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It is worth talking about some indications for tissue coagulation in more detail, since the incidence rate is growing,
When can you do without bone grafting?
Bone grafting: methods and possible alternatives
In what cases may the bone fail to take root? The bone may not take root in cases where
Before and after nose surgery. How your life will blossom again!
What to do if your nose shape is unattractive from birth? If the nose does not perform well enough
Combined facial cleansing - a combination of two popular techniques
Features and advantages of the technique Indications for combined cleaning Contraindications Features of the procedure Prices for mechanical
A doctor from Kaliningrad received the Glamor magazine “Women of the Year 2020” award
Sergey Viktorovich Kruglik, after graduating from the Smolensk State Medical Academy in 2004, studied at
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Surgical removal of bunions on big toes
Hallux valgus is a common condition that is also known by several other names. Doctors talk about
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The healing process, recovery and consequences of condyloma removal
Papilloma is a benign neoplasm of a viral nature. It is a small growth that can
How to squeeze out an internal pimple? Difficult, but solvable
Every person faces the problem of how to squeeze out an internal pimple at least once in their life.
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Contour plastic surgery of the face, nasolabial folds
Specialists of the cosmetology clinic “Perfection” carry out procedures for contouring of nasolabial folds, facial modeling and elimination
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