I want it and it hurts: 5 most popular plastic surgeries among the Chinese

Treatment prices are valid ONLY for patients who come directly for treatment on a medical visa!

In the field of cosmetology, Chinese specialists are not inferior in professionalism to their European colleagues. China uses leading methods for rejuvenating the face and body, and uses advanced technologies to perform minimally invasive surgeries.

However, Chinese approaches differ significantly from Western ones. Doctors start from the fact that skin appearance problems are acquired or congenital. In the case when a person wants to get rid of an acquired skin defect, the doctor conducts an initial examination of the patient’s body, trying to find the source of problems with the dermis.

There are a number of reasons that influence the appearance of serious cosmetic defects. Here are some of them:

  • obesity;
  • metabolic disease;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • allergies;
  • problems in the functioning of internal organs.

Highly qualified cosmetologists and doctors at the Eurasia Hospital provide comprehensive diagnosis and treatment of painful conditions of the dermis. The cosmetology department performs basic procedures to improve the appearance of the skin, corrective and restorative procedures for the face and body, as well as complex, rejuvenating, minimally invasive surgeries.

Cost of cosmetology services in Hunchun

For face

Facial cosmetic procedures (prices in RMB)
Facial plastic surgery
Hardware lifting280
Thread lifting (non-surgical thread lifting)4900
Circular lift9800 — 14 000
Eyebrow surgery2800
Brow and forehead lift9000
Eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty)3500
Removing deep wrinkles in the corners of the eyes9800
Removing bags under the eyes2800
Correction of bags under the eyes3500
Increasing the size of the eyes4000
Rhinoplasty (nose shape correction)3500
Skin tightening around the mouth300
Facial lipofilling (injections of the patient’s own fat)
- head-on4900
- between the eyebrows2100
– in the upper and lower eyelids4200
- in the corners of the eyes4900
– on the cheekbones and cheeks2100
– in the nasolabial folds4900
- on the chin2100
- On the lips2100
Laser liposuction of the face
– between the eyebrows2100
– nasolabial folds3500
- double chin7000
Cosmetology facial procedures
Laser photorejuvenation of skin560
MesotherapyOne session - 300 yuan Three sessions - 600 yuan
Vacuum cleaning200
Ultrasonic cleaning (ultrasonic peeling)200
Cold laser peeling280
Removal of spider veins and spider veins70 — 350
Laser removal of tumors (moles, warts, wen)10
Cosmetic procedures (superficial care)
Cleansing your face from acne and blackheads100
Cleansing mask100
Moisturizing mask100
Acupressure (cleanses, moisturizes, nourishes)100

For body

Cosmetic body treatments (prices in RMB)
Treatment for tightening and whitening breast skin70
Hand treatment40
Full body massage with oil100
Lipofilling in the hands (fat injections)5600
Treatment of hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating)5600
Implantation of gold threads for weight loss1750
Intimate plastic surgery (vaginoplasty)9800
Laser body liposuction
- arms and shoulder areas18 200 — 21 000
- waist (side parts of the body)
- belly
- hips
Complex for weight loss with ceramic jars
1 session400
2 sessions750
3 sessions1000

Beauty saloon

Beauty salon (prices in RMB)
Eyebrow shape correction (plucking)for free
Painless permanent makeup
Eyebrow tattoo200
Microblading (eyebrow embroidery)250
Eye tattoo (eyelid contour)400
Lip contour tattoo200
Lip tattoo with shading350
Earlobe piercing20
Navel piercing150

The most popular beauty treatments in Wudalianchi


Acupuncture facelift

For a facelift, cosmetologists in Wudalianchi have a variety of techniques: thread lifting, superficial muscular aponeurotic or scarless lifting, and many others.

But the most effective procedure is acupuncture facelift. This method of facelift is based on the ancient Chinese technique - acupuncture (acupuncture).

Acupuncture facelift stimulates tissues to produce collagen, making the face look noticeably younger without surgical intervention.

Elimination of scars and spider veins

To combat scars and spider veins, laser therapy is used, which makes it possible to most effectively correct all skin imperfections in patients.

Fighting excess weight

Liposuction process

Chinese doctors suggest getting rid of excess weight using laser, ultrasound or tumescent liposuction.

Thanks to these techniques, it is possible to eliminate excess fat deposits in the most problematic areas: the abdomen, thighs, buttocks.

Methods for solving cosmetic problems

Cosmetological problems are characterized by varying degrees of severity and can occur in people of any age. In some cases, a person may be dissatisfied with his appearance or not perceive the signs of aging. In other cases, the patient has defects that cause significant discomfort and interfere with the aesthetic perception of his appearance.

These points are analyzed separately by doctors, then a plan is drawn up to eliminate the cosmetic problem.

The treatment method is combined: modern cosmetic procedures are often accompanied by TCM sessions that promote rapid recovery.

Our doctors take a responsible approach to each patient, since the presence of chronic diseases can affect the regeneration process of areas undergoing procedures.

Caution! Thus, some types of minimally invasive interventions are not recommended for diabetes and hypertension. In such cases, they are replaced by other correction methods, for example, laser.

Department of cosmetology

What problems require rhinoplasty?

According to ASAPS (Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons) research, rhinoplasty is necessary for people who experience breathing difficulties associated with a nasal defect. Also, the reason for plastic surgery can be any aesthetic imperfections that the patient wants to correct.

Rhinoplasty will be useful in the following cases:

  • With congenital or acquired curvature of the nasal septum;
  • If pathologies of the cartilage tissue of the nasal cavity are diagnosed;
  • When it is necessary to eliminate defects after a broken nose;
  • There is a hump (“Greek profile”);
  • Nostrils that are too large or asymmetrical;
  • Excessive length of the nose;
  • Thick or uneven bridge of the nose;
  • Drooping or large tip of the nose.

If you have a cleft palate (cleft lip or cleft palate), rhinoplasty can be part of a complex of facial plastic surgery measures. The operation will correct the proportions of the face and restore normal breathing in the patient.

Often, a deviated nasal septum, polyps or other nasal pathologies provoke additional problems. This may include a persistent runny nose, increased snoring during sleep, impaired sense of smell and distorted voice.

It is important to know!

In case of additional pathologies related to the health of the nose, plastic surgery can solve the problem comprehensively. Often the only way to get rid of apnea is rhinoplasty. Leave a request on the MedTour website so that the coordinating doctor will help you choose the best foreign plastic surgery clinic.

Free consultation

Basic cosmetic procedures and operations

Below is a list of basic plastic surgery procedures for face and body correction offered at the Eurasia Hospital:

  1. Removing wrinkles around the eyes, correcting bags under the eyes - puffiness around the eyes is removed, the size of the bags is reduced, and the muscle frame is strengthened;
  2. Forehead lift and circular face lift – performed for sagging muscles;
  3. Rhinoplasty – correction of the contours of the nose. Especially necessary for those who have suffered a nose injury;
  4. Elimination of the consequences of accidents and injuries, correction of facial defects.


Blepharoplasty corrects the eye line and makes the look clearer by removing excess fatty tissue and skin from the lower and upper eyelids.

Indicated for patients with the following conditions:

  • excess skin in the area around the eyes;
  • fatty hernias;
  • muscle laxity;
  • deep wrinkles;
  • inversion of the eyelids (entropion);
  • a cut in the eyelids that interferes with normal vision;
  • exophthalmos and eye asymmetry.


Transplantation of your own fat into an area on the face and body that requires correction. Lipofilling makes it possible to sculpt the area of ​​the cheekbones and chin, improve the shape and volume of the lips, and also make deep nasolabial folds invisible.

Most often, fat injections are performed in:

  • forehead and eyebrow wrinkles;
  • inner and outer corners of the eyes;
  • nose and nasolabial folds;
  • lips and chin area;
  • Hands.

Hardware procedures

Modern equipment allows Eurasia specialists to perform laser skin correction . This is a modern method of skin rejuvenation using medical lasers. It is also used to polish and reduce the external manifestations of various types of scar changes and skin deformations.

Doctors also use a device for laser liposuction . Half-hour procedures with its use allow you to get rid of fat deposits on the stomach, thighs, arms and face.

Entrance to the treatment room

How China is trying to stop the “race for beauty”

Chinese newspaper People's Daily condemned plastic surgery advertising and called for urgent regulation of the industry. There are too many advertisements, and most of them disseminate false information, which can lead to dire consequences for patients.

According to the publication, commercials associate good looks with a “sign of quality,” “hard work,” and “success,” inventing stories about how “plastic surgery changes one’s destiny.”

“From posters at bus stops and subways to announcements on social networks and entertainment platforms, from advertising in films and television to promotions hosted by live broadcasters, advertising of medical cosmetic services is ubiquitous,” says the statement published on the official website. website of the newspaper of the ruling Communist Party.

The demand for plastic surgery or aesthetic cosmetology in China has really increased sharply in recent years, writes Business of Fashion.

. The most popular procedures are rhinoplasty (reshaping the nose) and blepharoplasty, which allows you to make your eyes wider. Clinics try to get clients by any means without warning them about the risks.

It is no coincidence that journalists are worried. In July, almost the entire Chinese press wrote about a 33-year-old influencer who died after unsuccessful liposuction.

Another high-profile news story was the incident that occurred with actress Gao Liu at the beginning of 2022. Due to the complications that began after the plastic surgery, the tissue on the tip of her nose died. The celebrity admitted that she would need another operation to correct the situation, and the treatment had already cost her more than 4.5 million rubles. in terms of Russian money, provides data from the BBC

. Her doctor was suspended from work for six months, and the hospital was fined the equivalent of 553 thousand rubles. Many Internet users considered this punishment not severe enough.

According to the Chinese publication Global Times

(“Huanqiu Shibao”), in 2022 there were more than 60 thousand unlicensed plastic surgery clinics in the country. They perform about 40 thousand unsuccessful operations per year, that is, an average of 110 unsuccessful operations per day.

In June this year, China's National Health Commission announced the launch of a campaign to combat unlicensed clinics providing medical services. They also promised to investigate customer complaints more quickly. Already in August, the government agency responsible for market regulation (State Administration for Market Regulation) prepared a project that would allow regulating advertising of aesthetic medicine.

However, the Chinese “race for beauty” continues. Social media influencers with “ideal looks” and employers play a huge role here. In China, applicants are often required to have a photograph, and some advertisements specify required physical characteristics. This applies especially to women.

Chinese tabloids also add fuel to the fire by regularly criticizing the appearance of stars. And earlier this year, a Shanghai art gallery announced an exhibition in which photographs of women were ranked from "most beautiful to ugliest."

Among other things, China has created special offers for communication between users interested in plastic surgery, where they can also find surgeons.

The most popular of them, Gengmei (translated from Chinese as “more beautiful”), has grown from 1 million users to 36 million since its launch in 2013, the BBC reports.

. Most of the accounts are registered for girls around 20 years old. The So-Young platform works in a similar way, which showed an increase in monthly users from 1.4 million in 2022 to 8.4 million in 2021.

The plastic surgery market in China is expected to grow to $46.54 billion by 2022, Chinese state news agency Xinhua reported, citing a report by the China Association of Plastic and Aesthetics.

However, in July, the market value of the three largest companies involved in aesthetic medicine fell by a third, which together amounts to more than $17 billion. The Financial Times

. Analysts for the business publication warn that if authorities in Beijing begin to strictly regulate the plastic surgery industry and everything connected with it, it could suffer greatly, as was the case after sanctions for the online gaming market.

Nasal examinations before surgery

Before any surgical intervention, the patient must undergo a preliminary examination. This is necessary in order to exclude contraindications to the operation and determine the scope of work for the surgeon.

Standard diagnostics before rhinoplasty include:

  • Laboratory tests of blood and urine;
  • ECG - electrocardiography to study the functioning of the heart;
  • Fluorography of the thoracic region.

The patient needs a preoperative consultation with a specialist to discuss all complaints and determine the desired result based on the appearance of the nose after surgery.

For a more detailed study, the doctor may additionally prescribe rhinoscopy - a visual diagnosis of the nasal cavity. In some cases, the doctor performs an MRI or CT scan of the nose if plastic surgery is necessary after a mechanical injury.

Preparing for nose correction surgery

According to the recommendations of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, before surgery, the patient should avoid taking aspirin, herbal and anti-inflammatory drugs. This can impair blood clotting and cause post-operative complications. Smoking tobacco products is strictly prohibited, as exposure to nicotine slows down tissue healing.

In some highly specialized medical centers, the patient is given a visualization of the future shape of the nose. This is done using special 3D modeling devices. This way the patient will be able to see the result, what the face will look like after rhinoplasty.

Recovery after rhinoplasty

A week after the operation, the doctor removes the bandage from the patient. To speed up the recovery process, the specialist will give recommendations regarding postoperative care at home. You should refrain from physical activity and sports for at least three weeks.

After plastic surgery, the patient will experience swelling and bruising for several weeks, which is normal. There may be numbness in the tip of the nose, which goes away after a few months. Therefore, the real effect can be assessed only half a year after surgery.

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