girl after salicylic peeling
Salicylic peeling against blackheads* on the chin
Basic properties of salicylic acid45 Salicylic acid belongs to the group of isomeric hydroxybenzoic acids. She has high
Lunar calendar of operations and dangerous days in November 2022
Astrology, being a universal science, can interest everyone. Love horoscopes are suitable for unmarried young ladies, lunar calendar
Facial lipofilling: indications, advantages and features
Lipofilling is an operation to change volumes or contours using your own adipose tissue
Lipofilling of the buttocks
Lipofilling of the buttocks [fatgrafting] – improving the figure with one’s own fat.
Lipofilling of the buttocks is a procedure for transplanting one’s own adipose tissue obtained from other areas of the body, with
How not to make a “sharpener” out of your nose: about the subtleties and intricacies of modern rhinoplasty
The nose is one of those body parts that haunts half the population
Face after peeling
When can you use cosmetics after facial peeling - recommendations from experts
Chemical peeling is an effective procedure for renewing skin cells on the face and body, after which
Yulia Nachalova would have turned 40: unknown facts from the life of a star
Yulia Nachalova would have turned 40: unknown facts from the life of a star
Yulia Nachalova is a famous Russian singer with a unique voice, who already at the age of five
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Secondary surgery – when, why and how?
Home Rhinoplasty Repeated (secondary) rhinoplasty in a clinic in Moscow Repeated rhinoplasty of the nose becomes the only
in youth
Gauguin's wife Solntsev left him after plastic surgery
They started talking about Ekaterina Tereshkovich after it became known about her relationship with Gauguin
Elena Khromina in childhood
Elena Khromina - biography, photo, personal life, news, “Dom-2” 2022
Lena Khromina is one of the most prominent participants in the TV show “HOUSE 2”. Her extraordinary appearance
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