Body treatments for skin tone and weight loss

Spas are a huge and fundamentally important part of the beauty industry, as they provide opportunities for comprehensive self-care. This is a place where everyone can take proper care of not only their physical but also their psychological well-being. This is facilitated by the wide range of procedures offered by spas, from the most familiar and common to the completely exotic.

Today we will talk about the most popular spa treatments so that you can get the most complete picture in your head of what a modern spa offers. It's always worth considering the possibility of pampering yourself with something special, but to do so, you need to imagine what you will find when you open the doors of the spa.

Hot stone massage

Hot stone massage is a type of massage therapy that involves the use of smooth, heated stones. The massage therapist places hot stones on certain points on the body (back, arms, legs, stomach, etc.), can leave them alone or use them during the massage process. The localized heat and weight of the stones warms and relaxes the muscles, allowing the practitioner to provide deeper treatment to important areas without any discomfort.

Most often, river basalt rocks are used in this massage. They have excellent thermal conductivity and are polished with water to perfect shape, which makes them easier to use during the procedure. This type of massage has an equally good effect on the body, as it helps fight pain syndromes, arthritis, fibromyalgia, hypertension, and on the emotional background, as it has a strong relaxing effect.

This type of massage is completely painless, since the stones are heated in a special apparatus, and during the massage itself, massage essential oil is usually used, which adds some aromatherapy effect.

Milk bath

Milk bath is a special procedure designed to improve skin condition. As a rule, it uses either pure milk, which is quite rare and expensive, or a mixture of milk, mineral water and various ingredients that make your skin smooth and soft as silk. Milk is especially rich in proteins and fats, which effectively keep the skin hydrated after the procedure and provide it with extensive nutrition.

In addition, milk has exfoliating properties, which gives the skin elasticity. A large amount of lactic acid allows you to remove dirt and bacteria from the pores, and also effectively combats dry skin, especially during the cold season. If you are sensitive and prone to irritation, then a milk bath is the ideal solution for such problems, as it is an incredibly effective soothing agent.

In addition to containing proteins and fats, milk also contains amino acids and vitamins A, D and E. All of them are effective in combating redness, minor rashes and itching of the skin. In some cases, honey or various essential oils are added to milk to help relax and relieve stress. You should also consider hair care, as milk provides additional hydration and nutrition.


Treatments are indicated for skin changes such as:

  • acne or blackheads
    - the formation of blackheads in the pores due to excessive work of the sebaceous glands;
  • rosacea
    - redness of the skin due to dilation of small superficial vessels;
  • acne
    - inflammatory formations on the skin due to inflammation of the follicles;
  • problematic skin
    - a complex of diseases that affect the appearance of the skin;
  • enlarged pores
    - an increase in the diameter of the depressions that spoil the appearance of the skin;
  • oily or dry skin
    - changes in the condition of the skin, in which it either shines from increased oil production, or peels and shrinks from lack of moisture;
  • peeling of the skin
    - the appearance of dry scales of dead epidermis on the skin;
  • wrinkles
    - folds on the skin due to increased activity of facial muscles;
  • loose and aging skin
    - age-related changes in which the skin loses its tone, elasticity and firmness;
  • other cosmetic defects.

Paraffin therapy

Paraffin therapy uses a special oil-based wax on the feet and hands to soften and nourish the skin. It significantly reduces chronic joint pain, relaxes muscles and improves blood flow to the treated area. However, most often people turn to it specifically for comprehensive skin and nail care.

Paraffin treatments are a form of deep heat therapy. Heated paraffin absorbs and retains heat very effectively, so when you put your hand or foot, for example, in a paraffin bath, the heat is preserved inside. At the same time, the melting point of paraffin is low enough so that there is no risk of burns or irritation. To help soften the skin, paraffin increases blood supply to small capillaries while opening pores and trapping moisture from the underlying layers of the epidermis.

With the help of special devices, paraffin therapy is possible at home, or as part of a general manicure and pedicure complex. But it is best to do it under the supervision of a specialist.

Body masks

Just like your face, your body needs comprehensive and holistic care. For this purpose, body masks are often used, which can also be combined with scrubbing and wraps. The idea here is the same as in face masks: moisturizing, saturating and nourishing the skin, restoring it and removing all toxic substances.

If face masks do not cause any particular problems with self-application, then a body mask is a much more salon procedure, especially since it is often not used separately, but as an accompaniment to other procedures to achieve the best effect.

Brazilian hair removal

Despite the fact that Brazilian hair removal is one of the most intimate and complex procedures in spas, it has been wildly popular for many years. In fact, Brazilian hair removal differs from regular bikini hair removal in that in the second case, hair is removed along the line of underwear, while Brazilian hair removal involves complete hair removal in the bikini area.

In this case, hair removal occurs using wax, which is the safest method for the skin. Heat reduces pain, and due to the fact that hair is removed from the roots, it grows back thinner and weaker, which makes subsequent procedures easier and the condition of the skin itself after hair removal.

Treatments in our clinic


  • Barolaser facial massage;
  • Barolaser anti-cellulite massage;
  • Manual massage.


  • Mesotherapy;
  • Biorevitalization;
  • Bioreparation;
  • Intralipotherapy;
  • Contour plastic and volumetry;
  • Correction of cosmetic problems with Botulinum toxin preparations;
  • Ozone therapy;
  • Carboxytherapy;
  • Microsclerotherapy.

Hardware care procedures:

  • Fractional photothermolysis;
  • Photorejuvenation;
  • Laser therapy;
  • Microcurrent therapy;
  • Myostimulation.


  • Chemical.


  • Thread rejuvenation.

Face cleaning



You can sign up for care treatments at our L-Med clinic by calling +7 (4872) 302-902

or through the online form on the website.

Exposure to steam

The steam treatment procedure can be said to be an improved analogue of a sauna, since it has a more targeted and deeper effect. This is also one of the forms of thermal therapy, in some sense similar in effect to paraffin therapy, but only in essence, and not technically.

Hot air helps the pores open and release dirt, which is cleaned using specialized techniques and brushes, while essential oils help nourish the skin and saturate it with useful substances. Many toxins are also released along with sweat, and the massage element helps stimulate blood circulation and restore muscles after daily physical activity.

Memo to the client: how to choose a good SPA salon

  • equipment. Check this point before recording. The salon must have equipment and facilities that allow the procedure to be performed with comfort for the client. There should not be a herbal barrel separated by a curtain or a massage table in the common room behind a screen;
  • safety. Find out how sanitary conditions are maintained in the salon. The fact is that all organizations associated with the use of water, and even in large quantities, are an excellent environment for the spread and proliferation of bacteria. Only with full compliance with disinfection and sterilization measures will a trip to the salon be beneficial to health;
  • remoteness. After the spa you want to lie down on a soft bed and plunge into oblivion for a couple of hours. Consider this when choosing a salon. Try to keep it as close to home as possible, and not at the other end of the neighboring city - you will be too lazy to move. An alternative option is to find a salon where you can relax after the procedure. There are not many such establishments, but they do exist;
  • price. Compare the cost of the service with the procedures included in it. This is, of course, a subjective criterion, because everything depends on the level of the salon - premium, medium, economy, as well as the region of residence;
  • service. Before signing up for complex procedures that involve moving around the salon or center, check whether a robe, slippers, hair cap, and towels are included in the price. Agree that coming to the salon “light” is more convenient than taking a change of clothes and shoes with you.

Manicure and pedicure

It is perhaps difficult to find more famous and widespread personal care procedures than manicure and pedicure. However, this does not mean just treating nails - in spa salons this is a full-fledged complex for skin care on the hands and feet, care for the nail plates, cuticles, joints and muscles.

They can be combined with the already mentioned paraffin therapy and may include masks, wraps and massage. The skin of the hands and feet suffers from environmental influences no less than the skin of the face, but, as a rule, receives much less careful care, which, of course, is a terrible omission.


One of the most effective methods of rejuvenation, getting rid of age spots, enlarged pores, scars, acne is acid peeling. The effect is based on exfoliation of the upper layers of the skin. The epidermis is renewed, the face and body acquire a fresh, toned appearance.

We use drugs produced by famous world brands - ZO Obagi, M.E Line, INNO - DERMA, INNO - EXFO, ENERPEEL. Special formulations have been developed for sensitive areas - with us you can do, for example, safe peeling for the eyelids. If you are comparing offers from different clinics in Moscow for cosmetic care, be sure to pay attention to our center: we offer the widest range of procedures at conservative prices.

Mud bath

For thousands of years, people around the world have harnessed the healing properties of various types of mud, and now it has become one of the most exploited spa treatments. Of course, here we are not talking about street dirt, but about a special mixture of water, clay, various rocks and minerals for a calming and relaxing effect on the body.

Mud baths, on the one hand, help cleanse and nourish the skin, eliminating minor rashes and rosacea, on the other hand, they have a beneficial effect on the emotional state, since the very atmosphere of the procedure implies an almost meditative tranquility combined with aroma oils and relaxing sounds of nature.


If you want to get rid of a couple of extra centimeters and at the same time please your skin, then the wrapping procedure can give the best effect. Its essence is extremely simple - the skin is covered with special masks, scrubs or oils and wrapped in a special fabric or film in order to create a kind of vacuum that stimulates the action of active substances.

Wraps help soften and cleanse the skin, perfectly rid it of dead and dead cells. Among other things, the warmth and closed environment directly affects the quality of the skin and subcutaneous layer, tightens it and helps to slightly reduce the thickness of subcutaneous fat in the thighs, arms and abdomen.

Vascular problems

First of all, this is the elimination of telangiectasias of vascular “patterns” on the skin. Networks, spots or “stars” arise due to increased permeability of the vascular wall, hormonal imbalance, and disruption of the venous outflow of blood.

There is only one way to get rid of telangiectasia - to block the access of blood to the capillary by “gluing” its walls. There are several ways to do this.

Sclerosis is the introduction of an ozone-oxygen mixture into the lumen of the vessel with a microneedle, which “glues” the capillary. Suitable for large vascular manifestations, for example on the thighs, when areas of skin with “stars” occupy several centimeters.

Laser photocoagulation - the laser heats the blood inside the capillary and “solders” its walls. Used to remove telangiectasias on the face and small ones - up to 2 mm wide - on the body. It is best to postpone getting rid of telanginasia during pregnancy.

Anticellulite massage

It is difficult to imagine a more relevant and popular type of massage than anti-cellulite. It targets the deeper layers of the skin and muscles, stimulating the flow of oxygenated blood to specific areas, providing a continuous flow of nutrients needed to improve skin condition. This massage helps the lymphatic system remove any toxins and excess fluid, and the correct massage technique breaks down the fat cells that accumulate under the skin, causing the dimpled effect called cellulite.

Physically breaking down these deposits and promoting better blood circulation to the right areas helps make the skin smoother, tighter and less lumpy. This is why a good anti-cellulite massage done by a professional can be so effective in affecting your skin.

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