Rehabilitation after blepharoplasty


is an aesthetic surgery to correct eyelids, with which you can remove “bags” under the eyes (fatty hernias) and fill nasolacrimal grooves, remove excess skin - the effect of “overhanging” upper eyelids, correct asymmetry of the eyes, change their shape or cut.
Excess skin and fatty tissue in the periorbital area, drooping corners of the eyes and wrinkles make the face look more aged and the look “heavy”. Eyelid surgery is called a “small” operation with a spectacular result, since this minimal surgical intervention eliminates visible signs of age-related changes and makes the look more open, lively and expressive. The results of blepharoplasty last for years: there is no need to remove bags under the eyes again.
Caring for the skin of the periorbital area after surgery will help maintain its tone and consolidate the results of the operation.

Indications for blepharoplasty

Blepharoplasty allows you to make your appearance not only more youthful, but also attractive. Young people aged 20 to 30 undergo eyelid surgery to get a beautiful almond-shaped eye shape, get rid of congenital or acquired defects, signs of painful fatigue and swelling.


*according to the ratings of the portals “Doctor Peter” and “” in 2021. Read more.

What effect can be achieved as a result of blepharoplasty?

  • Remove wrinkles around the eyes (“crow’s feet”);
  • Eliminate drooping upper eyelids (excess skin and fatty tissue);
  • Remove “bags” under the eyes (fat bags);
  • Fill the nasolacrimal groove;
  • Raise the drooping corners of the eyes;
  • Remove epicanthus;
  • Correct ectropion of the lower eyelids;
  • Correct asymmetry;
  • Change the shape and shape of the eyes;
  • Make your eyes visually larger and your look fresher.

Blepharoplasty performed by Egor Andreevich Parygin.

Types of blepharoplasty

Plastic surgeons at the Pirogov Clinic perfectly perform all types of eyelid correction operations.
We make sure that a beautiful and natural result pleases our patients for years, therefore we give preference to modern minimally invasive techniques and fat-preserving blepharoplasty .
The peculiarity of the latter is that during the operation, fatty tissue in the periorbital area is not completely removed, but is evenly redistributed under the skin. This allows you to maintain good skin quality - prevent aging, dryness, and avoid the “bulging eyes” effect. After blepharoplasty, lipofilling of the eyelids can be performed for the purpose of additional biorevitalization of the skin and correction of volume deficits.

Upper eyelid blepharoplasty

Upper eyelid surgery is prescribed for deep wrinkles

drooping corners of the eyes
sagging skin of the upper eyelid
, which makes the look seem tired. During the operation, excess skin of the upper eyelids and sometimes fatty tissue are removed. In this way, the soft tissues of the eyelids are tightened. After upper blepharoplasty, the look becomes more open.

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How to avoid the effect of round eyes after eyelid surgery?

One of the most common requests from patients when correcting age-related changes in the face is to avoid rounding of the eyes and the “failure” effect after surgery.

One of the most common requests from patients when correcting age-related changes in the face is to avoid rounding of the eyes and the “failure” effect after surgery. Literally, women express themselves like this: “My girlfriend got her eyelids done, her eyes became small and round, like a pig’s.” Or another problem when the patient looks worse after surgery than before.

There are most often two reasons for this condition: the wrong choice of method for correcting age-related changes, especially around the eyes, or the doctor follows the patient’s lead and performs an operation that the woman invented for herself after reading articles in magazines and the Internet, or after chatting with a friend at a party, realizing that “this” will solve all her problems.

The most common reason for the formation of a round eye is plastic surgery of the upper eyelids, and not the lower ones, as is commonly believed. Many people believe that upper eyelid correction is a fairly simple operation. However, it is characterized by a large number of technical nuances on which the final result depends.

For example, you can get “housey” eyes if the internal hernia is incorrectly removed and errors are made in processing the lateral portion of the overhanging part of the skin.

No less common is the “flashlight” effect, when the medial hernia is not removed, and the lateral portion of the skin is completely excised, which leads to the formation of a lump closer to the back of the nose.

Very often, the lateral region of the orbit remains drooping, since the overhang of the lateral portion is often associated not with the structure of the eyelid, but with the drooping of the eyebrows and soft tissues of the temporal region.

And another problem that patients do not pay attention to before surgery is the asymmetry of the eyebrow position and, as a consequence, the difference in drooping of the upper eyelid. Eyebrow asymmetry is present in almost 99% of cases. If it is not expressed, then correction is not required. If this feature is very noticeable, and this was not taken into account before the operation, then the result can be disastrous. After eyelid surgery, this problem is only emphasized. In this situation, eyelid surgery should be combined with eyebrow correction. Moreover, it is often the position of the eyebrows that gives the look a more youthful expression.

Eyebrow lifting is used as a separate anti-aging operation. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the astrometry of the left and right eyes and the structure of the orbit. Since eyelid surgery is aimed only at correcting skin and muscle, but not bone structures.

Even more complex situations occur with the lower eyelids.

Classic plastic surgery of the lower eyelids involves treatment from the ciliary margin to the edge of the orbit. But not any lower. The operation does not improve the nasolabial triangle and the condition of the zygomatic region.

Traditional lower eyelid surgery involves removing fat bags and excision of excess skin. It is this situation, without taking into account the structure of the painting zone, that provokes the “sunk eye” effect.

As a result of incorrectly performed eyelid surgery, the patient may experience an effect called “cadaver bow” (cadaver look). The most surprising thing is that this may not be the doctor’s mistake. He will perform the operation according to standard procedures. But, taking into account your general condition and choosing easy methods, you risk finding yourself, to put it mildly, with an unsatisfactory result.

The most common problem of the lower eyelid is a temporary and in some situations long-lasting skin inversion.

To optimize and obtain the best possible results, the eyes should not be treated as a separate area. It is necessary to take into account the condition of the zygomatic zone, the texture of the skin of the lower eyelids, and the structure of the orbital edge. But I will talk about these nuances separately in the next article.

Looking ahead a little, I will say that in my methods and approaches I use more effective solutions. Depending on the situation, myopexy, redistribution of hernia bags, check-lifting are used, and I also recommend combining eyelid surgery with primalifting. This is a new minimally invasive rejuvenation surgery.

Lower eyelid blepharoplasty

bags under the eyes once and for all

, swelling and folds.
Redistribution of the tissue of fat bags allows you to fill the nasolacrimal grooves
. Lower blepharoplasty may be the best solution for those who are tired of dealing with these defects using conservative methods.

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Circular blepharoplasty

The combination of blepharoplasty of the upper and lower eyelids will allow you to solve all problems at once during one operation.

The full scope of eyelid correction allows you to achieve the most pronounced effect. Circumferential blepharoplasty is often performed in conjunction with a facelift (facelift) or other anti-aging surgeries.

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Blepharoplasty in Moscow

The Department of Plastic Surgery at CELT invites you to undergo blepharoplasty of the upper and lower eyelids. We employ leading domestic plastic surgeons, candidates of medical sciences with many years of practical experience. They have mastered the surgical techniques to perfection and practice their individual selection based on the patient’s indications.

They have everything they need to intervene effectively and achieve the best results. Particular attention is paid to preparatory measures in order to eliminate contraindications and the risk of complications.

You can find out the price of blepharoplasty by going to the “Services and Prices” tab of this section of our official website. It depends on the surgical technique and its volume and varies in the range from 52 to 135 thousand rubles. To avoid any misunderstandings, we suggest that you clarify the price of eyelid surgery by contacting our operators: .

How is blepharoplasty surgery performed?

Duration of circular blepharoplasty – up to 1.5 hours

The operation takes place under local or general anesthesia. The plastic surgeon makes incisions in the natural folds of the skin of the upper eyelid and under the eyelash line (when correcting the lower eyelids). This provides access to the subcutaneous fatty tissue. After removing excess skin and fat, the surgeon applies stitches and a special bandage, which is removed 30 minutes after the operation. The length of hospitalization
after blepharoplasty ranges from 6 hours (in a day hospital) to 1 day in a ward, after which we discharge patients home.

Types of surgery: upper and lower blepharoplasty

Depending on the problem, the doctor may prescribe blepharoplasty of the upper or lower eyelids. In some cases, two types of correction are required at once - circular blepharoplasty.

During upper blepharoplasty, the surgeon makes an incision in the upper eyelid in the area of ​​the natural skin fold, followed by excision of excess skin. If necessary, the surgeon removes fatty hernias. After all the necessary manipulations are completed, sutures are applied, which are almost invisible after healing.

Lower blepharoplasty is divided into two approaches to its implementation: subciliary (percutaneous) and transconjunctival. The percutaneous approach involves incision in the subciliary area and is used for severe sagging skin. Transconjunctival blepharoplasty is performed through an incision in the mucosa and allows access to fatty deposits. Most surgeons are inclined to choose this approach, since it does not affect the shape of the palpebral fissure and does not leave visible scars.

Recovery after blepharoplasty

The patient can return to normal life the very next day after the operation; it is important to follow the recommendations of the plastic surgeon: apply ice at first, avoid ultraviolet radiation at high temperatures, and intense physical activity. Pain is usually not expressed. Stitches are removed within 4-6 days

after surgery, examined by a doctor. Bruises disappear within 14 days. You can speed up recovery and make it more comfortable with the help of a course developed by our plastic surgeons and cosmetologists.

First days of rehabilitation

Recovery after surgery takes different times for everyone. Some people only need a couple of weeks for the body to “come to its senses.” And some feel the echoes of the intervention for several months.

However, there are general average indicators of the normal course of this process.

I'll tell you what happens in the first ten days.

  • Day 1

The report begins on the day of surgery.

After the procedure, you will be transferred to a room and observed. If all is well, you will be on your way home in a few hours.

Cold compresses are applied to the stitches.

  • Day 2-3

You can go to the shower and wash your hair. But you should strictly ensure that soap or shampoo does not get into your eyes.

To prevent inflammation, your doctor may prescribe antiseptic drops.

  • Day 3-5

If the plastic surgeon used regular threads, now is the time to remove the sutures.

If the threads were self-absorbing, the doctor will simply examine you.

In some cases, already at this stage, surgeons allow you to return to contact lenses if you wore them before surgery.

  • Day 6

Antiseptic patches are removed from the eyelids.

  • Day 7

Swelling and bruising should go away. If this does not happen and you feel discomfort, consult a doctor immediately.

In principle, from this moment you return to the usual rhythm of life, but with restrictions. I will talk about them below.

  • Day 10

Traces of hemorrhage completely disappeared.

From this moment on, you can use decorative cosmetics. But only special for sensitive eyes.


Correction of the eyelids instantly transforms the appearance: the look becomes open and youthful, swelling, bags under the eyes, wrinkles, and sagging eyelids disappear. The result of the operation lasts for many years; recommendations for care and consolidation of the effect will be given by specialists from the Cosmetology Department of the N. I. Pirogov Clinic. For a quick recovery, cosmetologists select a program, after which you can quickly enjoy the result of the operation and demonstrate it to others.


There are no specific contraindications for blepharoplasty, but the operation will not be performed if there are general surgical contraindications:

  • age under 18 years;
  • colds;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • exacerbation of eye diseases;
  • systemic diseases (rheumatism, diabetes).

Attention! All aesthetic plastic surgeries and most cosmetic procedures are strictly contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women. We also do not perform surgical interventions on people whose weight exceeds 110 kg.

Blepharoplasty: prices and reviews

The cost of the operation depends on the scope of correction and the qualifications of the plastic surgeon. Our clinic also has profitable promotions, you can find them in this section

. The cost of lower/upper eyelid blepharoplasty already includes: surgery, anesthesia, stay in the ward, postoperative patient care (examination by a surgeon, dressings and suture removal), consultation with a cosmetologist and one procedure of hardware lymphatic drainage massage

view reviews of blepharoplasty at the Pirogov Clinic
(St. Petersburg) in the corresponding section on our website.

Why is it worth getting blepharoplasty at the Pirogov Clinic (St. Petersburg)?

  • The Pirogov Clinic was recognized as the best plastic surgery clinic according
    to the national rating of private clinics in St. Petersburg by the medical portal “Doctor Peter” and the city portal “” in 2022;
  • Our team of specialists includes experienced plastic surgeons, doctors of the highest category, winners of prestigious awards
  • online consultations with plastic surgeons;
  • free consultations with plastic surgeons;
  • affordable prices for eyelid blepharoplasty;
  • the opportunity to undergo all preoperative examinations in the clinic within one day;
  • own laboratory: test results - quickly and with a guarantee of reliability;
  • equipping operating rooms with the most advanced medical equipment from leading Western companies;
  • attentive and responsible medical staff: a team of anesthesiologists, resuscitators, assistants and nurses coordinately and quickly resolves any issues around the clock;
  • modern comfortable hospital: you feel like you are in a European hotel room;
  • quick recovery after blepharoplasty;
  • the ability to perform several operations simultaneously, which means you get the best result in one surgical intervention;
  • the cosmetology and laser dermatology departments carry out procedures for the fastest possible tissue regeneration, allowing you to start enjoying the results as soon as possible;
  • interest-free installment payment for any operations, credit;
  • discounts on services under VHI policies.

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