Modern methods of neck rejuvenation in aesthetic medicine.

Services Doctors Results Reviews

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Avdeyuk Elena Vladimirovna Dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist

Publication date: June 17, 2022

Review date: November 03, 2022

The neck is one of the main markers that reveal a person’s true age. You can achieve ideal youthful facial proportions, but if you do not take care of the skin of your neck, then everything will be in vain. Wrinkles, folds, sagging skin in the neck area will still tell others that you are no longer 18 or even 25!

Therefore, the neck is an area that needs to be taken care of in conjunction with facial skin rejuvenation. After all, the skin of the neck is very thin, it has a minimal number of sebaceous glands, so age-related changes often appear on it much earlier than on the face. In addition, a woman's neck has fewer melanocytes (cells that protect the skin from harmful ultraviolet radiation), which means it undergoes more active photoaging.

What is recommended to keep the skin in this delicate area in perfect condition?

There are many ways to eliminate age-related changes in the neck and décolleté area.

It could be:

  1. Gymnastics and home care;
  2. Non-surgical cosmetic lifting;
  3. Plastic surgery.

In the first case, minor manifestations of tissue sagging can be corrected. Exercises to strengthen the skin in the neck and décolleté area are good for young people. They are a prevention of ptosis. This method requires a regular approach and careful care using products selected by a cosmetologist.

Non-surgical lifting using cosmetic techniques is the most popular method of rejuvenation in the world. It is indicated in cases where it is no longer possible to eliminate the deficiencies on your own, and there are not yet enough indications for surgery. Typically, patients aged 25-50 years resort to this type of correction. An effective rejuvenation plan can maintain your beauty and youth for many years.

Plastic surgery is recommended for severe age-related changes, when cosmetology alone is not enough. At the same time, neck plastic surgery can be supplemented with cosmetic procedures to enhance the effect and improve the quality of the skin.

Below we will talk about popular cosmetic techniques for rejuvenating the neck and décolleté area.

Types of laser treatment on facial skin

  • Fractional rejuvenation

This gentle type of laser lifting is used to improve skin quality and eliminate imperfections such as acne. Fractional lifting activates metabolic processes in cells, stimulating them to natural rejuvenation. To carry out this procedure, the Medial clinic uses the Palomar laser.

  • Intensive laser resurfacing

Deep resurfacing is carried out using a DOT laser. This is a more traumatic method, but at the same time more effective in helping to combat age-related changes. It is used for older patients and/or those with serious deficiencies: scars, cicatrices.

  • Removal of age spots and spider veins

To remove pigmentation and blood vessels in the décolleté and neck area, we use Synchro and VBeam lasers. Targeting imperfections evens out skin color and improves its condition. Sometimes just one session is enough to achieve results.

The laser treatment technique is determined by the doctor during consultation. Patients often come to us with a request to perform a procedure using a specific laser, but upon examination it turns out that they need a different method of rejuvenation. You can read on the Internet about the pros and cons of each of them, but only a cosmetologist can choose the right option for you.

Correction methods


The method is based on launching restoration processes in cells through injections of platelet autologous plasma from the patient. The skin rejuvenates using its own resources, which makes plasma lifting the most natural way of rejuvenation.

The procedure is effective in combating pigmentation, fine wrinkles, and dull skin color. Prescribed for mild age-related changes or as additional therapy after plastic surgery.

The injections are comfortable, the rehabilitation period takes 3-14 days. The effect will please you for a long time if you periodically undergo a course of procedures.

Collagen rejuvenation

The procedure triggers the synthesis of collagen and elastin fibers in skin cells. Thanks to this, the skin begins to tighten itself. An elastic frame is formed, eliminating sagging, low skin tone and fine wrinkles.

Collagen rejuvenation is indicated in the same cases as plasma lifting. Unlike plasmolifting, in this case the restriction is age up to 25 years. You will learn about other contraindications to injection procedures in the “Contraindications” section.

Injection liposuction

Has the area under your chin lost its clear contour? If you have small fat deposits, they can be removed using intralipotherapy - injections of the drug Aqualyx. Its active substance is evenly distributed in the subcutaneous fat layer and destroys fat cells, after which they are eliminated from the body naturally.

Several procedures are required to form a clear contour of the lower third of the face.

Thread lifting

You can tighten the neck and décolleté area using threads. They are either absorbable or non-absorbable. The first ones are recommended for mild signs of aging. The latter are good for correcting age-related changes, when it is too early to perform operations, and injection techniques no longer help.

The Medial clinic uses absorbable Miracu threads, as well as non-absorbable Polycon, Aptos and gold threads. Often a thread lift is used as an addition to plastic surgery.

The procedure is performed under local anesthesia, after which you can immediately go about your business.

Laser technology for delicate areas

Fractional rejuvenation with the Fraxel laser device can be used as an independent technique for neck rejuvenation, or perhaps in combination with injections. American Fraxel is a unique device that renews human skin and frees it from all defects. A thin (thinner than a human hair) laser beam forms thousands of micro-impact zones (microthermal treatment zones) on every centimeter of the skin. In these microzones, old and defective collagen and excess pigment are destroyed. At the same time, around each microzone of exposure, many viable cells remain, which are activated under the influence of heat. During this process, which can take from several hours to several days, skin free of defects appears at the site of each microzone.

A unique feature of Fraxel is also that the laser does not destroy the uppermost - stratum corneum - layer of the epidermis. Therefore, after the procedure, the skin looks natural.

After the laser fractional rejuvenation procedure, the skin structure itself changes. It becomes smoother, moisturized, elastic, less susceptible to inflammation and rashes. It becomes easier to care for her at home.

Fractional laser acts delicately on the skin, but the number of procedures depends on the initial data and the problem being solved. For some, one procedure per year is enough, while others may require a course of 3-5 procedures.

The result obtained, namely young, beautiful skin, can last for a long time.

Laser rejuvenation of the neck and décolleté

Using a laser, you can rejuvenate your skin at any age. The doctor will select the intensity of the laser treatment and carefully treat the skin of the neck and décolleté. Thanks to this type of rejuvenation, skin cells are renewed. Fine wrinkles, pigmentation, and spider veins disappear. A lasting lifting effect occurs.

Laser rejuvenation can be performed as a separate procedure, as well as to maintain the effect of plastic surgery.

In addition to the methods listed above, non-surgical lifting can be carried out using botulinum therapy, biorevitalization, and mesotherapy. Chemical peels are effective for these purposes, as well as radio wave rejuvenation using the Thermafine device.

Why does the neck age earlier than other areas of the body?

The answer to this question lies in the peculiarities of human anatomy: under the skin of the neck is the platysma muscle, which is located in the center of the entire cervical surface (with the exception of a small triangular zone in the middle) - from the lower border of the clavicles to the lower jaw.

The peculiarity of this muscle is that it is very wide, thin and is not attached to the bone, which means that with age it quickly loses elasticity and firmness. In addition, it is worth noting that it has few sebaceous glands and fatty deposits, which is why the skin of the neck is often prone to dryness and rapid formation of wrinkles. So what can be done to maintain the youth and beauty of this vulnerable area?

It is worth noting that plastic surgery is not always needed to eliminate problems in the cervical area. If you are not satisfied with the quality and texture of the skin or transverse wrinkles, it is better to first consult a cosmetologist. But you will need the help of a plastic surgeon to solve the following problems :

  • Fat deposits on the neck and chin (or double chin);
  • Characteristic (vertical) cords on the neck;
  • Skin folds, excess fat, weakened muscles.

If you find yourself with one or more of these symptoms, welcome to a consultation with a plastic surgeon.

Cost of the procedure

The price for lifting the neck and décolleté depends on the volume of the product / number of threads / number of laser flashes. The doctor will suggest during the consultation how the rejuvenation will be carried out. Our specialists take into account the individual characteristics of the patient - age, skin condition, contraindications - to create the most effective transformation scheme.

Method Price
Plasmolifting from 9,000 rub.
Collagen rejuvenation from 12,000 rub.
Lipolytic injections from 6,500 rub.
Thread rejuvenation (bionithreads) from 900 rub. for 1 thread
Rejuvenation with gold threads on average 150,000 rubles.

All our cosmetologists are certified doctors with over 7 years of experience. The drugs used in the clinic are certified and tested. Laser equipment for skin rejuvenation is represented by Palomar and DOT devices.

Cosmetologists are available daily, on weekdays from 09:00 to 20:00, on weekends from 09:00 to 18:00. You can make an appointment with Valentina Andreevna Moiseeva, Natalya Rafaelovna Babajanova and Galina Rakhimovna Sonn in the chat on the website or by phone


If you are unhappy with the condition of your neck, the “swollen” contour of your lower jaw, or the appearance of a double chin, sign up for a consultation with a plastic surgeon.

At this stage, you will learn how you can solve your neck problems, whether you will need neck lift surgery, platysmaplasty, or whether liposuction and non-surgical correction will be enough.

Before the operation, you will need to undergo an examination and take the necessary tests, which you will discuss in detail with the anesthesiologist.


These include:

  • acute skin diseases;
  • violation of the integrity of the skin in the affected area;
  • neoplasms on the skin of unknown origin;
  • Acute viral infection (herpes);
  • period of pregnancy and breastfeeding; period of pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • history of epileptic seizures;
  • tattooing in the affected area;
  • taking anticoagulants;
  • vitiligo;
  • spontaneous keloid or hypertrophic scars;
  • taking Accutane (isotretinoin) within the past 6 months;
  • diabetes mellitus is not compensated.

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to avoid the use of bronzes for at least 2 to 4 weeks. Exposure to the area of ​​unspecified skin tumors is prohibited.

Before the procedure, be sure to tell your cosmetologist about past and existing diseases, as well as the characteristics of your skin. There are no seasonal restrictions on the procedure.

XEO Cutera Laser Genesis at the VITAURA clinic

Immaculate results

The clinic’s staff are highly qualified specialists with excellent education and successful long-term practice.

Combination of procedures

The Genesis procedure shows the most pronounced effect 3-4 months after botulinum therapy, the introduction of surface fillers and bioreinforcement.

Individual approach

We help you choose the best option for an effective and high-quality solution to the problems that concern you in the field of cosmetology, taking into account individual indications, possible contraindications, time and financial plans.

We recommend combining Laser Genesis with:

  • Deep cleansing of the skin: relevant for oily, combination skin before the procedure, to enhance and prolong the effect of narrowing pores;
  • Mesotherapy/biorevitalization (introduction of hyaluronic acid, amino acids, collagen, peptide regulators, cellular factors, vitamins, microelements) - to obtain a more pronounced and lasting effect, especially for patients with reduced cellular potential;
  • Non-injection mesotherapy: phono-, ion-phoresis;
  • Peptide, cellular, collagen, placental, etc. care.

♦ Injection facial rejuvenation

  • Mesotherapy is the introduction of special individual compositions that have a healing and regenerative effect. Anti-aging cocktails may contain hyaluronic acid, antioxidants, and vitamin complexes.
  • Plasma therapy is the intradermal injection of one’s own plasma. The injection material is isolated from the patient's blood using a unique technology. Microinjections of enriched plasma trigger restoration processes at the cellular level and effectively fight aging factors.
  • Biorevitalization is an injection method of saturating tissues with hyaluronic acid, providing a high level of hydration and elasticity of the skin, maintaining its healthy and radiant appearance. They help launch their own synthesis processes.
  • Bio-reinforcement with threads - using a thin needle inserted under the skin, special threads made of biomaterial are drawn, which create the basis of a new supporting frame. Result: smoothing of the oval of the face, tightening of the skin, elasticity and clarity of lines.

To effectively prevent aging and maintain the effect after the rejuvenation procedure, our best cosmetologists will select cosmetics for home care.
By the way, couriers from our online store of innovative cosmetics Telos Store can deliver products to a convenient point in Moscow. Call the Telos Beauty Prof clinic by phone or

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