Whitening cream Expigment containing hydroquinone 4 - reviews

Excess melanin in certain areas of the skin is a common female problem. This is explained by the fact that hormonal balance directly affects the production of this substance in the cells of the epidermis. Therefore, adolescence, pregnancy, lactation, and menopause often cause uneven pigmentation on the skin of the face. Those who are genetically predisposed to freckles especially suffer from this.

The influence of intense solar radiation increases the production of melanin, and the spots become darker in the summer. It can be concluded that the main condition for effective prevention in this case is the use of a protective cream with a high UV factor and limiting exposure to the open sun, especially at midday.

What does it help with?

Achromin cream helps to cope with many problems that girls most often face. For example, uneven facial tone, sagging, wrinkles. Circles under the eyes, swelling, rashes, irritation, age spots, acne.

For problematic facial skin

Those with problematic skin often face problems of acne, pimples, rashes, dryness, and increased oiliness in certain areas. The cream contains various components that simultaneously dry, mattify, remove oily sheen, and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Another group of components, on the contrary, intensively moisturizes, nourishes, softens the skin, removes wrinkles, rejuvenates cells, restores firmness and elasticity. Find out the best cream for problematic oily skin in this article.

What is hydroquinone

Hydroquinone is a powerful antioxidant. Its main negative effect on the human body is a decrease in the production of melanin (pigment) in the skin and hair. The substance is very toxic and can cause the development of cancer cells. The use of hydroquinone in cosmetics is prohibited in Russia and European countries. In the United States, hydroquinone is permitted; a permissible level of up to 2% is considered safe and allowed for use.

Doctors warn that excessive use of products containing hydroquinone - whitening creams, ointments - can lead to the development of ochronosis, a skin disease in which the skin becomes grayish-brown in color and becomes covered with age spots.

Before you decide to purchase a cream with hydroquinone, weigh the pros and cons, and then use it very carefully only on problem areas of the skin


Excess pigmentation, which can appear on the facial skin as a result of hormonal fluctuations and exposure to solar radiation, can be completely removed with the help of whitening creams. The main factors influencing the success of the procedures:

  • correct selection of products taking into account skin sensitivity;
  • regular use;
  • constant use of sunscreen.

A noticeable result usually does not appear immediately, but after three to four weeks of using the whitening cream. After the disappearance of age spots, the use of cosmetics with whitening ingredients should be stopped, as their long-term exposure can negatively affect the condition of the skin.

Types of creams to remove pigmentation

Hydroquinone is rightly considered the most active bleaching agent. A 4% concentration of this drug is enough to effectively remove the darkest spots. It has one significant drawback: toxicity. Therefore, products based on it must be checked for allergenicity and should not be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Cream with hydroquinone

Creams with arbutin are weaker and require more time to completely remove pigment. But they also have fewer side effects.

Kojic acid is an effective whitening agent and also has antioxidant and exfoliating properties. Whitening creams containing it have a complex effect.

To even out the complexion faster, AXA acids can be used additionally.

Expigment 4% (Expigment 4, Hydroquinone) cream 30g - Instructions


The main active ingredient is hydroquinone.

Release form

Hydroquinone is produced in the form of a cream for external use. Supplied in tubes of 30 g each.

pharmachologic effect

The hydroquinone substance in Expigment cream has skin lightening properties. The hydroquinone in the cream reduces the rate of formation of melanin, the substance that gives color (darkens) to our skin, and prevents further color formation. Since this substance, whose rate of formation has decreased, cannot produce the desired effect, the various colored formations that appear on our skin will eventually return to their previous state.


Data not provided.

Indications for use

Expigment cream is a skin bleaching product that is used to lighten areas of darkened skin such as freckles, chloasma (also known as melasma), age spots and acne scars.


The only limitation for the use of this product is an allergy to the composition.

Side effects

Expigment cream is very well tolerated. Some people may experience minor and temporary skin irritation, including mild itching, tingling and redness of the skin (irritant contact dermatitis). If they do not go away, you must stop using the cream.

Side effects that require you to stop taking the cream and seek immediate medical attention include severe burning, itching, scabbing or swelling of the treated areas (possible allergic contact dermatitis) and any unusual change in skin color.

Drug interactions

Avoid applying other topical medications (especially peroxide products) to the same area at the same time unless directed by your doctor.

Application and dosage

It is important to use the cream regularly as directed until the desired whitening results are achieved, and then use only as needed to maintain results.

Before use, you should test your skin sensitivity by applying the cream to a small layer of discolored skin. If no redness or itching appears within 24 hours, treatment should be started.

Cleanse and dry your skin before applying a thin layer of cream to areas needing whitening twice daily. Rub well into the skin.

Apply just enough to cover affected areas and do not apply to normal skin as it will also lighten.


To date, no cases of overdose have been reported.

special instructions

When using non-medicated cosmetics, sunscreens and moisturizing lotions, you must first apply Expigment cream and then wait a few minutes before using other products.

Do not use near eyes, mouth or other mucous membranes.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Use is not recommended.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery

No special precautions are required.

Terms of sale

As prescribed by a doctor.

Storage conditions

The medication must be stored in a temperature range from 15 to 25 degrees Celsius, in a place isolated from access to children.

Peeling with hydroquinone

Hydroquinone (what it is, how it works and how to use it - you can find out from the instructions for the purchased drug) can be contained in creams in different proportions. The products may also differ from each other in composition. Peeling with hydroquinone is popular and provides guaranteed results.

Active substances:

  • Lactic acid
  • Hydroquinone
  • Kojic acid
  • Lemon acid
  • Alcohol
  • Salicylic acid

Peeling with hydroquinone is an effective remedy for combating age spots of all types. It deeply cleanses the skin, and the recovery period does not take much time. Sold in bottles at the pharmacy.

There are 2 types of Jessner peel:

  1. Surface. Apply 1 layer of peeling. Used as preparatory care before deep cleaning. This type of peeling reduces pores, smoothes and moisturizes the skin.
  2. Median exfoliation. The product is applied in more than 1 layer. After the procedure, the skin recovers within 1 week. Suitable for combating scars, wrinkles, pigmentation.

Indications for use:

  • Oily skin.
  • Photoaging.
  • Hyperpigmentation.
  • Acne and post-acne.
  • Dull skin.

Carrying out the procedure:

  1. Cleansing the face of dirt and makeup.
  2. Degreasing the skin using special products with glycolic acids.
  3. Shake the bottle before use.
  4. Apply with a brush or cotton pad to the face and neck.
  5. The number of layers is from 2 to 4. Layers are applied every 3 minutes.
  6. Do not wash off the product from your face for 6-10 hours.

Recovery period after peeling:

  • After washing the skin, it is necessary to moisturize it with a medicinal cream to relieve irritation. It is better to use products with chamomile, aloe and hyaluronic acid.
  • During recovery you cannot: use cosmetics, visit the solarium and swimming pools, sweat a lot, or be in the cold for a long time.
  • Crusts may form on the skin, which should never be picked off, otherwise you will have to do a deeper cleaning.


  • Allergy.
  • Inflammations and wounds on the skin.
  • Exacerbation of herpes.
  • Pregnancy.

Side effects:

  • Redness.
  • Edema.
  • Sensitivity.
  • Dark skin.

Expigment cream price and where to buy

Cream Expigment with 4% hydroquinone content

This cream cannot be purchased in our pharmacies or stores, again due to the fact that the substance included in the composition is prohibited in Russia. The easiest way to purchase is to order it for friends who will go on vacation to Turkey in the near future. There, the cream is sold in almost all pharmacies, so finding a cream will not complicate the holidays of your friends. The cost of the cream is absolutely low, one tube will cost 150-200 rubles.

If, unfortunately, no one you know is planning a vacation in the near future, then the cream can be purchased on ebay. But the cost there is already too high, about 700-800 rubles.

The cream is sold in two forms - 2% and 4% (expigment 2 and expigment 4). This is the content of hydroquinone in the composition. Even two percent is enough to whiten the skin; a four percent cream is used for very strong pigmentation.

Where to buy Expigment Cream?

As stated above in the article, the product cannot be purchased in Russian pharmacies and stores. This is a Turkish cream, and in Turkey it is freely available in any pharmacy stall without a doctor's prescription. Its cost varies between 3-5 dollars.

Therefore, one of the options for purchasing it is to order it for your friends who are going on vacation to this country. If you are there on vacation, buy a tube as they say in reserve. This is not necessary for yourself; perhaps you will “save” someone’s face when you come back. A huge number of women face the problem of freckles and age spots.

The second option is to order from online stores. Here the price is already 1000-1500 rubles excluding delivery. You can also find advertisements for the sale of expigment cream on the Internet. There are no fakes, the most important thing is not to fall for a scammer who, after taking payment, will not send the coveted cream.

Adverse reactions

  1. Hydroquinone reduces melanin pigments in the skin, making the skin more sensitive to the sun. This increases the risk of getting more pigmentation than you had before if you don't use sunscreen year-round.
  2. Short-term side effects of the substance include irritation, redness and contact dermatitis (inflammatory skin lesions).
  3. In some cases, the skin becomes uneven in color.
  4. Long-term use of the product is considered toxic and mutagenic to body cells.
  5. Hydroquinone causes skin aging.
  6. The substance may cause ochronosis (darkening of the skin and destruction of collagen fibers).

Whitening cream EXPIGMENT

I read on one of the forums that the most effective remedy for pigmentation is hydroquinone. Previously, it was in the Achromin cream, which we sell, but now it has been removed from there. But the Turkish whitening cream EXPIGMENT contains exactly this hydroquinone.

I read that you need to smear it morning and evening. On top you can use foundation and sunscreen. The course is on average a month, in extreme cases one and a half to two. The fact is that it was not for nothing that hydroquinone was removed from other creams; it is a strong substance, quite harmful if used excessively. So - without fanaticism.

The cream itself is quite pleasant, the consistency is not very thick, but not liquid either. White in color, smells good. I began to smear it as it was said - morning and evening. Immediately the skin tingled, and a day later it turned red and began to peel. And even around pigment spots, although I applied it strictly to them, scooping up the whitening cream onto a match with cotton wool.

At the same time, what is especially unpleasant, the skin under the eyes is very dry. Even wrinkles appeared. I will say in advance that after a course of using the Expigment cream, these problems went away. But during application it was difficult. In general, I couldn’t stand it - I applied it only once a day, sometimes every other day. Lasted three weeks. I didn’t have the strength to look at my flaking face. Then it intensively removed dryness.

But the spots became SIGNIFICANTLY paler, quite pale, one might say. But, alas, they didn’t leave completely. I don’t know, maybe if I had held out longer, I would have been able to eradicate them. But I still have EXPIGMENT, so I’ll step back a little and maybe repeat it.

In general, I recommend this whitening cream as the most effective there is. If, of course, you are ready for the troubles I described.

How to Use Expigment Cream?

In appearance and consistency, the cream is similar to a child’s cream, slightly greasy to the touch, without inclusions. The color is white and has virtually no odor. If anyone notices a slight fragrance, it is most likely the base itself that smells.

So, the instructions for use name the basic rules for using Expigment Grem:

  • We do an allergy test. Literally apply a drop onto the inner elbow bend of your arm and spread lightly. Now you need to observe the body’s reaction for half an hour. If at this time you experience severe burning, swelling, bright redness, itching, sneezing and other inappropriate reactions, this means that the cream is causing you an allergy. Immediately wash off the remaining composition from the skin and do not use it again.
  • If the test passes well, then you can begin the procedures. Plan to start over the weekend to allow your skin to get used to the cream. During adaptation, redness may occur during the first 2-3 days, and to avoid unnecessary irritation, it is better not to use cosmetics.
  • Apply the cream to the skin 2 times a day with a break of 12 hours a day. It is very important that the application area is clean and dry. For a more effective result, the problem area must be thoroughly cleaned. Wash off your makeup, wash with soap, rinse your face with cool water and dry well with a towel. Do not use any moisturizers or other products. After fifteen to twenty minutes, you can apply the whitening cream.
  • Every day, regularly, 2-3 hours before going to bed, apply a thin layer of the product only to areas where melanin accumulates, massaging for at least 2 minutes so that the cream is well absorbed. In the morning, also an hour or two before applying decorative cosmetics, and remember about sunscreen.
  • The first results can be seen after two weeks. The spots become lighter against the general background, large clusters are crushed into small segments.
  • Expigment 4 is recommended to be used regularly for 2 months to get rid of problems. The cream has a prolonged nature. This means that the effect of hydroquine will continue for another six months after completion of the course.
  • Be careful not to get the composition on your mucous membranes or eyes. If this happens, rinse immediately with plenty of water and, if necessary, consult a doctor.
  • Expigment Cream is not recommended for pregnant women or those who are breastfeeding. It is also definitely not recommended for children under 12 years of age.

Effect of hydroquinone on pigmentation

The content of the substance in bleaching products is negligible, but even small amounts of hydroquinone have an active effect on pigmented human skin. Having started using such products, a woman notices positive results within 2-3 weeks: her face brightens, freckles disappear.

Today, drugs in which hydroquinone is replaced by kojic acid are gaining popularity. Kojic acid C is produced by the bacterium Aspergillus oryzae and is used as a skin lightener and antibiotic. Lightening cosmetics are produced on its basis; a substance is necessarily added that promotes deep penetration of kojic acid into the epidermis. TM Holy Land produces a series of skin whitening products based on this acid.

The old name for hydroquinone is quinol. Some people developed dermatitis and other skin diseases when using cosmetics with this ingredient; it is prohibited in the United States, Japan, and the European Union.

The substance in its pure form is toxic, hazardous to health, flammable and unstable. Scientifically proven to be carcinogenic to animals; relevance to humans unknown. When it comes into contact with skin tissue, the substance oxidizes and converts hemoglobin into methemoglobin.

Expigment cream instructions for use

Turkish cream helps to quickly whiten not only freckles, age spots, but also acne marks. Its action is based on enhancing the function of melanin breakdown in the skin and reducing its synthesis.

Before use, be sure to test for an allergic reaction and apply a little cream to the inside of your elbow. If after half an hour there are no irritating factors in this place, then the cream can be used on the face.

Apply the cream only to those areas of the skin where you have problem spots. Before using Expigment whitening cream, you must thoroughly cleanse your face and dry it well. Use twice a day, morning and evening. Under no circumstances should it come into contact with your eyes or mucous membranes; if this happens, wash your eyes thoroughly with plenty of water. After applying the cream to your face, you should wash your hands well.

The cream is white. Due to the fact that the composition contains hydroquinone, the cream darkens in air

You may notice that under the lid the cream has turned slightly black after use. It's normal, don't be alarmed

Previously, the Bulgarian cream “Achromin” also used hydroquinone, and the cream also darkened on the lid. Now the cream does not contain this substance, and the cream no longer helps with hyperpigmentation.

White cream

The consistency of Turkish bleach is similar to a regular cream of medium thickness, the smell is quite decent and not sharp. The cream is easy to apply and absorption is average. After the first use, the skin may turn red and then begin to peel.

The first positive result from using this product will occur within two weeks after the start of use. The cream has a prolonged action, which means that even after you stop using the cream, it will still work for some time.

Treating Acne and Skin Blemishes with Expigment Cream

No matter how much you would like to quickly get rid of spots on the skin, under no circumstances start treatment in the summer. External remedies for pigmentation are best used in autumn and winter. When using a whitening cream, the skin is subjected to frequent exfoliation and therefore becomes thinner. When sunlight hits this area of ​​the dermis, the process of melanin formation starts again. You do not get a healing effect, and the spots may increase in size and become darker. Therefore, wait until solar activity subsides and feel free to start getting rid of pigmentation. To prevent relapse, you need to purchase sunscreen. Please note that the packaging must indicate an SPF value of at least 50+. This is a vital tool for you, with which you will have to make friends for life. Sun protection should be applied every time you plan to go outside.

From pigment manifestations

People use products with hydroquinone to rejuvenate, lighten age spots, and remove acne marks.

The lightening agent is contained in cosmetic products in minimal quantities, which has a positive effect on skin color. This is enough for visible results after 2 weeks. You cannot use creams containing 4% hydroquinone; such an amount of the substance is dangerous to health and extremely toxic.

The rules for using hydroquinone for age spots are the same as for freckles:

  • Before use, consultation with a dermatologist and sensitivity test is necessary.
  • The product is applied in the evening to clean skin in a thin layer on pigmented areas of the face or body.
  • Avoid getting the substance into your eyes or mouth.
  • The period of safe use of the product is no more than 2 months.
  • Be sure to protect your skin with sunscreen spray.
  • The cream must be suitable for the person’s skin type.
  • It is not recommended to use hydroquinone if you have wounds or inflammation.

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Good creams for the face and body to remove age spots in the pharmacy

Depending on what main component is contained in a cosmetic product, they can be conditionally classified into several categories. Below are the three most popular groups.

Creams with hydroquinone: Achromin, Expigment, Obagi

The drug Achromin (ACHROMIN) has proven itself for a long time and has proven itself well. It is produced by the Bulgarian company Alen Mak-Bulgaria. It is used to lighten freckles and age spots and even out skin tone. It can also whiten spots on the body, you just need to apply it to the place where it is needed. It is a universal product, as it contains not only exfoliating substances, but also UV filters. Must be used according to instructions.

The drug Achromin from the Bulgarian company Alen Mak-Bulgaria

Turkish cream EXPIGMENT is available in two versions: with 2 percent and 4 percent hydroquinone content. It is better to start using it with a weaker concentration and be sure to test it first on the bend of the elbow, since many consumers complain of a strong skin reaction: redness, peeling or itching.

The American company OBAGI offers a serum called Obag C®Rx-Clarifying Serum. Thanks to the vitamin C it contains, it also has an antioxidant and sunscreen effect. You can learn about masks with vitamin C at home in this material.

Obag C®Rx-Clarifying Serum from the American company OBAGI

Creams with arbutin

The Israeli cosmetics brand Holy Land has a whitening product called Whitening Cream in its line. In addition to the main active ingredient, it contains extracts of grapes and mulberry, which have a positive effect on cellular metabolism in the epidermis and can effectively even out and refresh skin tone. You can learn about whitening masks by following the link.

Israeli cosmetics brand Holy Land

The popular French company Vichy produces Idealia Pro serum in which arbutin is combined with several additional active ingredients with whitening properties - salicylic and citric acids and titanium dioxide. It also contains vitamin C for added sun protection. You can find out about Vichy spf cream in the article.

The professional cosmetic line BeautyMed Arbutin Dermo Active Complex contains cream, mask and serum with a high concentration (about 5%) of the active substance, which can be used for cases of very strong pigmentation. All of them contain hyaluronic acid for additional skin hydration.

Professional cosmetic line BeautyMed Arbutin Dermo Active Complex

Creams with plant extracts

The Belarusian company Belita-Vitex offers a whole series for whitening: a mask, night and day cream, as well as peeling tonic. They contain lingonberry extract and a group of AXA acids: lactic and fruit. Moreover, each product contains additional components in accordance with its category - kaolin and pectin are added to the mask, an additional UV factor is used for daily use, the tonic is enriched with lemon extract.

The Russian company Kora produces a cream against freckles and age spots based on several natural whitening substances - licorice, verbena, horse sorrel. Vitamin C completes the list of active ingredients. You can find a cream for facial pigmentation at the pharmacy.

Anti-freckle cream from Kora

The Natura Siberica cosmetic line contains the Natura Siberica White anti-pigmentation series. It includes an exfoliant mousse, toner, Natura Siberica whitening cream with SF factor and peeling. The main components are extracts of sea buckthorn, cloudberry, raspberry and fruit acids.

Instructions for use rules of use

It is better to start removing excess pigmentation in the autumn-winter period, when the amount of ultraviolet radiation is small.

To achieve maximum quick results and prevent side effects, it is advisable to adhere to simple principles:

  • apply cosmetics with bleaching agents only to well-cleansed skin; You can find out about the types of cleansing cosmetics for the face here.
  • The optimal time of use is before bedtime;
  • you need to apply the cream locally, in those areas where there are spots or freckles;
  • use exfoliators at least three times a week to exfoliate the stratum corneum of the epidermis;
  • Even in winter, sun protection with a high UV factor is required before leaving the room.

The mechanism of action of face creams for pigmentation

The optimal sequence of steps to remove excess pigment from the skin surface:

  1. Suppress the work of cells producing new melanin;
  2. Output the one that has already been formed;
  3. Accelerate the process of epidermis renewal.

There are several groups of substances that solve these problems and are included in whitening products. You can learn more about the best creams for facial pigmentation here.

Sometimes, in cases where new spots no longer form (hormonal levels have normalized and sun protection is systematically applied), a combination of tretinoin + AHA acids is used. This method is not a specific treatment for hyperpigmentation, it simply accelerates metabolic processes in the epidermis many times over with exfoliation of the keratinized layers, as a result of which excess pigment is also removed.


The active component is hydrochion. This is a toxic substance that has a strong effect on the dermis. Yes, it is one of the best anti-pigmentation creams, it copes with pigmentation and freckles, however, it is very dangerous. The use of products with hydrochion is contraindicated for problematic and sensitive skin, as side effects may occur: burns, itching, irritation. Because of this influence, the substance was banned from use in many countries around the world.

The permissible hydrochion concentrate is 25, and this despite the fact that there will be other components in the composition that can soften its effect. This product can be used because it also contains the following components:

  • lactic acid – whitens and cleanses pores;
  • stearic acid – protects the skin from external environmental factors;
  • tocopherol – has an antioxidant effect;
  • paraffin – softens the skin;
  • mineral oil – moisturizes, nourishes, saturates with vitamins and minerals;
  • rose aroma - gives a pleasant smell, silkiness and smoothness to the epidermis;
  • glycerin – brightens the skin, gives a healthy shine, moisturizes;
  • sodium chloride – fights swelling;
  • water – softens the effect of hydrochion;
  • wheat oil – nourishes, smoothes out unevenness, restores elasticity;

With UV filters

Often, pigment spots appear precisely due to strong exposure to sunlight. Therefore, Achromin cream has a sunscreen effect. It also contains components that are responsible for protection. They cover the face with a thin film, and it serves as a barter between the surface layer of the epidermis and the environment. Read about face creams that protect against sun and age spots here.

Cosmetic product with good whitening effect and UV protection. Removes any type of hyperpigmentation on the surface of the skin - freckles, spots after pregnancy, age spots, blemishes, too dark tan.

Whitening cream Xian Li or Qian Li

o Cream Xian Li or Qian Li
Available in two forms: night and day. Suitable for dry and sensitive skin. Previously, the composition was based on the whitening effect of ascorbic acid, but now an improved formula is being produced. Here, vitamin C is supplemented with plant extracts of medicinal herbs. It can even out the skin color of the face, legs and arms, get rid of various types of pigmentation, and deeply moisturize the epidermis. A cream that will protect against tanning and also destroy the formed melanin compounds.

It has SPF 30, which helps protect the body from UV rays. Like other cosmetics of this brand, the cream is completely natural, without synthetic compounds. Contains serum globulin, beeswax, placenta primrose, vitamin E, biochemical alcohol aldehyde acid, sable fat and a subgroup of tartaric acid. The cream should be applied to problem areas in the morning and evening for 7-10 days, then only at night for a month.

Reviews of Xian Li or Qian Li cream:

  • The cream really works and lightens age spots
  • The smell of the cream is not very pleasant, herbal, but somehow strange.
  • The consistency is very thick and difficult to spread.
  • The cream instantly tightens the pores, the face may turn red after it, it stings a little at first.
  • Makeup does not fit well on it, the cream begins to slide off.
  • A small amount of cream (18 grams), but quite enough for the course

What is Expigment Cream

A doctor will not prescribe this product to you, and you will not buy it in our stores. Expigment contains hydroquinone, which is the active lightening ingredient. There are not many whitening creams with hydroquinone, and such cosmetics are prohibited both in Russia and in many European countries. It is toxic, accumulates in the body, and if used incorrectly can have the opposite effect. Side effects due to overdose lead to the formation of vitiligo - these are white spots without pigment, or to the return of deep dark spots. New cosmetic lines use arbutin, a derivative of the first one. It is weaker, but safer.

Experiment is sold in 30-gram tubes. According to the concentration of hydroquinone contained inside the mixture, it is divided into two types: 2% and 4%. Two percent can lighten freckles and small acne marks, while a more concentrated one can fight hyperpigmentation and age spots.

Expigment cream is sold in pharmacies in Turkey

The effective action of the cream is due to the fact that hydroquinone penetrates deeply into the layers of the dermis and acts directly on melanin cells. It suppresses their development, which leads to the destruction of connections and their death. Due to the resulting irritation, the top layer of skin begins to actively renew itself and severe peeling occurs. The process of cell renewal begins, so under the scales you can see smooth pink skin.

Reviews about the use of Expigment Cream

Here are collected comments from those who actually tried the effect of hydroquinone on themselves.

  • Maria, 37 years old . “I applied it once, and the next day my face looked like a tomato. After a day, the skin began to peel off greatly, I no longer used the cream. After a week, the spots became lighter. I’ve put the cream aside for now, I’m afraid to use it.”
  • Svetlana, 25 years old. The cream that I tried was bought by my friend at a pharmacy in Turkey on recommendation. 1 week after I started peeling my skin, I saw my freckles simply disappear. I didn’t expect it to have such an effect.”
  • Natalya, 44 years old. “I have never seen a better cream that actually removes skin blemishes.”

Results of using Expigment cream after a month

Alexandra, 45 years old. “I used it for 10 days, my skin became red and flaky, I think I succeeded. I'm looking forward to finishing the course so I can surprise my friends. I will continue until the skin is completely cleansed.”

Vera, 33 years old. “I have been using it for 1 week on my blemishes morning and evening, but there has never been any redness, no crusting. I wonder if this helps. Do you need redness and peeling first to treat?”

Angelina, 30 years old. “The result I got within 20 days is perfect. I would recommend this cream to those who no longer hope for anything.”

Mashenka, 19 years old. “I had freckles, they became almost invisible. Even this was enough for me."


Why is the substance dangerous?

Hydroquinone creams may initially make you feel good, but the effect will not last long if you use them continuously. In most cases, women using such drugs experience the appearance of hyperpigmentation. That is, they wanted to lighten the skin, but they ended up with a bigger problem than it was. There have been cases when girls, using creams with hydroquinone, received spotty skin instead of beautiful fair skin. The black or bluish ankles and elbows especially stood out against the general background.

This is due to the fact that skin lacking melanin is simply defenseless against ultraviolet rays. This can also lead to such a serious disease as skin cancer.

Hydroquinone can turn into a dangerous toxin when exposed to direct sunlight, so it should not be used during the daytime. This substance is dangerous for skin cells. Studies have shown that, when absorbed into cells, the cream begins to acquire a carcinogenic effect, which contributes to skin mutation.

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