure, the tissues are heated to 42°C, which triggers the process of destruction of old collagen and elastin fibers and the synthesis of new ones, and also activates lipolysis - that is, the breakdown of fat. The quality of the skin will significantly improve, it will become denser, more even and smooth, the skin flap itself will shrink - and, accordingly, the area on which we will act will tighten.

It is recommended to do five such procedures - one every two weeks.

“But in general,” added Renata Grigorievna, “you can easily lose weight yourself. And the skin will tighten naturally.”

Prices at the Beauty Time clinic: Skin Tyte thermolifting - 24,000 for one area (lower or upper abdomen),

Diana Tsuprunova, cosmetologist, dermatovenerologist, Lazerjazz

What did the doctor see?

“I performed the cryolipolysis procedure for you and now I am pleased to note: an excellent result! And the effect continues to increase: fat becomes less and less, and the skin tightens. Now she’s still not in perfect condition, but it will pass: her turgor is good.”

What to do?

“I can offer two options to choose from. The first one is Thermage. The principle of the procedure is the same as RF lifting, but the cells are heated not to 40-42°C, but to 60-65°C. The goal is to influence collagen fibers and launch their regeneration processes. This procedure is done once.

Another option is Fractora fractional rejuvenation. (We talked about this technique in a project with the Bathsheba clinic, where we sent volunteers. I closely followed this project and was impressed with the results.)

At first glance, Thermage is more expensive than Fractora, but the latter requires not one procedure, but two. And then it is also recommended to stitch the abdominal area with Meso-Radiesse filler to tighten the skin. And this turns out to be even more expensive than Thermage.

Prices at the Lazerjazz clinic:

  • Thermage: from 65,000 rub.
  • Fractora laser resurfacing: RUB 8,000. for an area of ​​10 by 10 cm (20,000 rubles per procedure + a plasma lifting procedure worth 7,500 rubles as a gift).
  • Meso-Radiesse: 42,500 rub. for 3 ml (this is just enough for the abdominal area).

Vardan Arshakyan, PhD, plastic surgeon, Institute of Plastic Surgery and Cosmetology on Olkhovka

Vardan Aramaisovich is the author of the Natural Beauty method, mammoplasty, which does not require incisions. We did this procedure for our volunteers.

What did the doctor see?

The subcutaneous fat layer, which cannot be removed with hardware techniques alone, and the skin that requires lifting.

What to do?

In abdominal correction, he proposed minimally invasive intervention. The first stage is RFAL-lipolysis Body Tite, in which all manipulations are carried out through punctures in the navel and bikini area. “This procedure will provide sculpting, “shaping” of the abdomen, reduce the amount of subcutaneous fat and, most importantly, reduce the area of ​​skin flaps in this area.” That is, in essence, it will give the effect of abdominoplasty - but without abdominoplasty.

The second stage is the already familiar Fractora. “In this way, in one procedure it will be possible to get rid of excess fat and tighten the skin, tighten it, improve its color and make it smoother.”

It sounds tempting, but Vardan Aramaisovich honestly warned: Body Tite is still surgery. That is, it involves the stages of preparation (taking tests), anesthesia (intravenous sedation, but still!) and rehabilitation (increasing swelling for 5 days, healing, removal of sutures, wearing compression garments). You are prohibited from showering for 10 days after the procedure, and you will be able to engage in sports only after a month. You will see the result the next day, but the final result will be assessed in six months.

Within a month after the procedure, you will also need to undergo a course of LPG massage of at least 10 procedures to reduce swelling.

Prices for procedures:

  • RFAL liposuction: RUB 30,000. for 1 zone (10 by 10 cm)
  • Fractora: 20,000 for 1 zone (10 by 10 cm)

The doctor does not perform LPG procedures. The cost of one session in Moscow is from 2500 rubles.


By and large, I don't need it. Three out of three doctors confirmed this :) Vardan Aramaisovich said so: “You must understand that this is your desire, a whim. There is no need for surgery."

All these programs are needed when you want to quickly get in shape after childbirth or want to tighten your skin after losing a lot of weight or remove stretch marks. But I’m athletic, I don’t have serious weight problems, scars or stretch marks.

I don't want any surgery. Long-term rehabilitation is always a temporary cessation of an active lifestyle. This means I'm missing out on the opportunity to get the same results naturally. In my case, the result of plastic surgery will be comparable to the result of training and proper nutrition.

I don’t want to replace the result, but to help with it. I need procedures that will enhance the effect of sports and proper nutrition. With minimal rehabilitation. I was interested in RF lifting and LPG massage. It seems that in my case this will be quite enough.

When to ask for help

Why did my stomach become loose? This can be caused by several factors:

  • Flabby belly after losing weight. The problem appears with a sharp weight loss, when the skin simply does not have time to adapt to the changed body volumes.
  • Loose skin on the abdomen after childbirth. During the period of intrauterine gestation, the fetus strongly presses on the inner wall of the abdominal cavity, causing relaxation of the abdominal muscles. As a result, the skin loses its elasticity and cannot recover on its own after the birth of the baby. The situation is aggravated if a caesarean section was used.
  • Lack of physical activity. A sedentary lifestyle leads to muscle atrophy and contributes to disruption of metabolic processes in the body.
  • Diet. An unbalanced diet, occasional snacks, a passion for fast food and carbonated drinks lead to the appearance of fat deposits. First of all, fat begins to appear on the stomach and hips.
  • Aging. With age, all natural processes in the body slow down, as a result, muscles gradually lose elasticity and skin elasticity.

If your stomach has become loose, you should not expect that the problem will disappear on its own. In addition to disrupting the aesthetics of the body, loose skin negatively affects the functioning of internal organs, in particular, the motility of the stomach and intestines suffers.

Elimination of local fat deposits

Unfortunately, many people torture themselves with diets and exercise for many years, break down and start again, and they even manage to reduce the volume, but not in all the desired areas. You can resort to liposuction, but not everyone is ready for this procedure. Fortunately, medical cosmetology has found a solution - intralipotherapy - to eliminate local deposits. The procedure is carried out using the drug Aqualyx, which is injected with a special thin needle into problem areas, and this can be not only the stomach or sides - it is also used for fat deposits on the back, arms, the “breeches” area and even with a double chin. The drug has a European quality certificate, registered in Europe, Ukraine and Russia. In its structure, it is a viscous aqueous solution that is injected into adipose tissue, which Aqualix affects locally, without affecting the body. That is why, if the drug gets into the skin or non-adipose tissue, it does not cause damage to them. The drug “dissolves” the membranes of fat cells and affects only them, helping to actively destroy them. Intralipotherapy is painless, but after it the formation of hematomas and redness in the area of ​​the procedure is possible. Several sessions should be repeated depending on the zone (from 2 to 4) once every 3 weeks to achieve results.

Where can treatment with a balloon be performed?

First of all, such treatment should be carried out by a specialist working in the field of obesity treatment and who has undergone special training in the use of this technique. Manipulations associated with installation and especially removal of the balloon require the participation of a qualified endoscopist, as well as an anesthesiologist. Therefore, the use of this technique is most justified in clinics where these specialists are available. The Center for Endosurgery and Lithotripsy has all the conditions for carrying out such manipulations: a team of experienced surgeons, many years of experience in performing endoscopic operations, highly qualified doctors and nursing staff. It is important that all this is supported by the latest medical equipment from leading companies in Japan, the USA, and Germany, which makes a task of any complexity feasible. It is difficult to imagine the work of such a large multidisciplinary clinic as CELT, where more than 3,000 operations are performed per year, without the presence of a serious anesthesiology and resuscitation service. The combination of the vast practical experience of the department’s staff, modern equipment and the latest medications allows us to perform operations of any complexity at the safest level for patients. After the operation, the patient falls into the caring hands of doctors and nurses in the anesthesiology and intensive care unit. Their task is to eliminate the risk of postoperative complications, block postoperative pain, provide careful care for the patient and prepare him for transfer to a specialized department, under the supervision of the attending physician. The combination of all these factors suggests that CELT is one of the optimal places for surgical treatment of overweight patients.

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