Bellcontour Gvisc: how Belcontour solves long-term sexual problems in 20 minutes

To give a woman happy, sparkling eyes, you don’t have to have breakfast at Tiffany’s.

Non-surgical intimate plastic surgery with a Swiss drug

Bellcontour Gvisc gives men a sense of strength and women self-confidence.

Bellcontour Gvisc is the latest generation hyaluronic acid preparation. It was specially designed to correct and enlarge the genital area.

Light local anesthesia and 20 minutes (this is how long the procedure will require) solve those problems that couples have been unsuccessfully trying to solve for YEARS, visiting sexologists and psychotherapists



  • pregnancy and breastfeeding,
  • tendency to develop hypertrophic scars,
  • inflammatory processes at the sites of proposed injections.

Expert comment:

“Bellcontour is perhaps the ideal option for intimate correction.

The viscous density of the gel allows you to maintain the desired result for 9-12 months. At the same time, the gel is quite elastic, soft, plastic and feels very natural.

The procedure is painless. Local anesthesia and 20 to 30 minutes of free time are required. After the injection, sexual rest is required for 3 days. And for about 7 days, a decrease in sensitivity will be felt in the injection area.”


Pronounced nasolacrimal groove, nasolabial folds, wrinkles of varying depths, unclear contour of the lower jaw and chin... Typical age-related problems, the solution of which requires restoration of volume. We will talk in more detail about one of the ways to do this.

Bellcontour is a wide line of fillers based on hyaluronic acid, which are used for injection rejuvenation and correction of soft tissues of the face, neck, décolleté, hands, and intimate area.

How do these gels work and in what cases does it make sense to choose them? What to prepare for during the procedure, are there any contraindications and side effects, how much will the session cost? Read the detailed review of

↑ Where did Belkontur come from?

The developer and manufacturer of the drug is the Swiss pharmaceutical concern Hyal Intertrade SA. This company produces several types of hyaluronic acid (HA) gels that are intended for use:

  • in aesthetic medicine (biorevitalizants and fillers to moisturize the skin and give the face the desired volume);
  • in ophthalmology (injection implants for the treatment of cataracts and glaucoma);
  • in rheumatology, traumatology and orthopedics (drugs for intra-articular administration).

The Bellcontour line has been produced since 2006, at the group's own factories in Geneva, in strict accordance with the requirements of GMP (the unified Eurasian standard for medical devices and medicinal products). In 2009, fillers were registered by Roszdravnadzor and approved for use in the Russian Federation (reg. No. FSZ 2009/05554). The official distributor of the drug in our country is Nike-med LLC.

At the same time, the start of serial production was preceded by 20 years of research and testing. Such painstaking work by scientists has yielded results: for more than 10 years of history of using gels, the company has not received a single claim regarding the quality or effectiveness of its product.

↑ Composition and principle of action

The main active ingredient of Bellcontour is hyaluronic acid of non-animal origin, which has a high molecular weight and is completely purified from foreign impurities. To emphasize the innovative nature of the formula used, Hyal Intertrade calls its product a “4th generation” drug. Whether we are really talking about such serious innovations or just a marketing ploy is a moot point, but nevertheless, the development really turned out to be extremely successful:

  • Molecules of hyaluronic acid in the composition of one drug can be in both a free and bound state: the free ones have a quick and pronounced effect, but are soon eliminated from the body. Bound ones act more slowly, but also stay in tissues longer. They are responsible for the overall duration of the result. The proportion of bound molecules in Belkontur fillers varies for different products in the line, but is at least 40% (the exception is the Meso biorevitalizant, in which HA is presented only in free form).
  • CMP+3Dmatrix technology is used to cross-link individual molecules together. With its help, it is possible to obtain an absolutely homogeneous (uniform in density and structure) gel, which is evenly distributed in the tissues and does not cause overstretching of the skin, muscles and subcutaneous tissue. Non-allergenic and low-toxic BDDE was used as a binder.
  • Hyaluronic acid in fillers is identical in molecular structure to HA, which is formed in human tissues. It easily enters into natural metabolism, is destroyed to form carbon dioxide and water, does not have a systemic effect and does not require excretion through the kidneys or liver.

↑ Bellcontour line of drugs and indications for use

NameBG concentration, syringe volume, needleDepth of insertion into the dermisWhat is it used for?
Meso14 mg/ml 1 x 1 ml 2 x 30G1/2Surface layers
  • Restoring normal levels of skin hydration;
  • prevention of photo- and chronoaging;
  • restoration of facial skin after traumatic cosmetic procedures (laser peeling, microdermabrasion, etc.);
  • bioreinforcement;
  • ensuring a longer action of fillers based on hyaluronic acid.
Shining eyes18 mg/ml 2 x 0.8 ml 4 x 30G1/2Superficial and middle layers in the area of ​​the upper and lower eyelids up to the ciliary edge.
  • Smoothing wrinkles in the eyelid area, including “crow’s feet”;
  • elimination of the nasolacrimal groove;
  • correction of the initial manifestations of hernias on the eyelids;
  • restoring the level of moisture in the skin of the eyelids;
  • elimination elimination of dark circles and signs of fatigue around the eyes.
Fine Lines18 mg/ml 2 x 0.8 ml 4 x 30G1/2Surface and middle layers
  • Filling fine wrinkles and shallow nasolabial folds;
  • restoration of lip skin moisture;
  • bioramming and biorevitalization of the skin of the face, neck and décolleté.
Global action24 mg/ml 2 x 0.8 ml 4 x 30G1/2Middle layers
  • Elimination of wrinkles of medium depth, nasolabial folds;
  • correction of lip volume and shape;
  • filling scar tissue defects on the skin of the hands and feet.
Deep lines24 mg/ml 2 x 0.8 ml 4 x 30G1/2Middle and deep layers
  • Smoothing deep wrinkles and folds;
  • correction of pronounced nasolabial and nasolacrimal grooves;
  • replenishment of lost volume of cheekbones, temples, cheeks, chin;
  • non-surgical rhinoplasty;
  • filling scar tissue defects on the skin of the hands and feet;
  • increase in lip volume.
30XP25 mg/ml 2 x 0.8 ml 4 x 30G1/2Deep layers
  • People who liked Deep Lines also liked
Kiss24 mg/ml 2 x 0.8 ml 4 x 30G1/2Submucosal layer or subcutaneously (in the lip area)
  • correction of volume, shape and contour of lips;
  • moisturizing the skin and correcting wrinkles in the perioral area;
GVISC24 mg/ml 3 x 0.8 ml 6 x 30G1/2Deep layers
  • Volumetric correction of the genital organs in men and women;
  • other options for contouring intimate plastic surgery.
Ultra deep25 mg/ml 2 x 0.8 ml 6 x 30G1/2To the depth of the subcutaneous fatty tissue, to the level of the bones of the facial part of the skull
  • modeling of facial features;
  • filling scar defects of soft tissues;
  • correction of facial contours.

↑ How Bellcontour fillers differ from other similar drugs

Hyal Intertrade products have quite a few advantages over their competitors. One of the most obvious is the wide variety of the product line, due to which you can choose a gel that is suitable in terms of density and depth of injection to solve almost any aesthetic problem and for carrying out any injection procedure - from biorevitalization to sculptural restoration of the face. Other features of Belcontour that are also worthy of attention:

  • low hydrophilicity, which allows the drug to be administered even to “difficult” patients (with a tendency to develop edema, pasty facial tissues) and in those areas where hyaluronic injections are usually not given (for example, in the projection of the paint sac);
  • very soft distribution in tissues, absence of lumps and gel migration;
  • Possibility of use in patients with any skin type, including thin, dry, dehydrated;
  • very good combination of price and quality.

Separately, it is worth noting Bellcontour GVISC - today it is considered the “gold standard” in the field of intimate contouring. It is with him that most cosmetologists work, performing non-surgical correction of the labia, G-spot injections, vaginal rejuvenation and other equally delicate procedures. There are several reasons for this choice:

  • The structure of the drug is quite dense and viscous, which allows, firstly, to effectively carry out even very voluminous corrections, and secondly, it guarantees a long-lasting result (this is of key importance for the intimate area: it is subject to quite strong friction and microtrauma during sexual intercourse, In such difficult conditions, ordinary filler disintegrates very quickly and is eliminated from the body).
  • At the same time, unlike other gels of the same density, GVISC has high elasticity, due to which the treated areas look and feel very natural, without compaction or protrusion.
  • Time-tested safety and high quality are especially important when working with the intimate area, which reacts to any influence much more sensitively than any other areas of the body or face.

↑ How the procedure is performed

The first step to successful rejuvenation using “beauty injections” should be an in-person consultation with a cosmetologist. The doctor will assess the condition of the skin and select a suitable drug from the Belcontur line (depending on what defects bother the patient, how severe they are, how much the tone of the soft tissues is reduced, etc.) The deeper the wrinkles and folds, the denser the gel will be needed , and the deeper it will need to be introduced.

Within one procedure, a specialist can use fillers of different densities for targeted correction of different areas of the face.

Next, a day and time for the session are set - if there are no additional difficulties, it can be carried out immediately after the consultation. The patient is placed on a cosmetology couch or seated in a special chair with a head support. Pain relief is administered: despite what the advertising says, injections are not a very pleasant process, especially if the target area is the lips or genitals. The sensations can vary from minor to extremely intense pain, much depends on individual susceptibility. To minimize discomfort, cosmetologists use:

  • creams and gels with anesthetics intended for external use (Emla, lidocaine sprays, etc.) - applied to the skin about half an hour before the session;
  • injectable drugs for local anesthesia - administered immediately before the start of the procedure.

Next, the doctor treats the affected area and his gloves with an antiseptic. Then, in the presence of the patient, he opens the package, inside of which there are sterile syringes with the drug and needles (or cannulas), and proceeds directly to the injections.

Photos 1,2 – before and after comprehensive facial rejuvenation and hand contouring with Bellcontour fillers:

The injections take about 20-30 minutes. After treating the planned areas of the face or body, they must be gently massaged to ensure the most even distribution of the filler in the tissues. Then the skin is again treated with an antiseptic. At this point, the procedure is completed and the patient can return to their normal routine. Restrictions are minimal:

  • During the first days after the injection of fillers, it is not recommended to rub or massage the treated area. If we are talking about intimate plastic surgery, you will need to abstain from sexual intercourse for 2-3 days.
  • You should not immediately after the session go out into the sun without SPF cream or visit a solarium: there is a possibility of pigmentation appearing in places where the skin was damaged by needles.
  • If several volumetric correction procedures are prescribed, then restrictions will have to be observed throughout the entire course.

↑ Contraindications, complications, possible side effects

There are not many diseases and conditions for which it is prohibited to inject Bellcontour fillers. These include:

  • pregnancy (regardless of duration) and lactation period;
  • oncological, autoimmune and acute infectious diseases;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • increased body temperature, malaise, regardless of the cause that could cause the fever;
  • inflammation of the skin and subcutaneous tissue at the site of intended administration of the drug;
  • mental illnesses, neuroses;
  • age up to 18 years.

There are several other factors that do not directly exclude injections, but can negatively affect the final result:

  • tendency to form hypertrophic scars;
  • the presence of non-absorbable fillers in the treatment area;
  • taking blood thinning medications;
  • traumatic cosmetic procedures recently performed or planned for the very near future, such as microdermabrasion, peelings, laser rejuvenation, etc.
Photo 3,4 – elimination of dark circles under the eyes (Meso) and correction of the nasolacrimal groove (30XP):

There are currently no complications or side effects associated specifically with Bellecontour drugs. However, this does not exclude the occurrence of adverse consequences that are characteristic of any injection procedures in general, as well as those specific to hyaluronic fillers. The most common of them:

  • skin redness;
  • slight tissue swelling, especially often it appears after treatment of the periorbital area - see also the article “Swelling after fillers”;
  • small hemorrhages at the puncture points of the skin;
  • characteristic papules after biorevitalization.

In most cases, these troubles go away on their own and do not require treatment. For more information about them and other possible difficulties, see the article “Complications after contouring.”

↑ How much do Bellcontour fillers cost? Current prices

The patient's expenses will consist of three components: the type and volume of the drug, the injection service and pain relief. At the same time, some doctors and clinics do not indicate the final figure in their price lists. For example, they only indicate the price of the filler, but the injection itself and the anesthetic will have to be paid additionally. To avoid misunderstandings, this point must be discussed during a consultation.

Bellcontour fillers – average prices in Moscow (RUB):
Fine Lines8.367
Global Action14.960
Deep Lines13.900
* all prices listed are synchronized with the price list database and are current as of the current date.

G visc drug to enlarge the G spot

The G spot is a lump on the front wall of the vagina the size of a penny. The erogenous zone, which is considered the most sensitive in a woman’s body. In other words, the G-spot is the most vivid and lasting orgasms


Unfortunately, during sexual intercourse, it is practically not stimulated naturally and rarely “works” at full strength.

Enlarging the G-spot makes it more accessible regardless of the angle of penetration of the penis.

According to research, after enlargement, the G-spot becomes significantly more sensitive in 84% of women: you become aroused faster and achieve more orgasms.

But that's not all. Injections regulate the activity of the glands, naturally eliminating vaginal dryness.

Labia majora and labia minora

Filler Belkontur is an indispensable tool for correcting the external genitalia:

  • increasing the volume of the labia majora,
  • enlargement of the labia minora,
  • filling the pubic area with volume,
  • formation of an attractive vulva.

The gel is carefully injected into the lip area using tiny needles. The first few days may cause slight pain and slight swelling, as well as decreased sensitivity of the skin.

The result is assessed within a week, at a doctor’s appointment. If necessary, slight correction is made.

Restoring volume restores sexy contours and creates an attractive youthful effect.

But aesthetics are not the only positive effect of the procedure. Full lips tightly cover the penis and give both partners an unforgettable first date experience.

As a bonus, you also get intense hydration and increased tone of the intimate area.

Characteristics and distinctive properties

Any of the fillers is monophasic hyaluronic acid - a substance natural to the human body and part of the skin matrix. The active substance is obtained by microbial synthesis and then processed using modern technologies:

  • hyaluronic acid chains are cross-linked using BDDE technology, which provides the natural structure of the substance; this binding component is safe and is found in the finished product in a minimal amount;
  • then the treatment is carried out using the patented CPM (Cohesive Polydensified Matrix) 3D-Matrix technology, which allows you to create preparations with different densities of hyaluronic acid;
  • sterilization of the finished product is also carried out using a special technology of rapid short-term heating, which eliminates damage to the molecules of the active substance under the influence of high temperature.

Hyaluronic acid processed using CPM 3D-Matrix technology has special distribution properties. After it gets under the skin, heavier and larger molecules sink into the depths of the skin fold. Medium-density molecules lie on them, leveling the intradermal relief. Finally, the lightest particles rise under the epidermis, filling all small irregularities and cavities. The skin is not subjected to excessive stretching or pressure. As a result, the most natural cosmetic effect is achieved.

By using these technologies, Swiss developers have achieved optimal properties of the gels:

  • the composition of Belcontur is completely identical to natural hyaluronic acid;
  • fillers are distributed under the skin in the right places, filling voids and smoothing the surface of the dermis ("intelligence-tissue recognition" system);
  • fillers are completely homogeneous and undergo absolute biodegradation - disintegration into safe substances;
  • the use of 3D technology ensures the creation of long chains of hyaluronic acid, which remain in tissues for as long as possible - up to 12 months;
  • the gel contains a minimal amount of protein compared to fillers from other manufacturers and there are no toxins;
  • During the entire period of use of the Belkontur line, not a single case of allergic reactions was registered.

The drug can be injected under the skin using either cannulas or needles. The finest Japanese-made needles with improved sharpening are used. As a result, tissue trauma during puncture is minimal, so side effects are also virtually absent.

The product has high elasticity and distributes well, so nodules - granulomas - do not form after its use. The swelling is mild and lasts no more than 2 days.

The safety of production and finished products is constantly monitored. It is regulated by strict EU rules in the field of cosmetology products.

Narrowing of the vagina: your man will start returning from work early

With the help of the drug Bellcontour it is performed

  • reduction in vaginal volume,
  • moisturizing and increasing its tone.

After several births or with age, the vaginal muscles lose elasticity. A wide vestibule of the vagina nullifies the woman’s sensations and causes a decrease in sensitivity in the partner.

There are other situations when the partners’ genitals differ significantly in size. Such intimacy also does not bring sensual satisfaction.

With the help of gel injections, the cuff of the vaginal vestibule is enlarged. This simple procedure makes the opening narrower and significantly increases the sensitivity of the vagina. The frequency and intensity of vaginal orgasms, as well as the satisfaction of both partners, skyrockets.


“Living life is not a field to cross. First child. Behind him is the second one. Everyone needs to be dressed nicely, everyone needs to prepare something, and be on time for work. Then my mother’s health began to require attention and time.

I confess, I, too, once became indifferent to my husband (where can I get the strength from!). And over time, our relationship could not even be called a triangle. More like a polygon.

But the children grew up, and I began to look for a way out. I started off as standard – massage salon + cosmetologist + fitness.

I didn’t even learn about Eduard Khalafyants from a friend - I overheard an enthusiastic conversation in the sauna, remembered and found the name on the Internet.

Today I am 40. Life has changed into “before” and “after”. It turns out that being loved by a woman is great happiness! Thank you, Eduard Alexandrovich!

Olga, 40 years old

Think your orgasms only last a couple of months?

According to medical statistics, about 60% of women will never experience vaginal orgasm.

Meanwhile, Bellcontour Gvisc brings surprises:

  • 6 months after the introduction of Gvisk gel, ALL 100% of women achieved vaginal orgasm.
  • Those women who had never experienced a vaginal orgasm before received it for the first time.
  • Those women who had already experienced a vaginal orgasm received additional sensations and became multiorgasmic.

Amazingly, over time the effect does not weaken, but only intensifies

. At 9-12 months, all women note an increase in sexual desire, an increase in the number of sexual acts and their duration.

It is especially worth noting that increasing the degree of intimate relationships has a magical effect on everyone

spheres of life:

  • the feeling of one's own sexuality returns,
  • psychological comfort in bed,
  • feeling of irresistibility and self-confidence,
  • things at work start to go like clockwork,
  • mutual understanding with adult children is established.

Think for yourself, are all these positive changes in your life worth the 20 minutes spent on the procedure?

Administration technique

First, the cosmetologist examines the patient and asks her about past diseases. He then cleanses the skin and applies an anesthetic cream. The exposure time of the anesthetic substance is 20 minutes. However, the manufacturer claims that you can do without anesthesia, since the injections are less painful.

After this, the gel is introduced. Depending on the filler used and the purpose of its use, it can be done in different ways:

  • multipuncture - the product is injected pointwise into several areas of the skin (Meso, Fine Line, Kiss);
  • linear - after moving the needle into the tissue, it is gradually removed, at which time filler is introduced (Meso, Fine Line, Global Action, Deep Lines, 30 XP, Kiss);
  • short-line – the needle is inserted shallowly along the skin fold (Belcontur Global Action);
  • nappage - rapid injection of small amounts of the product into closely spaced points, while capturing a significant surface of the dermis (Belcontur Meso);
  • fan - filler is introduced from one point in diverging directions (Fine Line, Global Action, Deep Lines, 30 XP, Ultra Deep);
  • punctal - injection at one point (Belcontur Global Action, Kiss);
  • bolus – the entire volume of filler is injected into the desired area (Belcontur Ultra Deep);
  • “fern” - the filler is introduced perpendicular to the skin in the deepest part of the fold (Belcontur Deep Lines);
  • “sandwich” - the product is injected in two doses into different layers of the skin for additional volume (Belcontur Deep Lines).

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