How to choose a bra that will make any breast look perfect

It's no secret that beautiful underwear can improve a woman's mood, give positive emotions and increase her self-esteem.

That's why you should determine your own breast type before choosing a bra. Properly selected bras, a wide range of models of which you can find here, will not only look great, but also bring a feeling of comfort.

In the online store you can choose fashionable bras made from high-quality hypoallergenic materials according to the shape and size of your breasts.

Small breasts

Gone are the days when women with small breasts painfully searched for ways to enlarge them. Today, the fashion industry has finally accepted that women have different body shapes and, of course, breast sizes.

Which bodice is suitable: you should pay attention to bralettes without wires - they are ideal for owners of miniature breasts. Girls who want to emphasize their sexuality and femininity should be careful with the choice of decor: no acidic colors or cheerful prints - such underwear will only fit into a teenage wardrobe.

TAGS: questions about breast augmentation


Hello. She took an X-ray of the lungs, in conclusion: no visible focal and infiltrative changes were detected, the pulmonary pattern was enriched. Is it possible to have mammoplasty? Thank you.


Hello. Please tell me, I have lost a lot of weight, previously I was a size 3.5, now I am 2. I want to get a breast lift. I haven't given birth yet. Read completely

12/10/2020, Evgenia

Good afternoon, Alexander Viktorovich. I want to express my deep gratitude to you for my beautiful breasts???? I admire you every day and remember you with a kind word. You are the best in your business. Wish you all the best.


Thank you ❤️ Now I want more).


Wide-set chest

Models in lingerie advertisements seem to have the perfect bust: full, round and with very little distance between the mammary glands. But in fact, girls with wide-set breasts make up almost half of all customers, according to the bra-fitter.

What kind of bra is suitable: a bra with a front clasp. Typically, models are specially tailored to bring the breasts closer to each other, creating an amazing sexy cleavage.

How to get a beautiful cleavage between your breasts

Women often turn to plastic surgeons to get a beautiful hollow between their breasts, because it looks quite sexy. By nature, such a beautiful hollow between the breasts occurs in a very small number of women, because in this case two main criteria must coincide - there must be the required distance between the breasts, and the position of the pectoral muscles must be at the proper level.

Mammoplasty to get a beautiful hollow between the breasts

The most popular way to get an attractive cleavage is breast augmentation. The essence of the technique is that if the bust increases, then the corresponding distance between the breasts will decrease, as a result of which that cherished cleavage will appear.

How is the operation performed?

Before the operation, the patient and the surgeon discuss all the details of the surgical intervention during a consultation; the doctor conducts a visual examination and recommends to the patient what size implant would be best to install for the best result. The patient will also need to undergo a set of tests and undergo the necessary examinations in order to exclude contraindications.

Breast surgery lasts, on average, from 30 minutes to 2 hours. When enlarging the bust, access is usually made through the lower edge of the areola, the fold under the mammary gland, or through the armpit.

The operation to create a beautiful hollow between the breasts is performed under general anesthesia. Over time, postoperative stitches will become invisible.

After surgery, the patient will need to spend the first day in the hospital, and then she can go home.

During the rehabilitation period, a woman must wear compression garments, refrain from physical activity for several weeks, and follow other doctor’s instructions.

— the rehabilitation period involves giving up physical activity, wearing a compression bra and other recommendations.

When will the hollow between the breasts be visible?

The first results of the operation will be visible after the swelling subsides. At this time, the woman can already see the desired hollow between the breasts and the formation of the desired distance between the right and left breasts.

Creating a hollow between the breasts - reviews from patients

In my youth I had a beautiful, elastic bust, but after the birth of children, lactation and changes in weight, my breasts took on a less than attractive appearance. First of all, the beautiful hollow between the breasts has disappeared. But I liked it so much and the cleavage looked very appetizing. Then I turned to a plastic surgeon - D.M. Saratovtsev. The doctor performed breast augmentation and lift. The result pleased me very much - I again have a beautiful bust that attracts attention, and on the beach my cleavage attracts the admiring glances of the opposite sex!

Photo source - Internet

Big breasts

Lush breasts are the envy of many, but they often cause a lot of inconvenience to their owners, including those related to the choice of underwear.

What kind of bodice is suitable: always with a bone and a wide belt for support. The straps should also be wide - they will help distribute the load on the back and will not cut into the shoulders.

Recommendations for men to burn fat on the pectoral muscles

We offer useful tips that will help you get rid of fat deposits on your torso and tighten your chest.

  • Visit an endocrinologist. Sometimes the cause of breast enlargement in men is gynecomastia. This disease is characterized by the proliferation of mammary glands. Gynecomastia develops due to hormonal imbalance.
  • Avoid fast food. Foods rich in carbohydrates can lead to obesity. But you don't need to give up carbohydrates completely. Reduce the content of “coals” in your diet to 45% and eat them before 14.00. Please note that these should be healthy cereals, not white bread.
  • Move more. Those who lead a sedentary lifestyle have an increased risk of developing obesity. Do at least 3 moderate cardio workouts per week. This could be jogging, race walking, swimming or just walking in the park.
  • Get rid of swelling. Excess weight, and with it “female breasts,” in some cases appear due to swelling. Only a doctor can determine the exact cause of swelling. But now you can reduce your salt intake, which will slightly reduce body swelling.

Exercises for losing weight of the pectoral muscles for men

If the reason for breast enlargement is obesity, then we advise, in addition to regular cardio training, to perform physical exercises for the pectoral muscles. This will help speed up weight loss and tighten your torso.

Bench press

The exercise is intended for training in the gym. For beginners, we recommend performing presses in a Smith frame.

  1. Lie down on the bench so that the barbell is above your eyes.
  2. Press your feet firmly to the floor.
  3. Grasp the bar (the distance between your palms is slightly wider than your shoulders).
  4. Remove the barbell from the racks and lower it to your lower chest.
  5. Squeeze the projectile upward (but not vertically, but slightly).
  6. Lower the bar as you inhale, press it up as you exhale.


  • As you perform, keep your shoulder blades slightly retracted.
  • Control the movements of the barbell: smooth lowering and smooth pressing.


The exercise is suitable for home training. By regularly performing push-ups, a man can quickly remove fat from his pectoral muscles.

  1. Take the position of “lying on straight arms.”
  2. Place your palms wider than your shoulders (about 15-20 cm).
  3. Keeping your torso and legs straight, lower your chest toward the floor.
  4. Immediately straighten your arms and return to the original position.
  5. Lower as you inhale, rise as you exhale.


  • To enhance the work of the pectoral muscles, place identical platforms under your palms.
  • Control both phases of the exercise: smoothly lower your body and just as smoothly raise it.

Dumbbell flyes

The exercise can also be done at home. The only condition is that the bench must be narrow so that the shoulders can go low when raised.

  1. Lie down on a horizontal bench and lift the dumbbells above your chest.
  2. Fix your feet on the floor, bend your chest slightly upward.
  3. Stretch your arms out to the sides as far as possible.
  4. At the lowest point, pause for 2 seconds.
  5. Bring your arms together above your chest.
  6. When spreading, inhale; when bringing together, exhale.


  • Bend your arms slightly at the elbows and keep them in this position during extensions.
  • Perform both phases of the exercise (adduction, extension) smoothly.


A universal exercise that can be done both at home and in the gym. Let's consider a technique with an emphasis on the chest.

  1. Take the starting position on the uneven bars - with your arms straight, legs bent, back straight.
  2. As you bend your arms, lower your body forward and spread your elbows slightly to the sides.
  3. Do not linger at the bottom point, straighten your arms and return to the original stance.
  4. Inhale deeply as you move your body down, exhale as you rise.


  • When bending your body forward, do not round your back.
  • Don't go too low to avoid damaging the ligaments in your shoulder joints.


The exercise is suitable for both home training and training in the fitness room. Consider the option of a pullover with dumbbells.

  1. Lie down on a horizontal bench (head at the very edge of the seat).
  2. Raise the dumbbell above your chest, holding the bar between your palms.
  3. Smoothly lower the projectile behind your head.
  4. Take a light pause (1-2 seconds).
  5. Raise the dumbbell to its original position.
  6. Lowering while inhaling, lifting while exhaling.


Bend your elbows slightly and maintain this position throughout the approach.

Training Tips

Exercising will help you remove fat from your pectoral muscles if you follow the basic principles. Let's list them:

  • The optimal volume of training is when a man does 3-4 sets of 8-15 repetitions in each exercise.
  • The weight should be selected so that the last repetitions of the set are performed with maximum effort.
  • Rest between approaches - depending on how you feel (until your heartbeat calms down), but no more than 3 minutes.
  • Cardio training should last at least 40 minutes. Otherwise, their effectiveness will be low.
  • We recommend that obese men start with simple walking rather than running. This will protect your heart and knees.
  • If the “cardio + strength” regimen is difficult, reduce the intensity or number of sessions, otherwise overtraining will occur.
  • Add 1-2 chest exercises (for example, push-ups) to your morning exercises. This will help tighten your torso faster.

Nipple direction

The most common direction options are nipples that “look” forward. It can be combined with almost any breast shape, size and location on the sternum. The choice of underwear does not require a special approach, since almost any bra will suit this type of nipple direction.

If your nipples point to the sides, you should choose a bra that is slightly smaller than required, or with a short jumper between the cups. This type of underwear will help bring your breasts to the center and point your nipples forward. A bandeau bra or one with side inserts in the cups also works well.

If the nipples point down (this often happens when volume predominates in the lower part), you should choose underwear with contoured cups or push-ups. You can choose a plange bra type.

Types of bra

What determines breast type

The location, shape and size of the female mammary glands depend on many factors. These include age, weight, heredity, posture, places of attachment of the muscles of the shoulder girdle to the skeleton, a woman’s lifestyle, and so on. In stooped ladies, the bust tends to expand at the bottom and increase the distance between the nipples, and if the line of the spine is disturbed (kyphosis, lordosis), the shape can be asymmetrical.

For a more convenient classification, the shape of a woman’s breasts is usually divided according to several criteria. These include primarily size. In the CIS countries, a classification from first to fifth is adopted, depending on volume. The size can be determined with a measuring tape by measuring two parameters - the girth under the chest and at the most protruding points.

In addition to size, types of female breasts are divided according to parameters such as:

  • location on the chest;
  • the shape and size of the nipples, the distance between them, their direction;
  • the ratio between the fullness of the lower and upper parts,
  • the distance between the left and right breast.

Breast types

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